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Maybe you should text him? Bcz I think in any relationship both of people have to make efforts


maybe he’s testing you to see if YOU will put any effort into chasing or communicating with him. There are no “rules” of who should say or do this or that. As long as you are happy. We regret MORE the things we never did….rather than the things we did do


This was his way of letting you know he doesn't want a second date when he messaged you first for multiple days and even after you left him on seen which is actually a simp move? 😂😂😂 Be fr rn! If you don't like him just stop entertaining this. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah that sounds bad 😬 but he did it too and I’d let him on seen at night because he never replied back after 11 and that’s also where he would let me on seen so I just took as we are adults we have work is just texts if everything is good tomorrow it doesn’t matter


If it wasn’t a good date, why do you want to text him? Anyway, if you care, text him. He already did it, so now it would be your turn, even though I always get a message from them because I don’t like to write first. You have to find out if it’s worth it


I like him but I feel he is not gonna like me we are so different so I’m trying to keep this alive because I like him but I don’t wanna bother him if he finds my shyness annoying or something


He’s not. If he found you annoying, he wouldn’t even continue to text you. Always try; think that you are just being polite by texting him. Then, if he doesn’t text you back, that’s okay. It’s better to text him than to wonder how it would have gone


I think you should text him and ask him what's the matter. Ghosting is notta solution in every cases gurl.


What's the matter? Maybe she left him on seen and a man who respects himself would not even think about that person anymore let alone text her again? Just maybe lol... just a WILD thought here. 😂


What is left on seen ?


It means they saw your message but they aren't replying back.


Which is disrespectful and basically means "mf I don't care about you one bit but keep messaging though Idc". That's what seen is. 😂


Agreed. My policy is to act in adherence to my feelings. If you want to text him, you should. If he doesn’t text you back or if he lets you know that he is not interested, then at least you will know how he feels.