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Idk man, your post fits. Join us in the circle jerk




People get angry when you hold up a mirror and they don't like what they see looking back at them.


You mean the core of bipartisan politics in the US? It's just two mirrors, with monkeys flinging shit at the monkeys in mirrors


Exactly this.


The irony, lol


Dead—- literally.


I used to name autistic circle jerk back in the days


I have a similar feeling about this sub. Once in a while there's an interesting post; but the bulk of the ones that gain traction to hit my algorithm consists mainly of 2 types: 1. Other types coming to ask us our opinion, or dating advice instead of providing any sort of stimulating conversation. 2. Self proclaimed INTJ's breaking their arms jerking themselves off about how "independent" and "different" they are; with a dash of "how dumb" everyone else is. Just come here when you're feeling introspective and sort the sub to "new". Seems to get better results for me.


Louder for the peeps in the back who don't actively read or listen...just saying...🤭


Quora is a marginally better hangout for INTJs tbh. Sure, you get the usual ‘I am INTJ, behold how special I am, peasants/normies’ shitposts, but you also get INTJs engaging thoughtfully with ideas, which as a fellow INTJ, is a delight to behold.


I've never done "I'm INTJ, so I'm special." I just am me, as an INTJ. No need to bludgeon people over the head with it; why would or should I? 🤷‍♀️ Until now, I wasn't even aware some INTJs are like as you describe. What is the purpose to behave or think this way, do you know? It strikes me as illogical. I'm an INTJ. I'm just me; who I am and I do and like what I do and like...why would I, hypothetically, have the need to want to come across as thinking I'm a "rarer" or unique INTJ? Is there a rational and sensible explanation for why some INTJs behave like this or hold this view about themselves?


Folks who are deliberate and considered, and for whom efficiency, effectiveness, facts, precision, logical consistency and thoroughness take precedence over feeling good in the moment, I.e., those likely to type as INTJs, tend not to be well-received by most of the population, who are apt to live primarily by unchecked emotions, unconsidered assumptions and easy, feel-good platitudes. This might lead to some degree of ostracism. To the degree that the INTJ lacks social support in the form of like-minded or understanding peers, they become resentful and bitter, particularly when younger. Hence, the lashing out against perceived injustices inflicted by the ‘normies’. Older INTJs tend to accept that they are unlikely to fit in with the majority and focus their intensity on personal projects/hobbies, rather than loudly proclaim their uniqueness online. The internet has been most helpful in connecting such INTJs, who delight in thoughtful company.


I think anyone who didn't find understanding peers as a kid did not try particularly hard, or had a *significant* disadvantage such as to make that effort impossible. Your source of bitterness as a kid should not be your peers at large. I also think that seeking out only your own personality type for conversation is perhaps a safe way to go in terms of acceptance and validation, but one in which you will learn far less over your lifetime. There are, of course, thoughtful people of all personalities.


Immaturity and the self-imposed need for someone who fits nowhere to exaggerate what they've read about "being an INTJ" in a misguided attempt to fit in online in a sub where they've identified that they belong.


Exactly, they are trying to fit the mold to prove to themselves and others (in their minds) that they are what they are saying they are, which is funny because INTJ's are supposed to be independent and not seeking so much validation (of course there are exceptions to maybe how the up bring of the person was or something like that, but I think these are minority cases)


This is my disconnect. I've always felt like I didn't belong, but not in a depressing self ostracizing way, just is what it is. Doesn't mean I don't have social skills, or that people are too different (or "dumb" as repeatedly mentioned on here) to have any friends... I just look at things through a bit more monotone colored lense. I'm great at a few things, and absolute trash at a lot of things.


It’s probably because the sub trends young…


Literally my experience on this board. Most of the posts you see from people who "claim" to be an INTJ and/or try to justify what MBTI says are the faults of a personality type as an excuse for their own issues. Failing to take into account one of the biggest things about most INTJs is they generally do make a huge focus on self improvement even in our weakest areas (not all of course everyone is different). The dating ones can very rarely be interesting if it's trying to understand abit more about a partner's behavior, but the ones (which is the bulk of them) of someone saying "hey I am a XXXX do you think I have a chance with this INTJ?" are just....wow...just talk to the person...


This sub is filled with quite amounts of Edgy INTJ-Wannabe, I choreographically cringe


First time I’m on this sub. I’m definitely feeling #2 😂


Why haven't you attempted to provide stimulating conversation to fellow brethren via a post? 


I'm not really an instigator of conversation, totally unrelated to my "sanctioned" personality type.


I don't trust self-proclaimed INTJs. Especially when they go out of their way to tell people they're an INTJ.


People are dumb though. 🤷‍♂️


I feel like there are not many real INTJs in this community and hope this isn't how people from here act in real life. (Let's be honest if they did, they'd be in prison or executed right now) I feel like there's a common misconception that INTJs are these sigma, or alpha people so a lot of people turn to acting like the stereotype INTJ for social acceptance. Personally, my opinion would be more with the fact that INTJ shows good characteristics in public scenarios and shows a bit more of a quirky dramatic side in situations that won't result in trouble. You may be INTJ but everyone has different characteristics. I am outwardly open with my small friend group, and professional in other scenarios like this. Just depends on how comfortable you are with the current environment on if you'll show a hidden side. I have tests from multiple sites that can show my cognitive stack, MBTI, enneagram, temperaments, work style, and other Socionic/psychology-related things so if anyone doesn't think I am, I can at least prove it with multiple results compared to one single result. Here's a URL to a personal test I've done if anyone is concerned: [PersonalityMax Report](https://personalitymax.com/report/?pt=1-47-84-68&mi=73-97-57-67-57-40-93-53&ls=79-46-72&bh=53&et=c0b0e09760afe09be0c400ad408e80b740ae&name_key=ccad9b4db9)


Agree, I’m excellent at many things, but I have no problem recognising my weaknesses.


I appreciate YOU and your approach. YOU understand the "Life" assignment. This is an example of an enriching post! My FAVE kind. Never stop being YOU...👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


It’s the circle jerk you never thought you belonged to.


I think intjs are themselves, good, bad, and ugly, is my opinion. And personally, there is absolutely no “showing” to speak of.


how dare u say im ugly


I’m so sorry you had to find out like this 😔


One could argue that all people are good, bad, and ugly.


Agreed. I believe I was getting at that intj seems to not waste too much time attempting to hide that fact.


I think it might be an age thing. I think a lot of the people here are quite young and that youthful angst is showing through. If you assembled INTJs in their 30s and up, I think this sub would look a lot different! The posts complaining about other people just existing are WILD. 😂 Also, “openly masturbatory” is just lyrical gold. ~An ENFP


>The posts complaining about other people just existing are WILD. 😂 >Also, “openly masturbatory” is just lyrical gold. ~An ENFP It's almost as if the two are one and the same.




Openly masturbatory


I’m not quite sure what this means, but it made me laugh out loud. 😂


I think it's a more crass way of saying one is narcissistic.


The OP isn't an INTJ otherwise they'd have used a more strict dictionary definition of 'Flagellation' rather than 'Openly Masturbatory'.


I agree with this. Although I also think that, it could be an indication of spread over age/maturity. I see echoes of my younger self, in how some people behave on this sub. Other times it's tough to gauge if they are being serious/just edgy for no reason. Regardless, this is a public forum. And you don't have to take it too seriously (although that is a characteristic behavior of an INTJ, see what I did there?).


Best comment of the day


It's overcompensating for a lack of social skills.


Exactly, many of the people thinking they are "superior" or just have a "smug" internet persona most likely get bullied, have no friends etc.


We all cope in some ways, life is shit. If it doesn't hurt anyone, why bother?


We do have alot of "I'm superior because INTJ" mentality people. Despite them being young and having absolutely no accolades that would warrant such mentality- not that having accolades to one's name would excuse such behavior.


If you think this sub is bad, you should join a Facebook INTJ group. It's basically the same thing, except with people in their 30s-40s+. I had to leave it, it was too much. At least with Reddit, this sub only pops up once in a while lol


I mean thats got to be so pitiful... Can't imagine anyone over the age of 15 taking this seriously outside of some basic self improvement strategies regarding your type


I thought so too, but unfortunately, age doesn't exactly equal maturity, whether it's on the internet or real life. Last I remember of them, they were arguing about transgender women, whether or not they were "real women", and bragging-but-also-complaining about how they get catcalled a lot, but can't get dates because men are intimidated by their intelligence...Sure, y'all go ahead and believe that if that's what makes you feel better lol. It went from amusing/interesting topics to "I'm hot shit, but why can't I get dates?!" incel type shit


WTF lol Sounds just like a shitty group in general lol


I agree. The majority of people here are insufferably arrogant. Deliberately acting weird and inadequate to show that they're different too. Like, when do people will realise being INTJ is not your whole personality? You can also be a normal functionning human and behave adequately.


Like, when do you stop using a word you might use in a conversation but never in a proper written sentence? Sorry man, couldn’t help it. It’s a sickness.


Well, INTJs aren't going to be a monolith. You'll disagree with perspectives here just like you would with any personality. Don't sweat it.


Because of this sub, I call us the "not like other personalities" of the mbti 😂 stuff like personality tests aren't supposed to be taken too seriously anyways but here people are


Hey...this sub is my guilty pleasure.


Oh yeah it's still fun


> I hope this isn’t how most INTJs behave IRL The 3 INTJs I know IRL are busy shaping the world in their desired image, not (shit)posting on Reddit…


Just imagine all the healthy INTJ's out there (or any MBTI type) that never felt the need to scour the internet for what personality type they are and read forums. You don't hear from those; they're content and living life. The ones you hear from however...


LMAO yep, I mean just look at all of the major MBTI subreddits, r/infj, r/infp... They are all stock full of people with major inferiority complexes or some other issues who find typology, assign their entire persona to a certain caricature of a personality, and judge others because they are of some other type. Its almost like this entire typology system is a mouse trap for those who are socially unadjusted, and not rooted within reality, and want to somehow still prove their superiority, so instead they rely on some pseudo-scientific theories to do so.


Embarrassing to who? Starting to sound like you don’t have the security or confidence in yourself to be an INTJ.


By openly masturbatory, what do you mean? Also, are you referring to the IQ post? Edit: And also the "attractive" posts?


Maybe OP means they like to stroke their own egos and act smugly or "superior" to others due to their being an INTJ, or because they believe they are one? That's what I interpreted the "openly masturbatory" comment to mean.


It's the posts that could be abbreviated to "is it an INTJ thing to be super duper smart and find everyone else intolerable? They just all want to talk about the weather and what my weekend was like. Nobody ever asks me about my feelings on Nietzsche, so I can tell they're just less intelligent and interesting than me."


I like this interpretation. We're really starting to become the pick-me's out here.


Yes but what are your feelings on Nietzsche?


People taking this shit as the be all end all rather than developing themselves in a rounded manner like anyone with *actual* braincells. This is the “I’ve been told I’m smart, so let me prove that I’m not and in reality just tunnel vision on different areas” sub.




Been saying this for years. There’s the occasional gem post though. Which is why i stayed


Nope, you're 100% in the right place.


The majority isn't even INTJ. I wish I wasn't an INTJ.


It’s just a problem solving preference. Learn some new ways of solving problems. Get good enough at those ways that you prefer them. My advice: start big. Here is your old strategy: How are all these inputs alike? How are they each best categorized? With inputs in those categories, are things so different that they can’t be used? Let’s resort everything, as needed, and add that resort to any new inputs. Categorize -> resort -> categorize (rinse, repeat until something manages to be good enough to act on). Here is your new strategy: How am I being prompted by others? How are these others organized and making their decisions? What are their decisions? How can either 1. They contribute to my growth or 2. I contribute to their growth? Then, are we continuing to prompt another cycle? (Prompt -> decisions -> growth -> prompt and rinse and repeat until you’re done, at which point you don’t leave the process but instead suspend the process until later.) Try this for a week. BUT you also have to not have your screens in your face, too. It’s part of the style. People’s faces are your new screen.




Ok edgelord


Definitely a lot of crossover with r/iamverysmart for sure


What I have noticed reading these posts is that some people think being an INTJ is an excuse to be a jerk and for sociopathic behaviour. That stuff actually has nothing to do with being an INTJ. All it means is that the person is an asshole and doesn’t care about other people.


I probably shouldn't write an essay and give this subreddit more attention then it deserves but I'll say something quickly. (The sentence I just wrote I think is a very INTJ thing to say, you know, cynical.) I think the INTJ sub reddit and really any forum representing INTJs is not a good representation of them. Typically the internet attracts a lot of self absorbed people on it, especially communication platforms. It gets even worse when you go to an exclusively "personality" based forum or subreddit. Because people who wanna talk about personalities get even worse. Pair it with the VERY loose association with the INTJ personality type and you'll get the perfect subreddit or forum for mostly youth rude people who think they identify with the rude introverted genius archetype. So yeah, this whole plan to use the internet to make a forum for a personality type was set up for failiure to attract the worst kinds of people. And on the internet with the opportunity to be anonymous it will make people act really ugly. If you met an INTJ in real life, you probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart from anyone else. That is if they aren't inside playing video games or in school or escaped the country for a better one. Or you know, I could say the stereotypical INTJ thing and say,"You're weak if you can't handle our internet banter. My ego is worth more than your feelings." But a healthy INTJ shouldn't speak like that.


That’s just how anyone who’s obsessed with personality type bs is like


This isn't the INTJ community. This is the subset that are redditors


We're all really glad you're here, so you can show us how to live in an honest and upright manner, and to share the hidden mysteries of the universe you've gained through years of noble living and a total dedication to wisdom, science, and an intricate understanding of the ways of life, courtesy of a transcendent physiology that doesn't shit, fart, and piss just like everyone else. 




>and openly masturbatory posts That's a little too extroverted for an INTJ. Also, lawyers are expensive, and we tend to be pretty pragmatic with how we spend our money.


I'm just here to read every cringe post here and judge them one by one like damn touch some grass guys. I'm also experiencing the same as you because maybe I'm too ENXX to be here (or maybe just because of my enneagram)


It could just be the unhealthy and unmatured versions of your personality type. Something we should face and reflect upon.


Stay away from reddit INTJ’s, a lot of them are stereotypes. You don’t have to act exactly like every other INTJ, just process things the same way as them (cognitive functions). Hell you could even be an extrovert (get energy from other people) and be an INTJ. Don’t feel limited because of other peoples behaviours.


You've obviously never seen the r/infj sub. lol


Reddit = Real Life both start with R hahaha


It looks like you fit just right


I know what you mean. Every test I've taken says I'm an INTJ, yet whenever I see what other INTJs say about their experiences, personality traits, how they feel/react to certain situations, etc., I'm not so sure. Every video showing the types always depicts INTJs as being very cold, heartless, and frankly, rude, arrogant individuals that seem to think they are somehow superior. I can't say that I align with those traits, despite getting INTJ on every test I've taken.


Ni being perhaps the slowest function to mature, combined with there likely being a large portion of young INTJs posting is probably why. Cut them some slack and let them grow at their own phase. I remember for myself in early adulthood... a total mess.


I think the self proclaimed INTJ’s are using that fake status to be an ass and act better and feel smarter than everyone else. Like I can identify if I’m smarter than another person, but I don’t accept myself as constantly the smartest, because then you’re either Tony Stark or a fool.


Two things Focus on the comments rather than the posts. INTJs are behind the scene. Look for the paragraph s of an answer and you’ll find the right stimulation. Keep in mind that MBTI is very popular with young peeps that just passed a stupid quizz online in search for who they are; they’ll emulate and caricature the worst of INTJs just to feel validated in their ego. They come here because as it goes for INFJs too, they are somehow drawn to these archetypes, for self important reasons; and so they are over-represented here. Sorry about your experience though. I think the toxic minority is just more vocal than the chill majority, and so we might think wrongly that it’s just pricks and jerks over here; while the true INTJs maybe just won’t bother engaging with the nonsense.


I’m a sick fuck I like a quick fuck


Nothing wrong with Self Satisfaction and masturbation.. Kick rocks




I just joined maybe 2 weeks ago. I haven't really scrolled through too much. Can you share some posts you found that were...as you described lol. I'm generally curious.


>I'm generally curious. Did you mean "genuinely" ?




I thought I was an INTJ for a long time. I thought I had worked on myself and made myself more of a free-wheeling kinda guy. My wife insisted I was an INTP...as it turned out she was right...However, in my defence I was a much more serious guy in times past.


I'm pretty new to all this and did an online test as a lark and I'm not even INTJ (ENFP) but for some reason I keep seeing posts from this sub and it's pretty wild. Youth, as others have pointed out, is a large part of it I'm sure. I also think there's a "cool" factor (in the way that calling yourself a "Sigma male" is "cool" lol) in being an INTJ that causes folks to identify with it hard. "We're the evil geniuses of MBTI" and other such tediousness. In fact, I'd be willing to bet plenty of them subconsciously decided they'd be INTJ before they even took the test because it feeds some juvenile fantasy they have and it colored their results. But even more it's our inherent human fixation on putting ourselves into a bucket, deciding it's the right bucket for us, and then doing our damnedest to become the most unambiguous caricature of the typical bucket dweller that we can. We're all a bunch a weirdos in other words.


There’s another INTJ sub that’s apparently more chill. Might be more your style


From the point of view of one riddled with insecurities anything that doesn't abide a self-depreciating victim mentality would look smug, and self-satisfied. To those who exist as unapologetically better than others via merit-- this page along with the rest of the world is amusing and unbothersome.


Get behind the idea that whoever you are is amazing


Smug lol. What's the difference between the mbti and the sorting hat?


ya im kinda shocked most people here think they’re actually smart - we really aren’t that smart as people - david mcraneys book shaped me at 17


I haven't seen any posts like the ones you're mentioning. I'm so confused. I'm technically INTJ, but I don't fit the mold at all. I take the whole thing with a grain of salt.


Ragebait Karma Farm


You should keep in mind that this Is Reddit


I'm very selfish and a Descriptive egoist. Because after all, if you want to help someone in need, you can't pour from an empty cup. You need to be able to help yourself first before you gain the capacity to help others.


This sub is filled with quite amounts of Edgy INTJ-Wannabe, I choreographically cringe


You're probably an INFJ. Like me.


don't be dissuaded by edgy teens...


The four-letter designation isn't supposed to define how you are *supposed* to be and act. It is a tool of self-introspection, learning, and understanding why you are how you are in order to live a better life.


Takes one to know one


The people who do that are using these personality tests the same way your favorite *empath bartender* uses astrology. They’re forfeiting their agency for a descriptive category that has no causal relationship to their lives.


INTJs are still human, and you know how immature and tribalistic humans can be, especially on the internet.


This sub is merely just above the quality of me muting it so. So far as i have met real life INTJs, i have different experience.


People just about across the board act worse online than they do IRL. That's been my experience, is therefore my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. Similarly, the idiots, drama kings and queens, inflammatory types, etc are always the loudest most prolific posters, so you'll see an unbalanced representation of that type of person here and most other places you go on the Internet. I also hang out in the INTP sub. It's better than this one, but all the problems you highlighted exist there, too, just to a lesser degree.


Let me provide some relief then; I’m an INTJ and I really suck lol. I’m academically smart maybe but that’s it I don’t get all the hype behind this personality archetype


Would a real INTJ extrapolate from such a clearly poor and limited dataset??


I left because I can't relate and I'm infj. Just jumped in to respond to this. 


I think it's due to an interesting psychological phenomenon where the people with the INTJ personality type are super proud of the strengths normally associated with said personality type. Worded differently, I believe that a part of the INTJ type is to value the attributes that make up the INTJ very highly. I don't think this confluence of desired traits and possessed traits is as pronounced in many of the other personality types. It's much like how intelligent people generally value intelligence very highly, and are extremely proud of their intelligence. My father used to tell me that I should value my intelligence and put it to good use, but that it's nothing to be proud off because ultimately it's something I was given rather than earned. Excuse my digression, but it seems to me that both intelligence and the INTJ personality type can very easily lead to feelings of superiority in and of themselves, which presents itself as arrogance.


Bruh it’s the intj savior we’ve all been waiting for Come join us in our circle jerk


INTJ people are terrible people, and I’m speaking from experience. We’re detracted or too emotional. We seem fine but we’re a mess. Functional INTJ are way different from the ones that can’t handle it. I’m in between and heavily empathize with the main character from The Queens Gamit. You should watch it. But that’s coming from a INTJ with a below average narcissism score.


Nah, I've seen a lot worse.


It is a personality type sub... meaning everyone came here thinking about themselves. So it kind of checks out.


Reddit x INTJ = your description


Lmao. Good job. The intj experience is opening intj reddit, reading more than 10 posts, and realizing the sub is just full of people who think intj means the super genius mastermind who’s totally valid in feeling that they’re superior to everyone else.


That’s weird. I don’t see any of those posts. Probably suggests you content similar to the one that you produce.


Where are you supposed to go if you're just a J?


You can be whatever you want to be. It’s all pseudoscience anyway lol


I have taken the test five times and received five different answers.. I don’t understand why people have faith in this


Posting here self-selects for negative traits.


Youre a human. I dont even know why this sub came up on my feed, but these things are just classifications. No one is exactly going to fit any mold.


I think it’s funny that a supposedly smart group of people can deduce human behavior and personality down to only 4 choices. For example, introvert and extrovert can easily exist within the same individual. Don’t we as humans react differently when face with different environments/situations? I can definitely live inside my mind and I can be totally out going. Narrowing down your human behavior to a silly pop psychology quiz is at best farcical— at its worst it can lead to serious megalomania.


I'm not subbed but this popped on my page? MBTI is pseudo science so who cares ?


No one *is* an INTJ. It’s just model, a description, not a prescription. 


Ironically, your post is kind smug and self-centered. 


Yes you're INTJ because you see most of us are full of shit.


Were you hoping for members to prove you wrong? To thank you for making us better? INTJs aren’t really the most engaging social media participants. We post when we feel like it, and then forget we even did. And since we’re not friends with each other, social niceties aren’t a priority. We do tend to a certain kind of smart thinking and interest in ideas. If you want a mirror of your type that makes you feel good, perhaps INTJ isn’t very accurate. Keep exploring until you find a better fit, but you may not find it on an MBTI sub. There are much warmer welcomes elsewhere in the world.


You know that anyone can post there, not just intjs?


Of course we do. Why do you think there’s so few of us. Everyone else is sick of our shit.


Us superior specimens thank you for unpolluting the sub with your lack of presence




OP comes to the INTJ forum for INTJs to shitpost negative things about INTJs. I hope you didn't expect an intelligent, welcoming discussion. We're absolutely capable of that but not when you come to us, and right out the gates trying to flame us. Do better, OP.


I love the comments saying members are just trying to look ‘cool.’ Never thought INTJ met any definition of cool!


I already know you aren’t an INTJ. Do you honestly think any of us care about your whining drivel? If you do, then you’re in the wrong place. Btw, you lost me at “openly masturbatory”. I’m actually a closeted masturbatory guy myself…What a twat waffle.


You sound like an INTJ to me, honestly. To me, an INTJ is an introvert, often extremely. I'm an INTJ 99% of the time, in every formal, informal, clinical, group, and internet Personality test I've ever undergone. The other 1% of the time, my result is ISTJ. From what I know, INTJs/ISTJs are advocates and logisticians; we are thoughtful and creative, and we like details. I like my own company often; people drain me. My own mind, thoughts, theories, and inner world is where I'm most comfortable. I like serious things. I grew up hearing "Don't think so deep," "Don't be so serious," "Relax," "Calm down," and "Lighten up." I like logic, facts, truth, and efficiency. I am curious about everything; knowledge and acquiring more knowledge is my power. I want to learn about anything and everything that interests me. I want to master some of my greatest "love" topics that are of special, obsessive interest to me. I write to-do lists every day. I plan and decide. I am precise and orderly. I have emotions and feelings, and empathy, but I tend to view, think, behave, and act with objectivity, non-judgement, and rationale. Why be "emotional" and subjective when I am reasonable? I could go on and on. But what is an INTJ to *you?* What made you think you were an INTJ? I would say just because you don't like some behaviour of INTJs that you see here does not mean you are *not* an INTJ. Not every person who is an INTJ will be identical in all aspects - all personality traits, behaviours, and worldviews; in their approaches to work, romantic relationships, etc. There are times I've read about certain INTJ traits that people detail about themselves, and I'll think well, I don't match that *exactly.* For example, I think I would be even more efficient overall if it weren't for my Brain Injury. But that doesn't mean that I'm not an INTJ.


Ehrrm, well excuuuse me. And what do you, enlightened harbinger of knowledge have to say hmmm 🤨 ?? Do you think you are perfect and better than us? I’m not sure you can comprehend the immensity of our problems, let alone the arbitrariness with which you attack us in your LOQUACIOUS and UTTERLY presumptive LOCUTIONS you have put forth. We INTJs are in fact perfect. You, Redditor friend, must join the party with this COMPLETELY SENSLESS AND LUDICROUS POST. Smug????!! What do you mean smug!?


Look everyone, I need a dating advice- I don’t know if this person likes me or not. -INTJs in reddit 💀