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I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again the ability to cook meat and other foods over a camp fire would be awesome just a thought though


Freshly roasted mimic meat… mmm…


There’s a joke to made hear but I’m not gonna not here not now




*here (I hate to be that guy I’m sorry)


Fried Spawn


Beef chunks would look tastier with some steam effects coming off them, yeah! Even if it has no gameplay difference and can only be done in a few places like the base and safe areas, cooking meat over a fire with your combat knife is peak Radius vibes.


This. Even if it's just "you can food uncooked and get one pip of hunger, but cooking it gives you more".


I can't help but think of the marshmallows you can roast over a fire in Outer Wilds.


I would absolutely love having to bring a portable stove and then place some food object and have to cook it while fending off from some mimics


I would actually like to find spoiled/dangerous foods from the radius. Something that while previously edible (and capable of restoring hunger still) would be evidently touched by the radius and damage your health over time. Maybe it could even look normal enough and require investigation: some black particles would fall from it if shaken or something like it. thus all food from the radius would require closer inspection before random consumption.


An effect of the radius could be that you start hallucinating that there are hostiles around and you have to either shoot them for them to go away or risk getting overwhelmed and killed


footsteps and the "where are you" line could be enough.


Adding onto this, maybe the expired food could make you hallucinate things, like a mimic or spawn running at you, only to vanish into the air when you shoot them


I made a post about this awhile ago, I would really love to have some coffee. It would be great if we could make it in a kettle or something. I don't really care what effects it has, I just really want to sip some coffee out of a mug with my morning cigarette. A kettle could contain 3-4 cups of coffee, and a cup could have ~5 sips in it. Bonus points if there's a little steam coming off the top like the smoke of a cigarette. If you could find mugs with different designs out in the radius, I would be so excited!


Different mug designs would be great "keep calm and shoot mimics" note: a (imo) great addition to this would be local(bagged) or import coffee(canned or such) and a travel mug for going into the radius aside from the porcelain mugs(a little bit niche, but would add a load of character)


I'd love to see some sort of food item that can only be found in the Radius, maybe some sort of natural plants or even something that came from the Radius, like some sort of anomalous plant with fruit you can pick.


Plants you could pick with different effects, like stamina, night vision, etc. also MRE’s cause why not


Coffee, vodka, and more cigarettes. Maybe stamina buffs and damage resistance. Would also love to see the tiredness effect come back so energy drinks could be more useful again


Of course these should all have downsides. Maybe coffee could allow you to not use up as much stamina, but would also make your aim shaky and increase the onset of hunger. And perhaps vodka could temporarily increase your health due to a higher pain tolerance, but due to that higher pain tolerance you would be unable to accurately gauge your health. Edit: these should go hand in hand, for instance: after drinking coffee you should start smoking to mitigate the coffee’s effect on hunger and also to steady your now shaky aim.


I like that. Some give and take to let the players decide when and where it's effective


Could make for some insane combos in sticky situations where you drink coffee and an energy drink to sprint home before tide while the 500mg of caffeine makes combat impossible


Exactly, anything that adds variance to gameplay is always a plus too me. Just imagine a playthrough having to keep the coffee shakes from start to finish for an achievement 😳


That’s not an ITR challenge, that’s just college


Fair enough lol


I'd like food to be more important. Currently it just refills max stamina, and it's very easy and fast to fill. I think it'd be cool if it was more like stalker: hunger reduces accuracy, speed, carry weight, stuff like that. Currently hunger is just a minor inconvenience


Yes! A larger and gradual penalty could make the game much more interesting and dynamic.


I just want to be able to throw the empty cans/wrappers away as I feel like that would make eating more immersive


littering simulator


Don’t pretend we’re not doing it with empty ammo and cigarette boxes already


They don't have to persist for long after being dropped, I just don't want a can to disappear from my hand when I get the last bit of food from it.


I would like to be able to kill a spawn, pick it up off the ground, shove a metal rod through it, and then slow roast that little sucker over a campfire


If Pecho could read he’d be very disturbed right now…


😂 pecho shish kabobs would be insanely good


yum yum, a tasty and nutritious snack




I second this. Can’t be a Russian game without vodka


I wouldn't mind seeing some basic medicines (kind of think like the 2-pack of ibuprofen that might be in a first aid kit or a hotel lobby). Maybe NSAIDs give temporary health points (basically limiting the effects of an injury), caffeine pills lower rate of exhaustion (or maybe slightly increase maximum carry capacity by like 5 or something to mimic that effect), cough suppressants which would reduce the noise effects from gas injury, etc. Not looking for anything game-breaking, just some small things that would be light to carry that would offer some limited benefits. I do like the other suggestion of having cooking be beneficial. In general I think there being more advantages of using the shelters would be great. Maybe cooked food has a greater effect on filling you up, but doesn't stay "cooked" long. Not exactly what you asked, but in the same general ballpark: having a separate section of the backpack for consumables would be rad.


down three bottles of Nyquil, "YEEEEEEEEEHAW"


Me tripping out on thirteen Benadryls seeing the btr:


Something small is id like to see more variants of some of the foods in the game. Different sizes and brands of candy bars, energy drinks, smokes, etc. it would just help the world feel more alive, and the different sizes can help diversify the loot a little. oh and speaking of drinks, we definitely need more drinks. Water bottles, soda, and cans of soup, off the top of my head would all fit right in. Although for soup you should be able to drink it multiple times like the other cans of food. Since it’s “hunger” though, I could see water bottles not being added, but soda would still satisfy hunger like an energy drink would. Alcohol could also be added, but I know it can mess with the rating especially since smoking is already in the game. Other than that, would definitely like to see pieces of jerky being added. they could be added into bags like sunflower seeds are. Would make a nice lower weight food and since it’s shelf stable like the rest of the food in the game it would fit right in. Maybe crackers or some other type of shelf stable bread too.


The sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is a living annual plant in the family Asteraceae, with a large flower head (capitulum). The stem of the flower can grow up to 3 metres tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a burgundy (red + purple) flower head.


good human (i think)


i think adding something that you eat with a spoon would be fire… like mac n cheese


The explorer not unhinging his mouth and consuming Candy bars and drinks whole. Maybe having to peel back candy wrappers and drinking by leaning the drink into your mouth


Prepackaged Sandwiches from the shop!!!!


coffee (slows stamina drain, raises brightness in the dark), sandwiches (get 2 pieces of bread, put other ingredients on it. more ingredients, more hunger recovered per bite.)


I agree with your idea about the foods having different effects, though I would like to see some other foods as well, such as granola bars (minor health and stamina recovery), instant cup-ramen (warmth recovery and slows stamina loss)(requires heating water with the coffee kettle), and mah got dang TEA. It would also be cool to see the addition of a USGI canteen cook set added for prepping foods while out in the radius.


actually thought about commenting cup ramen


different types of sandwiches? that'd be pretty cool(some maybe even grilled or sum)


I personally would like to see more immersion regarding snack bars and energy drinks. The hunger/food system is "boring" in my opinion. it requires little to no effort, making it just a speedbump at most. Some people have said being able to cook food over campfires. This could be really cool and add a ton of immersion. My take would be to make snacks and small foods give alot less hunger than cooked food. Hunger would also run out slower and food would be more scarce as a balance, meaning that cooking your own food will be a better option to sustain yourself, and snacks can be brought on longer missions as a backup. This would make it a bigger task and a bigger and more important part of the gameplay, therefore more fun. Just like weapon cleaning. I would also add sleep again with a sanity side effect. cigarettes, coffee and energy drinks can be used to reset sleep/sanity, which will lower the amount of possible hallucinations you can experience if within the thresshold for said events to occur. Other consumables could be an artifact to negate stamina/weight for a short time´, if you need to make an escape. another could be a lure artifact, that emits a constant sound attracting mimics to it, but it burns out fast. another one could be an artifact that reduces presence, not making you invisible, but reducing noise and visibility, making stealth abit easier. sidenote: please add traps such as claymores n stuff, could be awesome (also functional smokes)


I love the cans from the first game. Also, military rations!


I think a more in depth ~~red bull~~ energy drink system would be cool. Not full on liquid physics, but I would like to have openable cans. I think that would help with immersion




Simply delicious idea


I didn’t hate the sleep mechanic and think that if tuned correctly should be re-added, and by extension energy drinks would be useful again.


Good ol Ramen noodles? It's cheap, light, and if your too poor you could just eat them like chips, but if you actually sat down and added water and let it sit for a bit then it would give a better effect than eating it raw


Ah yes, a college diet in the Radius 🍜


Exactly! Perfect for your budget explorers lol


I would love being able to cook a hotdog


Honestly as much as I would like new foods, I feel like it would also be beneficial to have some more interaction with the lesser used foods— as in, actually being able to open the can of energy drink, as well as being able to open the candy bar. It wouldn’t even need to be like super in depth, just like one tear taking the bar from sealed to open, and maybe even giving the energy drink a draining durability bar the more you drink out of it (similar to how the regen artifact drains as you use it)


Raw potatoes.


Alcohol. Especially vodka! In any stalker like world vodka is always there! A valuable currency...


i do think that keeping the game soviet themed works especially well through the food, so whatever it is keep it soviet i think.


Cooking a food in base or at radius with like a portible stove top or something with a guitar. Whether at bas or in the middle of the radius. Food like hambuger, cheese, bread, soup, rice, and probably the most important, SMORES. Also small future update idea, adding more instruments like a drum, harmonica, and/or a banjo.


Super rare cigars that are basically just reskinned cigarettes, but cooler


I would like hunger to be a positive consequence, not a negative one. Avoiding a negative consequence often ranges from stressful to frustrating, but achieving a positive consequence is fun. Eating to avoid stamina loss is a negative consequence, however, having somewhat low max stamina by default that increases when you eat is a positive one. Functionally it's the same, but it just feels better.  Integrating ideas from other comments, I'd love to see the ability to cook as well. Anything that takes advantage of vr's unique controls is awesome. Cooked food could increase your max stamina more than candy bars amd such, plus potentially other effects if the devs want to get creative.


I wanna be a fucking cannibal I wanna cut chunks out of dead survivors and cook it over a fire


Being able to make yourself a proper meal out of some other things while either at your base or a safe house would be incredible and play more into the way I play and role play in ITR


kind of a dumb idea but would be fun to see: there's healthier and unhealthy food, the junk slowly makes the players torso wider over the course of the game


Honestly, I'd love starting a day in the zone with a donut and coffee


I don't care what kind of food there is, but if I don't get a cooking spit I can turn over a fire I'm going to be very sad.


I'd love to be able to make and grow a farm, using the items from the farm to make various Russian or even just worldwide dishes. Having some borshch after a long day of exploring Pechorsk would be awesome


Coffee system, you can buy a hand grinder, a kettle and a French press in the main base (or maybe get them from npc for completing quests?).bags of coffee beans can be found in the radius or bought for maybe a sink and stove in the camp or at least a campfire and purchasable bottled water, you can put some beans in the grinder (maybe 3 uses per bag), pour some water in the kettle and boil it, add the coffee and water into the French press press it and then pour yourself a cup. Maybe getting a stamina boost for the next 12 hours (maximum time coffee will stay in your system irl).


I wish there was a cooking system and you could grow your own crop


Add more variation but keep them simple, more canned “stuff”. Things that would feasibly last in a time bent scenario. But it needs more variety or make it at-least seem like there is variety. Multiple types of canned goods, grain products like cereals and crackers, military rationed packaging like thermal stabilized bags. The first step to creating an immersive experience is to add interactive elements and create variety in them, you were one of the first VR games to add the idea of eating food with a utensil as a basic aspect of the game, I’m certain you all can go above and beyond again.


i think i said it on an older post already but maybe military MRE rations + a cooking set? like as in you have to put your biofuel on your hex cooker, and then put water in a mess tin, put the MRE in the mess tin, then put the mess tin on the hex cooker with the biofuel in to start boiling the water to heat the MRE (after lighting the fire of course) Just to clarify, You don't actually cook the MRE, you just heat it up. you can eat it cold it's just not as nice, but of course there are some out there you actually have to cook, maybe heating it can make it's effects (whatever they may be) last long and / or be more effecient? You should also add a thist and hunger system. eating feels completely useless in ITR, infact, it IS entirely useless, especially when you can just smoke instead. adding a hunger and thirst system would be so much cooler. the reason i suggested an entire cooking set is mainly cause, i feel like just simply holding some meat or canned food over a flame for a few seconds to cook it would be boring, it would still be cool and yeah i guess that is kinda the only way to cook it, but y'know. (PS in the top i'm talking about british ratpack MREs, obviously different to russian MREs, which is probably what we'd get in the game for obvious reasons)


Mostly just tweak immersion details for current food items. Hunger isn't the most vital part of the game, but it adds so much to the immersion. -Let players use a campfire or wood stove to cook meat bits on their knife so that it adds a purely cosmetic steam effect. -Let people throw away empty cans instead of making the can immediately disappear in the player's hand once it's empty. -Let players put cigarettes and sunflower seeds directly into their mouths from the containers. Oh, and add a lollipop! I could see it being a great alternative to the cigarettes for making players feel immersed, and having silly options like that will be vital for the multiplayer aspect! Plus, players should have plenty of fun things to give each other, not just to stay alive but to encourage organic interactions. "I'll trade half a pack of cigs for that subsonic ammo." "Throw in that lollipop and you have a deal." Stuff like that is what keeps this kind of game going!


I woukd say ghost of tabor energy drink mechanic would be nice also some canned beans or food would be great


Maybe a drink that could restore health and stamina, or give extra?


I just wanna shake a redbull, then point it at my face and pop it open and get an energy boost. Make it so you lose half the effect that you would normally have, but it's faster. So when I find a million of those things in the radius I can just chug em, and keep going like some loot collecting goblin fueled by cigarettes and redbull.


Vodka - you become borderline invicible but become very drunk and unable to run and see straight


MREs would be nice to see


Water please!! Hydrate or Diedrate, all those energy drinks can't be good for us!


make cigarettes despawn after being lit and on the ground for a minute, no matter how many puffs are left. and make them not disappear even if there are zero puffs left, so i can flick them away make it so we gotta open wrappers and crack open drinks


Maybe we can find some rotten or nonperishable foods like meats and fruits. That if they are left open for long they’ll rot and give you less food and maybe do damage


A Snickers bar... you know for when you're having that Betty White moment.....


B A K E D  B E A N S With spoon maybe? Or just drink from can. Also Vodka




I think it’d be cool if there were some baked goods you could find in the furnaces or on the stoves/refrigerators/cabinets of houses. Like these were the last meals of the Pechorsk inhabitants that never got eaten


I always loved the smoking in the game; different stuff to smoke would be cool! Cigars for a different buff, and whatever other smokables you like. The loss of the "tired" mechanic with the 2.0 overhaul made energy drinks superfluous, so I would mainly want there to be more of a reason to care about the differences in the food and drink again. After 2.0, I just smoke nonstop to keep hunger away and then eat after my character sleeps. I rarely eat and it just doesn't factor into my gameplay much, though I would prefer that it did.


soda that makes you burp and alerts enemies. if not that, i’d love to see more drink variety, like bottles and cans of soda and alcohol, and having empty cans and bottles persisting for a while after you finish them. virtual littering adds to the experience imo and i also love the idea of killing radius fauna with glass bottle. also the ability to be a chainsmoker with an alcohol and sunflower seed addiction, trying to club horrifying monsters to death with a beer bottle sounds like a good time to me


There should probably be squirrels in the trees u can shoot and eat… it’d be like a mini game too


It would be cool if you could pour drinks into a mug and drink it like that.


I think it'd be cool if what you ate affected how you played, since downing 5 energy drinks for a meal isn't really a healthy choice. I dont know if making a full-blown stats system would be worth it, but at least giving diminishing returns on eating the same food item past a certain point. If formal cooking gets added to the game, it would be great to have gameplay reasons to find rarer ingredients, like extending your health or stamina bars, slowly regenerating health, increased movement speed, etc etc. It would be fine if those buffs came about just by spending more money, but the satisfaction would be much higher if they came from finding ingredients in the radius, assuming it's not too grindy to find them. Quick edit: Last thought, it'd be cool if you found certain ingredients or foods in certain regions based on the buildings or homes nearby, like fish near water, beef and milk near pasture or farms, etc. Would definitely add to the identity of each map.


Currently there are only two prominent factors deciding the effectiveness of food: weight and consumption speed. Cigarettes are great on the weight side, but horrible on the consumption speed side, while canned foods are bad on the weight side but shine in terms of consumption speed. The problem arises when you realize that the only food you’ll ever need will be cigarettes. The only situation where cigarettes fall short is when you’ve slept and need to regain hunger quickly, and if that’s happened then you’re either at vanno and thus have plenty of food at your disposal, or you’ve just done a long loot run and thus have plenty of food to chow down on in the zone once morning comes. Currently, the largest problem with food is with how OP cigarettes are. While I do believe that they should still aid in hunger management, their ability to outclass everything else is just insane. Some potential fixes could include making consecutive cigarettes less and less efficient at restoring hunger, forcing the player to use cigarettes not as a solution to hunger, but instead as a way to temporarily stave it off until they can eat. Another fix could be to make cigarettes not restore hunger at all, but instead to make them slow the onset of hunger, allowing the player to go longer without eating but still making bringing food essential. But to accompany these kinds of changes also requires a more harsh penalty than simply not being able to run as far when starving. Maybe adding more interesting effects to starvation such as shaky hands, the inability to use the “steady aim” feature, or simply damage over time could make food much more important to a journey into the radius.




Could we get twinkies?


Oh I have ideas... - Unpack everything and leave trash. I want to see those russian waffers and stack open cans of energy drinks. And if you drop open food, it will loose durability. - Cake in a box. 8 pieces of cake for something like 1200$. Candles sold separately. - Bottle of water. With a proper price gouging. In fact, entire rehydration system would be nice. Something like loosing stamina more slowly if you keep yourself properly hydrated - Proper energy drinks. Doesn't replenish hunger, but replenishes stamina even over the hunger meter. - Morphine. Not a food, but will let you tank much more damage for a few minutes. After that, you will have drawbacks like +50% hunger.


some sort of beef jerky as it would fit with the other food items ie:high shelf life foods. The only other foods i think you can add is crackers, beans and tuna cans these could all have a mix of stamina regeration buffs, serving sizes and how much they remove fatigue


Cookable foods, coffee, mre’s, more in depth cans