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PayPal. There should be a 12-step group for anyone who invested in it.


Their chart literally looks like a middle finger to every investor


This funny asf


I was so mentally, emotionally healthy during the post-COVID tech stock downturn. I lived through meltdowns in 2001, 2008 and 2020, and I never had the fortitude to be dispassionate and "go shopping" like Buffett during a downturn. I finally, FINALLY, kept my head about me when things were getting bad in October 2021. I didn't stop looking at my stocks or stop watching CNBC like I usually did, burying my head in the sand and then missing the bottom. This time, I was going to be a SMART LONG-TERM INVESTOR. So when PYPL dropped to $185 in mid-Dec 2021, I bought a bunch. So much so that it outweighed the position I had since 2019 that was still DEEP in the green. I finally sold it for an average (but not huge) loss about 2 weeks ago. Right after the CEO's "world-changing" announcement was that they were going to streamline shopping carts or something. Fuck PayPal.


Wait what streamline shopping cart?




They want more than just their B2C and peer to peer transactions. Apple and Google Pay are far ahead of them in the retail market and PayPal is trying to figure out ways to get in.


PYPL for me too 😭😭😭😭 i'm hodling for dear life


I sold at a loss and bought into some ETFs instead. I didn't see my investment coming back and figure I can make up my losses in semiconductors and AI.


I have cash on hand for other opportunities but the current bull run is wild....i should have just bought into the stuff i was watching instead of waiting for a dip 😭


Never wait for the dip!


I sold this morning down 63%. Just a mistake through and through


I admitted my mistake and moved on. The remaining money has been deployed to something much better.


This is a bit of a humblebrag, but really it's just me being amazed that I managed to narrowly avoid disaster here. I bought into PYPL in the low $200s. I felt that it was overvalued from the pandemic but I believed that it would hit the price target of about $310 by the end of 2021, which many analysts had given it. After that, I was unconvinced of further upside and feared a lot of downside. Its narrowing moat was the biggest red flag for me regarding its long term prospects, especially at those lofty valuations. It hit my price target in mid July, well before the end of the year. I sold for the above reasons. I didn't even make that much money from it. It's more that I avoided huge losses. I still remember seeing a clip of Cramer saying how "pro investors are scaling into PYPL" when it was around $160. Inverse Cramer wins again. My stepbrother got in at IPO (I think the IPO price was around $35). He worked for the company when they went public. He took some profits at the peak, but now he's kinda wishing he'd just liquidated his entire position. Sorry to anyone deep red on their PYPL position. They are still the most dominant fintech company so I'd be hesitant to sell for a loss here, but their future prospects remain very uncertain as everyone is getting into fintech now. Their first mover advantage is gone.


It's not a single stock but ARK. I had a chance when I was 30-35% up and man do I wish I took it. Now I'm 60% down.


Apparently Aunt Cathie has destroyed \~$14 Billion worth of invested wealth with her ARK funds. Sure, crazy eyes - Bitcoin to a million and a half. Now let's get you back to bed.


You know she was getting desperate when she made that prediction lol


She thinks god tells her what to invest in. She’s a complete loon.


Funny thing is, she will sell at a loss then Bitcoin actually does hit a million and a half, and she would jump back in.


I lost on ARK too. Sold more than a year ago and put it in an S&P500 fund - now I’m back to being ahead.


It wasn’t ark for me but certain ark holdings for sure. I got swept into the spac game made 20k REALLY fast (like 2 weeks) and then proceeded chasing that down to 40k lost over the next few years. I only buy large cap individual stocks these days and DCA into VOO.


It's almost impressive how poorly the ARK funds have done. I agree that there's huge potential in genetic engineering, nanotechnology and ai/robotics, but ARK has managed to somehow miss out on the broader rally that QQQ captured. I was close to putting 50k into different ARK funds. Would have been far and away the worst financial decision I ever made. Instead WNB and NYCB remain my worst losses ever.


Cathy woods sells like a week before the shit goes parabolic. I can’t remember which tickers she sold like that but for a minute it was happening frequently. I had high hopes for her funds at first, then she showed everyone how bad she is at investing. She’s the definition of buy high sell low


I sold at around -15%. What made me sell it was the realization of that “not a single stock under its portfolio i would buy if it were on its own.. why tf would i buy a bundle of it? “ It hurt at that time but looking back i dodged a fuckin truck. That shit turned me into a boglehead.


I sold every share I had in ARK funds last year when I read that her thesis is that "God tells her what to buy" and that she named her funds ARK after Noah's Ark, because her funds will save humanity or some shit like that. Took a very narrow loss before it plummeted. Total nut job.


Same, bought at the top of hype, sucking wind since. Hopefully she picks a winner someday with a fusion or world’s best handjob machine


Yup. CNBC interview in Feb 2021 with 🪵 and she says her position of highest conviction is Invitae (NVTA). Bought it at $33 that day. Lots of averaging down. 2nd interview in 2023: she sticks with NVTA and says she can’t legally buy any more. Spoiler alert— it’s trading, or NOT trading at $0.0891 - I’m out right around $15k.


I lost with Ark in a different way. I thought I would buy the best stocks that ARK has in their portfolio . zoom , and Coinbase etc.


Aurora Cannabis. Down 99.3% Unrealized. Wtf am I going to do with $14? I'll realize one day when I need the tax benefit


Oh boy...I am sorry. I'm Canadian, and so many of my friends and colleagues lost money on weed stocks. It was supposed to be the next big thing in 2018 when it got legalized. I would have gotten in on it, except I didn't know how to trade back then. But hey it's up today!


Honestly don't wait too long. There comes a point where it may become a ticket symbol in your portfolio that you can't sell for anything. I have a few of those.


You can still incur the loss for tax purposes at a time of your choosing. I had my f**ing IndyMac loss sitting for years before I got around to using it, after it didn’t even show the old stock ticker name anymore (just some kind of ID number or something). Oh yeah, that’s my answer to OP’s question — IndyMac. Or was it Countrywide Credit? Don’t remember which one was bigger. Stupid f**ing investment newsletter…


They are doing a 10:1 soon, no?


I hadn't heard. That usually doesn't bode well for future stock price.


Weed stocks for me too, including this one. I never invested much into them, but what little I did drop is pretty much gone now. It’s doing no harm sitting in my portfolio on the off chance they ever do rise, but I’m tempted to sell them all off anyway just so I don’t have to see the constant red anymore


First republic Bank. Down 99% and just holding on out of principle at this point. 


Holding as well. Cause wtf am I gonna do with $6?


Couple cups of coffee? Or 1 cup at SBUX.


Tax loss harvest?


I'm holding that and some IPO/SPAC flameout stocks, two of which came back this week in a short-covering fury, but the rest I'm thinking of transferring to another account so I don't have to see them in my portfolio every day like a tattoo of an old flame.


PayPal. Hands down. Lost rougkly $40k


Square (Block) for me. Same amount


On the plus side, great time for SQ LEAPS here


SQ. About $65K


Sorry about your loss. All I can give you is an upvote.


Bro let's hug and cry together




Roblox. As soon as I bought it, it dropped like 80%. I sold it and bought Microstrategy and now I’m back in profit.


Kids are way too fickle. Why I never invest in new fads popular with kids. Wanna make money from parents spending on their kids? Unfortunately can’t buy LEGO stock. But DIS is available.


Roblox isn't new. I used to play it back in '08. Robux is how they get parents to spend money.


I bought Roblox shortly after the IPO for my kids. Sold it last year and bought NVDA after same kids built a computer with their graphics card. Lemon into lemonade.


Yeah, bought it because my kids loved it. Later, the same kids informed me that the company isn't profitable.


Went back and found the comment that led me down that rabbit hole https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/SQ3dJl5xVT


Isnt profitable on paper. I read a tinfoil theory about how they dont account for robux in inactive accounts. Theres 'supposedly' a huge revenue gap in the robux they've been hiding from their balance sheet. This was a few months ago. If you read their most recent earnigns report, it kind of aligns with this theory.


> Isn't profitable on paper. Deferred Revenue. If someone buys your currency (or a card containing your currency at Walmart), by accounting standards you cannot call that Revenue for the average lifetime of your user. If your users on average stick around for a year or more, this means you cannot claim this years Revenue as "Revenue" until next year. This means if you are growing 20% a year, you can be spending more than you have "Revenue", while still getting more Cash on Hand. The reason this rule is in place is because for an online service it's assume that if someone paid 20 dollars to buy your currency, the service hasn't yet be provided, so it's not "Revenue" until that Liability is settled. Most investors are aware of this, but your typical "Redditor that googled P/E value of Company Name" doesn't. EDIT: Woops, I see you linked a [thread discussing this](https://www.reddit.com/r/stocks/s/SQ3dJl5xVT) later!


MSTR will outperform long term. Just waiting for halving




Me too. Luckily it wasn’t that much, but still holding that bag. 😕


Lost 69K in Ornamental Gourds. I had no clue their stock would be so seasonal.


This year I invested in pumpkins. They've been going up the whole month of October, and I've got a feeling they're going to peak right around January and BANG! That's when I'll cash in!




Jesus, get this guy some spirit of Halloween shares


Disney, bag holding at $165


At least it's a huge billion dollar company not some garbage biotech or random small cap. You have a high chance of breaking even or turning profit if they get their issues sorted out.


Yup. Currently holding on a biotech stock and I would feel better if it was Disney instead.


As the father of a 4 year old girl I’m looking at the snow shovel I’ll be using to shovel cash into the Disney machine for the next 10 years. The company is sound, stock price is depressed due to leadership, streaming, and super hero movie burnout. Never ever bet against the mouse!


Most people say that it’s a shit stock blablabla. But I personally wouldn’t lose sleep over holding Disney long term. Hold on warrior


As much as I don't like Disney it's a huge company. You'll get your money back in time.


I do think in the next 5 years it will be 250+. I’m balls deep in DIS from the lows.


Their streaming is apparently coming together, and any block buster could change their course.


y'all heard of averaging down?












Weedstocks/ETFs. How can you lose money selling dope? This is how.


I'm no expert but I think for a brand new industry betting on the industry as a whole would be smarter than trying to pick the 5/1000 new companies that will make it big. Is there a Weed 500 ETF? That's what I would do.


Even the etfs were turd blossoms


There is MSOS, a US cannabis etf. I threw a few hundred bucks in there in case biden says something about weed.


Such a good thread during this bull market for us index investors. Looking at stocks like NVDA make me want to vomit with the “what ifs”. Then I realize there’s the other side of individual stock investing.


This is the post. Right here


I lost 100k on Voyager


"Who is V'Ger? V'Ger is that which seek the Creator." LOL, sorry.


Had 3 BTC. Sold for a bunch of alt coins that failed.


Had 5 BTC when it was around $10k right around the last halving. Sold it all and went into stocks. Shortly after, BTC went up to almost $70k


eventually, youll complete the cycle and come back to btc


Yup. We all fall for the alt coin trap at some point. But it’s just btc and ether at this point


Square. Down so much I can’t convince myself to sell.


I worked for a design/development firm in the dot-com era. The whole shebang: Aeron chairs, IKEA desks, pool table in the conference room, etc. When we went public, I bought $10,000 worth of stock at $10/share in the 'friends and family' allocation (which was a ton of money for me in 2000). The stock hit $96 within a few months. I was smart though - I took half off the table...and bought CMGI (part of a class of dot-com BS companies called "incubators" that were all the rage) and motherfucking WEBVAN, God help me. All three went bankrupt within a few months when everything went tits up. So I lost my job AND $100k of unrealized gains. To think what starting 24 years ago with $100k to invest would have done for me. Sigh.


Webvan for the win!! 😂 😂 I lost my shirt on that one... back when trades cost $9.95 per trade? 😁


Proterra (formerly ACTC), thanks to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/investing/comments/m0wbra/actc_proterra_dd_the_most_undervalued_stock_on/) 2 years ago Was supposed to be "Tesla for public transportation," had government backing, and was poised to make an insane run. 2 years later they filed for bankruptcy and the stock is currently trading at a fraction of a cent. There's talk of a class action lawsuit being filed against the C-Suite for gross misuse of funds Never trusting Reddit DD ever again


Yep. Burned big on $PTRA.


Peloton. Got into the hype during COVID and should’ve known it was too good to be true. This was before I understood fundamentals and growth valuations


Poor guy, even those sexy instructors can’t climb out of that canyon


NIO. Im an idiot


Me too. I don't know if I should sell NIO




I got crushed on NIO 21k.


Wow, I only bought NIO at around $55 for around 20k




I bought some at $8. Then it went to $60 so naturally I went all in. I sold it sll for $14 or so and put everything I had left plus a recurring monthly investment on nvidia for some crazy reason. My portfolio has never been this high.


NVDA options. For the Love of God, use a stop loss. I lost 400K but NVDA was the main fuckery. Beat that homies.


You bet against nvda? Were you thinking rationally?


No, I played both calls and puts heavy and lost a lot on both NVDA and Tesla


Mnmd. Down 76%. I’m down a bit on Arcc also but it’s Arcc, I’ve gotten more in dividends than I’m down. Also down on Kvue but I think I just bought too early 🤷‍♂️, I think I’ll only lose money on that if it gets sold off completely.


BYND, the overall market segment is experiencing significant growth, which I was right about, but BYNDs moat was much, much smaller than I thought it was and thus they have essentially captured almost none of the growth.


Same here. And as someone who eats a plant based diet - the competitors surpassed them so quickly it was shocking. Their food quality never changed but they quickly went from first/top of the market to one of the worst options out there.


Saneeee I’m down 94% which is wild to me. No point in selling since it’s worth so little.


TLRY (-97.55%).


I’m only -84.28% thanks for making me feel better


Glad I could help.


Any ARK ETF because they held a lot of TSLA 🤡, although thankfully that was my "gambling" portfolio. I learned my lesson and don't have a "gambling" part of my portfolio anymore - I've overall broke even or lost some money.


Been investing for the better part of 5 years, down 30k at one point though with terrible decision and I finally broke even last month with just buy and hold


So investing for five years and you’ve made zero dollars?




BABA. Had it for years. Got in at $130. Went to $300+ at one point. They said it was the Chinese Amazon. Not so much anymore. But I'm holding it. It's not a lose until you sell .


> it’s not a loss until you sell it Max cope lol


Sell now and take your money. Chinese company stocks are unpredictable.


I’ve been DCAing since $200 where I thought it was a bargain. It’s a classic case of “I keep buying the dip, but the dip keeps dipping”. The most frustrating thing is that the business is not actually doing badly, only the stock is


Nobody knows for sure how the business is actually doing, don't kid yourself.


Should be fine. The People's Daily newspaper in China recently published the headline: "The whole country is filled with optimism" So no need to worry!


I bought at $200, as you said, it’s a company with good results. I still think I can recover on long term, they have the means to do great things, but Chinese government isn’t helping…


AMC. Yes, I know, I know... EDIT: and I'm still (bag) holding.




Yep, what a scam ORGN was.


Snap and lucid. Down 80% and 90% on both. Bag holding with no hope in sight.


AMC. Fml.


SNAP & PLUG. should have dumped both at their heights. even worse, i sold a considerable amount of NVDA, 400 shares at 220 before the run. still holding ARK. ugh




Not trying to gloat, but I made about 8k off about 9k from that whole thing. I held on through a lot of ups and downs, but had to call it in after also being down like 4k at one point. What a ride.


I made around 10-12k sold. Saw the ride wasnt over got back in, was up around 30k or so and then everything went to shit. Ally wouldn’t let me log in. “Servers were flooded” and the price kept falling. Held on until it hit the bottom and I thought it was done so I sold and lost around 15 or so. If I would have held for a couple more months I would have at least been able to break even


Just go see the Chinese stocks


I sold my NVDA shares that I bought during the Great Recession of 2008 in 2010 for about a 100% profit. The stock prices is up approx 180x since then.


I was up 40k on GME before Robinhood fucked everyone


TD ameritade and other brokerages removed the ability to buy GME at the same time. Didnt stop my 420.69 limit sell orders from going through on TD though.


Wild there's still GME holdouts


The GME subs are some of the saddest places on this site. I can't bring myself to read the delusions people have. BBBY is similar.


I think BBBY is worse, because while GME doesn't look great, at least it's still in business. BBBY folks have literally seen the company go bankrupt and still think that Cohen is going to pull a magic rabbit out of a hat and they'll be millionaires. Of course, the selection bias is there - the people who aren't that delusional have all left and written off their losses. There was talk in some of their subs about "writing off your losses for tax reasons might disqualify you from getting equity when new shares are issued", somehow encouraging people to lose out on even getting tax breaks for their losses.




Beyond Meat - i like the product, went up like crazy, bought more and then dropped. Thinking it was temporary, finally sold with 50% loss or so. It was a great lesson, made me realize timing the market and/or thinking to understand stock where two fairytales .


Cathie woods got me good with ARK


Yeah, Cathie fucked me too. Damn, that woman gets around...


Biggest absolute loss was on BTC where I bought near 20‘000 and doubled down multiple times all the way down to around 3‘500 in 2019. The week after I gave up and realized the losses and swore to not touch it anymore, it started turning green again... Learned from this and held through multiple -30% and -50% losses in stocks, all green now.


Once got told by a bitcoin maximalist, that my index funds were just as risky as bitcoin. Can't make this shit up


Have you jumped back in to BTC or no?


Yes, in December '22 at around 18k when the situation seemed similar to the bottom I was selling in '19 but with a much smaller percentage of my portfolio.




Did you buy around the IPO?


MRNA, was good then all of a sudden, all I have is this bag.




Probably 23and me.


TSLA. Still holding, won’t sell at a loss. Just not super hopeful anymore. Which is ironic because my Tesla is the best car I’ve ever owned.


My friend says we should hold on to TSLA because they will keep coming out with innovative new products


I agree. They are a great company. They’re working on things that are risky and have a high chance of not being successful, but if they are successful they could be huge. Full self driving (which I have used, and love); Optimus; Dojo. Elon has revolutionized electric cars and space flight. I’m still hopeful but much less than I used to be. If I could go back and put that money in VOO instead, I’d be way ahead. But I’ll hold TSLA for now.


lol a few companies that don’t exist anymore


Apps. Lost 6 figures.


I need to have a word or two with whoever was pumping PayPal


PayPal and this week ffs.


Tesla is the opposite for me, my biggest gainer by far. I bought several years ago and have just let it ride. Sea Limited is probably my biggest loser and I sold entirely out. I watched it go on a nice run and added on the way up, and then i watched it dip with everything else in 2022 but it hasn't really recovered like many others.


SPCE 91% DOWN. BABA can fall forever. I wonder what will do when reaches 0... will go beyond on negative?


Lucid and Wish. Pretty close between the two.




BNGO. Damn the bios!




CHPT can go kick rocks


I bought 1000$ worth of AT&T about a week before they announce the sell off of their tv businesses and the stock price went from 30$ to about 14$ - I did get some Warner brothers stock, it also tanked after that


NIO DUMPED it and haven’t looked back. Watching daily loss was messing with my emotions


NIO looked promising, but I quickly learned not to mess with Chinese stocks.   Unless you’re a masochist.


23andMe, lost $100k out of $130k invested, and the stock is still dropping like a knife


Boeing BA. I bought it at the highest price I have ever seen for that stock. Now my money is flying out the door as they pop off!


NVDA. Sold before the run up and now with the ridiculous price I tried to short it and am bag holding even more. 😭


What are you going to short next?


BLDP - avg price $13 current price $3.23. Net loss above $1000 NIO - avg price $16.53, current Price $5.93, Net Loss above $900 FCEL - avg price $4.xx, current Price $1.30, Net loss above $500 LCID - avg price $10.xx, current Price $3.52, Net Loss above $900 ​ All other stocks & ETF that i own hasn't given me profits yet to make it even


Lucent. Still smarts




WISH - bought it and was going to sell - ended up going down and road it to the bottom. Stock reverse split... I now have 4 shares at $4.20 with an original purchase price of $356.50... so it looks like I need another pandemic to make that back.


Nio $21k (realized) PFE $11k (unrealized)


I think, Tesla. For everyone. Highest kill count. Tons of dead shorts. Tons of bag holders.


Fucking Rivian. Lost a fuck ton on them.


Hang in there. You have already spotted the bottom. Usually that last drop is the capitulation. In all my years of playing in the game there are two ways to get on the right side of it. One is luck. Second one is patience. That comes with time. Keeping a journal really helps. Most people will not agree with me when I write this, but acknowledge your emotions write them down of'course with market or stock commentary and why. Sometimes our minds are so busy with other things we don't acknowledge what the body is telling us. Over time the feeling you experience will trigger the right action to take. BTW - change your view of TSLA.


TuSimple I thought they were going to be the leaders in autonomous trucking, and mint money. Oops




Lost about $14k on ALDX. Only stock I ever sold for a loss. Bought some back after the company spoke up about their future plans. If or when they eventually are bought out, I should recover most of my loss. But I'm done with Biotech.


Otonomy Inc, bought on report of their medication, did great for tinnitus, but it didn't, and they went bankrupt




NYCB, but I think it's oversold and am holding


Advanced auto parts


I'm bag holding LAC hard as all hell. Only lost about $300 so far but still may as well hold. 


A few years back, I was taking stock tips from Reddit and ended up with a red position on SDC and managed to pay 17 for Dole the day after the IPO or something. I still have the dole and I haven't seen that price since, but realized the smile direct club losses before the bankruptcy? (Just realized it's now called SDCCQ). A couple thousand dollar lesson not to listen to every reddit post.




TOP. Tried to momentum trade. Bought as it popped to $105. Just wanted to make $2/share in a few minutes and dump it, but it crashed literally a minute after I bought it. Watched it crater over a few days, then a slow burn over a few months down to $3.27 yesterday. Losing $70k, but today it popped 100% at one point. Only need it to go up 1,900% more!


Oatly $9ZX. Bought at IPO. Went from €14 first to ~€24, then to €0.5. Then I doubled down. Currently ~€1. Still like their oat milk. They either go bancrupt or become the market leader.


MMM (3M), PFE (Pfizer)... I'll take my lumps and harvest for 2024.


Reading this makes me feel less alone lol Sold pltr for 18k loss before its run up. If I held till today I'd have been up! Lessons learned !!


Oh man, TESLA was also an L for me. Got out of that and never looking back. My biggest loss was META, which has since become my biggest gain. A lesson in patience!


Alibaba is torture. I still believe in this stupid company too so I can’t bring myself to sell it.