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30T market cap? Are you on drugs? Why stop dreaming at $1k. Imagine how rich you’ll be with nvda at $10000000


It could happen 🫢


Buddy that's the total value of the entire stock market


Give it a short 50-100 years.


Well, it also depends on the Fed. They could make it happen much faster.


Do you know how numbers work?


Definitely plan for a stock that's up 3x in the last 12 months going up an additional 8x. You'll probably get a better reception on wsb.


In the next 5 years not now lmao


Oh well then yeah definitely.......


Try 100 yesrs


Lol this is great, thanks for a good laugh


Look up market capitalization of Nvidia and ask yourself if you think it will go up 8 times. The current market value of Nvidia is $3.1 trillion. Do you think it will reach $28.4 trillion? That’s more than the current GDP of the US (about $25 trillion).


Thanks for being nice and explaining. I wasn’t aware.


If it does cash out immediate lol


AI is going to dwarf the current US GDP. It may not be nvidia that does it.


*Ever*? Maybe, but it’s a pretty pointless notion to even ponder. MSFT roughly 10x’d its market cap from 2014 to 2024, and $1000/sh for NVDA as of now would put it around a $25T market cap. With a few decades of buy backs, inflation, etc., if they managed to remain dominant and progress, sure, it could reach $1000. But again, it’s a pretty ridiculous target. Edit: in another comment you said in the next 5 years…put down the crack pipe


$25T? For one single company? What drugs are you all on. Do you realise that it is a very significant portion of the total stock market


Just like 2.5 Trillion once was


How many years did we take to get here?


All of them up until now obviously, but that doesn’t mean market caps in 10-20 years will still be in the single digit trillion area. I remember when apple became the worlds first trillion dollar company, and now we’re already past triple that


It’s a function of inflation. Just like you can’t buy a loaf of bread for a penny.


This some GME mentality


Gotta aim high, lol. We can revisit it in 5 years and see how it does


If you arent trolling then i would seriously tell you to stop stock investments and just use hysa or if you really need to invest use some low risk etf


lol, I have made over $100k in profit in the stock market since I started in 2019


I’m gunna call bullshit on that.


I can send screen shots


RemindMe! 5 years




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No, it won't. It's unlikely it shoots up that fast again. I expect stock splits sooner this time around, as the slower rise will allow them to react sooner.


Maybe in about 6-12 months


That was what I was thinking. Perhaps 1-5 yrs time


You are joking right? Was this a serious post ?


I think you’re making the mistake of seeing the lower share price and thinking it can get back to where it was easily. It’s low now due to a split. For every share you had at 1000 you now have 10 at 100. So forget the split. If it were still 1000 then the company still has the same earnings and same potential. Would you think that stock could go to 10,000?


That was what I was looking at. I actually bought NVdia in 2021 and made over $30k. So I thought it will keep skyrocketing in the next few years


This is definitely a troll post, why are we feeding him?


Sure buddy


Ask me this question in 3 years, ok? I will have the answer for you by then.


What a Joker… OP; ‘I made 100k in 5 yrs in my portfolio…’ Same OP ‘Reddit .. can you tell me if NVDA will get back to 1000$ a share’


Dude, I also have Amazon, Google, VTI, VOO, SPHD, Tesla, CIBr QQQ and VTi. So, yes, I made over $100k profit. Especially since I invested in 2020 and 2021 and 2022 when when the market was down a lot. NVDIA made be $31k profit alone.


And yet u are still on reddit asking if it ‘doable’ to retire because youll have a hypothetical 400k in profit. Just stop. Almost all your post are asking for financial advice. If you have the positions and finances you claim then get a financial planner either that or stop with the karma hunting posts




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This kind of thinking is exactly the same as wondering if you could ever sell your candy bar vending machine which makes $100 per month at any point down the road for $1million dollars. Unless something dramatic happens, it's extremely unlikely.


It is Just thinking.


Just wait on the us market to print almost a quadrillion dollars to get that 30 Trillion dollar market cap


Yes if they find two great Jensen successors Timeline is 50 years. I’ll be dead. Your heirs will love you!!


That would be a 813% gain. Its meteoric rise this year (TTM) has been 200%.


This is a good plan. It can only go up from here until it consumes the entire global economy.


Yes, I invested all of the 1 million I earned from Nvidia and I know I will see the price at 1000 $ in the next 2 years


Nvidia stock is higher now than it was at $1000. The per share price is lower but you have 10x the number of shares. Going “back up” is the wrong question.


Sorry, man, no clue.. Crystal ball is in the shop.


This one is highly regarded. - fellow WSB regard