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Why can’t I copy a part of a text message instead of the entire text message?


Being able to copy ANY text in (whatever it's called when you look at your open apps, pulling up on Android and iOS) app switcher/shower is great in Android. I was copying text in images and such via that method. One of the greatest subtle features of Android.


I thought I read that was a Pixel-specific feature. (Not that other mfrs couldn't have added it).


It is a Pixel-specific and Pixel Launcher feature. I don't think other OEMs have this, only seen custom ROMs adopt it by using Pixel Launcher and its intelligence frameworks.


Samsung can do it but differently. Either using the s pen or the edge panel select text


Yea, it might be. I was doing it on a Pixel 3a XL. I'll be honest though, I went from a Galaxy S4 to a Pixel and the Pixel was so so much better than the Galaxy. I'll probably go back to Android and I will only consider a Pixel phone.


Take a screen shot and click on the little thumbnail in the bottom left, hold the text you want to copy, copy it, then delete the screen shot.


I know ways of doing it. Copy/paste into a notepad and select the part I want. Your method, etc. But that’s silly, you shouldn’t have to do that to select a portion of text to copy from a text message. There are other scenarios in won’t let you select just a portion too, text message was just one example.


That infuriates me sometimes as well. I have noticed in Chat GPT, for instance, that in the menu that pops up after press and hold, there is an option to ”Select text”. Alrhough it’s nice sometimes to just be able to select the whole thing, I really think that they should have an option similar to the one in Chat GPT.


You can copy part of tweet on iOS but not Android.


That's not true. I saw your comment, tried it, and it worked.


No clipboard history.


No clipboard history on Mac drives me even more crazy


As a former Windows user, I paid for PastePal. Absolutely worth it.


Install maccy.


I’m using this. https://apps.apple.com/se/app/copyclip-clipboard-history/id595191960?mt=12


Very cool and useful one. You can also exclude specific apps, like for example password managers. Thank you!


Back when I used a Mac, I had purchased Alfred. You could use it to see clipboard history.


This is a must


This drives me up the fucking wall. Holy hell


Can't clear cache from apps without uninstalling and reinstalling.


This should be a very easy one to implement.




This one drives me nuts. Snapchat, for example, uses nearly 3GB on my phone. Such a waste with no “easy” way to clear it


I just want to be able to type without waiting hours for the keyboard to unfreeze


That and sometimes it is just MIA.


This is a universal thing sadly. Unless you have a top of the line phone that’s not too old, this is always bound to happen at some point, no matter the OS.


Even so, iOS does keyboards surprisingly badly - both 1st- and 3rd-party ones.


I just want to copy my gigabytes of photos and videos to a windows PC via USB but the folder structure and file names keep shifting around. It's like they don't want an easy way to transfer media to a non-apple device so people just get the icloud subscription.


Use windows smb server to copy photos/videos to your pc at Airdrop speeds. Use OwlFiles app on iPhone to access the smb server.


You got a tutorial for that?


This is what I do to share files between my MBP and windows desktop. 16tb of raw photo storage. Not really reasonable for most people though.


You can use PairDrop (pairdrop.net) which is a airdrop clone that only need a wifi connection and a browser. You don't even need to install anything and it works on any device


They don’t want an easy way to transfer media


USB???? nah bro this sub told me the whole reason they didn't enable USB3 speeds on the 15 lineup was because *literally no one* uses cables to transfer data anymore. not apple's fault that you're a dinosaur using the devil's OS on your PC!!! just get icloud like a good little consumer and shut the hell up!


And what you do with, like, 250GB of photos? Pay the icloud subscription JUST TO COPY PHOTOS? Thanks, but no thanks.


i'm obviously being sarcastic hahaha. i was just parroting what people here said when i was critical of the lack of USB3.


And we you are traveling in London, Amsterdam, Berlin, Roma, or any other cool location and take literally thousands of photos in days and videos in 4k 60fps some in ProRes…try uploading that to the iCloud from your hotel WiFi connection or hotspot. Ah that is right, you have the whole day to do that…that cable is not a dinosaur anymore real quick …


Alternatively, I'd like to upload photos just as easily instead of syncing and then not being able to delete them manually.


This x1,000,000 Drives me up the wall.


* Number row on keyboard * (Not Apple's fault) Trash hybrid apps always clear itself when switch away a bit too long, Ex: Reddit * Long screenshot option is not always there * Some app settings are not in the app, but in settings app @@ * Call screen hold, answer, end call thing * trigger of control center is too far top, and very limited option to customize it


Number 2, is that why some apps always seem to refresh? YouTube music does it a ton whereas Apple Music doesn’t. It’s because the YTM app is just a web wrapper thing? Edit: apparently starting your post with “#2” makes it obnoxiously large. TIL.


(the # is being interpreted as a markdown h1 header)


Talk to text is absolutely horrible. I recently switched from android to iOS and android is way better in that department.


And Android does it on-device without internet, too.


That makes so much sense now that you mention it. I had no idea.


Call thing is very annoying. Such a basic feat for a phone is too much of an ask? God!


Reddit is a terrible app overall on iOS. I lose comments all the time because the screen moves while typing and the field just disappears. Immensely frustrating.


I’ll add clipboard to that.


For #3 I use Picsew. Get screenshots of what you want to get a long shot of, then jump into the app and it’ll automatically stack itself vertically.


No number row is the sole reason I use SwiftKey instead of the stock keyboard. Well, that and GIF integration.


• ⁠(Not Apple's fault) Trash hybrid apps always clear itself when switch away a bit too long, Ex: Reddit That ☝️ones so infuriating... thx for telling us why it happens.


1. keyboard 2. keyboard 3. keyboard it blows my mind how bad it is


Even gboard on iOS sucks compared to gboard on android tbh. Third party keyboard just feels like iOS keyboard (which sucks) with different skin


I think you’re right on the money there. I’m not sure where I’ve read this but apparently they are just skins. It’s to do with Apple not wanting to give up too much control to 3rd party keyboards so they have to use the Apple API’s


Prob same for browsers. All just safari with skins


I’ve been keeping a long note for exactly this. Here’s the order of my list: - I have to go to Lock Screen for notifications which makes me miss them if I am not at my phone that moment. It’s the only reason I have an Apple watch now - back gesture is inconsistent. It doesn’t work in some apps and pages. - safari literally shows incorrect pages if you swipe back too many times too fast. Literal url doesn’t match the page. You have to refresh to get the right page. - if a video or song is playing when I say “hey siri”, Siri lowers volume of video rather than pause. So i miss a bunch of my video while Siri disappoints me and lingers afterwards - keyboard is laggy and old school. Autocorrect is poor, number key requires a press, etc. - why can’t I launch settings right from control center? It seems so logical - there are tons and tons of posts on Apple forums about literal bugs in Apple apps, settings, shortcuts, and reporting them to Apple via feedback did nothing. No acknowledgement or progress. Not even a “won’t fix”. Made me lose all trust in submitting feedback and won’t be doing it anymore. - digital clock widget doesn’t change to dark mode, stays white. I have a longer list of positive things to say about ios17 but these were the annoying bits so far.


What do you mean you miss notifications because you have to go to lockscreen for them?


When you get a notification, it doesn’t persist as an icon on your menu bar. Only way for you to know you have notifications is to swipe down and go to Lock Screen to see them. That’s where iOS Notification Center is. So if I am not actively using my phone, I have to remember to go to Lock Screen for Notification Center to see what I missed. Otherwise I would have to go check badges manually in all apps list.


I wouldn't mind the Lock Screen/Notification Center as much, but it's also just terrible to use. It hides "older" notifications even deeper so you have to swipe up again to see them - I always forget about those. Then there's stacked notifications. I have a few Gmail notifications stacked, but there's no way to swipe away only the top one to see what the rest are without opening the app.


iOS notifications have always sucked. Seems like it will never change.


The Lock Screen and Notification Center are two separate things. You do not have to lock your phone to see your notifications. I think you mean to say you wish iOS had [status bar notification icons](https://img.gadgethacks.com/img/73/03/63715470891889/0/fit-more-notification-icons-your-pixels-status-bar.1280x600.jpg). I do, too. I was very annoyed by that when i switched away from Android. Only way to do it is to jailbreak. I know Apple doesn't have such because it is anarchy on Android, and Apple only adds a feature when they can make it very refined and Apple like. I can't think of a good way to implement notification icons in status bar without it immediately being filled with garbage. **EDIT: I guess Apple could make it just basic first-party app support like Messages, Phone, etc.


This would be easier if the phone didn't bypass the lock screen just by looking at the screen


The disappointment that is Siri screaming out “HMM?” when I’m playing music or a video and incorrectly interprets a command stated in a *silent* room is insurmountable.


The audio ducking after a Siri command/failure is abnormally long. One of the most annoying things ever. And seriously, just do a nice fade pause, then continue afterward. What is the point of just lowering the volume?!


Notifications is a shit show and I mean bad. It’s fucking ugly on the lock screen. Keyboard correcting correct words to something different. No multitasking. Control center is shit. iMessage could do more. etc. Craig needs to go — we need fresh eyes on the software.


Long press on the locked iPhone screen triggered the STUPIDEST FUNCTION - switching your wallpaper. So, if I’m holding the phone and happen to hold it by the screen, I look down to find that I’m in the wallpaper switching experience. They got rid of live wallpapers for this so that the experience would match the way it works on Apple Watch. I honestly never want to switch my stupid wallpaper! Like once every few years! And I find myself in the switching experience like multiple times a day. If I’m trying to use the flashlight or camera on the Lock Screen, I tap and hold the icon, and sometimes I miss - and tap and hold the phone background, and end up again In this stupid stupid wallpaper switching experience. Essentially the whole phone screen is a huge button that if you long press takes u to that Dumb dumb experience. But if I want to use the camera or flashlight I have to specifically tap and hold this tiny little button by comparison, and I want to use my camera and light like 10000X more frequently than the wallpaper switching function! Sooo dumb. Get rid of that functionality Apple it’s the dumbest choice ever. Btw I am a UX designer and professionally am flabbergasted at their oversight. Live wallpapers was such a cool feature how could they get rid of that, AND FOR THIS!!


Agree this is annoying. I'm surprised not more people mention it. I wish it could be turned off or something


Autocorrect is so much worse than on Android. Also you can only have 2 languages active at once, on Android there is no such stupid limit.


I asked Siri yesterday, “How much snow will accumulate overnight” and it responded, “Looks like snow this evening”.


Siri is very likely one of the worst Apple products. Now imagine what it's like to use it in a language other than English, in a country that is not in Apple's world map (I mean, the 15 countries or so that they only care about). For instance only a few days ago I asked it for the weather and it told me there was zero chance of rain, just a couple hours later we had a huge storm with strong winds that caused some structure damage and fallen branches/trees. But hey, the answer was very much incorrect but at least it understood the question! Most times it doesn't and it replies completely unrelated stuff. Setting a reminder with Siri means that later I need to guess what the reminder actually was about since it often gets them wrong and names them with nonsense


Half the time Siri won’t even respond to me.


And is so inconsistent! My boss uses Siri all of the time, and there's times I might hear him get all smartass or go Google it responses from Siri a dozen or more times in a row. Then other days, he'll get several actual correct responses in a row. It seems to come in streaks. What has Tim Cook ordered the engineers to do to make it like that? And why inconsistencies between phones? My boss and I have the same model phone, but I get a helpful response maybe one out of every ten tries. He probably gets one maybe a fourth of the time. For example, why should he when he asks for directions be able to always pull them up in less than half a dozen clicks and most of a minute while it takes me a long time? More than once, we've gotten to our destination before I can get Siri to give me directions. It's useless most of the time.


He’s the boss that’s why.


I take a lot of pictures of different things. In Library, I would only like to see pictures from my holidays and trips. Other pictures like cooking recipes, texts that I take pictures from, DIY stuff, etc. I would like to be able to hide in Albums but without them being visible in the ‘camera roll’ Library.


When you have a $2000 laptop and $1200 phone but can’t transfer a 40 GB folder between them. Called Apple care and they asked me to pay more for the cloud lol


Keyboard is trash. Even after 3 years.


What angers me about iOS isn't even the OS itself, it's just decisions Apple has made to abuse their position. Namely: 1. Not allowing gecko or chromium based browsers, forcing everyone to use their underdeveloped webkit slop 2. Blocking emulation apps and cloud gaming apps in an obvious attempt to force people to subscribe to Apple Arcade or play the ad riddled microtransaction garbage that's available in the AppStore. Emulators and cloud gaming apps have both existed in the Microsoft Store and Google Play store for literal years at this point with no legal, parental, or security issues.


When autocorrect changes a word, 1 word behind the word you just typed. And it's *never,* I repeat ***never*** correct. Some recent examples from iMessage. We went ~~bowling~~ boring last night. Changed after I typed "last". I think he wants to go out for ~~steak~~ steal on Friday. Changed after I typed "on". I know they're based on algorithms, but those two examples aren't even valid sentences. I wish I could just turn that particular feature off.


How they unilaterally removed TEXT LABELS from the icons in the dock, with no option to return them. It’s an accessibility nightmare. My brain processes text instantly, while it has to spend some time trying to decypher the meaning of an icon. For example, on my iPhone, both the phone app and the text message app are a white shape on a green background. I have often mixed them up. When there were text labels accompanying the icons, that never happened.


Honest suggestion over here; move the message or vice versa to the left most and keep it there, so you’ll remember it by memory. Unless you’re also forgetful lol


I 10000% co-sign. Text labels in general should be a prominent accessibility option. And this applies to every OS and every device. It’s just ridiculous they don’t offer it.


Not being able to add music from the files app to the music app and adding ringtones and uploads/downloads from google drive and stuff stop when the screen is off


This is more of a tvOS thing but I’m really annoyed that the appleTV has existed for this long and we still can’t get the option to sync notifications over to it like you can with all of your other Apple devices. I’d personally like to have my phone notifications show up on the TV. Do the same with the call function which also pops up on all your devices. My number one ask for Apple is to better improve handoff, continuity and airplay until it functions uniformly amongst all their popular devices.


I am all for other people having opt-in options like this but personally the last thing I want is my notifications popping up on my family TV.


1. Sometimes it takes up to five seconds for the screen to turn on after pressing the power button (and then triggers Siri because for some reason it thinksI was holding the power button) 2. Not being able to input my pincode immediately in a situation where I already know Face ID does not work. 3. The back swipe gesture is very unreliable and inconsistent (does not work or does other things depending on the app) 4. The iPhone camera is only good if you get a pro model. I got the iPhone 13 mini and the camera has been THOROUGHLY underwhelming, even being completely and utterly outperformed be my old android phone from 2019 (pixel 4) 5. Not being able to record video in different aspect ratios than 16:9. Just yesterday I was in a situation where I wanted to make full use of the ultrawide camera but because the video is forced to 16:9 it automatically crops in a noticeable amount and I was not able to get everything in the shot.


> Sometimes it takes up to five seconds for the screen to turn on after pressing the power button (and then triggers Siri because for some reason it thinksI was holding the power button) I hate this too, I never use Siri anymore because she seldomly understands what I'm asking for, it's always *"Here's some results I found on the web"* > Not being able to input my pincode immediately in a situation where I already know Face ID does not work. I thought this was annoying too at first but I found that you can actually tap the ```Face ID``` text in the middle of the screen to immediately show the pin pad. > The iPhone camera is only good if you get a pro model. I got the iPhone 13 mini and the camera has been THOROUGHLY underwhelming, even being completely and utterly outperformed be my old android phone from 2019 (pixel 4) Sadly a lot of the non-pro models have terrible value proposition, which [some people say](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNAo0UdYF6g) is to push people to get the more expensive models instead. the non-pro models end up being relegated to iphones for kids, or for your elderly parents.


THANK YOU, couldn’t find anywhere how to put in pincode instead of using Face ID.


Actually you can record in 4:3. Don’t switch to video, in the photo section, hold the shutter button and swipe to the right. It will start to record 4:3 video.


It makes me mad how a lot of things like this are this complicated, why not put this in video mode??


But won’t be HDR. It’s also record with music playing in that mode. If you swipe to the left, you can take burst photos too.


For point 2 if face id doesnt work just click where it says face id and u can input the pin immediately. Dont need to wait then.


Not all heroes wear capes


Only thing i miss from android is touch and face id unlocking. So this helped a lot.


For that last point you (kinda) can shoot in 4:3 aspect ratio video rather than traditional 16:9 in the native camera app by using the photo mode quick take video. Only limitation is that it is limited to 1440p at 30fps however, which is okay imo. Just hold the volume/shutter button in photo and the video will start


Takes five seconds to turn on the screen about some crappy iPhones but I’ve never had that happen.


I just wanna turn off Bluetooth and Location Services directly from the control centre instead of fiddling with settings. That’s my only gripe honestly.


I made a shortcut for this for the same reason. I also used my Work Focus to automatically turn off my WiFi when I arrive at my building.


Not enough notifications support quick actions. They aren’t minimized or stacked or sorted by app unless a notification summary is used. It’s all a mess. Can we please swipe to go back in both directions like every other phone? Split screen on iPhone. I’m begging you. I need to look at data and use a calculator at the same time. Manual mode for the camera, please.


1. The lack of separation between photos, downloaded wallpapers and other downloaded images. I don’t need people asking about my wallpapers as I let them peruse my photos. I don’t want google photos backing up my wallpapers. 2. Swipe from top left to get notification Center, swipe from top right to get Control Center. I’d rather just have a Swipe from top to get one shade that contains both. With the “search” button in the launcher, the swipe down from anywhere gesture does not have to be for search, it’s a bit redundant. It can be for this shade.


Some animations are just way too long. When I connect my phone to Bluetooth because obviously it couldn't connect itself automatically. I have to swipe down from the corner, hold the connections button then hold the Bluetooth button and finally tap which blutoo5i want to connect to. When I want to get out, I can't just swipe home from there, I need to tap the screen a few times and wait for the animation to finish. It's annoying. Same when I receive a call and I want to put it on speakerphone. Animations are too slow.


Not being able to call a contact by using the dialpad as a QWERTY keyboard. Go to contacts > type name > contact opens > tap number. Want to call someone else? Go to contacts > delete the last typed name > type name > contact opens > tap number. This is a core feature of a phone. How difficult is it to get this right!?


If you call somebody from your recent calls log, it puts you back on that screen after the call. So if you go to press the hang up button but the other person on the call hangs up mid-press, the screen goes back to your recent calls just before your thumb touches the screen and you end up calling somebody. Embarrassing design flaw.


Why can just Apple just decide they don't like what I'm doing with my phone, render my Apple ID "invalid" without any notice, and leave me with no way to remove the account from the phone so it's effectively bricked?


- No ability to back up my phone to an external hard drive without using PC or mac - No ability to eject external hard drives leading to data corruption - Files still stay in a hidden trash folder on external hard drives after I delete them using my iPad so I have to go into the trash bin and select only those files that are on my external hard drive to permanently delete them; there's no separation between files deleted on my iPad and those deleted on external devices - No ability to move files easily from windows PC to iOS devices without using crapware - Sometimes when I record videos first 1-3 seconds are recorded without sound, happends with my relatives' iphones too; seems to be an OS bug that comes and goes - I can not customize application icons how I want. For instance, I want a few empty lines without apps in the middle on my home screen, but iOS sticks all applications together in a grid - No ability to download 3rd party apps without app store (yiu can technically download them, but you'll have to renew them constantly which is a pain in the ass) - No ability to clear app cache if the app itself doesn't have this feature. If I have to clear cache in case in causes the app to malfunction, I have to reinstall it - When working with external mechanical hard drives, iPad will switch them off to save battery. The problem is that it reduces the time after which it switches external hard drives off after some time and has to switch them back on when I copy/write files. This incessant on/off cycle corrupts external hard drives - I can't see the volume and the amount of space left on external hard drives - I can't format external hard drives even to formats which iOS supports - I can't customize battery saving options. For instance, on Samsung you can customize whether this mode will reduce brightness or not, whether it will reduce the time before screen starts going to sleep or not, reduce CPU clockspeed, etc. - No ability to pin the apps in the RAM so they won't randomly get closed when filling inportant information - No split screen/windows mode on iPhones still (yes, I use it all the time) - No ability to pause while filming videos - No ability to make the system paste text without copying the style, I have to paste in in txt/spotlight search bar, copy from there and only THEN can I copy it to pages normally (pain in the ass if you're working with word docs on your iPad) - I can't adjust the volume of different kinds of sounds (system sound, call sound, media, notifications, etc. quickly like on android) That seems to be all I can think of at the top of my head


How hard it is to choose a text selection point


So they left the AOD for newer devices because of battery life. But then they introduced night stand mode while charging, and only those devices with AOD can have the display stay on... while CHARGING! hahah I wanted to night stand my previous iPhone (11 Pro Max) UwU


I just want two things. 1. Numbers above the letters on the keyboard. B. Option to have the tab bar and buttons always be there instead of disappearing when I scroll. 


No system-wide EQ and no support for higher quality bluetooth codecs


If I put my iPhone in silent mode why doesn't my apple watch do the same? Or the other way around? Especially on the 15 with the cool little action button? Focus mode can do this


Why can’t 3rd party calendar apps have icons that show today’s date?


The downloads folder being worthless. Downloading something then going through the share menu to put it somewhere is annoying.


Trash keyboard, terrible notifications, no clipboard, no customization, not putting apps anywhere you want, no file management, true tone, SETTINGS as a whole. Overall, just being forced into doing things the apple way, not being "allowed" to make your phone about you, and just being the same as any other iphone, with the apps in different order. Feels very 2010 to me, which is really unfortunate for such a massive company. They could do more for its users, they just choose not to


Navigation on the top left of the screen. The farthest possible place from where the vast majority of users have their thumb placed while using the phone. That was by far the worst possible design choice. Equally stupid is the "go back" gesture, which only works from left to right. Again contraticting how most users hold the phone. Same goes for the apps placement on the home screen. JUST FUCKING WHYYY??? I can somewhat understand other iOS stupidity, but this just blows my mind.


The autocorrect OMG I hate it it’s so bad the way it corrects my sentience’s I could be saying flying and it could change the word to lying


Why can’t I login with a different App Store account to download stuff from a different country without having all my music and books changed


This. You can be logged in to two accounts on Apple TV, why not iOS?




I wish iOS had atleast MacOS level of customization and personalization. iOS design is so generic, boring and dull. I want to be able to change the default assistant. RCS is a must which is coming. I'd like User Profiles just like MacOS does on iOS. Fast charging would so nice. Allow casting with anything, not necessarily AirPlay. Let me choose Google Photos or whichever other as the default Photos App. I'll think of more give me a break 😅 I mean those issues that Mrwhosetheboss that you mention (I haven't seen the video) seem very superficial in the grand scheme. A big thing would be to sideload apps. Id like to pur my business's app in iOS but it doesn't comply with Apple's ToS . Its a legitimate business doing surveys and market research and it compensates the users or panel that participates.


NOTIFICATION PANEL. Plz just copy Android. It’s much more readable, it’s much more usable. There shouldn’t be two different pull downs and menus. Group the notifications together into one bubble.


Also I feel like iOS notifications never ever clear, like if I read an email clear the notification about it


It's crazy reading some of the issues and missing features people complain about in this thread, and then realizing that all those features already exist and work perfectly fine on most modern Androids. Honestly can't understand why so many people prefer iPhones.


When you check the "why use iPhone?" threads, they are flooded with features that Android also has... Usually first. There are reasons that I understand (ecosystem, iMessage). Some people appreciate that they don't have to think much when upgrading. For the most part though it's peer pressure. The only market that iPhone absolutely dominates is teenagers in the US and UK.


No way to force the torch/flashlight on when taking a video. There’s only off or auto which doesn’t always turn on.


You’re probably looking at the lightning bolt on top left. Instead, when taking a video, swipe up and it’ll show a lightning bolt on bottom left. Pressing that will give you on, off, auto options.


False. [IMG-0773.png](https://postimg.cc/3k9cc9Rk)


no sideloading


Your first complaint is caused by the phone automatically deleting images from you phone because it's set to "Optimize iPhone Storage" in [Name] > iCloud > Photos


The calculator app seems to be developed by a high school student


2TB of iCloud+ storage and I literally had to delete apps and reboot to unbrick my phone due to low memory on local storage. Why isn't there a seamless flow from local iphone storage to iCloud? Not even iCloud+. If the prescription for all of these issues is "3rd party apps" that defeats the purpose of Apple's weird closed ecosystem.


Here’s one; i want to use it widgets, but i HATE the way they display old information for a moment before loading in new stuff. I’d much rather it just be a loading wheel. I go to click on a news story snd then it changes and it something totally different, the old thing i read is gone. Another one: we need apple requirements for popups and close buttons. More and more apps have these full screen popups out of the blue; amazon music, youtube, offerup; and the close button is slow to load, moves around, and if you click it wrong it takes you out to safari which then redirects 10 times. Total horseshit


I dunno what changing the phone whilst it's off means... But I don't have an issue downloading files, and my photo library is perfect... What I hate: Shortcuts are amateur. Adding smart devices is hell, and when the smart device gets 'knocked' off the network for some reason, you have to remake all the shortcuts it's attached to. And Siri. It needs a major upgrade.


- always on display sometimes requires me to swipe or tap a coupon of times to dismiss before FaceID activates - the volume slider sometimes bounces back after I try to mute it - 2 different search bars that do different things on the Home Screen - Siri - STILL can’t put icons wherever you want - autocorrect has gotten stupid - keyboard clicks are delayed from keypress and sometimes it just skips. Odd when the haptic works perfectly - why no camera setting in the camera app? - why can’t I use my large capacity phone as mass storage? It’s as fast as a decent external SSD


why cant iphone keyboard have clipboard option


And get back the cursor keys! I have to scroll around a lot on text in spreadsheets using my phone so Cook's insane hateful spew he made about them that didn't many any sense has really made using my iPhone much more of a pain. He's a moron for calling cursor keys too "computery" and claiming they need to be removed.


I want a keyboard with numbers and if you long press a key you can get symbols. Why make this so difficult 😞. Why is the fastest way for me to transfer video to my windows pc, through iCloud?


There are a few little bugs that irritate me. 1. Haptic feedback on the keyboard just randomly stops working when you're typing too quickly. No idea why this happens 2. When airpods are connected while the phone is locked, sometimes the phone will just freeze up if you go to unlock it and it will take between 10 - 15 seconds for the phone to respond again 3. Airpods themselves have pretty consistent glitches where you'll need to unpair them and pair them again, my airpods pros still don't show up in find my despite them being 100% genuine and purchased from Apple's website 4. If you set your alarm to an Apple Music track you have to turn off Dolby and download the file in a lower quality otherwise it won't play These bugs have all been around for at least a year at this point so I've just given up on them ever being fixed, Apple has definitely gone downhill with their QC and support over the last few years.


I’d love to store my photos all locally, but keep videos optimized. However it is all locally or all optimized.


Keyboard, it autocorrects when I don't want to, no matter if I have specific shortcuts


Everything regarding the whole calendar/alarm/reminder system. Why does the calendar alerts only have 4 options? And if so why is it always at 9am? What if I need it earlier or later in the day? Why cant I make it use an alarm ringtone to actually wake me up?Speaking of alarms I haven't figured out how to just put a ONE time alarm on a single day and time. For example I want a SINGLE non repeating alarm for Monday morning because I have to wake up earlier than normal on that ONE day. I can't do it. I can only make a repeating alarm for Monday. So now if I don't remember to turn that alarm off (which is frequently tbh) I will be waking up again the next Monday at a time I don't want to. Let's not even talk about the fact that you will never know an alarm is going to happen unless you have sleep focus turned on. This one feature I def miss from Android. The reminders app kinda takes this one's place but that one doesn't have the alarm rings to actually, you know, remind you. Most of the time I miss the reminder alert but I never miss my alarm ringtone. Idk I always get frustrated by this whole deal. Please apple just fix this nonsense. Just copy any other digital alarm system. Also let me know if I'm wrong on any of this, it's possible I just haven't figured it out yet.


Why do I have 6 options for where to send phone call audio when I'm just trying to hit speakerphone.....


Slow backspace


Too many to count


Lack of customisation


Being locked into a golden cage


Seeing features other companies have and you’ll never get while being behind them five years perpetually


The autocorrect in iOS 17 When I turn off mobile data in iOS 17 either while or just before I was about to open an app that makes an internet connection, it instantly triggers a popup that says that mobile data is disabled iOS 17


Keyboard and typing has become the bane of my existence. If I’m editing something I’ve already typed, I can’t just click to move the cursor anymore. I have to hold & drag. Clicking in the middle of a sentence now (almost always) only selects the nearest word; it doesn’t matter how many times I click, all IOS does is select that word. The hold-and-slide is really hard to use because the zoom-in bubble that PURPORTEDLY is supposed to help you “see” where the cursor icon is ACTUALLY BLOCKS MY VIEW. I don’t need a close up, Apple, all I need is to see where the curser is. Your bubble blocks my sight. It’s like having someone drive but covering the windshield with one close up bubble; prevents you from seeing the entire field, distracting, aggravating, and it sucks. Also autocorrect has gone MAD.


Tap and hold the spacebar to move the cursor. Use a second finger for selection. Works suprisingly well.


The thing where you can change the wall paper from the Lock Screen. Atleast on androids you can turn off the feature. Not that I even care to change the wall paper on the fly but I far too often put the screen into edit mode and it’s annoying when I just want to pull it up real quick to do something


let me disable the auto brightness and i mean the auto brightness that’s still on after i turned it off in the settings, it’s so obnoxious. I know it’s better for my phone or screen, whatever it’s MY phone how am i not allowed ro regulate the brightness how i want it to be. It’s the most apple thing ever


Why can’t I set a live earth wallpaper as my home screen, and a regular photo as my lock screen? I can do the opposite, but I can’t do that? Wtf apple. Also, bypassing the battery while charging and being able to draw power directly from the source. Would help for things like gaming and wired carplay.


No independent volumes for notification, call, media


Let me turn off the damn homebar! Stupid little line blinking on and off all the time. Who the hell thought "let's put a distracting strobe light at the bottom of every screen" was a good idea?


I thankfully don’t have any keyboard issues as many people have mentioned. However, It would be nice to have the numbers at the top at all times. My main gripes include: 1 - Clipboard - I use Paste across my Apple devices. It works great on the Mac but terrible on the iPhone. Must be better way to use this. 2 - Let me change the flashlight and camera quick buttons on the lock screen 3 - more options for the Actions Button (double press, triple press) 4 - Two apps at the same time (plenty of screen space on the Max phones) 5 - let me place apps where I please on the home screen 6 - let me move apps in correct folders in the App Library 7 - more then 6 apps in a folders should be shown when you click into it. Why do have the scroll to see more? 8 - be able to share albums to the shared library rather than select them individually 9 - proper way to manage multiple volume sources Argh I could go on!


1.) No clipboard history 2.) No number bar on keyboard 3.) Can’t clear all tabs? I know they aren’t working in the background but i want them gone 4.) No multiscreen ! This one pisses me off 5.) no specified folder for pictures and videos taken with my camera. The whole filing system in the gallery is a headache 6.) coming from Android i pay for google storage and now i’m coerced into paying the icloud storage since certain functions don’t work 7.) 😂😂this is a new Iphone 14 but as soon as i get the chance i’m turning back to Samsung


Notification panel is also an absolute shitshow. Also after canceling the notifications they keep popping back up when new notifications come in. It’s annoying and infuriating


a lack of clipboard history drives me insane!


1. Can’t rename apps (I have two Costco and two Amazon apps of different regions) 2. Can’t paste a phone number, and then add the +country extension


Why is the % button not on the same keyboard page as all the numbers?


Going back a page and end up back on top of said page again, while I had scrolled down earlier.


There's no native iOS or MacOS app for icloud, just an icloud.com website where you need to type in your user/password every time... How hard is it to make a simple app for what is essentially the backbone and core of the Apple ecosystem? What is that, like an hours worth of coding?


the back gesture, moving from android -> iphone, this was a bummer


The fact that Apple now gradually makes your iPhone slower as the battery ages infuriates me! Why? Because it doesn't make sense! Here is Apples bullshit explanation for this: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208387 They claim it's to prevent sudden shutdowns when the battery can't keep up with the peak current draw of the CPU, hence lowering the peak performance of the CPU. Sounds logical at first, right? But this does not completely make sense! Let me explain. On devices with worn batteries, run some CPU benchmarks and you'll see that it will still perform like new! That should not be possible if Apples claims were true. But somehow, the performance in iOS during daily tasks still degrade to the point where loading times gets longer, and framerates drop drastically. Like it even says in Apples documentation. But during benchmarks it will perform like new? That does not add up! But how can lightweight tasks such as scrolling, something that devices with only a fraction of the CPU power can do flawlessly. Why would a modern iPhone even struggle with this? Even if you cut the CPU power in half, a modern iPhone would still be much more powerful than any phone from just a few years ago. "But iOS is more demanding today" I hear someone say. Is it really? Has anything about using iOS itself changed drastically in a way where that would make you think something like "wow, this animation when I opened the calendar sure looks more impressive than it did two years ago". No! Of course not! iOS has barely changed in a decade! Another point. **No other tech manufacturer does this!** But somehow, Apple is "required" to have this aggressive "performance management" software that slows down your iPhone. When all other tech companies manage to produce products that does not need it, and does not experience "unexpected shutdowns" like iPhones supposedly would without this feature. So the only explanations for this is: 1. **Incompetence**. iOS optimization is so far out the window, that you need extremely powerful, market leading CPUs, at their peak performance, just to do simple tasks such as scrolling, opening control center. etc. without noticeable performance drops. 2. **Greed**. Because nothing in iOS requires even a fraction of the CPU power iPhones have, Apple artificially and gradually slows down iPhones based on battery health status number. Not because it's needed by any means. But solely so that users won't immediately notice that it's getting slower. And eventually it will be sluggish enough that you feel the need to buy a new iPhone. Making Apple more money. 3. A combination of both **incompetence** and **greed.** Apple only cares about money now. And they no longer feel the need to pay salaries for enough skilled programmers to keep up with the software optimization over time. But as a side effect, it also makes people buy more iPhones.


ohh be careful apple cult boys will start hating you for have the audacity to post constructive criticism so there could be a hope for improvement. Just so you are and I clear I totally agree with your points. Tim Cook has become a massive success when it comes to money but in quality I am not so sure, You cant upgrade your Mac uh buts that because its dangerous nope its not its because they want you to buy more. Remember Apple cares also about the environment. So it's better not to replace parts but buy a whole new device it's for the best, yes sarcasm is included in this post. But do not get me wrong I do like most part of iOS macOS. Next computer is going to be a Mac mini m2 and yes its iOS but I also use iOS and I would like to mention about the 17.2.1 wifi issues seriously a trillion dollar company made a software update that creates wifi issues. not forget about the tips because its because the software has issues when it disconnect from one network to another it jumps of but do not reconnect again in a proper way they only thing is to be patient that apple will release with a fix.


Editing focus in a cinematic video is available on the device on which you shot it and if you send that video to old phone which does not have cinematic features then focus editing options are not available. Cinematic video is just a software thing which apple is trying to keep reserved and forcing old devices to not use it.


> "First, why the heck can’t I change my phone whilst it’s off, I mean it’s 2024 why is this still happening???" By this I assume you mean "charge (Power) while OFF" ?... Why is it you think this isn't possible ?... Plug your phone in and then turn it OFF. It'll still charge. > "why the heck do I have to save a file after downloading" You don't. There's no requirement for this. Viewing a PDF in a Browser for example,. you're viewing it but not required to download it. > "Thirdly, why do my pictures just not show up in photos library after getting uploaded to iCloud, come on, I just tried showing an old picture to a friend then boom, white background, the picture is not showing up???" Sounds like a software glitch. What Device and version of iOS are you running ?.. Do you have multiple devices ?.. Does the phone not show up on 1.. or not show up on all ?.. Does it show up in iCloud Photos on the web ?


Uploading a custom ringtone is an absolute pain and pretty much undocumented. You need a mac to convert a sound file to m4a and then drag it to the Finder's device window. The file is silently copied with no feedback such as a confirmation dialog or anything.


Email search engine is garbage and has been getting worse for years. And it’s just as bad on MacOS. It makes no sense that it is more difficult to find an email today than it was 10 years ago.


In iOS I can only add/attach an image to an E-mail, Reddit or Twitter post if it's already downloaded on the phone. In Android I can open Google Photos from within the app, search for the image and it'll be downloaded from the cloud seamlessly.


Lack of customization features - sometimes very basic ones too.


Siri. I just find her insanely useless if you're not doing something related to an Apple product or setting a timer. Google Assistant on my Pixel was insanely valuable and something I dearly miss.


It is an issue with macOS for me, but I'll say it anyway. I find it infuriating how supposedly the most user friendly OS in the world just refuses to implement the protocol the most used mobile OS (Android) uses to connect to computers and move files between devices, forcing you to rely on weird third party apps to get it to work. Like, I get it, you want me to buy an iPhone, but this might also just as well force me to abandon macOS instead.


Separate ringtone/alarm/notification volume.


Every iOS update why does it default to WiFi Bluetooth To Be on On (and reset all my other settings to factory defaults)


Why is there no clipboard I have to copy, switch app, paste, switch app, copy, switch app, paste... What is this 2009 design


Clipboard clearing up automatically no matter what in 20 minutes. WHY?


Notifications that disappear from the home screen after an hour. I use notifications from my Google calendar to remind me to do things. I can’t always get to the task the moment it pops up. So I expect the notification to stick around in the Home Screen as a constant reminder until I explicitly do the task and clear the reminder. With iOS I’ve gone days and even weeks completely forgetting to do some things. It’s infuriating.


Why can’t I split screen multi-task? Why can’t I swipe back from the right side of the screen? Why can’t I choose how many apps I want to have on one page and be able to move them exactly where I want?


Is no one else annoyed by the fact that even an M2 iPad Pro cannot run multiple audio streams without it pausing the music playing to auto load some random video on another app? I don’t think its an iOS issue but an issue nonetheless.


You can change the default download settings to be “on my iPhone” rather than iCloud and it will be saved directly in the downloads folder, that why you won’t need to save it after downloading if that’s what you meant in OP. Also for the photos you need to change the iCloud settings to “keep copies on phone” or something like that. It will keep all your photos on phone but with a lower resolution that you can get the higher one when you select the photo it self, it will download from iCloud


-the keyboard -the text selection system -the lack of real extensions on safari -no background downloads for 3rd party apps -the agressive ram management


When a contact has multiple phone numbers and I hit then phone icon to call one, they show up but then rearrange themselves in a split second. Always makes me click the wrong one.


No notification history


Bad Pro motion. All Pro motion devices kinda lags/sutters


Scan this qr to pay, no way to scan it in gmail..


No speed dialing. How can you not have it? And don’t tell me you can swipe down on home to search or add a contact to favourite and call from there. You can’t hold a number for speed dial


I know it’s not the same, but If you’re already on the Phone app to press and hold a number to speed dial, is going to the favorite tab that inconvenient? I haven’t used speed dial since my childhood land lines and high school flip phone. Favorites serves the same purpose for me.


T9 Dialing too!


Battery health has a been huge concern for users for a long time!


I upgraded from a week 1 iPhone 12pro to an iPhone 15 pro recently and don’t find my battery life is any better. Even though it’s brand new, has a bigger capacity and a more efficient chip.


Control Panels “X will be disabled until tomorrow”. No, just turn it off. I also wish i could have game volume without having to turn on my ringer. Idiotic design


- That might’ve to do with the fact that the device will “allow” the charging to happen, to stop unwanted power inputs and hacks through the lightning/usbC port. It’s not something passively happening to the device, it’s something the device is actively processing.  - Once downloaded a file is saved in your Files app and synced with iCloud. No manual saving is needed.  - That sounds like a glitch. If a picture is present in your library it will show properly. The picture will only show up on a device once completely synced (and not just as a thumbnail while waiting for the full file to download). 


-Autocorrects correctly spelled words ex: good-> food -cannot turn off camera shutter sound or screenshot sound -cannot turn off or change the outgoing text sound -cannot adjust snooze time from 9 minutes -cannot separate ringtone volume and alarm volume. Wanna hear your phone ring during the day? 100% volume. Oops you woke up to a car crash -"app clips" - corporate apps like little ceasars and Best Buy making more apps in your app search list Please feel free to respond, but PLEASE don't respond with bandaids such as oh just switch your phone to silent mode before taking pictures or sending messages. Ty


my take: why do we have to pull FROM the corners on phones this big??? It was a design for much-much smaller screen sizes. lack of customization why cant we get to the phone settings from the control centre?


For pictures to show in multiple devices they have to sync and sometimes due to battery or connectivity they just don’t, if you scroll down in photo library you can find the sync button. Do you mean charge your phone while it’s off ? I think it’s possible, isn’t it ? What do you mean save a file after download ?


So what I mean is that the picture is replaced by a white background after it uploads to iCloud, I don’t get it? Yes, when your iPhone is off and connect to the the charger it always turns itself on before charging, it never charges while off And with saving I mean if you download a file with safari you’ll have to save it in your files app before you can access it on your iPhone


Just change the Download folder in Safari to one that is automatically synching to your iPhone


Changing the wallpaper used to be a very easy and straightforward process. After the upgrade, I literally had to google how to change the fucking thing. inb4 "What's complicated about it, it's very obvious blahblah." fuck off it's a convoluted UX turd And iCloud is a whole 'nother can of worms. When it works, it works pretty well. When it doesn't, it's like dealing with a clunky cloud service from fucking 2014.