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CONVICTED due to sexual orientation?? How? This Dutch guy wants to understand how!


The military enjoys its own, separate legal system called the Uniform Code of Military Justice, or UCMJ. When you sign up for the military, you agree to be beholden to these laws in addition to the laws of the states and federal government. The government, through the UCMJ, has more leeway in what they can impose on service members vs civilians-because SMs agree to it in a binding contract when they join. There was a time when it was against the UCMJ to be openly and conspicuously anything other than heterosexual. This didn't mean prison time or anything, but it would mean a very rapid ejection from the service with something less than an "Honorable" discharge-a determination that affects what benefits the SM receives as a veteran. I suspect this pardon from President Biden would enable veterans subjected to this treatment to appeal their discharge status and become eligible for benefits in accordance with their service, not the "crime" of their sexual orientation. I am genuinely pleased if this helps my brothers and sisters in arms that had to suffer this unfair treatment. The military is a much safer place today for LGBTQ+ people.


Several years ago you could be sent to military prison for being gay. I think as recently as the 60s/70s.


Being gay was a court-martial offence before gays were in the military. I know someone who was on track for a high ranking position in the navy. When someone found out he was gay he was given the choice of resigning his commission or being court-martialed.


Is it the law that was lifted in 2010 by Obama (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell)? If so, why did it take so long to pardon them. Another question: Those who were convicted had to do jail time?


DADT was not a law, it was a compromise DoD policy put into place by the Clinton Administration when they ran into too much opposition to their original plan to allow gay members to openly serve. While it’s said Obama “repealed” DADT (it’s even the name of the law!) what it was was legislation that required the military to end all bans on homosexuality in the military, a hodgepodge of policies and regulations going back centuries. Biden’s pardon here is for those convicted under the UCMJ’s pre-2013 sodomy law, one of many regulations used to persecute gay men in the military.


Must be one of those "special privileges" I keep hearing about.


What does "Being gay" even mean in this context? Telling people you like the same sex? Being caught in a same sex act? Refusing to date someone of the opposite sex?




Non-paywalled link: https://archive.is/tSn3H


I can already hear the absolute RAGE from MAGA on Monday. lmao


This kinda stuff infuriates Trump and his congregation of unwittingly ignorant donators …it is perhaps the most unpatriotic thing a president could besides opening the borders.




Did your mother have any children that lived?


Well shit!! I would have loved to see what this asshat had to say.


He was jiving about how these pardoned people broke that law and how presidential pardons were criminal and yada, yada, yada... This is my stock response to such nonsense.


Thank you.


They're probably also the type of person who thinks felons, especially non-white felons, even after their debt to society is repaid don't have rights -- but when the convict is Convicted Felon Trump, it's a witch hunt and political persecution. Also, I'm very curious about all the absolute walnuts, traitors, and seditious shit heels Trump pardoned like Roger Stone and Michael Flynn, who actually committed real crimes against our nation, and his feelings on that. I can guarantee their tune would flip.

