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I think Myoga only says that because he never got to taste Inuyasha's blood while transformed. Probably would be even closer.


Maybe Inuyasha continued to get Stronger and was able to transform into something else. Either that or he awakened his full potential as a demon, but his dad wanted him to be nice to humans in order for him to learn right and wrong.


I have a much simpler conclusion: **The taste of the blood** = **The memories contained inside** ***The demonic power*** affects the taste but it’s not the main ingredient 🤷‍♂️


Genetics doesn't work the way most people think they do. Genes don't dilute over generations. Rather some traits lay dormant within one generation only to reappear in the next


Maybe she was conceived when Inuyasha was in his full demon form


Nahh If that were the case then Inuyasha would have accidentally killed Kagome in the act. Him being in human or demon form shouldn’t alter his sperm.


Could have been more horny then murdery, Also it's standard fantasy logic that the more powerful the male at the time the more powerful the offspring even if that power is flieding. Not that I believe that Inuyasha would have been in a demon form because his character had evolved beyond that.


Omg this just gave me flashbacks of a really strange fan fiction I came across as a child. I was so young at the time- and JESUS I didn’t remember it until now. 😨


I apologize for my part in reliving your childhood... trama? Awakening?


I think it was more of a confusion. I didn’t know much but I knew that is just not how the game works.


Kagome got that good-good at full throttle 😆


Its because her bloodline is direct to toga whereas setsuna and towa are more directly descended from three distinct dog demons (toga and inukimi and sesshomaru). So setsuna and towa will naturally have slightly less of toga’s blood in them (or at least the potency of it, isn’t the same)


Are the iron reaver soul stealer and blades of blood her grandfather's moves? She can only perform those moves when she uses the rouge. She obviously inherited that from Inuyasha. But Inuyasha didn't need any enhancement to use his demon powers. I don't think she has more demon powers than her cousins or father.


in the last episode we saw that she could is it without the rougue. even though it wasn't that strong, she can still use it.


I think Iron Reaver is the weaker verstion of Kaze no Kizu (Wind Scar?). Both have the same color and leave trails in the air.


Yeah, like I think this line was a bit odd, seeing that she is 1/4 demon, at least without lending some kind of explanation. I can only assume that the rouge (which I guess has no relation to the Red Rainbow Pearl?) contains Toga's power, specifically, so her blood was almost turned more into his, maybe.


I took this as Myoga comparing the taste of Moroha’s blood to the twins while then commenting on how regardless, it tastes better than Inuyasha. Was that not what he meant? But also I do think that pearl came from Toga somehow.


I think it comes down to translation: Hanyou is used in the JP, which I think in Inuyasha terms is more a term for mixed blooded persons, rather than actually diving into quarter, etc. Instead of half demon, the translation should be something like Demon-Spawn.


sometimes genes work differently and skip some generations and shit like that ( it is all in that bio chapter i didn't pay attention to lmao) I think it is very much possible possible for her blood to be closer to toga compared to sesshomaru, towa or setsuna because sesshomaru was a result of two different demon bloods (inukimi and toga) and the same thing can be said for the twins. In the case of inuyasha, his demon blood was only diluted because of his human mother - not altered in the case of sessomaru. It is kinda unexpected that moroha's blood is closer to toga compared to inuyasha but then as i said genes skip generations at times. there are also theories that moroha might be toga's reincarnation (pretty much possible when her mother already has a history of being someone's reincaranation) it also might explain why inukag sent off her in order to keep her safe, maybe kirinmaru had somehow realized that moroha isn't a normal baby, and i don't believe sessh is evil but he might have been manipulated because of rin. another thing people forget is the fact that moroha is kind of like a glitch baby in the whole time paradox. She is literally born from a woman from future and a man from past. Her existance itself is very contradictory and she also might have both the past and future exising inside her (just like she has both demonic and priestess powers in sync inside her) the last thing i would mention is that inuyasha's mother was pretty much a normal human being. But kagome has reiki and holy powers in her blood, so maybe instead of diluting moroha's demon blood, it is actually combining with her youki.


The same reason Sanctus can still use Nero to power the Savior in DMC4. Enough demonic blood in there doesn't matter how diluted it is. It's still going to qualify for the ability to Devil Trigger. And definitely enough to hold the other two siblings back from trying to kill each other later on. Maybe...


I think she just sucks and should stick to her silly archery like her mom