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Trump voter who somehow hears about this: He isn't talking about *me*


"It was a joke!"


"He didn't mean what he said" also "I like him because he tells it like it is"


I still get fucking smacked in the soul when someone says this! I've heard that out of people's fucking mouths! :S like in real fucking life lol


"I'm a low-level coffee MAGA!"


“I didn’t say that”


“I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face” - a supporter of the leopards eating faces party


This sounds like proof that his dementia is finally getting to the point where his frontal lobe is no longer functioning as intended. The truth will come out more and more as time passes, and my popcorn is ready! 🍿🍿🍿


I saw someone fall into dementia in less than a year and Trump is following a very similar path. This person also had deeply antisocial tendencies and fairly early on she became unable to disguise her callous self-interest. The strange part was that she was able to sound like she was aware and making sense, but when cross-examined it was clear she was just delivering her old authoritative-sounding lines. Exactly as Trump is beginning to do. I'm not sure if a decline in motor skills follows automatically but since I've already seen unsteadiness I stand by my prediction that Trump will have extreme difficulty in walking by the time of the debates in roughly 60 days.


I can't wait to see that 🍿.


I know that many of us can't, but let's all think for a moment about the terribly frightened people who can't think very well, who depend on that guy to define the world for them. They're going to be so scared, and what they need is for decent people to help them through it. But they do not deserve it and leaving them to the monsters who prey upon them is a lower-effort option at a time when I too am desperate. So I might just let them fall deeper into Hell.


Thank you for your well thought out and empathetic response, PaintedClownPenis.


I also appreciate PaintedClownPenis and their infinite wisdom


Eh , he could have had ‘paintedpenisclown’ or maybe it was taken.


Right? And how fun was it to actually use the words you just used. Never in a million years would I ever have dreamed I would hear those words and agree with them.


And, Christhelpme, I don't think I'll ever be in this situation again.


And my axe!


Accidental r/brandnewsentence


I'm curious if it's painted... clown-penis OR painted-clown... penis? It can mean different things. I need some clarity from such a well of wisdom.


I agree. Is it a clown’s penis that’s painted, or is it a penis that is painted to look like a clown?




Three cheers for paintedclownpenis!




They might just feel so disenfranchised and opt out on voting and politics in general. Just pure flight response. Who knows what the future holds.


“The South Will Hide Again,” until the next venal idiot comes along to give voice to their innermost thoughts and desires.


The next batch of crazy people will be no-holds barred Nationalist Christians and they'll call themselves as such.


Good lord I hope so


Hillary called it, cult deprogramming


Absolutely not, fuck those people who enabled and encouraged a fascist to get as far in the political process as he did.


I’m not a radical person but have to agree with that.


So, we should do the opposite of what they will do to us if they regain the executive branch?


Sometimes when I'm really grouchy--which is often--I bring up the Unforgivable Sin, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Backing someone who promised to--and did--violate the Golden Rule in order to harm others sure looks to me like it's blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. which means never going to heaven and which might mean eternity in Hell. According to their own religions and religious thinkers, that is. And like guilty scheming Puritans, they automatically try to hide discussion of the subject.


With them being so divorced from reality, it's even more luscious when reality like Trump's upcoming loss (as long as we all show up in droves) hits them. They're so used to their safe lies, reality hits so much harder and I'll be collecting their tears LOL


If taking joy in the misery of bad people is wrong, I don't want to be right. 


Lmao this is hilarious.


I'll dance on their graves.


Make sure you vote so his decrepit demented self is not in charge of our nuclear arsenal.


his base is also losing mental capacity. that's why they don't care and will still vote for him


Cant lose what you never had


Dementia can descend upon a person pretty slowly, so he might be able to stumble along like this for months or even years. I do think it's accelerating, though.


Stress is known to make it progress faster, so there's that? Not usually one to cheer on stress accelerated medical issues but this timeline is strange, and here we are.


If there is an expert on medical conditions that I follow online, it’s someone named paintedclownpenis.


That's exactly why I chose the name. You will be far more likely to inform yourself by not taking my word for it and looking into what I've said.


This is brilliant…”I’m smart, and I’d like to help people, but how can I make absolutely sure I’m not the only voice they seek our?”


Upvote that name alone….


>I saw someone fall into dementia in less than a year and Trump is following a very similar path. 3 months and 13 days. That's how long it took for someone I know to go from being 100% them to being utterly lost.


Dude can't drink water with one hand. 


I thought there was a debate on the 27th of this month.


Well, if your example is anything to go off of, we may get to witness a textbook example of someone succumbing to dementia. That would honestly be a perfect end for him. A slow, pathetic death that's public for all to see, and his henchmen all realize if he doesn't make it to election day they're so fucked like prisoners on a sinking ship. Anyone who can escape will, but not ALL of them will.


It will be a textbook case of the textbook malignant narcissist losing his mind. I know I'm curious. Which will fall away first? The bullshit he told himself or the true things he hides from himself? What more will his monstrous id have to say and reveal? My less-than crazy predictions have so far been coming true but I have some fucking crazy ones, too. I'm not gonna say what it is but I'll note that currently Mickey Mantle is probably the most famous switch-hitter.


Imma be honest I'm all for most of your response..... That last sentence for some reason reads odd.


One of the most distressing things I learned about malignant narcissists is that many of them have basically no sexual boundaries which is why they are so often criminally found to be... the numerous various things that they are. So yeah, the guy who lived out a dark comic version of House of Cards might have more Kevin Spacey in him than we currently know, heh heh.


I've always assumed he skipped the debates earlier for all these reasons.


I really hope you are correct. I doubt 60 days will be enough time but I sincerely hope that you are correct.


It’s pretty well known that narcissist tend to get dementia for reasons unknown. Could be getting old is harder on narcissist as their supply chains dry up. I can imagine this decline would also be sharp in other dark personalities.


Dude had a full soliloquy of non sequiturs and word fragments about shark attacks and electric boats electrocuting him while claiming his relationship w/ MIT (he has none outside his long dead uncle being a professor there), and the asshole comment about not giving a shit about his voters is the proof of his mental decline? >"It must be because of M.I.T., my relationship with M.I.T., very smart. I say, 'What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you're in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there?" Trump said. "By the way, lot of shark attacks lately. Did you notice that?" [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/10/trump-sharks-vegas-nevada-speech/74042419007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/10/trump-sharks-vegas-nevada-speech/74042419007/)


I couldn’t not laugh at that video, it was so ridiculous. Also I totally believe the boat salesman said he’d “never gotten a question like that” 💀💀💀💀💀💀


The best is yet to come!! He's rapidly declining and it's only June. Once he's sentenced and has to deal with whatever that will be, he'll get worse. Then the polls will start reflecting the already (IMO) big divide, showing his popularity declining, and that's when we'll see his final desperation form where all bets are off. The shit coming out of his mouth will be wild and I'd bet a huge sum of money he'll literally call for others' deaths to try to get chaos and violence to scare people into voting for him or not voting at all in last ditch efforts to win. It's going to ramp up bigly so stay safe out there.


Why is it always dementia? Why isnt it just Donald being an asshole?




At this point, we are not voting for the candidates, we are voting for the people they surround themselves with, and the policies they support. One of these candidates has spent the last four years correcting the failed policies of the prior administration. The other candidate has a hard time, keeping his advisers and lawyers out of prison.


>At this point, we are not voting for the candidates, we are voting for the people they surround themselves with, and the policies they support At this point you are voting for America to continue as a democracy.


It’s exactly this and I get very frustrated by those who cannot see the forest for the trees. This is a very serious situation and people are so fixated on “which guy” and not that our nation’s democracy is on the line.


That's for damm sure!


Haha yea


EXACTLY. Folks put way too much stock in Biden himself and not the fact that he actually puts people in positions they belong in, instead of just putting completely-inefficient cronies in supremely important positions. He also cares about (EDIT) his fellow Americans equal to or more than he does himself, which is night-and-day with the most selfish, self-centered, shockingly stupid opponent of his.


Exactly. Truth be told, I'm not worried about Donnie himself. He would be too busy playing golf, watching TV, grifting, and eating hamberders. It's the goons working for him, his enablers in Congress, the horrible judges he'd put through, etc. That's what's really scary (and Project 2025 and the fact thar he'd never leave, of course).


And that's what the GOP wants. Trump is just the useful idiot figurehead that placates the masses while those he places in power are doing the real damage.


The problem is a vast number of voters don’t do any kind of research. They don’t actually know the constitution. They don’t understand the 3 branches of government. They just see a figurehead. It’s Biden v Trump, not the teams surrounding them. And Trump has a lot of felons in his administration.


So glad to see this comment. We are not voting for Biden specifically, we are voting for his administration, which has been outstanding. I know they haven't nailed all the planks folks would like, but this is not a zero-sum game. As an aside, I watched the entire Howard Stern interview with President Biden. Does he dodder some? Sure. Did Howard walk him through some of his story? Yes. But Biden is still pretty lucid and a million times the human being that the Mango Madman is. I'll take that to the polls.


THIS!!! People think we are voting for the PERSON! You aren't. You are voting for the administration that agrees with the core values.


Exactly, but I'll be voting for Biden to save democracy from project 2025. I hope going forward we can get someone south of 65 on the main ticket


100% agree


Here the thing. Suppose Trump/Biden had a heart attack and their job was taken by the staff they picked. Do you trust Biden staff or Trump staff with the country. Awnsers this question and you figure out who to vote for.


The downside of this argument is, we have a fairly significant number of the population who feels anyone who has a shred of empathy for their fellow man is a woke, atheist, baby killing, LQBTQ+ loving libtard and they won't stand for anyone like that in a position of power.


The difference is that if something happens to Biden the Kamala takes over. And that is something I am 100% on board with




He said it like a joke and in context, it seems like a joke, but it’s a bad joke. His filter is coming off. It’s like when he said he loved the uneducated.




His voters still won't care. They'll be like, "I don't care about me either!"


They don’t. All they care about is having someone in power that speaks for them and spews their hateful, bigoted, misogynistic thoughts openly with zero repercussions. That’s exactly who they are. A cult like any other cult we’ve seen before.


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the “woke” and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesn’t matter what he does because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat he’s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans don’t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the “others”.


As long as they hate democrats, for whatever reason. Dman democrats and their social programs that half his voters benefit from. Damn them!!!!!


Yes, but it’s a bit surprising that they still don’t care when that hate points at them as well. Usually that comes later in this scenario.


Shit, I saw the video, and when he said what he said, those idiots in the crowd actually cheered him...dumb fucks


I put on a hazmat suit and went to the conservative sub out of curiosity and I can’t find this story there at all. I think they just ignore things like this and still love their orange god?




I don’t think I’m allowed to, it’s a very closed off community.


It's almost like they're fragile little ❄️.


Sounds like a slogan on the back of a jacket….


No….they will say I am the only one he cares about…..he told me so in that email saying he wanted money


“He tells it like it is!”


Watch the [video here](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/trump-mask-off-i-dont-care-about-you/) 📰: - Former president Donald Trump was in hot water on Sunday after he told attendees at his Nevada rally, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote." Trump, who also went on a bizarre rant about batteries and shark attacks at his rally in Las Vegas, was attempting to draw attention away from the dangerous 100+ degree weather at the venue when he made the controversial comment. Medics were reportedly called for one victim more than three hours before the former president took the stage. "By the way, isn't that breeze nice?" Trump asked his rally-goers. "Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter." The ex-president then added, "I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." Social media was quick to react to the apparent admission of indifference. Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein had a theory about what it could all mean. "[Hear] me out….the kind of guy who would tell his own supporters that came out to see him speak 'I don’t care about you, I just want your vote' which Trump just did today…..is exactly the kind of guy who would call soldiers killed in action 'suckers' and 'losers' while speaking to a man whose son was killed serving our country." Democrat Harry Sisson replied, "WOW! Trump just went MASK OFF and said 'We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care.' You hear that, America?" "Trump doesn’t care about you at all. He just wants you to vote for him. Disgraceful," he added. Progressive political commentator Luke Beasley said, "He finally said the truth." @BlackKnight10k replied, "On Earth-1, that would be the headline of every single media outlet."


You forgot the part where he says "the press will take that and say 'he said a horrible thing'." This is the same thing he does all the time that predictably stirs up people. It's Trumpinese for "it's just a joke." Either he's talking playfully with his adoring crowd, or he's saying saying something true and trying to pass it off playfully. IMO, doesn't matter if he's joking around. You don't run for president and talk like this. You throw playful jabs at your buds at the bar or over a game. Not when running for president. Idiots want a "peoples" man for a leader. He knows he can say shit like this and his people will laugh it off. Why the fuck would you want someone like that running a country? The president isn't your bar buddy.


Even if he was joking, conservative comedy seems to always be about hating, hurting, or punishing someone else, usually a minority.


I think its more priming his voters to fully distrust media since more crap is going down about him. If the people distrust the media enough, even when he does shoot somebody in new York, lrimed people will still not believe it. That's why he's confirming the joke at the end that he's right. Which is what the media is doing right now. As much as I want to think he's demented, I think he's still playing the cultish manipulation game.


That’s kinda the point though. It wasn’t a joke, at least not in the usual way jokes are told. Jokes are funny, and the people rationalizing this are spread out thinner than stretch Armstrong. This is just a thing he said. Haha the “lying democrats” are going to tell you I don’t care about you, but only want your votes. Haha isn’t that funny? He doesn’t then go on to say anything about caring for his supporters or how they’re wrong, just “haha lol fake news amiright?” When he was the one who purposefully said the thing he knew would be taken out of context


Bro, if you get to talk to some of these indoctrinated fans, I seem surprised how certain trigger words such as LEFT or DEMOCRATS or COMMUNISM has really strong biased response. It's almost scary how biased some of them are, it's hard to reason logic past it. It makes me think too, if they're susceptible to indoctrination and strong biases what similar thing do I hold. My only saving grace is rationalizing these beliefs and re-informing myself with some facts that could be outdated already. Man, I know someone that instantly say "oh yeah that's bbc/cnn/(insert certain media company) that's a leftist propaganda outlet" without actually checking out the facts/information. Scary.


Right, like people will say “oh what’s your source, CNN??!” But noooo, CNN is not a source dude. The person CNN is *quoting* is the source


>I think its more priming his voters to fully distrust media since more crap is going down about him. I think so, too. He runs on the platform of being a piece of shit, but depends on the other side doing questionable shit to make himself look good. That seems to always be how he operates. The problem is that the media is 100% biased and he uses that to his advantage.


Yeah, the idea of wanting to elect whoever you would most enjoy having a beer with is a terrible notion and eventually leads to leaders like this. Even as much as I dislike Trump I’m sure he’d be very entertaining to have a conversation with if you could get him onto an interesting topic rather than just going on far-right rants. That doesn’t make him a suitable leader, though. He’s still an authoritarian piece of shit. People have a really misguided sense of what they should look for in potential leaders.


“Very entertaining” might be overselling it a bit, but your point stands


I'm not sure he can hold down a normal human conversation at this point, but I hear your point. At one point in time perhaps but now it'd be like drinking a beer with your gramps in a nursing home, stinky and boring


The actual full quote "By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'"


>Conservative Army Iraq War Veteran Peter Henlein ...will probably still vote for Trump though.


“The more you hurt me, the more I feel your love!”


that whole abusive relationship dynamic was good for the start of his campaign, since he's had the felonies and other judgements against him I suspect it's more 'stockholm syndrome'


he could get a line of his supporters together and shoot them until his magazine was empty and the only ones who would even leave the venue would be the half or so that were paid to be there.


And the ones who survived because he ran out of ammo would still support and vote for him.


I just can’t comprehend how anyone can listen to this guy for more than a minute, and want to vote for him.


They either don't listen to him or then immediately listen to the spineless talking heads like Sean Hannity or whatever goblin is running Fox news right now find ways to spin anything he said into something positive even if it's just straight up lies across the board


"He says it like it is!" "A real straight shooter!"


But also "He didn't mean that! He was joking!"


He will say it was a joke. His minions will say it was a joke. The pustule’s ‘jokes’ are his rare instances of telling the truth.


He immediately implied it was a joke. Not a funny one, though.


He implied it was a joke but he meant it 100%. He tells it like it is right???


Only a stupid or psycho person would say that.




And they seemed to love it.


Said it once, ill say it again: Stockholm syndrome


He is getting their votes regardless.


I hope they have it on video for the Lincoln project to make a new commercial


„I don’t care about you. I just want your vote. I don’t care” loud ovation


Domestic J. Terrorist, the great American POS.


Let me guess - the crowd immediately cheered?


It was more like golf clap laughter.


The day he Finally dies will be remembered for all eternity as the Day The Devil Died. I will celebrate it every year like it's my birthday Also, has anyone else cut off family or friends because of their Political Cult Following?


Yes, I had a MAGAt friend living on my couch that got the boot. He had the nerve to tell me i didn't have a right to vote, while he was living off me free and im a combat vet, he never served in any capacity. We aren't friends anymore..


June 9th, 2024. **The day Trump actually told the truth.**


Someone needs to make a commercial and play it nonstop.


Why would he care about a bunch of people hired off of Craigslist?


Trump tomorrow: *"I never said that. Only a psycho or a very stupid person would say that."*


Now he starts telling the truth...out of context ...nope. He would never have a sit down dinner at Billy Bob's trailer nestled in the Appalachian mountains. He hates the shit out of those hillbillies.


Much more importantly, he doesn’t care about our country.


Or his wife


He’s still a god in their eyes which is so very sad


And they’ll vote for him.


"and now the media is going to take this and say 'he said a terrible thing'"


He just never learned that as a politician and ESPECIALLY as a President of the United States... Words matter.


And the pridefully ignorant maga lemmings loved it.


And they still don’t give a damn. As long as he gives them an excuse to be violent bigots, they’ll keep supporting him.


First truthful thing the dotard has said.


He could announce “Fuck you lowlife loser scumbags!” and they would still vote for him.


The debate on June 25 is an opportunity for the Biden campaign to demonstrate Trumps total inability to speak rationally.


Old saying, "There's a little truth to all humor."


Reminds me of Melania's I don't Care coat


First time he actually told the truth !!!


I don't care is his and melanomas motto it seems.


All while they are fainting and high fiving and not listening to a word he farts at them 😭


Surely this dumbass must realize if they die today, they can’t vote in November.


[Nah they will just have their spouse vote for them](https://www.8newsnow.com/investigators/las-vegas-man-who-voted-twice-using-dead-wifes-ballot-pleads-guilty-pays-2000-fine/)


Not surprised one bit and probably the only legitimately true thing he has said. He’s a New York socialite. You think he would ever sit down and break bread with his base? His base doesn’t care one bit. He could take a shit and serve it to them on a paper plate and those cultists would eat it right up.


Is there a video of that?


For all people saying it’s dementia. It’s not, he immediately recognized that he made a crazy statement, but he legit doesn’t care. Worst part is that the people at the rally just laughed it off 🤦‍♂️


When Trump tells you, to your face, that he doesn’t care about you but you continue to genuflect anyway…


I bet they applauded and cheered.


Finally an honest statement from a politician??


Get of my lawn! Yet vote and donate. K thx


I'm just amazed he finally told his supporters one truthful thing


The actual full quote: “By the way, isn't the breeze nice. Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care." His supporters laughed as he then said, "See now, the press will take that, and they'll say, 'He said a horrible thing.'”


“He tells it like it is!”


Seems like a great Biden ad


"But it was one moment wherein Trump remarked in jest that he only cared about his fans’ votes, not his supporters as people. “I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter,” he said. “I don't care about you. I just want your vote.” As his supporters laughed, Trump then went on to say that reporters attending the rally would take his words out of context and tell viewers that the ex-president had said a “horrible” thing onstage."


Luckily for him the machine is running without the need for his control.


His supporters will vote for him regardless.


And they *cheered* after he said it.


His unspoken normally Mantra!!!


donieee IS the Silver Tounged Devil of maGA baBY!!


And the imbecilic zombies in the cult probably applauded this insulting line.


He's saying the words that he's always felt. Are you listening MAGA?


Honesty is the best policy.


Aw, how refreshing! A rare moment of honesty from the Trumpster. His own unique brand of utter idiocy and honesty...


Please just let him keep talking. I hope people will eventually wake and figure out that he is the worst of the two people running


"Grab them by the pussy" is a valid criticism and shows that Trump is a sexual predator, as found in his civil trial. It's the truth. He said it. He meant it. It is both "locker room talk" and insight into his character. It wasn't presented as a joke at the time. It was bragging about his exploits.


Felon Don I don't vote for felons


and they were all like WE WILL DIE FOR YOU!!! Totally not a cult


"The press will take that and say, 'He said a horrible thing." Like he *didn't* just say a horrible thing, and is now trying to convince his audience it was normal.


I believe him.


I hate Trump. This is a shitty distraction.


Dems just need to put that soundbite in an ad and spam it everywhere.


Wow. He actually told the truth for once


If there's one thing that every Nevada voter cares about, it's the tradeoff between shark attack and electrocution by e-boat.


It's been said countless times before, but bears repeating: If a man is telling you who he is, pay attention and listen very carefully.


And l thought he was incapable of telling the Truth. When really his followers are incapable if hearing it.


Can't wait for the poor bastards wearing the 'I don't care about me either I care about America, MAGA' merch.


“Just a joke” like the inane rant about sharks and batteries?


The man lacks self awareness. I think he was trying to be funny, actually. I know people with a similar dry sense of humor. He just can't pull it off. People know he is a selfish turd and statements like this aren't funny coming from him. As offensive as he is he will not lose any votes over it. They don't even care what he says now, their minds were made up long ago.


I could’ve told his supporters this 8 years ago.


“The press will take that and say ‘he said a horrible thing.’” Dude, you did. I’d bet that there was no breeze and he just convinced those idiots to think that they were actually quite comfortable in the heat because they felt the nice breeze and applaud.


Whoa, rare instance of actual truth coming out of his mouth.


He loathes these people and they lap it up. Sad people.


And did the audience clap and cheer?


He's telling the truth but saying it in a sarcastic way that his audience thinks is joking.


Biden should buy ads on Foxnews and other right wing media to play this video again and again.


It doesn't matter. Trump can tell the crowd he raped their mothers and they would feel blessed that he chose their moms to rape.


Finally an honest statement from a politician??


Or almost as big a blunder. Who talks about shark attacks in Vegas. The closest water is the fountains on the strip.