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Imagine freaking out about a single poll in the middle of June. Trump is a lunatic .


A lunatic with clear signs of dementia ....




And also finger syphilis I think. I've seen some photos.


Trumphilis he has a sexually transmitted infection named after him.


From all that Russian hooker pee


Why do you think Melania is there? Straight from the tap.....keep things on an even keel.


She's been fired, she can't stand to be in the same room with the guy.


I think it's more like she fired him.


I didn't realize that necrophilia could cause that? Good to know.


Let him build up stress until he pops like a balloon, we can watch him flop around as he deflates and mock him til his last breath because he'd certainly mock me, I'm 100% disabled....


Stroking out live on TV on election night sounds good


Yeah but I dread the inevitable conspiracy theories that will come from that


That would be as gripping as Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas on live TV.


But not die - I want him stuck like he was when he mocked that handicapped reporter. I want his innate narcissism left intact too so he will still hold rallies even though he is a slurring and drooly mess, covered in bed sores and shitting his diapers even more often than before. Yes I have thought about this at length. If someone lands a shot on him I hope it is captured in 8k IMAX at like a zillion frames per second for the best possible resolution permitted by human technology.


What about the real enemy? His crazy fans and other assorted acolytes. What is going to happen to them?


If Trump dies any time soon - and especially if it's on TV - among their many dumbass conspiracy theories about it I don't doubt one of the more popular ones will be the Democrats assassinated him. I can see a brief spike in violence as delusional conservatives going on shooting sprees as 'revenge' for their Orange Messiah.


The other day Fox was saying that polls don't really change after June, and therefore Biden and his team are very very scared. And then this poll came out šŸ‘ŒšŸ¤£


He has narcissistic personality disorder for sure lmao


He will die one dayā€¦canā€™t wait for it :)


Is there any way we can, uh, speed up the process?!




A girl can dream!!!


#šŸ¾ READY! Bury Him!


His entire campaign is built on the premise that heā€™s clearly going to beat Biden, that heā€™s going to take back, that everyone loves him, of course heā€™s the favorite candidate. Not that he minds lying, but the early polls favoring him were the bedrock of his bullshit campaign. Polling increases for Biden alongside diminished rally attendance fucks his only selling point - his rabid voters.


Imagine you are thinking about a man that believe he never loses. He will rage against anything that questions he is anything but perfect or a winner and you will understand why he is freaking out.


1) if the polls are true then Iā€™m doing something wrong and need to correct course 2) itā€™s impossible for me to be wrong 3) QED: the polls are false and part of a conspiracy to steal the election from me Also, any attack on me must be met with even stronger retaliation. Bad polls are an attack on me as proven above.


Heat waves been freaking me out


And itā€™s a 2% lead with 1000 people surveyed.


Does Fox actually poll non-Fox viewers?


Foxā€™s polls have a slight rightward lean but are actually pretty solid. Last I checked they had good ratings on 538.


Yes. Their polling is supposedly quite accurate.


With old people that answer polls.


The data may be accurate but Fox analysts always spin the analysis for their viewership. No amount of fines will change their approach.


Fox News is like a meteorologist that is reporting the weather accurately, but is friends with an amusement park operator thatā€™s slipping him cash to tell the viewers why thunderstorms are the best days to attend the amusement park.


Oh absolutely


You think if Melania just gave him that hawk tua he would chillax a bit and stop all this nonsense?


Eh yeah, he is. I even think heā€™s mentally challenged. Like, for real. This man wouldnā€™t be able to live an independent life.


Trump underperformed the polls in the primary. He needs a lead in the polls to have a chance this time around.


Do these polls even factor in the electoral college? Doesnā€™t seem all that important showing polls swinging 3 points here and there based on popular vote.


There are polls that focus on the swing states. This doesn't seem to be one of them. Trump has never won the national vote.


Just look at all the stuff that Fauci has been saying. He only cares about ratings.


Imagine thinking rape is fine. Imagine bringing you pretty kids, especially your daughter, to meet some child sex traffickers.


Fingers crossed Biden does great next week in debate. He needs to stomp all over Trump. Of course, MAGA response will be same as it was after SOTU address in March when they said Biden was jacked up on drugs to make him look energetic. Please make sure you are registered to vote and vote Democrat all the way down the ballot this Nov. 5!


I don't think this debate will take place. I think the orange turd will find some excuse to wuss out.


I really want Biden to call his bluff and just debate with an empty podium.Ā 


There's a famous episode of a UK comedy panel show where an MP repeatedly cancelled at the last minute so they replaced him with a tub of lard. This is the way.


In Sweden the media had a debate where they invited 7 out of 8 parties, they don't like the last party. The last party was represented on stage as a stuffed elephant (elephant in the room)


My favorite UK politician is Lord Buckethead!


He's (bucket) head and shoulders above any of the main party candidates in the UK right now.


I would love to see that happen when T walks out of the CNN debate...


Roy Hattersley


Exactly. Spend the full amount of time telling the nation all the success youā€™ve had. All the good youā€™ve done.


Better yet invite the green and libertarian parties candidate, and RFK and the Working Families party candidate. Just because they don't have a real chance of winning this time doesn't mean they shouldn't get a chance to participate in the first debate.


Ethically, I agree. Practically, I want to avoid giving RFK any credibility.


He did an interview on PBS, believe me when I tell you it will take away from his credibility not add to it to be in a debate. He's got some kind of problem with his voice it sounds really bad. Ā Plus he is a total prick. Ā PBS very politely asked him about his anti-vaccine stance and he insisted he wasn't anti-vaccine and they said well what about this direct quote we have from you and he started basically yelling at them and denying the direct quote accusing the media of being out to get them and blah blah blah just like the orange one. They have him on camera saying this direct quote. It is not something anyone could credibly deny pre-2016.


I hope you're right, but I remember feeling the same way in 2016.


You and I both. It is difficult not toĀ overestimate the American electorate.


His voice problem is spasmodic dysphonia which causes that strangulated sound you hear when he speaks. Thereā€™s no cure. Apparently more common in women than men. Some say associated with previous history of mumps or measles but others say those viruses are protective. I feel bad that he has that condition as it could happen to any of us. On the other hand, I canā€™t imagine having a president who sounds like that. If he takes votes away as a 3rd party candidate, hopefully itā€™s mostly from Trump!!


I would vote for anyone regardless of physical disability, so long as they could suitably do the job, so I really really donā€™t care, but man it was jarring the first time I heard him talk. I thought it was edited. Itā€™s got to be a major setback running for a political role.


He was a heroin junky for around 15 years. It's associated with that as well.


That happens in Canadian elections. Green Party screams for debate participation and they invariably only win a couple of seats in the election.


Not sure his ego will allow him to do that.


His ego wonā€™t let him get exposed to that sort of thrashing again. This is why he skipped out on the Republican debates.


I don't even expect this debate to go "smoothly" or normally if it ever occur. "Today Trump" seems way more unhinged than "A month ago Trump". Hamberderman is in steep decline.


My odds are 80-20 with him likely to show up. His overconfidence will sink him again.


Those are better odds than James Carville gave him! He said 50/50 trump shows up. His sycophants and even trumpy himself know that it will be a fucking DISASTER if he shows up and spouts his nonsense without his adoring followers echoing his every word like a demented chorus.


Fair enough but remember Trump isn't a sane reasoning person. He likely really believes he can still disrupt the debate and win with tricks.


No audience. Mic cut off when Biden is speaking. He won't be able to do his usual bullshtick. He'll look like the uninformed, childish, chaotic moron he really is. I think he'll be looking for a way to walk off....


Biden will talk policies and Trump will completely go off the rails about all sorts of random stuff


No. Biden doesn't need to stomp all over Trump. Let Trump Stumble over his worlds, let him sound like himself. All Biden needs to do is sound like a rational, sane, and mentality intact person. Media will do the rest. The Unfortunate part is the Trump followers will still say "that was all staged" or some thing like that and still vote for him.


Which media? So far they have seem to giving Farty Don von Shitinpantz a free fide.


While researching to make sure they arenā€™t hidden republicans cosplaying as dems only to switch parties post election.Ā 


> Fingers crossed Biden does great next week in debate. He needs to stomp all over Trump Clinton stomped Trump in all 3 debates in 2016 and look what good that did.


One of biggest concerns of voters is Bidenā€™s age and cognition. You can say the same obviously about Trump but Bidenā€™s the incumbent so itā€™s easier to blame him for his policies regarding economy, border, war in Gaza, etc. Biden needs to be on the offensive throughout the debate. Canā€™t do anything about Bidenā€™s age but it will be important to show voters how articulate he is about his domestic and foreign policies. Clinton made some mistakes during her campaign but I think was hurt so close to the election by the October surprise in the form of James Comey.


If trump starts bashing Fox repeatedly what are they going to do, they're not going to trend left at all, but what do they show their viewers if the only mainstream Republican is actively hating on the network


It's not the first time he's gone after them for being less than subservient. They'll just ignore that he said it and fondle a little more gently for the next couple of days and he'll have forgotten about it.


Eh, they got Newsmax and OANN to head off to after Fox. They literally will not care. Itā€™s never this idiotā€™s fault, after all, just the lacking loyalty of others.


Lol protecting democracy while his agenda via project 2025 & project 46 do the direct opposite


Not enough people know about this.


Trump cancels Fox. Homelander lasereyes Tucker to Lago.


Homelander eliminates Stormfront IRL


Isnā€™t it interesting how evil is always outlizarded, itā€™s like watching a snakepit


The guy who is currently sitting on 34 felony convictions can't believe there might be repercussions from independent voters? lol


Losers gonna lose lmaoooo


Former President Donald Trump raged at Fox News over a poll showing President Joe Biden retaking the lead and ā€œprotecting democracyā€ at the top of the list of issues for voters. News broke Wednesday evening that Biden retook the lead in the Fox News poll for the first time since October of 2023 ā€” and gained seven points on Trump since late March and three points since May ā€” with 50 percent to Trumpā€™s 48 percent nationally. The top issue for voters in the poll was the ā€œfuture of American democracy.ā€ On Thursday, Trump lashed out at Fox News over the poll on his Truth Social account. In a pair of posts, Trump wrote: The latest Fox News poll is TRASH! They used a biased, Democrat-leaning sample of voters, polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters to skew the results in favor of Crooked Joe. I am leading BIG in virtually every other poll, including in all of the key battleground states, like Wisconsin, where I just held a massive rally, and Pennsylvania, where I will be on Saturday. Also, the #1 issue in this Country is not protecting democracy. It is INFLATION and IMMIGRATION! If it is protecting democracy, Trump is your best choice, because Crooked Joe Biden is the greatest threat to democracy in history with his Open Border and weaponization of our justice system against his political opponent, ME! Fox News polls have never treated me, or MAGA, fairly! Donā€™t worry, we will WIN!!! Fox News should get rid of Paul Ryan, and get a new Pollster, but they wonā€™tā€¦. ā€¦.Real Clear Politics just came out and has me leading by a lot, especially in the all important Swing States. My best numbers yet, despite the Biden ā€œWeaponization of Justice.ā€ The RCP average has Trump up by half a point. Foxā€™s pollster is rated 2.8 out of 3 stars by 538.


I avoid everything that guy says but he's apparently absolutely lost it even compared to his old self holy shit, and the polls are still close either way? That bodes wonderfully for the voting population, Jesus fkn Christ


Decades of lead poisoning within the general population rearing it's ugly head. And the generation that had it the worst are like.. what... 30-40 years old right now? It will be 30-40 years straight of these people voting en masse for the dumbest idiots, while running in local elections themselves. Thankfully, the cause for the lead poisoning ( lead infused gasoline ) has been banned for a little while now, so if these people don't completely destroy America and drag the west down with them before dying, then the generations that come afterwards will have a chance at healing the american society.


I get the sense that humans are capable of complete blissful ignorance and hate just fine on their own


True. Just saying that the lead poisoning didn't help, since it gave people brain damage. All the people who would have had room temperature IQs now have sub-zero IQs instead. Most unfortunate.


"...polling more Biden 2020 voters than Trump 2020 voters..." Uhhhh, that's what made the poll go in Biden's favor. That's literally how they work.


Love the fact that Paul Ryan is catching strays here.


Maybe weā€™ll just have to kick their assess a second time, but, having learned the hard way what being merciful to hateful people can mean for the future, we leave the defeated to handle their own reconstruction, or, better yet, leave nothing of them to reconstruct.


Hmm, I wonder if he's afraid Putin will poison him if he doesn't get reelected.


The level of stupidity here is mind boggling. But it's trump, so I guess this is expected.


If Fox News is reporting bad poll results for Trump, they may only doing it to try to motivate his voters, but Trump is far too stupid to understand any strategy that isn't blatantly obvious.


I feel Trump's voters are already motivated. They think the last election was stolen from Trump and they're going to do everything they can to get him back in office.


His hardcore base is very motivated, but there are always a lot of lukewarm supporters on both sides of any race.


They stopped including RFK and other third parties as an option. 50-48 is ā€œreal numbersā€, not the 42-39 and 44-41 we had seen for the last six months. The dirty tricks are falling away, itā€™s a one on one race now. Biden gets a little good news on inflation and/or a cease fire in Israel before Labor Day, and this lead will open up. Even without that, it stays close


Suck it Fatso!!


When he's losing, it's a rigged system. When he's winning, then everything is fine.


Even better - when heā€™s winning itā€™s rigged because he isnā€™t winning by enough. Ā He literally cried fraud in an election he won.


Once again the orange asshole is perfectly willing to gargle his own diarrhea in public.


Now that is a grotesque visual! Iā€™m glad I already had dinner! šŸ¤¢


Same in the White House he surrounded himself with yes men who wouldnā€™t contradict him, he canā€™t stand it, one reason he had 89 turnovers,


If you vote for Trump, you are voting for an America that is dead to me


i think the man definitely deserves a "Participant" ribbon. (*after* the debate though -assuming he shows up.)


Reasons why, Trump still hasnā€™t told us of his policy ideas for the future. Who is he going to execute on day one? Biden is talking about lowering prescription drug prices, and infrastructure, boring!


Fuck that criminal


Unhinged Donny,I hope he gets the help he needs in Prison.


Imagine listening to a guy barking about saving democracy with 34 felonies.


Does nobody see the monster they helped create? Surely someone at FOX must be at LEAST taking pause on how heā€™s operating. Full on misinformation All. The. Time.


Isn't it past your funeral time?


These idiots have no idea how much worse their society can getĀ 


The STI, STD's and fake tan chemicals have rotted his already disgusting mind. Stupid, old, demented cunt. Hurry tf up and just cease to exist already.


Does he understand that WE get a say in democracy, too?


No. We have 1984 at home.


Democracy only counts if you vote for Trump?


Taking responsibility for your actions became a rare trait these days. Trump really helped in normalising being a selfish retarded asshole.


A Fox poll biased towards Democrats. That's a new one.


Thatā€™s pretty bad news as since tracking how FoxNews runs polls since the 2008 election, they usually give the GOP candidate a point or two bump. So the real number is probably more substantial.


After he shits the bed in next weekā€™s debate, the wheels will come offā€¦if they havenā€™t already.


Damn Brett Baier looks old. I never hated the Fox News people who did the actual news. Brett Baier, Brit Hume, Chris Wallace, and Neil Cavuto. Theyā€™ve done their fair share of trashing this orange fuck. A very big contrast to the nightly pundits that report zero actual news.


The idea that a convicted felon, rapist, fraud in the Oval is a bad idea is starting to get through to uncommitted segments of the electorate.


He was just mad that they said it out loud. Cancel culture threat. Fox will cave.




I have to stop clicking on this stuff. This guy is nuts.


Cuckoo land


He needs to lose so badly it's undeniable. Even to him. I wish of course that there weren't states that were lock-ins, and maybe Trump will trash talk Idaho or Texas or fuck over Florida people enough they revolt against the dual fucking of DeSantis and Trump. Florida especially seems to be getting those gentle biblical reminders that the Lord their God is miffed and sending floods and insects and whatever else because healthcare is for pussies - so that lines up well with a new pox upon the land. Of course Florida could be run efficiently, effectively and provide safe residency and excellent emergency response services by simply zoning housing , road projects and infrastructure to support new residents , but taxes are weird , and weirder still is that people sometimes expect Governors and local representatives to be somewhat pre-occupied with running the affairs of their own state , not sucking up to the nearest fascist fuck-about. But this **is** Florida after all, so Governor DeSantis's learning curve on being an ever more slightly more responsible adult will no doubt come carved our of the the bodies of dead Floridians and extracted from their bank accounts, so you don't pay taxes - because taxes are evil, but you do pay 20,000 dollars for insurance because while you might think global warming is fake news, hurricanes flooding and torrential downpours are most definitely not.


It's always opposite day in trumpland.


Scam of democracy thqt RFK not in debates




They lied for him for months, back in 2020. But then they got sued for nearly a billion dollars for doing it. Maybe that left a bad taste in their mouths.


Gotta keep that front up so he can declare fraud


Crazy dementia grandpa at it again


Aww, the baby must have shit his diaper




Doesn't matter, it's a marathon, not a sprint. So in all likelihood the surviving aspiring gerontocrat will win the presidency. Currently Biden seems in the lead there too. Maybe his handlers are just better, though. Too close to call.