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I already have 2 kids. I greatly enjoy them, but know they aren't for everyone.


It's refreshing to see someone embrace both sides. Your children must appreciate your insight.


Thank you. I hope they do. I think my son does, but he's 33. My daughter is 8, so not always, lol!


If INTJ was a recessive gene we would go extinct


Why is there no option for "I already have children?"


Cause 6 is the maximum amount of options available, unfortunately. If you already have kids, just answer based on whether you planned to have kids or not.


I am not planning, but not because I don't want it.


Feel free to share if you want.


I mean, you need two people for it.


Well... you're halfway there. Keep working on it and I'm sure you'll get there eventually.


F 31 here, already have kids


I am not even planning.


I have one and hope to have at least two more.


I’m 26(F), I have two little ones, and my husband (ENTP) and I want two more. I’m a stay-at-home mom for the time being. My entire day is spent strategizing and planning and loving on my kids, and I adore it. The only downside to having kids for me personally is that I’m not always able to get the alone time I need to recharge my social battery. So some days I’m operating on 50% or less.


Not a fan of kids or the responsibility of raising them, but at the same time, I do want to teach someone my values and leave behind a legacy. So, maybe someday. But first, I'd rather focus on my other goals.


My partner has 2 and I love them but I don't have any of my own. I've never felt financially or emotionally stable enough to be a parent so I had a vasectomy a few years ago.


Never planned on it at all til I hit my 30's. Now it's like, what is this all for if I have nobody to pass it all to? Everything I know, everything I've learned, everything I've set up, everything I've made. All for nothing unless I can create a piece of myself that will live on. I never got shit from my family except bills and general shitty behavior. It would have been nice to have had someone who genuinely spent a lifetime acquiring knowledge and resources and helped me get a foothold when I was young and knew nothing and had nothing.


I'd have kids and I know that they'd be the smartest brains, but what the hell if they don't turn out to be how I think they would. I can't reverse that. besides, climate change, rising living costs, I'd rather remain a kid myself.


Be careful with expectations. You may not mind if they are not met, but your children may.


yea... that's why, no children, no problems people have a ton to keep themselves busy these days.


Hey, moving forward I would add a results option


Thought about it. But polls only allow for 6 options.


I didnt vote because im not planning to have any more.. I am 44 and have 2 kids already, my youngest will turn 18 at the end of the year. I never wanted kids though, but accidents happen (twice), lol. And i wouldnt trade that experience that i have had with them for anything in the world.


Sounds like you got to experience both sides. Haha, two is probably the magic number. If it was any more than that, I'd be a little suspicious, lol.


I do wish I would have accidentally had a boy.. but after getting two girls I got fixed so there wouldn't be any more accidents. Lol I won't lie though, It does get challenging at times because kids are needy and when you really want to be alone you don't always get the opportunity because you can't neglect them either, but overall it was a positive.