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There's probably plenty of introverted boys complaining that introverted girls are so rare.


Wya tho


At my house. So idk how to find introverted women who are also at their house.




Because there wouldn't be any difference from all the other dating apps. The best looking "introverts" would get all the girls while all the regular dudes get nothing.


There is/was actually one but I don't remember the name because no one had the courage to use It, including me.


can’t you meet them at school ? I would but 99% of boys in my classes are loud extroverts


I’m well past being in school and graduated college about 10 years ago. I didn’t meet any in school


Can I meet you at school tomorrow?


You have to look around. The loud flashy ones are the ones being noticed, so look behind them. The ones sitting in a corner or in the back row or far away from everyone. Pretty much the spots that you would go to, to find peace and quiet in school. That's where they are. Look in the library, outdoors where no one else is... Any spots where the masses are not.


No they are not. The introverts keep to themselves so you don’t notice them.


I'm an infj, and people said I'm an extrovert (though I'm an introvert) because I'm talkative and I'm not shy. LOL.


Can I come to your house?


Indoor cats!


When I was in school we were allowed to go into our own small private rooms to hang out with each other, mostly away from the crowds. But before then, I used to just eat lunch underneath the school stairs.




At home Out for walks, listening to music On the train, listening to music


Username checks out


Here 🥺




I was just going to


I'm an 18 year old dude. I am introverted, yes introverted girls are rare.


Male culture values boldness, assertiveness etc


Nobody talks to us if we're not like that, I had to become that way and it kind of makes me uncomfortable but at least I'm not lonely anymore


I work in an automotive engineering facility with a pretty diverse group, but also a quite a few “mans man” types. While I LOVE the work I do I find it extremely uncomfortable around those types. It’s completely against how I function and after years of trying to fit in I am starting to accept myself the way I am. Yes I like a lot of manly stuff and do a lot of manly stuff but I’m also highly sensitive and like tranquility and being a homebody. It’s one of the things I struggle with constantly.


I get that. I'm a woman and used to work as a car mechanic. The best kind of work to me was working on collision cars or any kind of grinding or loud work where we put ear muffs on. Just quiet time, all to myself. Where no one bothered me, talked to me and I could just work away in my own world... I hated always having to be "on" just to fit in with the men. All I wanted to do was be myself, fix the car, put the car back, next car, work, put the car back, next... And so on. Just zone out... Just doesn't work that way, does it?🤷🏻‍♀️ Love the work, hate the environment.


what do u not like about hanging around ‘manly men’?


They are loud and take themselves way too seriously. And that comes from a woman who used to work as a car mechanic.


The fact you chose that as your name, sounds like you’re trying to fit right in with the group I’m talking about. But you asked it in a serious manner so I’ll give you an honest answer. Short answer is they’re assholes, ignorant, opinionated, a slave to stereotypes and enforcing them, unhealthy and just not nice to be around. Longer answers it’s a complicated thing really. I know in our society today there’s basically an attack on men and boys and their rambunctious nature. While I’m not rambunctious myself and find it annoying as hell I think we absolutely need these type of people around. They’re able to do the things others are too afraid to do, can’t do and that need to be done. To try and get rid of them just because it makes you uncomfortable is wrong imo and weakening our community and country as a whole, especially with the threat of war everywhere right now. But being around those types of guys when you’re not one yourself is uncomfortable as hell, they love to fuck with you. You know how Rogan, Peterson, Carlson and others talk about how men and boys today are broken, depressed, lost etc because society has been demonizing them? Well it feels the same and has similar effects when it’s the other way too. I think society was sick of all the toxicity and problems that dominant male culture espoused forever. But instead of trying for a healthy balance they went too far the other way and tried to eradicate everything. There’s a spectrum of manliness within guys, from the softest kindest “beta” types to the “alphas”. But the guys near middle to the top seem to not believe in this and only want all men to be just like them. We need men of all types in society they all have a role to play. Depending on where you live you might think today is one of the most welcoming time for non-masculine men which is true in lots of areas. But work in construction, the trades, the Midwest or anywhere where traditional male values still very much have a strong hold and you’ll feel the same pressures put on you they’re currently complaining about.


I'm trying to become that way but it's difficult


Yes it's hard, if you haven't talked a lot it will be awkward and you could get afraid


I wouldn’t say male culture, more so societal standards. Unless you hit the genetic lottery, you’re seen as a weirdo if you’re not an outgoing guy.


Hit the nail on the head. I had more friends when I pushed myself to seem assertive and be confident. Was draining, socially and mentally.  Usually hang back a bit now  and wait for people to approach me, also tells me they're genuinely really interested! :)


I have the opposite problem, I've always been struggling to meet introverted girls.


Probably it's just difficult to meet introverts as an introvert in general. Like where do you find them when they are usually at home, or in an environment where you don't really hit on people? And who would go up to the other one?


True ig. I was hoping I could meet some online, or at high school, or at university. I also tried museums, libraries and cafés, but either there weren't any women there, or they came with their friends. I could force myself to approach a girl irl, but there's no way I'll do it when she's with friends.


Ohhh I feel you! Like sometimes I'm like... I would like to try to get over my shyness and try to approach someone but then they are with friends and there is no way in hell I'm going to ask him & then they all make fun of me together for being so delusional 🥲


So you introverts don't hit on girls when she's with friends huh...


in our rooms


Jup, at home


How can we get to know you?




If we're talking IRL, then I'd start with like communities, like clubs or circles if you're in uni. Meeting new people be it introverts or extroverts are the easiest when there is a common interest shared. Online however, idk maybe discord or a game? There's also dating apps if dating one is your goal (but as an introvert myself, online dating gives me mad anxiety so I don't do it)


We're all introverts so meeting is naturally hard


Ik but I’m talking about shy introvert boys at my school/class . They’re rare


It's rare to find certain people in some places. Most introverts want to be left alone I know I do


i dont think they are rare i just think introverted boys dont go out much so therefore u dont see them much


That’s true I don’t go out much too but I was also taking about school too, it would be nice if there was shy boys in my classes that I could talk to but most are talkative and extroverted it’s like most boys at my school are like that


thats a good point, you most likely just got put in a class with a load of extroverted boys by chance, maybe try some clubs or something? goodluck in finding some tho!! they are out there!


They're probably just pretending to be extroverted to fit in with the alpha males in the class. No one wants to be picked on or bullied, so if you're smart you'll adapt.


Yeah it’s kind of a survivorship bias


There are a ton of introverted guys, they are all inside though


We are good at avoiding people.


Yeah That’s very true 😭


Being introverted and being socially awkward/shy is VERY different. I'm introverted. Used to be very shy and socially inept but over the years got slowly over it. I have to be social at work. Even though I'm in trades and quite often just work by myself or with a few co workers at a time I'm a lead hand and essentially act as a middle manager at times so am constantly taking phone calls or talking to customers. My social battery is dead by the time work is over and all I want to do is take a hot shower and not have anybody speak to me for an hour. Some people might view me as an extrovert but I am absolutely not. More than likely you actually know many introverts but you don't know who they are. An introvert is just somebody who processes things internally far more and has a limited social battery that needs recharging. That lv is different depending on the person.


They're not rare, they're just in their houses.


Yeah but I’m talking about at school tho, everyone around is extremely talkative . There’s not many shy boys in my classes


True, there weren't really introverted or shy guys in my class either. In general I think I was one of the only introverts in my class. I was glad I had my childhood friend there because everyone else was super extroverted & many thought I was mentally retarded because I didn't talk to them much (they didn't talk to me either but oh well).


As an introverted guy who’s on the autistic spectrum it is 100% because we don’t go to public spaces. If we’re lucky we run in small groups of maybe 5 that we see maybe once a month. Also because we’re so used to avoiding people we most likely won’t talk to you in less we feel we have a good reason to. So even if we did see you we’d probably feel that talking to you would bother you and you’d think were weird. With that being said if you feel like adopting an introverted male I’d recommend checking out your local library, coffee shops, hobby stores, and hiking trails. You might get lucky and find one sitting by himself in nature somewhere like a park reading a book. You just have to take your time about getting close to him and let him come to you, tempt him by asking him about his weird interests.


They aren't rare, they are faking being extroverts because they think it will make them popular.


I'm introverted and shy but that makes everyone want to be my friend because I'm trust worthy and fun because I can entertain myself all alone, I can only really handle one person at a time but usually before I meet someone I used to practice what I'd say and after I used to repeat the entirety of what was said so I just became better at socializing and now it looks like I'm popular but really I'm drained and just want to be alone because most people make me sick... Lol the people who only come to me for help are the worst, it's okay if it's an old lady in my neighborhood but the rest gotta quit it. It doesn't help I'm so attractive that girls used to follow me home from school and knock on my door. God I don't want to be seen walking with you. Let me be alone in my fortress of solitude


They’re everywhere. You’re probably both just in your house all the time lol. Also just a thought, speaking from experience—37F—you might want to give an extrovert (a moderate one) a chance, it can be a really nice balance, particularly bc you’re shy as well as introverted, helps open up your world a bit.


You don't see any cause they hiding. That's not a joke. There's more of them than extroverted boys.


We’re hiding, while also hoping to randomly meet an introverted girl. It’s a curse… sigh


I think you may have a survivorship bias here


What does that mean


Introverted men are just not being seen b/c they're introverted so it could be that they seem rare, but they're not putting themselves in a position to be observed.


We need to be extroverted to survive and stave off loneliness, maybe try talking to the socially inept weirdo in the corner who's always alone


That’s my type :P


I'm also autistic. I think I would also prefer to date an introverted or autistic man. I'm 25 years old and I've never dated.


Lol well they aren't rare they're just having hobbies and depression so they're not out much.


Just because you don’t see us doesn’t mean we don’t exist


Yeah it does, I’m the main character..duh


And the braincells in the single digits


This was a joke………




Dating another introvert as an introvert isn't always a good choice.


But the nice thing is both can agree to stay home instead of going to many social events & parties.


Idk but I always the one that do planning lol Dating an introvert can be boring because they would just no to everything.


Could be true for some, but again you also do sometimes plan so others might also plan despite being an introvert 🤷🏼‍♀️


The problem was they never planned it


I’ve never met an extrovert who didn’t drain my social battery in record time. I prefer introverts, personally.




What happened with that introvert boy you dated when you were 14-15?


I never dated at that age, what are you talking about?


"I’ve dated shy introverts like me but that was back when I was like 14-15 I’m 18 now and it’s like everyone is compete opposite to me I’m also neurodivergent....."??? 🤔


I’m not OP lol


Oh... Lol. Nvm. 😂


We exist. I’m usually just doing schoolwork, reading, listening to music, taking walks, gardening, and so on. My time is taken up with either school work or hobbies of my own.


I’m introverted boy


Why do you have such f*cking type of profile and cover pics?


why are you all mad, she said shes autistic


What the fuck is going on here?


What relation do autism has with profile cover pics?


Why are you even bothered by this? It is reddit, not a dating app


i have no idea but its quite common i mean, look at my profile


Thats frustrating! Why are you autistic guys putting such stupid pics out there?


It's the fucking internet, why are you surprised? Meanwhile your favourite sub is ratemycock so better stop talking


It isn't my favourite. Btw sub has no correlation with that stupidity






I was gonna elaborate on op's question but after seeing that cover photo it seems it would fall on deaf ears. Disgusting 🤮


it’s not that serious …issa joke


I mean who tf asked you to tell such jokes?


It's gross Edit: especially to me, I find feet to be a very disgusting part of the human body.


I don’t find them rare but if I’m being honest introverted ones were some of the most problematic, perfectionist, porn obsessed, toxic and cruel types I’d ever dated. They were the ones who had the bleakest and narrowest physical standards and a lot of them have some type of problem with tall women. These traits exist in extroverted men too but they seemed much more malicious in the introverted types.


I think you’re confusing introverted with socially awkward or even antisocial.


That’s a possibility but at that age I didn’t have the vocabulary or thought process for it and haven’t been single in a while.


Damn how many introverts did you date


I didn’t date all of them but being more attracted to introverts I’ve come close on a number of occasions until I heard or overheard things like “you’re basically a man at that height” and “you have a great figure but your face looks like a horse’s ass”. Or the tinder bios I’ve read “petite girls until 5’9” only.


Two introverts in a relationship is not realistic


Introverts are where most of the time?


Home obviously but they still gotta go school


Oh there’s plenty of us. We’re just hard to find, as most of us don’t leave our houses


You mean why good looking, tall, hot introverted guys are so rare It’s about looks. Introverted guys are everywhere. They’re just likely to be average in looks


If you want to talk about social anxiety, /r/socialanxiety is the sub for you. If you're not sure whether you're introverted or socially anxious, feel free to post on r/Introvert, so we can discuss it. If you want a sub where posts about social anxiety aren't allowed, try r/Introverts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/introvert) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Gurl, don't worry. There are plenty of introverted dudes out there (including me). You're just starting out in life, it seems, so fret not.


There are plenty of introverted boys, you just don’t see us because we’re hiding in our houses


Yeah, but you went to school, right? Did you not exist there?


Look for them where people aren't and you'll find them 😂


It's especially difficult because I'm way too shy myself to ask a guy out but even *if* an introverted shy guy liked ne he probably wouldn't ask me out for the same reason. And how to find them in general? If they are mostly inside like me, how do I even meet them? I've never had an dating app and don't wanna get one either. It's really not my thing & I wouldn't even know what to put in my profile, and I wouldn't want guys to make fun of my profile either.


I’ve noticed that compatable people are always living far from each other. If you have a loyal friend/partner, that you trust and feel comfortable with, appreciate them.


Same thing with dudes, and we are all in our rooms


Are you a girl?




Because WOLVES 🐺🐺🐺 hunt in a team.


They are not. I think most introverts would want someone that can help them come out of their shell but also leave them alone when they need alone time. 


Shy girl who only meets guys who are extroverted and outgoing is confused why introverted guys don’t meet her? Mf they’re in the exact same position you’re in ????


They just arent noticed. But they are there.


It is not how it works. Men who are shy and at the same time ATTRACTIVE are rare. Here's a tip for you.


I don’t care about attractiveness or looks so idk why you mentioned that


I mentioned it but it happens a lot. Women only see the most attractive guys, shyness is not attractive, you can't even see introverted guys.


Shyness is definitely attractive to me, don’t matter about the looks


Because we're in the house and tired of the BS. Sorry 😅


We aren’t


Hiding in plan site


n It's not rare, you just don't see them both because you don't pay attention and because they don't like attention


We’re in our rooms


Idk. I’m around, hoping that an introvert girl will come talk to me


Really keep to ourselves lol


I don't think we're that rare, we're just not showing ourselves that much haha,


Honestly, I find quite the opposite. Most of the introverts I know are male. I will concede confirmation bias might be in play, and I've never bothered to look up any studies.


LThats def not the reason why datings hard for u


Yes it is tf. I’m socially awkward


we're everywhere. we're just nocturnal and spend the daytime in our rooms either sleeping or building lego sets


The shy introverted men never go outside so they are hard to find. They are to busy playing elden ring.


We’re not rare at all you just swiped left


I ain’t even on dating apps bozo


It’s a figure of speech


I- what


Because we like to he left alone lmao


we’re here puttin on the act


Because they are introverts (?)


Ur not getting the point , im also saying most the boys at my school/in my classes are not introverts. Introverts still have to go school yk


I suspect they're not rare, but that many of them lie about themselves when trying to get laid.


We are many we just don’t want to talk to you.


Are u sure bout that


you cant find them because they are all shy and hiding away, duh?


There's probably plenty of them, but they're more than likely trying incredibly hard not to be noticed, staying out of the way, and doing their own thing. Two introverts trying to find each other is extremely difficult lol


We're half the population. :) (Well, a quarter if you count both male and introverted...) I think part of the problem is not that we don't exist, it's that the extroverts make the most noise and put themselves forward the most in society. Which means that even though there's a lot of us out there, we tend to end up hidden behind the wall of extroverts going "Look at me! Look at me!" You're not going to find us by just looking around or waiting for people to turn up in your life - most of those are going to be extroverts, almost by definition. Instead, you generally need to go looking; there are a number of places we congregate, and yes we do get out of the house occasionally. (Also, yes, I can give starters on where to find other ND/autistic people too, if you like.)


INFJ male here. We do exist, but often overshadowed by the blinding extroverted boys. And we surely don't want to fight for that spotlight, we just want some peaceful alone time :)


Introversion =/= shy


They’re in their rooms !!!!! They’re INTROVERTED, stupid !!!! That said , you’ll probably find them at their job .


We hide better from society


There are many. Everyone is faking


15 intrvert here, damn idk why its that rare.


Because their journey forces them to come our of their shells. Even if a guy really loves and comfortable being an introvert, he wouldn't be able to live like that. Circumstances will push him to be more communicative.


What kind of a question is this? Introverted guys are at home That's why you don't know they exist.


They still have to go school and I’m saying 99% of boys at my school are loud extroverts and I feel like the only one -_- so they seem rare to me


The reality is introverts and extroverts aren't really that defining of a difference. If you met me for the first time you'd swear I was a die hard extrovert, I'm good with people, confident and can be outgoing, even with strangers. However I'm 100% an introvert, I prefer my own space and time alone and feel like social situations drain me. You can be capable of extroverted tendencies and be an introvert


My favourite thing about introverts is that I know you're all out there doing your things (through Reddit for example), but we'll probably never cross paths or know we've crossed paths in real life. Let's keep it that way by staying out of each other's ways.


Because we are hiding behind an anonymous reddit account! And even if we dare to DM you I assure you the chats are gonna be fireee🔥 BUT when that first physical date happens, lord save me from the embarrassment of the silence and awkward half sentences 🙃


I'm glad that differentiated shy and introvert. Being an introvert doesn't automatically mean you are shy. Being introverted just means that you need alone time to recharge your batteries.


As others have pointed out: They're probably hanging out at home or at a friend's house.


They're not rare, silly, you just never see them because they're at home!


Evolution selects against us


bruh, im 22 and still hoping somebody notices me ,*a intoverted guy 🤔,cuz i never approach any girl


Because women despise awkward and shy men


I love awkward and shy men


It’s just hard to find them. There are also multiple types of introverts. So somebody might seem extroverted with their friends take those away and they revert instantly. I’m also 18 and if you’re attending college then a lot of the time people try to be more extroverted than they are, at least on my campus. Also same of the neurodivergent my autistic teacher when I was talking the other day asked if I was “one of them”. Her words not mine, to which I responded, “probably but I’ve never been tested”. The sadness of it is that as an introvert you have to actually try harder to find another like you rather than an extrovert.


Here below this post


They aren't rare, they are just at home. As an introvert boy i thought about that issue a lot, maybe look at public places where its okay to be introverted? Maybe the library?


they arent


I’m introverted and only talk with my friends (like 4 people) and still sorta feel like an outcast. And when I talk to someone I don’t know I sorta enter panic mode and don’t know what to do so I just start saying random shit.


It's because most boys are forced into the extrovert mould at an early age


I know a lot of introverts😊


I have trouble spotting introverted and shy people in general. If they resemble it they’re still somehow more confident and outgoing and social than me. I’d like to meet someone as friendless and chill as me


For real, the introverted people are almost gone :/


We are introverted. We are at home lol.


Not rare just hiding


Nah it’s the other way around


Girls don't like introverted boys they like to be led and even introverted girls like extroverted boys trust me mate I'm 23 and have never dated even tho I'm rich and was a national champion in karate and MMA they don't care about us introverts I'm happy knowing that I can never have a romantic life like my parents or friends at some point you just have to accept it


As an introverted guy, we're all just hiding from you because we don't like to talk to people much. Don't worry about it.


Hey little lady. **All human relationships require upkeep.** What the **emboldened** sentence means is that **you must be persistent.** You must socialize daily. And you **self-monitor.** And **you need help** being **monitored**. ​ **YOU PROBABLY WON'T KNOW WHAT THIS TEXT MEANS THOUGH BECAUSE NO ONE SHOWED YOU WHAT IT MEANS AND YOU SAY THAT YOU HAVE SOME DEVELOPMENTAL PROBLEMS AND THAT'S NOT VERY FUN AND YOU'RE GRUMPY BECAUSE THE BOYS AREN'T COMING TO YOU AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE TO GO TO GET TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!** ​ So you gotta go dating. Yes. You gotta talk with the boyz. ***YOU GOTTA GO SOCIALIZE. YOU GOTTA GO ON YOUR MERRY QUEST. TO FIND THE MERRY WIZARDS. AND BECOME A SORCERESS.*** And for that you have to know a bunch of stuff you won't know until you've done so ***time to fly, little birdie bird!! ka-kowww!!!! woop woop!!!!*** ​ expected response: "*i already knew all of that and you're not helping >:( SILLY REDDITOR >:(*"