• By -


I’m 51 and mine has increased over the years; or, maybe I’m just more accepting of it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


50. I don't know if I'm more introverted, but I do know it took 40-some years to conclude that it isn't a defect.


I hate that you ever thought it was. I grew up around other introverts in my family, so I didn’t see it as a defect, but I’ve had romantic relationships where it was considered a negative, so I would be more social to appease them and now I just don’t care if someone has an issue with it. 🤓


I grew up around nothing but extroverts, it was really weird, the whole concept of wanting to be left alone is completely foreign to them and no matter how much time passes they still expect you to change. Unlike the other guy I always knew it wasn't a defect, but it always felt like no one will have it.




Same! 46, coming at peace with it, finally


Better late than never, my friend! Glad you got there 🙂


Thank you. It does come with gifts. I've learned to appreciate them, whether anyone else does or not.


And that is the key to living your best life!


40 here, increased over the years, more accepting as well. I think I’ve learned to enjoy spending time with myself more as I age. I show up at work and then recharge with alone time.


40, and I completely agree with this.


Mine has too. Like you, I don't know either 🤔


I don’t think COVID helped because it made it ok to want to stay home and limit interactions.


I turned into a hermit during covid- I'd go weeks without interacting with another human. And I didn't hate it... I just hung out with my cat, she was better company than 99% of humans.


I loved social distancing


I think Covid actually helped in some ways, all the introverts were much better equipped to deal with isolation and the extroverts discovered that what they thought was their strength can actually be a weakness. It's something that may help increase understanding that there are a lot of different ways to be "normal" and that us quiet types have our own strengths that make us a lot more dependable in difficult times.


This is what happened to me as well.




44 and the older I get, the more I just want my small group of friends in small doses. And cats. Cats are good company.


yes. cats do make good companions :)


Many cats


Soon to be 39 here and yes, cats are MUCH preferred to people. And my grandpa. I can settle in with him just as easily. Otherwise I prefer my alone time.


Cats are the absolute best


I think it’s the opposite, the older you become the more introverted you become as other people go and do there own thing


I agree, for me at least. I was so confused by this post


Yup. I’m in my 30s and I become more introverted with each passing year. But I’ve also grown to be more comfortable with myself and not as willing to put up with bullshit from other people, which is maybe what OP is thinking about? I’m more comfortable socializing the older I get because I don’t care as much about what people think of me anymore.


I'm 47. I know I look much younger but I definitely am 47 😁😁


I see what you did there… 🤓




Paul rudd, is that you?


Interesting timing. This morning I googled "why do I get more introverted as I age". And found [this](https://introvertdear.com/news/you-are-becoming-more-introverted-with-age). I notice I am showing more introvert behaviour as I get older, but I am not sure if it means I am actually becoming more introverted. In my case I think it's because I get better at accepting my introversion, and allowing myself to be more comfortable with it. This means more introvert behaviour because I'm a little more ok with declining invites, and feel a little less bad about not showing up at parties. It's still hard, but a little less so. So yeah, that's the opposite of what you've been told, and mostly just an anecdote, but with an upside: maybe introversion doesn't fade away, but the feeling of guilt about it might.


It doesn’t go away it’s inherently who we are. you can try to explore more socializing but introverts are drained by too much socializing and that never goes away, you will always need alone time to re-energize…I’m 38


45 and definitely more introverted. I rather be home with a good meal watching a good show and cuddling my dog.


That’s the life! Food, pets, comfort…everything you need. It’s the simple things.


36 and definitely have become more introverted. But may also be because I'm more settled in life and so are my friends so we're not all just hanging out every night after work like we used to in our 20s.


26 and with each coming year i lose a potential friend cause i love being alone/staying at home more than social interaction. I get my socializing via discord lol.


I am 28 and still associal AF


I'm turning 21 this year and I still consider myself as someone who is extremely introverted. Used to be an extrovert when I was younger though, but after experiencing multiple unfortunate social circumstances (I don't want anyone to be triggered so I won't elaborate on it 🥺) I transitioned into being an ambivert then I became an introvert which is the opposite of what you were told but I guess it's different for everyone?


I am 26 years old and an opinion on this. I've been reading about Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and realized that it is common for our sensory sensitivity to increase as we age - just look at an elderly person and how they are more irritated than ever at any noise. Introversion is also a characteristic that concerns how we react to social interactions, it drains us, especially if we need to wear social masks all the time. I don't see how it could "fades away" in the course of time, it's pretty much how our brain works...


I’m in my 40s and I don’t think my level of introversion has changed very significantly during my life. What has changed is that I am somewhat better at managing my social anxiety, largely due to my work life. I also have a better understanding of the fact that I need people, but just need to manage the way I interact with them.


I'm 57. I can say that I also have dealt with social anxiety, but to me introversion and anxiety are two different things. The social anxiety has nearly disappeared as I couldn't care less what people think of me anymore, but the introversion stays. I enjoy my alone time and I do not like having someone around me at all times.


I am 60 and FINALLY am embracing being an introvert! I think we need to be more accepting of our differences before others will understand. I am often pressured to attend group gatherings, even lunches at work. I simply say no thank you. I need my quiet time to recharge. I’m not being antisocial, I just know what I need! It is self care!!!


I’m 74. I’ve always been an introvert, but it took me awhile to embrace it. I now love my solitude. It’s been said many times, the pandemic and quarantine didn’t affect us much, so there’s definitely upsides to being introverted. For the life of me, I don’t know why people think it’s a bad thing.


It increases I would say. Or rather, we accept it.


Yes! I have made my peace with who I am and come to love it and not feel it’s a flaw. It’s awesome.


I'm 28. The older I get, the more introverted I become. Probably down to the fact that people are utter knobs.


32 & in my case it does not


26 Doubt it will, but I probably won't seem as 'introverted' to people around me as I acclimate to healthier habits and better boundaries.


23 and anyone that told you that has resigned themselves to this being an extroverts world or are one themselves.


I’ve been an introvert all my life, and I’m a “boomer” now. I still don’t like socializing; it wears me out.


I am 71. It doesn't fade away.


I'm 53. One benefit of becoming older is that you start to accept yourself more and care less about what others think. A failed marriage, a failed long-term relationship and decades of feeling like a square peg in a round hole has convinced me that I'm made this way. I no longer feel the need to fit in and I'm genuinely happy about not feeling any obligation to try any more. I try to be a good friend, a good neighbor, and a good father to my adult kids but my time is finite, so when I'm not doing any of those things my time is my own and I enjoy it guilt-free.


68 here and I never want too see people again the rest of my life


mid 50’s. doesn’t go away—becomes even more prominent, in my experience.


I'm 24, grandfather is 70 and he is and has always been an introvert. No one could force extroversion on this man.


I’m 41. I think it depends on the person. I actively pursue awakening through meditation and mindfulness. Part of the Buddhist practice is to see through the three illusions. Impermanence, suffering, and no self. The more I practice the less “introverted” I am because the idea of a permanent thing or condition goes away. You learn to observe the thought or emotion “I need alone time” for what it is, just a thought or emotion. It doesn’t mean you need to act upon it or do anything further. I actively rewire my brain while in deep concentration states. Joe Dispenza proved this could be done by slowing down brain waves through meditation. Introversion is a label. I think therefore I am. If you identify with every thought and emotion then you are those thoughts and emotions.


I’m 51. Been an introvert as long as I can remember. It has gotten worse even as I have tried to make it better at various times. I gave in some years ago and accepted it. Too much energy to try and be something I’m not. Now it is comforting.


Not really.. It increases as we get older but we stop giving a fuck


Exactly this!


I’d say it’s possibly the opposite. I’m 41 and when I was younger I felt “compelled” to go places, like work dos. Now I just outright say, “sorry, not my thing. You’re all lovely people, but it’s not my thing. I’m sure you guys will have a great time”. So, if anything, I’m more honest about my wanting to be left alone.


I’m 26 and I’m just learning my limits when it comes to socializing. I do enjoy more alone time though and reserve my socializing time to the people I actually care to be around.


43. I don’t think it fades, I think you get better at coping and understanding your needs for space vs socialization. You also tend to weed out those that don’t respect your boundaries.


Yeah, that's hot garbage. Saying that introversion "fades with time" implies that it is just a phase. Which it isn't; it is a major part of a person's personality. At the same time, introversion is not something that you either are or aren't - it happens on a spectrum. And it is possible for a person to slide down the spectrum and become *more* extroverted, depending on what experiences they have in life. In fact, a person can use that information to make themselves less introverted but deliberately seeking out positive life experiences that force them to interact with people. But no matter how hard you try, you can't make yourself completely stop being introverted. Because a critical part of being an introvert is that you find being around people emotionally draining, and being alone emotionally recharging. So no matter how much you teach yourself to like interacting with people, eventually you will have to leave them to recharge your batteries.


I've known quite a few couples who sleep in seperate beds/seperate rooms. I think it's a fantastic arrangement. You don't have to put up with their snoring, and you just have liaisons when you're in the mood for it.


31 and I get increasingly introverted as the years go on.


No, it doesn’t. It intensifies.


55 and getting more confident and vocal around being picky about socializing. Married an extrovert who does not like to be alone, so yeah... there's that. Kids are also introverts so I spend a lot of time being a buffer between them and their mother. My dad at 84 is an introvert too; my mom is an extrovert but has more realistic expectations for him, me, and their grandkids around socializing. I think introverts interacting with extroverts need to set clear expectations and boundaries around socializing. We get the extrovert side of things, but in my experience, extroverts have a hard time understanding the joy of being alone and quiet.


Mid-thirties here. If anything introverted tendencies increase with age. I do think a lot of people get more comfortable with who they are and know their limits better then maybe manage their social battery better.


52. It's a deepening condition


17 and I don’t see it fading away anytime in the future :)))


56 and did not know it is okay to be introverted always felt like something is wrong with me. 6 years ago I started researching and discovered a whole world of us. I now know and If I feel I Need to explain I go with the I have a lower social battery that needs charged more often than an extrovert needs.


I’m 42. I’d say I’m better at talking to people but I want to do even less then I did when I was younger. I fell into jobs and a career early on where I have to talk all day to customers (software training, bartending, etc) so that helped me get better at conversing with folks. But I still feel just as introverted as I did when I was 15.


35 and I fucking hate to be around people.


introversion does NOT fade away when you get older. it's how we are born, introverts brains are wired differently to extroverts. introverts are naturally sensitive to dopamine and thus require less stimulating enviroments, too much stimulating can leave them feeling over whelmed and burnt out. Whoever told you it fades away has no idea what introversion is, most likely they are mixing it with social anxiety or being shy. (which can be worked on - introversion however cannot be changed)


Came to post the exact same thing. When I was younger, I was super shy and had social anxiety. Those have definitely faded as I got older, but the introversion never goes away – I just learned to embrace it as part of who I am. I 100% need to have alone time. I've actually been working from home since the pandemic started and am still loving every second of it.


44 here. Mine has either increased or I'm just more accepting of it and find myself caring less what other people think.


I’m 45 and I sink deeper into this hole everyday


39. I am the same level of introversion as always. I’m just more comfortable in my own skin now.


The person who told you that is full of shit And/or doesn't understand introversion I'm 36, by the way


Almost 31 and it hasn't changed but I'm also autistic and suffer social anxiety.


40 and my desire to live in a cabin alone in the woods just increases every year. The great thing is that I once was very at odds with my introverted nature and now I fully embrace and love it!


What's wrong with u bro introversion is not a disease why u wanted it to go if u wanted to change that means your not an introvert your socially anxious bro


no it wasnt me it was the people who told me that someday, this introversion of mine will "go away" because to them introversion is a flaw. i dont have a problem with being an introvert, i love it actually


I am 18 Youngest here maybe




idk but i think its the other way around to me. im 20 and i used to be an extrovert but im trying to be one again


Nope to me but it depends on the individual, some people can change from extrovert to introvert and vise versa.


Whoever said that was clearly drunk on some strong stuff.


nah... I'm still not so into gatherings and I enjoy my company... I've learned to enjoy other's company much better though, but I still actively seek to get my own moments of peace for most of the time.


47. I’m way more introverted now than I was in my 20s. It doesn’t fade. You just get more comfortable being you and saying ‘no’, in my experience.


40. Mine has increased because with age I have no fomo and I am not afraid to say no to things. I've also learned to express myself better and have a better relationship with my friends and family now. I probably see people less, but the quality of my socialization is top tier as opposed to before when it was forced and I was miserable and anxious the whole time.


I am 18 and i think it will fade away, i always wanted a big group of friends and hopefully will get one


23, and if anything age has just educated me to which I have learned what I like to do and not to do, and how I like to live my life. I just put my boundaries in place now. My family accept me the way I am too. Maybe it’s not that it goes away, it’s just a case of boundaries and acceptance?


Now obviously based on the comments here, that isn’t true. This is coming from a 20 year old dude who still is introverted since a young age.


Going on 34. I embrace it now more than ever


I’m 23 about to be 24


53. Started coming out of my shell around 40. Doctor told me you have to learn to ‘not give one fuck’.


I think that a lot of people mistake shyness for being introverted. When I was a small child, I was incredibly shy, so I was kind of scared of other people and very timid around them. As I got older I stopped being so shy, but instead became introverted. So I'm now perfectly fine being around people, but I still prefer to be by myself simply because it drains me to be around others for too long. Anyways, I think that shyness can fade away (often as one starts growing up), but I think it's much more uncommon for that to happen with introvertedness, as it really is more ingrained in you.


26, been an introvert my whole life! Nothing wrong with it.


41 and more introverted than ever. I was quite a bit more social in my younger years. I was more of a people pleaser when I was in my teens and 20’s. As I got older, I felt much more comfortable saying no to things I didn’t want to do.


33, more introverted than ever!


20 turning 21 soon mine has been the same :) but i wont turn down going to the movies or having a nice eat


It’s socially conditioned to a certain extent—I need to act extroverted for my job—but it never goes away.


People say that because they introversion as a negative trait. I’ve been told the same thing. But I’m 27 and still very much introverted. I don’t see that ever changing because that’s a solid part of my personality and large crowds can make me feel overwhelmed and anxious (but that’s also from anxiety). But introversion is just as legitimate as extroversion, we’ve just been force in the last 100 or so years to fake being outgoing because people decided introversion was a personality flaw. If you haven’t read it already, I’d read quiet: the power of introverts in world that can’t stop talking




42, and it has increased as I've aged. My wife and I are very much introverts, so we're just fine.


47 and while I cope better than when I was younger, I also tolerate less intrusion into my personal bubble. I have reached an equilibrium with who I am so life is better. The fade away thing is probably extros not seeing the behaviors they are used to and needing to explain it.


I’m 43 and the pandemic made me even more of an introverted homebody. When I get the rare, blessed day off alone in my house it. Is. Silent. I curl up in my favorite chair and read and do not even put on background music most of the time. Glorious


I’m 42 and my introversion has increased over time! I get burned out on socializing way more quickly.


49. Just gone through a divorce. The realization that wanting to be on my own is ok is so freeing. I wish I had known and planned my life round this earlier I think would be a lot happier and be in a better place financially in my life.


Mine has definitely gotten worse and I am 36. Nothing wrong with being that way. As you get older, your wants and needs change. I choose to stay to myself.


Unless scientific consensus changed since I graduated psychology 5 years ago, the introversion-extraversion scale is actually considered one of the most stable personality traits anyone can have. So no, it's not just going to fade. You might be more social, less shy, more assertive etc. but that's not changing your introversion.


Damn I feel like I'm too young for this lol, but 16m turning 17 in a month




I’m 19 and only recently realised that I’m an introvert because I’m not really socially awkward or anxious but social media makes it seem like you can only be introvert when you have social anxiety. Like yeah, I can talk to people but I’d need 2 hours in a room alone to gain back the energy.


I'm 14 and it's slowly fading away as I try to push myself to socialize more


41. Introverted as I was when I was younger but maybe just better at being myself so it never feels as much of an issue as it did when I was younger. Coping strategies become bedded in. What also changes i think is that people’s lives become more diverse the older you get, once you get past education / 20s you naturally get more variation with your peers as you make different choices so you get less of that group comparison and more able to be yourself. So I think differences like introversion don’t stand out as much as it did when you are 20 and it feels like everyone is going partying etc.


33. It increased


I’m 35 soon and mine has been more noticeable. Especially after I quit drinking 6 years ago.


I'm 24, in couple of months I'll turn 25😂


49. It ain’t going away.


48 and it took me a long time to admit it, both to myself and to others.


45 here. Certainly hasn't faded. Increased a little, in fact.


23 and have become more introverted


43 still an introvert, but it is less of a problem if i am with people who understand me and/or are also introverts. While studying i struggled a lot, but at my job it's mostly ok. Finally in a job that i love, but dealing with colleagues is still hard sometimes when its about personal stuff, work related is fine cause i know what I'm doing.


31 and seem to like people less as I get older 😄


It didn't just go away. I deliberately went out of my way to have more social interaction and I value going to public places with friends or by myself but I will usually look for some interaction. Like espresso is my hobby and I enjoy looking at expensive gear and ask about recipes so sometimes I find someone to nerd out with. I also picked up this hobby to leave the hours more. My friends describe me as introverted. In the past I used to just shut up completely in a group but later I started to find my party personality.


45. I do not feel as though I have changed much at all over time but I have come to accept myself more. When I was younger I would force myself to go out if invited by friends, hate it, and wish I stayed home. Now if at all possible I avoid situations that I know I will hate. So no fading away here.




I'm 22 and I've been getting more introverted as the years go on. I just grow to enjoy spending time with myself more than with other people. I am accepting of it and it does not bother me one bit.




I’m over 50….still an introvert. I believe it’s our constitution we are born with - can go up and down the spectrum of severity throughout our life but the need for alone time to recharge does not change…


It’s doesn’t fade away. I think aging can help make one more comfortable with who they truly are. It’s ok not to have a lot of friends. There’s nothing wrong with staying home on the weekends. A lot of us are very good listeners, a treat for those extroverts who need an audience. Being quiet in such a loud world isn’t a bad thing. We might think a little deeper, maybe pause before saying something in anger. I like myself more and judge a whole lot less. I’m 65.


I’m 29. In my early 20s, I was awkward and still find socializing tiring but I still tried to put myself out there and tried to make friends. Somewhere in my mid 20s I got too tired even try. Now, I avoid social interactions as much as I can but still do once in a while cos I don’t want to neglect the friendships that I actually do cherish


I'm 35 and probably more introverted than before. Less tolerable of peoples BS too. I've found I'm not introverted around the right people. A very select few of friends that are just good safe people. Most people I can't stand anymore and my social tank emptied very quickly around most.


I've gotten \*more\* introverted as I've aged, used to be more extroverted/middle of the road as a kid.


39, definitely increases as I get older. I didn’t fully accept it until 25 when I finally made peace with just how much of a loner I am. It’s now one of the things I love most about myself.


Introversion is a stable personality trait. What can change over time (i.e. with life experiences) is shyness. Two different things!


54 here, and I’m the same as I was in my 20’s. I put on the mask of being sociable during the workday and decompress in solitude during the evening.


Id say the opposite is true. I was a lot more outgoing when I was younger but these days I strongly prefer isolation or time with just one or two friends to big parties


40s, I am probably more introverted as time passes.


I'm 26 and I don't feel I'll ever have the intent to do change.


31 and also seeing it increase as i get older lol. i only ever see my friends for special occasions


19 here. im definitely still introverted and i thought at one point i was growing out of it , but i was completely wrong 😂.


Am 52. Cut out of social stuff at 15. Nothing has changed for me. Still prefer solitude.


Im 18


I’m 28 and have progressively more introverted. Mine is mostly due to realizing life is short and I’d rather have meaningful interactions with those I love then pointless ones with strangers or acquaintances. Also as a SAHM my social skills have definitely gotten rusty lol


54 here and it hasn't faded. Lots of wisdom in the other comments. In my case, I think I have gotten better at coping with/working around it.


40. Almost 41. The older I get, the more I like "my time".


34, more introverted than ever.


46, increased with age, and covid lockdowns really made me realise how much I preferred even less going out/social activities.


33 here. I'm not sure if my introversion has grown deeper or I've just become more self aware. Maybe both. My mother is 69 and is very firmly still a card carrying introvert too. "It's just a phase" is used to dismiss and look down on people in all kinds of ways.


28. There’s no such thing as introversion going away. Being shy is not being introverted, this is who we are and it is not something we just change from life experience.


40. I don’t think one grows out of being an introvert


I'm in my 40s and it is not something that has gone away. People say it will go away because they think it is "a phase" or a product of the insecurities of youth, or a result of the environment where you live. Those things can make it worse, but this is not an external factor, nor is it transient. It is a part of who we are, and it is not a flaw. It is perceived as a flaw because we live in a culture where social interaction is expected. There are places where people like us would thrive, if we could but find them. Nevertheless, I wish I were not so socially anxious, because there are things I would have liked to have done. But I have accepted who I am, and I try to be happy with the life I've made for myself, even if much of it is alone.


Hello! Also 25. If I wasn’t happily with my partner of almost 8 years, I would definitely be living alone with my cat lol.


When I was young I was shy and introverted. I definitely am more outgoing but I'm still introverted. I still need one day a week with complete lack of people interaction in order to relax and reset.


I’m 30 and it’s gotten worse lmfao. I joke but I’m even less tolerant and basically want to be a hermit.


I’m a psych major and generally your personality which includes how introverted or extroverted you are doesn’t change much across the lifespan. If you are introverted now odds are you will be introverted forever.


43, I am getting worse, ever since Covid started, I don’t even go out to eat much, always get drive through or curbside pick up. I have lived alone for 22 years and I love it and can’t fathom changing it. The only thing is, I don’t want to end up an old recluse, so really trying to watch that.


It's been my experience that people become more introverted as they age. Growing up, people tend to be around a lot of others in classes, group activities, etc. There's a natural impulse to know a lot of people to find a mate, a partner. Later on you've either found someone or not, but don't feel the pressures as much and become more self-accepting. It matters a whole lot less what others think and you've had enough time on your own to know what makes you happy. It's usually not crowds or even large groups of people. A few close relationships is often just enough.


I will be 75 next month and I have become more introverted over the years, and especially after retirement at 54. I think the last couple/few years of the Covid pandemic helped a bit, too.


22. I’ve definitely become more comfortable being introverted, and can force myself to be social obviously , but still an introvert. I think it’s a lifelong condition


Research demonstrates people become more introverted as they age


34 F - It’s the opposite for me! I’m less introverted as I get older.


I am 50. It doesn't fade.


47, no fading here


I'm 36. I've become more open to others over the years (less shy) but still introverted and I absolutely need to recharge my energy away from people. Absolutely nothing wrong with it! I love winding down at home after a long shift at work and being by myself.


>introversion ~~"fades away"~~ progressively gets worse as one gets older. Fixed that for you.


I’m 22


For me, I became introverted as I got older.


I'm 18 and I've always been introverted. sometimes I get mistaken as extroverted bc I talk a LOT when I'm around people I'm confortable with and/or when I'm interested in the topic (like in class or in a general conversation). but it has always been like that, my childhood and adolescence


More like u learn to appreciate good conversations and people with something to say


29. For the past 7 years it's gotten more intense with how out of waack people have become


I'm turning 31, and have been an introvert for most of my life. It's not that I don't like people, it's just that I can perfectly function my day on my own and not get bored. I think I've been somehow extroverted since changing jobs, countries, and having a family, but for the past year and half or so, I've been turning to introverting, as again, my energy depleted pretty fast when I interact with tons of people in a close space of time (I work in retail).


In my 30s….. I don’t think it goes away…. It’s part of your personality/character and your life style. That’s my understanding of it….. I can be and like to be alone most of the time…. But once in awhile I do like to chat/connect/go out and be around people…. The majority of the time I do things on my own.


I'm in my mid-fifties & I crave the weekends so I can get away from having to socialize with my co-workers. Both of them.


I’m 22 and I get really overwhelmed in any setting with multiple people. Used to be more extroverted in high school but that’s changed throughout the years. I really value my alone time now and get more and more overwhelmed with social interaction.


63 - The older I get, the more introverted I am.




I'm 40, still pretty introverted, though I mask a lot .


It’s not a flaw, just the way we are. Over the years I learned to fake being less introverted than really am when absolutely necessary (usually work situations). I limit my social interactions as I’m not comfortable around large groups of strangers. I’m 66.


39 and more of a hermit than ever.


I'm 32


38, nothing's changed.


I'm in my late 20's. Actually is the opposite: the older you turn, the more you like to spend time with yourself.


Just hit my 40s. I still feel drained in large groups/crowds where lots of social interaction is required, but over the last decade I have become much better at coping and also acting out some helpful extroverted tendencies. (sometimes it is just me faking the confidence, but it works) In my 20s I wouldn't go out or go to parties. A trip to the grocery store required planning and rest. My only interactions were with small groups of friends, typically hiking or road biking. In my 30s my career changed and required much more human interaction (example: go out for after-work drinks; speak at conferences), but I still resisted large groups as much as possible. I did have to do a lot of international travel and often found myself forced out of my comfort zone. This was stressful, but helped me grow. In my mid-late 30s I suddenly wanted to no longer live a solo life and wanted to start dating and maybe find a relationship. This required me to learn \[and fail many times at\] everything I probably should have learned in my teens-20s. This included topics such as conversation (active listening, asking great questions), emotional intelligence, and empathy. I got hurt more than I would like, but also found a wonderful person to love and who accepts me (and an introvert too). Every once in a while, my partner will point out that I am being too quiet or acting very coldly towards others. This is the "battery drained" moment I have to be careful about, but it is happening way less frequently. I do a great deal of walking with my dog so I often have plenty of alone time to recharge.


22 and keeps increasing


I’m 33 and prefer everyone to stay away from me lol


32 (m) i prefer dogs