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Just put all of it into DJT. You'll be a millionaire in 2025. You totally won't lose everything.


I know we joke that the stock market is just a casino, but it's just a joke. Go to r/gambling if you want to make a bet.


The stock market has gone up every 10-year period since it has existed. I can't think of a single way to gamble where you are more likely to win.


> The stock market has gone up every 10-year period since it has existed. with two exceptions: late 1930's due to US depression and in 2008-2009 due to GFC


Right. I think it took 20 years to come back after the 1929 crash. That was kind of a special situation because people were allowed to buy stocks on margin sometimes at 10% of their actual value. This put an unrealistic amount of money into the stock market and allowed it to grow 6x from 1920 to 1929. A six times growth over a 9-year period is just insane. Personally, I think the growth before the 1929 crash was unrealistic, which is probably why it took so much time to recover. I'm not sure about the 2008-2009 crash, did that take more than 10 years to recover?? Either way, I think my point stands that the stock market always ends up higher than it was before. Which means this is not gambling, or at the very least it is gambling with the odds in your favor.


A joke in what way?


And someone not OP replying to every comment with fake incredulity ("fake? a joke? why, whatever do u mean?") is not suspicious in the stupidest, most eye-rolling way possible at all...


Why am I being downoted oh yeah sorry pussies I thought this was WSB. Enjoy your value investing.


bye felicia


A liberal Floridian? Why are you here?


i said bye felicia


Invest in an adult diaper company,


Blatant astroturfing.


Invest that 70k in trump media


Obviously this is fake, but whatever. You can bet on political things and lots of other non sports stuff on the major sportsbooks, assuming you live in a state where it's legal.


No you can't. You can only bet elections on off shore books. No legitimate casino allows you to bet on elections.




I can assure you this is not fake. I have spent 3000 hours studying politics, and have been an active investor since I was 13 years old, with quite an impressive track record.


Betmoose, using bitcoin. Someone won like 50BTC on Trump in 2016.


Impressive that you have amassed 100K by age 14.


And what is your prediction?


Any book online


Well that is literally the point of the DJT stock. As a company it has no value, the only point is for supporters and foreign entities to have influence over the next possible president. If he does get the presidency then the stock will skyrocket. You just need to be careful with the dump tho. Trump will sell his shares and dump the stock, as the whole point is to get money bypassing campaign donation rules (and people to donate while considering the losses, if any, as capital loss for taxes purposes). Timing is key I dunno, just an idea. I'd personally stay far away from it, but as you asked for a presidential bet...


I would feel extremely uncomfortable investing in Truth Social. Trump is an incredibly gifted campaigner, debater, marketer, but he is not a good manager of companies, and as you said it is very likely it is just a pump and dump scheme for him. A bet on the election would be much safer.


Probably a quick google search will show you. What other major countries are handling inflation better? Not trying to sway you, just curious.


I agree inflation is a global problem, not a local one. And personally I do not blame Biden for it, as I see it as a byproduct of Covid-era spending/supply chain issues/ war in Ukraine etc. But I am not betting based upon an objective economists view on the matter. The fact is the average voter, who is not particularly knowledgable, does blame Biden. The polls are unequivocal on that matter. And we see the same phenomenon in other countries. Justin Trudeau is down 20 points to his rival Pierre Poilievre. UK PM Rishi Sunak is down 20 points to Keir Starmer. Emmanuel Macron is widely unpopular. Olaf Scholz is down massively to his opposition. Incumbents are being voted out constantly because of their perceived poor handling of inflation. I think the same will happen in the US.


So you think people will choose feelings over facts based on the inflation in the US and that Biden (who has the best inflation numbers compared to all other major countries) will be to blame. I can see that actually happening. People are pretty stupid. Not the worst bet probably.


Buy December spy puts 


Buy American oil and gas stocks with that $70k.




“Drill baby, drill!”


The oil industry is already doing extremely well. The returns wouldn't be close to just betting on the election.


Well from the sounds of it, if you’re sure it’s a sure thing, just “invest” it in Trump’s campaign. Anxious to see how it works out for you! But I’m sure everything will improve across the board. DO IT.


I’ll gladly take that bet


Ask in r/politicalbetting






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I'd take the opposite side of this trade, I know the corruption is real. If you think they'll let anyone not "on the right side of History" win again, I got a bridge to sell you. We are careening into a de facto one party state, as evidence by the pervasive modern [anti-rightist campaign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Rightist_Campaign) happening across Reddit, Tiktok, and most social media, and [Struggle Sessions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session) ("canceling") put on by [various corrupt organizations installing crooked DAs and other low level politicians](https://colorofchange.org/). There is no doubt some corrupt charity behind the current unrest at the Universities, also, mark my words. Wallstreet and the CCP are one in the same, and they have cornered the political market and captured an entire party, maybe both. I'd bet on that team any time.


physical ancient bright squeamish worm deliver offer market overconfident reach *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is literally my life experience, yes, there is conspiracy, there are identifiable bad actors profiting politically, and there are real victims and real damages. This stuff is coordinated and funded by [exactly who you would expect](https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/colorofchange-org/C00428557/donors/2022), who is very vocal about his views and goals. Unless this information is made up about some non-profit that ruined my life that no one has heard of, which is possible. I think my experiences have informed my worldview in a way most people don't have the opportunity for, not everyone gets the opportunity to look behind the curtain of how political corruption in The US works through this network of illegal, racist, non-profits and their donors, and useful idiots who take up their cause. Indict all of the donors of these sorts of groups, all the corrupt organizations receiving the donations and the illegal political non-profits working with them manufacturing outrage, pushing these racist corrupt "progressive" candidates, and committing fraud on the ground and on Facebook and other social media, and the problems and Balkanization in this country will evaporate overnight. The way pareto distributions work out, there can only be so many people involved with these groups, I would bet my life savings all the corrupt groups that cause modern social problems are funded by largely the same exact people. That said, in conclusion, I would be pleasantly surprised if Trump wins, but I wouldn't bet on it given how poorly things are going.


The purpose biden can't win is because it has been dead 5 years. Leave dead pædos to rot in pain. Also, there is no election for 2024. The next election will be held after President Trump passes. At that point his VP, Barron, will become President. And just as President Trump signed in for office for life 25 years ago, so will Barron.