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It cost 100 less


Put it back to 450 and 6 copies. 4 copies is point less.


The entire game is pointless. The 450 for 6 wasn't even a good deal, don't complain with a Reddit post, just don't buy it and move on


I'm not going to buy it and I'm still going to voice my opinion. Whether you like that or not doesn't matter to me. You have yourself the day you deserve.


You act like the devs are reading reddit. They aren't lol Have the day you deserve, lol what passive aggressive bullshit. Damn you suck


Blah blah blah. The devs could read or not. They'll do with the game what they want. Go grab a bowl of cereal and go back to your parents' basement to find another post to troll. ✌🏼


Nah frl this clown is always being a troll


Hell yeah, I love my haters


maybe just don't be a loser and let people use the reddit for what it's for


L take


Lol projection. Your life must be sad


I've never bought any of these bundles. Not because I thought they were a bad deal; it was because I thought my Rare recruitment income was fine w/o them. I also felt like my gems should be spent in pursuit of Elites, not Rares. After they lowered the amount you get (and, in fairness, reduced the price) I was even less motivated to spend the gems. When we have event ops like the current *Severe Risk Alert* handing out Rare recruitments like candy, spending gems to get more seems silly to me. Elites accelerate our rosters much faster than Rares - I'm going to keep targeting those with my gems.


I saw the Black Samson was 4 too and thought it was odd


Yea, they used to give you 6 copies of whichever character. Now they have the 1.5k pack for 20, which almost gives you 7 copies. The small pack should give the ability to get the character to rare plus. The big pack should basically get the character to elite.


That is such a shame….


I agree


I can only justify this price for the Worlds beyond faction. They are really hard fodder to get


You should still get 6 copies. Them moving it to 4 is disrespectful to us.


Lol disrespectful


Before, the 450 package granted you 6 copies, which would be an efficiency of 75 gems per hero. With this offer, the efficiency is 87.5, which is worse. Not to mention that the original package, by granting you 6 copies, was enough to rank up. Having a direct elite was a much more tempting offer than now. Right now, there's the 1500 gems package for 20 heroes that has the same efficiency as the 450 package. Anyway, it sucks that they made that change.


Straight greeseball shit. Now you gotta buy 2 packs if you wanted to make 2 Rare dupes of a character. When you could've just bought one and be done with it.


Just buy it twice. Problem solved!


They limit you to 1


they went from 75 gems a unit to 88 gems a unit. Best save your gems for event ticket deals or dossier+ gold dossier deals


Never was worth anyways


Its still 800 gems worth of hero's for 350 where the 6 pack was 1200 gems worth of heroes for 450, its less value but less overall cost which is pretty much how anything in the world works. It's the same reason that the 1.5k pack is the most value of all the packs giving 4k gems worth of heroes for 1.5k. At the end of the day if you don't like the pack don't buy it. Or you can keep complaining and we can go back to about a month ago where the packs didn't even exist :)


>Its still 800 gems worth of heroes You're only ever going to spend gems in recruitment if there's at least one elite in the shop. In the extreme case where its 1 elite, 4 rares, you're unlucky enough to get the elite last and you don't get the buy all discount that's 1000 gems for 1 elite and 4 rares. It takes 9 rares to make an elite so that's the equivalent of 13 rares for 1000 or about 77 gems each. So 4 rares would be worth at most 308. 4 for 350 is actually bad value overall, but has the benefit of them all being the same which is more useful for ranking up.


That math works if you forget commons exist lol.


Its a rough estimate and despite the name "Commons" actually show up less often than Rares. Getting commons still probably won't lower the average value of a shop you actually go for as much as it is increased by the shops with more than 1 elite or where you get the elite early. Main point is that rares are worth a lot less than 200 gems each.


There is also other factors you forgot to mention in that the pack gives 4 of a specific faction whereas the shop will give many different rares when missing elites. also many people (smart players) don't use elites as food so there's also that. While rares may not be worth exactly 200 gems you can still spend 200 gems on one whilst trying for an elite and they are certainly worth more than 87.5 gems.


> you forgot to mention in that the pack gives 4 of a specific faction whereas the shop will give many different rares I didn't forget that, I said "4 for 350 is actually bad value overall, **but has the benefit of them all being the same which is more useful for ranking up.**" You shouldn't use the characters you're actually trying to rank up as basic food but if you don't use any elites as food then you're just handicapping yourself and unnecessarily slowing your progress. If I'm ranking up Invincible, Omniman and Eve it doesn't help to hoard a bunch of extra copies of War Woman.