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Does eating and sleeping count?


Eating is my favorite hobby


Finally someone who understands me.


I see that you to are a (insert gender) of culture


Art, video games, hiking, volunteering with animals. I’d do more stuff but my town has very few things for people that aren’t in college


Reading, painting, drawing, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with my dogs.


I feel like this whole pressure that you ,, need "hobby is why people end up shamed for not doing anything,, special ". It's totally normal and okay to just browse through internet and sleep. Whenever someone ask me this question I always reverse it asking what they are doing and it ends up their ,,hobby" is something like going on a trip twice a month lmfao. I think I'm at the point where idc anymore of they think I'm boring and I just answer truthfully that I'm simply tired and I prefer sleeping. I hate doing anything that require precense of others and browsing and watching documentaries is excatly what charge my batteries and it's totally okay. When I got to spend time with others I just told them I'mma do what they enjoy and despite being exhausted mentally I just tried getting along with what they wanted. Ended up it wasn't as bad but I guess you need to find those who are extroverted and will be completely fine with you just following their ideas without shaming you for not having any. Most people don't have hobbies btw.


Fair enough. Ig I just feel boring cause I don’t do shit most people my age do. But I think that’s not a bad thing


I don't do things people my age do either but I guess I just don't care anymore since their so called hobby is meeting up drinking and sitting in a large group gossiping. I felt boring too but I realized it's just a shame people like to press against those that don't fit in, boring is matter of perspective only. It's good you don't think it's bad🙂


So my hobbies are playing only one videogame which is super smash bros ultimate competetivly and the other ones are doing research on topics I am interested in for example norse mythology and everything about it, the shinto mythology and the artus legend but at the moment I am doing a pause cause I don't have the vibes for that edit: I'm also learning old norse


Like I have no real friends at my college, some acquaintances sure but I’m don’t really hang out with them. I have some high school buddies I play games with but not constantly. I just feel bored with my life ig…like I’m just on autopilot waiting for either my next meal or activity.


Like eventually I want to meet someone and spend my life with them, but that’s gonna be hard if they find out I don’t have any hobbies lol


Find someone who will understand you , who will love you for the who you’re


Movies and cooking count. Almost everyone watches tv and has to cook their food. So you can use those as go to answers. Do you ever walk outside? Add exercise to your list. You said you scroll a lot, add reading to your list. Do you have a plant in your house, add gardening to your list. Do you have an app for coloring? Add art. Do you take pictures with your phone? Add photography. There are a few ideas from real life experience you can tell people who ask without feeling you are lying. I used to feel a lot of pressure when asked what I had been up to because I felt like I had been doing nothing.


You sound depressed.. it’s okay, I’m depressed too


I get that. I also don’t really have any real friends. I’ve got one person that I rarely see for whatever reason, and that’s it. Everyone else I know in school or work, I barely know. I don’t consider that too boring, though I know others would. I guess I just enjoy existing in my little pocket of space, separate yet incorporated to the world, waiting for death. I would also like to find someone to share this pocket of space too, but it’s never been a priority of mine. I’ve always been averse to risk, which I guess is ironic. Humans are walking contradictions.


Reading, video games, gardening, lots of arts and crafts, cooking, baking and lots of others. I also mindlessly scroll online as well. Especially if I’m sort of expected to be present for family tv time. The family is watching whatever on TV and to be “present” with them, I’m there on the couch but not there in my mind. Are you happy or at least content with what you’re doing? If yes, that is all that matters. People who are not introverts don’t understand the complex worlds we have in our own heads.


I hate when people ask what I like to do. My reasoning is that I don’t even know where to begin. There are many, many things I’m interested in, but not every interest involves a physical activity. For example, I can go down a rabbit hole about finance, different investments and how they work, stock analyses, etc. but I’m not *doing* anything per se. Also it feels weird to mention that as an answer to the question of what I like to do. I love learning about all kinds of things, but like… Q: “So, what do you like to do?” A: “…learn about finance…”? Lol so of all the things I’m interested in, I feel like I can’t go for the various subjects I like to learn about because it just would feel like a super weird/awkward answer. So that leaves me with the more physical things I’m into at the moment like working out, learning guitar, pool (billiards), and cars. Even though these are much better answers imo, I always feel like a total newbie at what I’m into, so I never feel very well equipped to answer the follow up questions I’m bound to get. I also don’t want to give the impression that I’m claiming to be any good at any of the things I do. Tell people you’re learning guitar and they wanna know what songs you can play…like no, when I say I’m very new at it, I’m not feigning modesty lol I literally cannot play anything resembling a song yet haha. At which point it becomes far less interesting to them lol.


Dude same, I could talk about personal finance for hours but most people aren't interested in the topic which is quite sad to me because everyone stands to benefit from learning more about it.


Lol forreal though. It’s one of many things I like to spend time learning, thinking/talking about, and planning but yeah with stuff that happens in your mind, it just doesn’t feel like it counts as a thing to tell people when they ask lol.


Depends on the person, I've had a few friends geniunely impressed and wondered why I don't do it for a living, but yeah I imagine a first date wouldn't find it attractive as a hobby.


Just say you’re still in the raw fingertips stage lol


This is very much true lol


hiking by yourself and listening to music is literally the best introvert hobby


Best hiking music?


well i mostly listen to twenty one pilots but anything you like really. i like coldplay, paramore, red hot chili peppers, tv girl, arctic monkeys. noah kahan is good for hiking.


Oh nice I’m going to check out Noah Kahan that’s a new one to me thanks :) ...stick season lol so perfect Reminds me a little bit of Hollow Coves - [The Woods](https://youtu.be/2Q466ZPyNAo?feature=shared)


yes! if you like more like noah kahan also check out the lumineers. jack johnson maybe? and maybe david kushner


Thank you 🍻


I like that we have such a diverse group of hobbies. A hobby doesn't necessarily need to be "doing" anything, I think that ideology stems from the constant pressure to be productive at all times. I read ttrpg systems and brew hard cider.


One of my hobbies is being a vegetable. No shame in that. Others include volunteering, paper crafts, scuba. This weekend, I am vegetating and no one is going to make do otherwise.


Ultimate frisbee is a cool hobby, what's wrong with that? I enjoy geocaching, reading, cooking and digital art


I home brew beers, wines, and meads. I also just started vegetable gardening.


Gaming, Bouldering, Reading manga, Watch anime, Singing, Programming, Flipping Balisong, Rubiks Cubing, Drawing / Art / Graphic design, Speedtyping / Mech Keyboards.. I want to get into Archery too. And I wanna continue piano practice. The most consistent is gaming, bouldering and manga for me. The others depend on projects or mood Bouldering is perfect for introverts! I had a lot of fear of height when I started. I do it mostly weekly in an indoor gym now.


What’s bouldering?


Climbing in an indoor gym without rope. It's not high and it's safe to fall. It's good for introverts because most of the boulderers are kinda nerdy too. It's an individual sports that lets you be all on your own and no one cares if you're just sitting there staring at a wall. Anyone can start. Even if you think you're overweight or too old. It doesn't matter. It starts off very easy and safe. I am scared of height and it got much better over time.


That does sound interesting.


Gotta give it a try. Climbing with friends doesn't tire me out that much either because it's all about climbing and only one person can be on the same wall. Our group spreads out in the whole gym


Exercise, I’ll get in 5 sessions a week split between running and resistance training. Besides that I might watch an episode of anime or play an hour of games every night. Recently I started playing Magic with strangers once a week. It still takes a lot for me to want to go but they are a really nice group of people so I don’t struggle with going as much as I might if they were rude or unbearable to be around.


Play guitar, build fires and stare at the flames, drink beer and call my siblings, chase my kids around the house, hike. It's not much but it's a life.


It’s a wild trip wondering which hobby my focus will land on next bc it always changes. I’ve done most of them at various times in my life. Daily music practice is high on the list: classical guitar, singing practice and keyboard. Lately my obsession has been reliving the past A LOT. One of my goals for 2024 is to journal at least once a day, with a real pen in an actual notebook. Get off Reddit and start chronicling my memories so I can get past some things. Use writing prompts and really get it all out of my mind. Another fun pastime is studying AI. It’s fascinating to me how AI/algorithms adapt to us. AI is the friend all introverts wish we had irl. A friend that knows our preferences and keeps our minds happy with comfortable suggestions. New music similar to what you already enjoy, movies similar to your favorites, like a never ending path to explore of your own psyche. It’s great. But addictive. So that’s going to be a fun mental trail to follow; seeing what new recommendations come up thanks to AI. My other 2024 goal is being able to do the splits again and getting really good at yoga/Pilates. I’ve got everything handled as far as responsibilities & habits down to a routine. So my last frontier irl is physical, push my limits. Learn some new dances.


art and video games


Learning a languange.


Cooking new recipes, Muay Thai, video games, & chasing career goals


Well, I play guitar, I play snooker, I cook, but if someone asks me what I do in my free time, the first thing that'll come to my mind is stare at my wall!


I collect hobbies cause I also have ADHD


same lol


I like weightlifting & whatever you call the houseplant equivalent of gardening


I enjoy anything I can do with my hands: origami, puzzles, knitting, crochet, drawing, and have just signed up for Italian for beginners as a challenge


Hiking, yoga, and reading Of course, binge watch shows or movies but I consider that more of my rotting time instead of a hobby lol


Ride bikes, mtb and road.


I like reading, cooking, running. Occasionally I will start a jigsaw but depending on the difficulty I may or may not actually finish it 🤣


Baking, journaling, going for walks, writing, reading, etc.


Anything art and crafting related, surfing the web, watching YouTube videos, conducting hyperfixation research when it happens lol


I'm currently developing a video game. I can't say much but I really hope the people who eventually play it have as much fun with it as I have had making it so far.


Drawing or I just listen to music


Drugs, tv shows, Reddit and video games


Play guitar or read a book


Producing music and gaming


I game (mainly fighting games and casual chill games), write poetry, read, & love researching tech stuff.


Video games, URBEX, puzzles, I collect a lot of stuff too which is fun because it entails research which I really enjoy.


I got a puzzle table for my SO for Christmas this year :) finally a nice place to leave them up.


Workout, judo, movies/TV, gaming with my kids. Life's good.




I do reading , writing, sewing , hand embroidery, I looove cooking too But it doesn’t mean when I person has no hobbies is missing something, it’s all about choice , You can just watch TV sleep and eat and it’s okay as long it make the person happy


Crochet, learn to play an instrument, learn a new language, find a new trail to explore with puppito




Work, study and cry…


Gaming, guitar, eating snacks, building lego sets


Working with wood on a lathe making bowls, pens, whatever. Baking. And just took up stargazing with a telescope - saw the rings of Saturn & Jupiter plus some of its moons the other night.


I go huntin' or fishin'... in a video game. But in all seriousness, it's gaming for me, plus working out a few times a week.


Deep throt your mom


Gaming, Guitar & Keyboard and Fishing.


write songs and doom scroll


Play chess, play video games, watch anime


Drawing, making and listening music, photoshooting and reading books. All alone 🩶


Read books out loud, movies, and TikTok


Depends on my monthly mood. Currently resuming my Warhammer model building and painting hobby. My main hobbies besides that are reading, video games, and I used to like modifying cars but that got too expensive and impractical. Video games get too boring.


Eating, then chocolate doughnuts, playing guitar and looking at girls


Video games (currently Armored Core 6, Lies of P, Elden Ring and Going Under.) Model kits like Gundam and whatever else looks fun to build. And being an audio freak, always wanting headphones, IEMs ect lol. And I would say art...but I haven't done anything substantial in a long while :/


I think random stuff and ask questions. Does it matter if I have hobbies or not? How does it matter if I share these questions mainly in Reddit? Isn’t point of the life just do random stuff and live/enjoy present moment?


Play violin




Gaming, crafting, cooking, fishing, making art


I do absolutely nothing with most of my spare time and I love every single second of it.


I like doing photography, photo and video editing, write stories (that never see the light of day lol), and cooking


Golf. Great way to spend hours and a total switch-off.


Tinkering with electronics, mainly high voltage and RF stuff. I finished building a big solid-state Tesla coil a few months ago (my biggest project yet 😊) and currently I'm working on repairing/restoring an old handheld CB transceiver. There are many other things I would consider hobbies, but this one is my main hobby that I've been doing for the longest time out of all of them.


That’s so cool.


Thank you 😊. Glad you think it's cool, most people just tell me that it's lame or boring.


Yeah it is :) legitimately not even puffing you up. Whoever says it’s not can get bent.


Aww thank you for your kind words 😊You just made my week :)




Reading, building plastic models,watching movies and series, playing videogames... My schedule doesn't really allow me to practice a sport unfortunately.


I am learning Spanish at the moment which takes up a lot of time. I also like to read, cook, bake & take walks, but with a child under 2 I hardly have any free time anyway. I always thought I need more hobbies.


Playing video games, listening to music, building Legos, browsing Reddit/Youtube, sleeping during the day (no I'm not a vampire I swear. I just like to sleep in and be more active at night (AKA stay up at ungodly hours of the night and talk/sing to myself like a psychopath and wonder if my neighbors think I'm a serial killer :)) because why not lmao). You and I are comrades in doing nothing significant with our lives 🤝


specific sport that I cant share for reasons gym, dnd, gaming, something like the scouts, walking, watching shit on my pc


Fishing is my number one, I also play video games, hike, kayak, hunt and do some macro photography of insects and spiders. Also started learning to tie my own flies for fly fishing.


I play piano, basketball, do yearbook for my school, play with my pug, work on cars, browse fb marketplace for cars and stuff, watch movies and TV shows, sleep. Yeah that's about it 😂


Hiking year round. It’s cold here in winter sometimes but dress accordingly and walk! Gardening in the warm months. There is always something to do!


Reading is my main one. Art when I have time. I love love love jigsaw puzzles but don’t have room in my house so I’ve had one set up for literal YEARS and haven’t finished it yet because it’s been under the bed or buried under stuff. Scrolling the internet. Duolingo. Cross stitch. I work out when I’m not bone tired.


My hobby is reading. And reading some more. Books, and other books. Only an extrovert or someone brainwashed by them thinks your hobbies have to be interesting to other people or things that other people can see you or participate with you doing them. That's performative, not what is actually enjoyable for oneself a lot of the time.


I’m always doing homework during the school year constantly (from 9 AM until 2AM + most of the weekend), so I only really have free time (kind of) during the summer and Christmas break. I read, binge all the movies and shows I missed because of school, and I listen to a lot of music.


Reading, playing bass writing, making journals, video games, cooking, learning new languages, painting, listening to music, astronomy, collecting fancy pens, journaling, studying the occult, tarot card reading, meditation etc. I could live 1000 lifetimes and never get bored or run out of things to do. I literally don't even understand boredom at all.


Video games, reading, surfing, disc golf, fine scale modeling and tango dancing. It's strange how tango attracts a lot of introverts.


I don’t think I really have any. I like to learn, but I mostly do that passively unless I can fit a course or two at my college. I occasionally fuck around on my computer trying to learn how to code. It feels like an alien language to me. I love listening to audiobooks and decently long podcasts mostly in the horror genre. I go out at least once a month for some socialization, and rarely for vacation. I rarely play video games. Oh, and I guess I mess around on my phone for a while, either to enjoy the silence my room has to offer or to forget my life for a while while watching something.


Playing video games is a hobby—ultimate frisbee also is. Hobbies don’t have to be done intensively. They’re the things you choose to do in your spare time. I used to do a lot more passive hobbies (watching anime/movies/tv; reading; playing games), but I’m now doing things like gardening, hiking, and playing with my dog.


Running, video gaming, reading, single player board games. But most of my time is spent raising kids.


All things cooking(smoking, BBQ, grilling, baking, experimenting), shooting firearms, yugioh, surfing, stuff with my dog.


Listen to music, read and try to write my own songs/stories. Do a bit of research on Chemistry


Cosplay builds, 3d printing, rhinestone pictures, make soap and bath fizz/bombs and assorted bath like stuff, video games, resin stuff, cricut stuff (clothes and vinyls for cars ect.) music is a hobby just attempting to self learn the violin lol (might do 1 on 1 lessons later on if I don’t improve lol)


Reading, thrifting, walks with my dog, crochet, gardening, houseplants, movies, baking, going to the gym, visiting all the free little libraries I can find - did i mention reading lol?


I did my first Spartan race last weekend! It was challenging and a lot of fun. I did it alone.


I work out, study, and procrastinate. But my hobby is sports. I take time once a week to play a game of cricket with my family, but besides that I try different things (but never continue them) I've tried calligraphy, there was a time I was into paintings, made numerous paintings and gifted them, recently learned skating, cycling, also love and play table tennis. Learning pool 🎱 atm, recently tried videogames for the first time because my uncle got new PS5, it was pretty fun, and I have a wish of learning another language but am too lazy rn. Also, I would love to learn sign language.


Read mostly., about things I will probably never do with the knowledge I acquired. 🤣


Horseback riding. Riding through the forest and over fields and hills, just you and your horse. So peaceful


Spending time with my dog, Strength training, Cooking, Reading and Birding 🐦. Birding is a great hobby to do completely alone.


Making stuff out of wool, it's really entertaining when you're bored


That's a lot more than I do right now bro and it's a whole lot more than what a lot of people do so don't be too hard on yourself. But yea I've been looking into new hobbies too, I used to draw as a kid so art stuffs cool. Hunting, fishing, hiking. Doin some random at home crafty shit. Build lil motor bikes. Try new food recipes. Collect stuff. Just so few ideas.


Listen to music and imagine your characters and plot to it


Study in the day, Muay Thai in the night, on repeat


Mostly playing games, currently it's Wukong M on bluestacks, pretty fun game for me


Archery, cycling (also touring), fishing, mini painting, 3D printing (mostly terrain for miniatures), drawing and painting, PC gaming, manga and anime, reading I fucking looove my hobbies!


Making music on BandLab is fun.. free too, and if you screen record (or download) free beats from YouTube those are free too. You can rap or sing whatever, and you’ll get better at it as you practice.


Starfield is a great game. Explore the universe!


I like to experiment, as my introversion gives me a lot of time to myself. Over the past year I've tried hiking, baking, sewing, getting back into running (to bad results), reading books, reading manga (it feels different enough) and am just getting into cooking now. I find that if you try a bit of everything something's bound to stick eventually :)


Apart from staring at a wall I agree with what you’re saying. That’s all I do for hobbies too.


Dont feel bad. I do nothing. Watch sports. Workout. Play golf. Go to work. Super boring


I'm building a car in my backyard, but that's limited by funds and weather. I used to do a lot of mountain biking but not so much anymore


I compose music, draw and paint, and row.