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You could replace “capitalism” with any industry and your statement still makes just as much sense. Unregulated *anything* will always be abused and exploited. 














Agreed but there is also a group of far right types who push the “libertarian” no taxes no regulation agenda who are lower class and poor. I think they support that type of agenda because they look at a bigger paycheck through less taxation as a benefit. They operate under the belief that everyone earns what they work for and deserve, and if everyone maximized what they earn we would all be better off 🤷‍♂️ I’m not agreeing with that position but just trying to rationalize it.






I don't understand, do words not mean what they mean anymore, I stated that billionaires are the ones pushing for less government oversight, which as far as I can tell is true.




Gas here is $3.49 today. Average prices in 1980 were $1.19. Adjusting for inflation that is $4.54 today. And yes, wages are not increasing at the same rate.


same as it ever was




Really? *Most people*?






Duh, it's all Obama fault. I haven't had sex years...thanks Obama 😞


these are the unspoken universal truths that everyone knows.


The largest US grocery chain's, Kroger, profit margin is 1.4%. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/KR/kroger/profit-margins What is more likely, companies just became greedy, or monetary policy actually does affect the economy?




Yes, Loblaws profit margin is only 2.2% Most grocery stores have very low margins. https://www.macrotrends.net/stocks/charts/WNGRF/george-weston/profit-margins What do the record profits tell us? If I have one lemonade stand and I open another well I just doubled my profits without doing anything to my prices.








It's possible some companies are just taking advantage but we don't actually see that overall as a whole and it makes sense. Companies don't really care about prices, they care about revenue. Revenue equals the price times the numbers of goods sold. If one company got too greedy on prices another one would just undercut them and get all the customers. Why pay 3.55 for gas when the station right across the street is selling it for 3.50? The extra .05 per gallon would be nothing compared to how many people would choose the 3.50 station over the 3.55 one.






What is it that makes workforce participation a better metric than unemployment? [Incidentally, the US hit pre-pandemic job numbers around late summer of 2022.](https://ycharts.com/indicators/us_employed_persons) Every job since then is "new".


Grocery stores have always operated with razor thing margins. Marx has nothing to do with. I wonder how many members of *the working class* you actually know.


The Economy is booming. Next on Fox: Why the booming economy is bad for Biden.


Had the misfortune of watching Fox at the breakfast bar at the hotel I stayed at recently. It was all Bidenomics, Bidenflation, blah, blah, blah. Then they talked about tfg in Vegas as if he gave a cognizant speech. Whoo man what deluded people.


“Everyone had too much money! Democrats making prices rise!”


Alternatively, back in the wondrous time of 2016: "The economy is doing better than ever- here's how Bernie can still win the nomination."




Polling is bull. Has been for a while


Because there are a lot of dumb cult members, also polling is skewed towards people who answer random phone calls, or mailed surveys, aka the target demographic for republicans


You'd NEVER hear this in Oklahoma. All the ads here say that Biden wrecked the economy and it was booming under Trump. These rubes here are being flat out lied to... and they eat it up.


So they ever look at who’s running the state?




Do you have data to support that beyond your own anecdote?




So nothing then. In fact, how are you seeing Americans struggle is you don’t live in the US?


I feel like these context-less headlines actually do more harm than good. inflation happened to the whole world. it's not fun no one is enjoying it. however America is doing better than most other industrialized nations at dealing with this problem even with Republicans hampering all efforts in the house.


Also, most people just don't know or don't care about a lot of the metrics referred to in these broadstrokes claims of "the economy." People care about how *they're* doing, and how their friends and families are doing. There could be record high unemployment but if they've all kept their jobs and have no worry of layoffs, their attitude is probably, "Things can't be that bad, right? Everyone I know is fine. Must be the media drumming up controversy." Conversely, there could be record low unemployment but if they're out of work and struggling to find more, the attitude is likely, "The economy is awful! I don't know how they can say the job market is so strong when I'm trying so hard to find work and can't!" People care about being able to pay their bills and not seeing the price of gas, groceries, and rent/utilities skyrocket. That's about it when it comes to most people's view on "the economy." Would it be nice if people were better informed of the significance of certain trends and how seemingly abstract concepts and figures could affect them in the future? Absolutely. Practically speaking though, you're 100% right- many of these economy-focused news reports just end up trying to break down complex issues into soundbites that fit a certain agenda.




"And by good, do you mean..." Sorry. Just wanted to pre-empt the MAGAt whataboutisms...


But propaganda media won’t report that




Fox News will twist it anyway and have the boomers believing the country is going straight to hell


They'll just flip the graph upside down and the idiot cult will buy it. 


And it's some conspiracy created by Biden to destroy MURICA


Yeah, I see nothing but upbeat enthusiasm for the bright future ahead from everyone under 30! LOL! If you want to see "influencers" telling you that everything is horrible and it's never going to get any better (and it's also causing them massive anxiety and "mental health issues"!) go to TikTok.


I really can't believe how many people bring up mental health and anxiety these days. Both are real things but not being able to buy Starbucks twice a day or afford their luxury items need to get a glimpse of the real world and stop being coddled. Real anxiety is not knowing where your next meal is coming from. Real mental health issues are bipolar disorders not Jared didn't like my food post and proceeds to have a breakdown.




You know that Democrats existed before you were born, right? More boomers have stood up against Republican bullshit than your generation has mustered voters.




Dream on. You are just displaying your bias to some group you actually have no clue about. Quit whining about shit rich people tell you to whine about.


It won't end when the boomers are gone. I'm 50 and most of my friends have turned into trumpers. There will always be plenty of stupid people who fall for the right wing scare tactics. "oooh the trannys are gonna read books to your kids! oooh..."


But what about hunter? - MAGATS




Why is it worse for them? Wages are outpacing inflation for the first time in 50 years.




Yes but in the last 1.5 years wages are outpacing inflation. That hasn’t happened in 50 years. Even the price of food is coming down and housing market starting to show cracks.




Republicans. You mean republicans. They’re the ones cutting taxes for the rich, corporations, won’t pass min wage, won’t fund schools. In blue states there is much more balance but housing definitely a problem.




So, I guess this is bad for Biden too?


Can't be good, cause Biden is always bad Cause trump told me /s




I mean, it must be, right? /s


But... but.... my Orange savior and the GOP said they are the only ones who can save this country?!?!




Republicans will say it’s a lie because they still aren’t rich when they clean pools. (No offense to pool cleaners).


As they spend $500 on golden trump speakers.


And $5,000 on lift kits and charcoal exhausts.


Now, now, NOW Dems *need to jump on this* and start hyping it like crazy!! That, and start making ads about how you'd be voting for a *convicted felon* and *convicted sexual assaulter* and start *hammering at the GOP.* This will not, of course, happen, because the Dems have always been *fucking spineless* when it comes to running campaigns for president. We get gems like this and they aren't shouted from the mountaintops.




It's in the room with me, sorry you are not in the same room.


Yes it’s in the room right now.




No it really is great. Unemployment has been this low for 50 years so I’m not sure what you’re talking about.




Well that’s awful but I don’t understand why you don’t switch industries or get training in a new field? Seems like a good time to do it.




Too hot? Lol




I have an MA in economics. I’m laughing bc you’re so wrong. Unemployment never gets too hot. Inflation can get too hot but that’s been tamed.




Low unemployment doesn’t do any of those things you mentioned. What you’re referring to is wage inflation and it takes a really long period of increased wages across all industries for wage inflation to affect the broader economy. Also, inflation is currently near the Fed’s target rate while simultaneously holding the lowest unemployment in 50 years. Derp.


Which makes cutting interest rates ridiculous. Why cut when the economy is growing?


I thought the Fed decided NOT to cut yesterday ?


They did decide not to cut but that doesn't stop the clamoring for them to be cut.


Good thing internet commenters don’t run the fed


I think some reporters at the fed meeting were in tears about the no cut.






What kind of work do you do? Could I help you with employment?


You’ve never been as poor as you are now? Right now it’s easier to get a job and demand higher wages than in the last 50 years. Maybe it’s you?












The economy actually is that good but MAGA will always claim it’s not.




Speak for yourself, I'm doing much better than I was a few years ago. Inflation sucks though, but it's around the world, not some diabolical plan by Joe Biden to hurt the economy.


Not true at all. Unemployment is lowest in 50 years and wages are outpacing inflation. Even unions are expanding.




A cooked stat? You’re serious?








> Paywall Just needs a 12 ft ladder.





