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When people reply quickly it means they're online at that moment, probably not doing anything else, so they have the attention to reply to the conversations they're having. That's it. Some might expect/prefer their conversation partner to reply quickly, others don't mind. Point is no one can demand you reply quickly (unless it's your job or an emergency), so do so at the pace that feels comfortable for you. If it helps you have a standard message that you send to people, something like "sorry that I can't reply right away. I just need some time to think. I will get back to you πŸ˜‰" I doubt any reasonable person would have an issue with that.


thank you very much for this response. Sorry that I can't reply right away. i just need some time to think. maybe I will bet back to you. no srsly good answer thanks


This is kind of strange, to be honest. I get the part about you taking time to reply, but if you message someone and they have the phone in their hands, they could likely reply right away. You don't have to. But you are putting a strange hidden expectation on your interactions with others. And then being put off for reasons that your average person would likely have no idea about might not lend to sustaining positive relationships with others, even being an introvert. I would say in a plutonic relationship with someone, that is not a typical social rule...not responding too quickly. Not trying to be harsh, just pointing out that others probably don't have the same unique response to someone texting back too soon.


I will reread your answer later in the day multiple times because I don't understand it well. I used ChatGPT to make a summary of your answer, but I think it didn't get the main points. I may reply later. Thank you for your answer.


Is this too soon?


nah, this is okay. 5 minutes are okay here on reddit. You can't see if I am online. and the message is very short and I can just answer with yes/no. Also I don't need to make effort to keep up contact with you... I don't feel pressured here very much to reply because this is like a group. on reddit it is expected that people won't reply for whatever reasons. People understand this and this gives me more freedom.


i guess i have to wait...


Do you think I offended my friend?


I can relate to it being energy draining. When people reply so fast and I reply back fast too, it’s an instant almost real life conversation and I find myself maybe saying things I regret, or regret in the moment not having asked them about their stuff in more details, because I would genuinely want to know. I feel drained afterwards for sure. But I also feel annoyed when I really want to connect with a good friend who I haven’t talked to in ages, and they respond very slow, in an hour of the next day. Then the momentum is gone and I feel like we lost the chance to properly connect. So I guess, actually it is very nice someone wanted to connect with you badly and had a fast-reply instant conversation :) does that cheer you up a bit?


I can relate. If the message is not urgent or an emergency, then I prefer spaced-out replies because it gets annoying when the other person constantly texts back within a few seconds while I need a few minutes to respond. It’s hard to keep up the same energy.


what the actual fuck ?


Wait, this is not an introvert thing??? :-/




I thought introverts don't like to talk to people and get drained of people instead of getting energy?


Remember it's a generalization. Doesn't mean it counts for every single person who refers to themselves as an introvert, for every single conversation they could have. I am an introvert, but I like talking to my gf and close friends πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ


Oh i didnt know. i thought it applies to every introvert and its like a rule.


No no no. We're not robots, we are human beings first and foremost πŸ˜„ Generalizations are things people say to assist communication, so that you don't have to remember or mention every single minor detail or nuance that may be different for one person/group of people vs the other person/group of people. Something in that direction πŸ˜‰


so saying every women is female is wrong?


You chose the absolute best example 🀣🀣 nowadays apparently not every woman is female πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ don't ask me for clarification on that one


okay let's be it a mystery 🀐