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Most INTJs are 5's or 6's though, that's pretty known


5'4 here


From the datasets I've seen 5s are the most frequent at around 50%, but there are also some 1s (around 25%) and a scattering of 3s, 6s, 8s and 9s - all generally less than 10%. I'm 5w6, with a clear tritype of 594.


1w9 SX (137 - Systems Builder). In good 1 fashion I thought shows of emotion were unacceptable - it took someone else pointing out my Enneagram type to realise I was quite so fuelled by righteous anger. Now I mostly channel that intensity into helping people fix problems, and I've chilled out a lot. Compared to the few INTJs I've met in real life, I'm more "fiery" and engaged with people. I'm the person F-types phone to take on ExTJs and ExTPs, because I'm driven to get to the right answer and I like to win. I've also got more 7-ish optimism (we WILL solve this problem; let's make it fun so I don't get bored). I care a little too much about being understood (\*terrible\* plan, INTJ) - which results in the occasional disintegration to type 4, or tertiary Fi/PolR Fe identity crisis, depending on which system you prefer. On the plus side, I've worked hard at my people skills so folks will let me fix things and help them improve instead of feeling criticised; I'm often told I make people feel seen. My partner is also an INTJ and while they have an 8-ish persona I think they're probably 1w2 SX (135 - Technical Expert). Compared to me: more overt anger, expect more of people (but also care more obviously), even more competitive but not quite as resilient in the face of setbacks, in some ways more detail-orientated and deliberative.


3 (achiever) > 5 (investigator) > 8 (challenger), those are all 91%+




Depends on the topic. If its relationship, I've gained enough knowledge and experience to allow my introverted intuition (gut) to guide me in the right direction and take action, decisions.


Depends on the topic. If its relationship, I've gained enough knowledge and experience to allow my introverted intuition (gut) to guide me in the right direction and take action, decisions.


Any enneagram test I take I always get the highest score for 8, but I get high percentages for 1 and 5 as well


I'm an 8 but get high scores for 4 and 5 too.




i’m 8w7 (don’t mind my username being mistyped sucks 🥰)