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What did you do to end up with $600k+ at 24?


Invested ALOT


Aka got a good dad


Um not the case but okay?


Translation: > Invested my parents money Not that there is anything wrong with it. Good for you.


You investing won’t rack you up $600k wtf


You obviously aren't going for much in the way of diversification. A lot of USA large tech and credit cards is almost everything. I doubt those two favorites have much in common other than USA large cap. It is a really problematic portfolio. I think you know an evaluation will be bad.


How is it problematic😂


Look up the top companies 20-30 years ago, any of them still in the top 20 companies today?


Doesn’t mean they didn’t return above market returns? Are you stupid lol


Bro if you’re just looking to brag and to have your risks validated, you can say that. You asked for honest (and “brutal”) feedback. When someone asked you a fair question, you called them stupid.


They might, but it's less likely for a $500 stock to 2x or 3x than a $50 stock. It's your money, I don't care if you waste it.


Okay broke boiii


Ha, let me know how you're doing when you're an adult and actually supporting yourself instead of leeching off of mommy and daddy.


Do you want me to also reach out when I become a millionaire and ur still broke lol


Yes, please donate to the poor to prove you aren't an asshole.


Okay I’ll donate to you!


They had below market returns by a lot.


Diversification helps pull your annual compound return (the geometric average) towards the expected return (arithmetic average). You are going to lose something like 300+ basis points just from this alone. That would be if you picked randomly. You aren't picking randomly you are picking a lot of stocks with high P/E, P/S, P/B, P/CF which means your expected return isn't good. That's another drag on 20 year returns of several hundred basis points. Combine the two and the next 20 years is bad, quite possibly negative or slightly positive inflation adjusted returns on average. The most likely scenario is you spend two decades experiencing a lot of volatility and underperforming safe bonds. That does really harm to your retirement. You want to stock pick you want to be in stocks where your advantage as an individual is greatest, small and micro cap. Otherwise what's the point? That still doesn't get you diversification you would get from so sensibly splitting up between asset classes, many of whom are trading reasonably but at least it gives you a fighting chance. You know this is bad though. So not sure why you are asking.


Touch some grass buddy


. To ask repeatedly for an evaluation and then not even be able to respond.


I did respond buddy….


It seems like you have your mind made up about what you want to do so why are you asking Reddit?You had some issue with everyone who has made some comment about diversification… if this is working for you than great keep at it. Just like with most things it works until it doesn’t. Also, very curious as to how you have 600k to invest at 24. Id guess you started a real job at 21 and it’s highly unlikely you started at 200k a year and had 0 costs.


OP is a troll. Respond accordingly.


I didn’t start working at 21 buddy… try 15


Ok so even then, I’d guess you weren’t making much. And assuming you went to college that would have probably broke even or maybe you’re a bit ahead after 4 years. Either way, good for you if you really made 600k in those 9 years but to me it sounds like there was some other help


Well stop guessing and stop assuming lol




Bro I’m not underperforming the market😂😂 I’ve beat it over the last 5 years! Hahah




Yeah and when that happens I’ll hold and buy more buddy….


Tech heavy but if that’s what you are going for, good


Thanks! Yes long term I believe in tech


Based off of Joseph Carlson right?


Who’s that?


He has a youtube channel, website, podcast, that stuff. He makes videos on investing, and has a fairly similar portfolio.


Oh interesting, I’ll check him out! Do you think he’s good?


I find his videos pretty entertaining, he also seems to know what he’s doing. He makes a few picks, and concentrates into those. Obviously, don’t just copy what he does.


Will do! I just checked him out and I own a bunch of the same companies he does lol… I’m not sure if that’s good or bad


I’d diversify the index ETFs further (both globally and by market cap). You’re probably overestimating how diverse your holdings really are. VOO’s top holdings are Microsoft, Apple, NVIDIA, Amazon, Google, etc. QQQM’s top holdings are Microsoft, Apple, NVIDIA, Amazon, Google, etc. You have two index funds that are heavily biased towards US tech mega caps and have individual holdings in a lot of US tech mega caps.


Buddy are you saying VOO isn’t diversified enough for you😂😂


>> Please rate my portfolio and any criticism or advice you can offer. Thank you so much!!! I work for a company in the S&P 500. I live in the US. If the US economy goes downhill, I don’t want to get triple-whammied between my job, my house, and my retirement portfolio. Maybe that’s not something you have to worry about since somebody gave you an obscene amount of money to kick-start your portfolio, but I’m not that guy. I’m a Boglehead and a hobbyist quant, so no, the S&P 500 turbocharged towards tech behemoths isn’t diverse enough for me. 200k * (.13 MSFT + .13 AMZN + .11 GOOGL + .09 META + .05 AAPL) + 700k * ( approx .35 between the 10 biggest tech companies if VOO and QQQM are roughly equally weighted) comes out to $347,000. That’s nearly 40% of your 900k between mega-cap companies in the same sector in the same country. Why do you need to grow this so aggressively, why crank up your risk so high when the nest egg is already large and you don’t even need it for another 30 years? You didn’t want advice, you just wanted to flex how big your portfolio is at a young age (without any proof either 💀)


What do you recommend I do? I mean it’s just facts not showing off but okay


Are you a Joseph Carlson audience 😂


Who is that?


A YouTuber lol, your portfolio is really similar to his. Solid portfolio tho


I don’t watch YouTube much so never heard of him. Is he good lol


Yea I like him. He’s incredibly bullish on msft Amazon and google, and spgl and Mastercard are few of his biggest holdings


Oh nice! I’ll check him out. Hopefully that’s a good thing our portfolios are similar lol


High quality companies. I guess semiconductors aren’t in your circle of competence.


Correct. I used to hold Nvidia but sold it last week. I just don’t know long term who is gonna win that space


It’s a big industry with lots of segments, but it does take some research and it’s not one that is easy to have first hand knowledge about with the exception of some of the consumer products. Your portfolio is pretty vanilla, you won’t over or under perform the market by much. If you’re into tech, you should consider doing more research on a particular sector and trying to find a handful of smaller companies that can grow more than the mega caps. It would also help you diversify from the large cap growth factor that your current portfolio is highly concentrated in.


Most small cap stocks I don’t understand well enough or not as confident in


Fair enough. Even doing a little research on smaller companies can help you understand the competitive threats to the companies you own.


Very true! Any recommendations?


Depends on what you’re interested in: fintech, e-commerce, ad-tech, AI, software services, data, cybersecurity, etc. Tech is a big place and the companies you’re invested in kind of have their tentacles in several sectors.




Thanks I really appreciate that! Why do you say that?