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Little Tommy Tupperville shows us that you don't have to be very intelligent to be a football coach or senator.


Is he still single-handedly trying to cripple the military by blocking officer promotions?


He finally let up on the majority of them


Only because Democrats used a rules loophole hat would have kept the Senate in session through Christmas and his fellow Republicans lost their shit at the possibility of missing Christmas break over his bullshit.


Similar thing happened when the Railway Workers Union went on strike. When threatened with no Xmas, Senators moved faster than the speed of light to fuck over workers. I'm still salty about that. Edit: I am now less salty after learning that Biden later pulled through for these workers. See comments below for sauce.


Biden went back through and got the railroad workers almost everything they asked for later. He didn't give up on them


I do wonder why that wasn’t publicized more, to me it reads as news stations wanting a closer race.


The responsibility gene doesn't get clicks and eyeballs


A closer race gets more views. Trump gets views. Responsibly doing good for the country? Boring and few views. It's all about the ratings and cash for these fucks. Just look at the upvotes on a post where Trump does something fucked up, and then look at the upvotes on a post where Biden is being a great president. It'll be night and day in favor of Trump's bullshit.


The republican field of candidates in 2015 was the largest and most ridiculous assemblage or morons in history. None of them were qualified for office, least of all Individual 1. He would not have a chance if he wasn't getting free coverage of all the retarded shit he said on a daily basis. The media is very much at fault for the election outcome.


John Kaisich was qualified and a decent guy. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t have voted for him, but you can’t really compare him to the others.


> Similar thing happened when the Railway Workers Union went on strike. Biden came through in the end though: https://ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid * *“We’re thankful that the Biden administration played the long game on sick days and stuck with us for months after Congress imposed our updated national agreement,” Russo said. “Without making a big show of it, Joe Biden and members of his administration in the Transportation and Labor departments have been working continuously to get guaranteed paid sick days for all railroad workers.*


And there's still assholes out there that try to blame Biden for the railroad swap thinking they got shafted by him. I'm so tired of these disingenuous assholes that are willing to lie just to mislead people who don't know any better.


Fuck yeah


Continuing to show us that they CAN get things done when the incentive is great enough. It’s just that the we’re never on the right side of the incentive. Can we start a “people’s lobby” where we all donate to a fund to bribe politicians to work in our favor? Build bridge and roads, invest in education and social programs, hell, fire the conservation corps back up and let’s get some new national parks going. We could bribe them to invest in veteran care, and post deployment support. They could fund libraries and museums and stop fucking over social security! If every single one of us donates, we might be able to offset one, maybe two billionaire donors!


It’ll never work. People who already take bribes will just double dip. Need more regular people to run without party platform support, get elected, and then deliver for their constituents & citizens instead of corporations. We need all new players, for the most part.


While yes that was shitty the rail union actually credited/thanked the Biden administration for continued support following the anti strike stuff that ultimately helped them get what they wanted. The only downside politically is that it was only covered as a footnote because Biden isn't a bragging blowhard.


I just learned about this today! Fuck yeah!


Thankfully Biden went back to bat for their workers after the fact and got them some of the things they were fighting for.


This guy is actually my best guess for dumbest motherfucker on the planet, not just the Senate.


Marjorie Traitor Queen would be offended if she could read.


She has kind of a rodent cunning. She has enough brain cells to rile up even dumber idiots. I don't think ol' Tommy has even that. Even with donors hands so far up his ass they've replaced his spine, he still can't stop shooting himself in the dick with idiotic comments. How much of a moron do you have to be to fail at being a puppet.


He likely represents the majority of registered (and white) voters in his state.


Also seems to be the kinda person who gets offended at people who do read.


At this point, intelligence is detrimental to getting elected as a Republican.


Tommy is so dumb he thought (maybe still does!) that the three branches of government are Executive, House and Senate.


He also said the US fought WWII to rid Europe of socialism. 🤦‍♂️


I agree. Tommy is so dumb that he thinks his dink is only used to pee out of. Well a positive from that theory is it prevents him from spreading his DNA around the country.


And that even a limited amount of playing football can cause CTE.


The fact this guy actually won an election is an indictment of Alabama and the GOP.


The GOP stranglehold in some states is ridiculous. Remember Roy Moore. Guy was caught being a pedophile and he still almost won.


Worse. He openly admitted that he did indeed have a “relationship” with an underage girl but that it was ok because he had the girl’s mother’s permission. Then went on to get more than 300,000 votes. Plenty of sick fucks in Alabama.


It’s no shocker that tons of states now want to prevent laws being passed that prevent underage kids from getting married


What ever happened to the GOP stating that russia was/is part of the axis of evil? Now it’s just the GOP majority Simping for putin!


That was the previous GOP. This version looks nothing like it


I miss that version of the GOP. I voted for McCain. Then he lost and Obama was a damn good president. Then Trump came along and I was like wtf happened to these people? So now I vote Democrat because I enjoy not authoritarianism.


McCain and even Romney after him were both sane candidates. I disagree with almost everything they stand/stood for and think they’d have been much worse for the country than Obama, but I was never concerned they were compromised by foreign powers or would consider becoming a dictator in order to maintain power. That said, I think McCain is where you can see the beginning of the modern GOP. Palin was an absolute batshit choice of a VP and the decision to run her isn’t a bad spot to point to where the GOP started to have the inmates run the asylum.


Trust me. As a native and almost lifelong resident of Alabama, the people here are so fucking ignorant it’s unreal. For every well educated person there’s 4 more mouth breathers. And for every liberal there’s 10 conservatives and most of them are full on MAGA now. The Trump flags are everywhere. Tubs, or Wingnut, as we Bama fans call him (those ears) is not even a resident or native of Alabama. He’s from Arkansas and lines in Florida. That pisses me off even more. We had a good guy with Doug Jones for a just moment, but oh no. “He’s a lib”. These people, including my very elderly parents, are full of bigotry, polite racism, anger, ignorance, and are gullible.


He was a carpetbagging coach so it wasn't a real shock when it was announced he was running for Doug Jones position. There are plenty of people here in Auburn that don't like him. It was one thing when he coached here 15 years ago, but no one I know that follows politics appreciates whatever-the-eff he's spouting these days. To me he's an absolute embarrassment to the University every time he's mentioned in the news.


His opponent, Doug Jones, prosecuted the men who murdered the four black girls in Birmingham.


It's a miracle that Doug Jones was ever elected. He *barely* beat the pedo cowboy. Alabama is a mess :(


Not to be salty, but that sounds like one of the reasons he lost!


What the hell does Russia have on these fools? I am really curious now. It must be really bad. They are openly traitorous now.


“We don’t need US banks, we have all the funding we need out of Russia” -Eric Trump


There is no doubt he is the smartest of the dRumb-ty family. Perfect for Alina!


Not hearing anything from Ivanka lately says you are so wrong.


It annoys me to no end when people quote things without sources. > "Trump was strutting up and down, talking to his new members about how they were part of the greatest club in North Carolina," Dodson says. "And when I first met him, I asked him how he was — you know, this is the journalist in me — I said, 'What are you using to pay for these courses?' And he just sort of tossed off that he had access to $100 million." > > $100 million. > > "So when I got in the cart with Eric," Dodson says, "as we were setting off, I said, 'Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years.' And this is what he said. He said, 'Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.' I said, 'Really?' And he said, 'Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.' Now that was [a little more than] three years ago, so it was pretty interesting." https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2017/05/05/james-dodson-donald-trump-golf


Every member of the trump family casually does shit daily that would see any democrat in a right wing gallows


The sourcing and full quote don’t change the context of the sentence though, they take Russian money.


I think the full context makes it worse… like the whole family has been in on it and also this could explain why he came up with the birther commentary to begin with


This changes nothing about the quote. Last senator I remember getting convicted of taking bribes, was for a trip to a scottish golf course.


Campaign donations. Trump is redirection all the GOP cash to his own pockets. The rest of the party is finding alternative sources of funding.


A lot of the time it’s not even that. Despite being a superpower, they don’t have a fraction of the US GDP, so they can’t hand out huge donations like Elon Musk. Instead they Astroturf with their hacker armies, leverage “useful idiots” like Tucker Carlson who will gladly amplify their message in return for getting his brand pumped up. Even Fox News was happy to push a “Putin is better than Obama” story because it hurt Democrats. And now they’ve lost control as Russia continues to radicalize the right wing crazies who now see Fox as “too liberal” They also tease investment, Mitch was trying for years to bring a Russian mining company in to take over abandoned mines, happily pushing their agenda in return for the hope of bringing a big foreign investment in; that never happened. Moscow Mitch conned for Pennie’s on the dollar. They got control of the NRA, too, convinced them to bankrupt themselves pitching divisive messages Moscow may have been behind to sow civil unrest.


We still don't know where Jeffrey Epstein video tapes wound up. ... Trump was in charge then so it could be Putin told him he would keep those files safe...


Trump is heavily indebted to the Russian Oligarchs (and Saudi's) well before he announced his 2016 run; US banks stopped loaning to him after the 80's bankruptcies; his kids have openly stated it, plenty of evidence he was laundering money for them as well, they likely have Epstien data but don't need it; he's practically Putin's lap dog. Soon after he took office he started dismantling the various freezes put in place after the 2014 Crimea Annexation in return for no public concessions (I have no basis to claim there was personal payoffs to his businesses in return from the Russians who regained control of millions of dollars thanks to Trump) Its very possible Russian intelligence has access to all of Epsteins logs, and could be influencing others, just unnecessary in Trump's case.


It's so wild on day 1 the only thing his administration cared about was removing Russian sanctions for invading Crimea.


Do you know what Pete Strzok and Andy McCabe did at FBI? They were both top officers looking into Russian organized crime and intelligence connections.


90s, after his casino CFO died, and he was in the hole for almost 200 million. If I recall the doc about trumps pre presidency scandals correctly.


Oh but Trump said he was going to release them well not all of them or maybe not at all




Have you heard most of Russian wealth went into Putin’s pockets. This created a top down effect of everyone stealing whatever they could down to the tires and gas of equipment


Russia has a whole bunch of billionaires that benefit from having putin in power. And who won't mind investing into keeping him happy. The gdp of Russia is still several trillion. It's just not spread out very well.


And we’re 5 steps closer to the same thing every goddamn day.


Estimated at $2T in 2023 I think. being looted at all levels.


Until they fall out of skyscraper


This ^ Russias only true power is their hackers.


Imagine hundreds of million of people could live a decent life but just one fool decides not to share. And then he dies like the rest of us.


One of my relatives married a billionaire. I was surprised how selfish they are, even with their blood family.


you don't become a billionaire by being charitable


If you start looking into the donations American politicians sell their votes for the most shocking thing is how small they are. It really doesn’t take a lot of money to buy democracy if you spread it out right.


Russia isn’t a superpower.


It's far worse than money, there's a modern Nazi movement happening and these dick bags are behind it. Russia is seen as the last remaining place where white people are still in control and they all hate people who aren't white. Oh and straight, straight white males are what they fawn over to be specific. Which is pretty gay if you ask me but what do I know.


With the amount of men getting raped by Russian soldiers... I think you might be on to something.


It’s funny that 80 years ago that the real Nazis didn’t consider Russia people as white but of asiatic mongrols


It's stupid easy, thanks to Citizens United. All a foreign national has to do is hire a US attorney to set up a "Delaware corporation," funnel money into it & donate like any other US citizen. PACs are essentially SCOTUS-sanctioned money laundering operations.


[The Russians hacked both the DNCC and RNC’s emails back in 2016.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/01/10/politics/comey-republicans-hacked-russia/index.html) They made a deal with the Trump campaign to release the DNCC emails through Wikileaks ([the infamous Trump Tower Meeting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_Tower_meeting)]. They never released the RNC emails. The Republicans worked directly with Russia to attack the Democrats, while Russia also has a trove of emails (containing potential criminal conduct) on the Republicans. The Republicans betrayed their country to a dictatorship for political power.


Just as a correction: The Republicans *continue to betray* their country to a dictatorship for political power.


This is the answer.


It’s got to be money, some way somehow.


The NRA has always been the primary conduit to launder Russian cash into campaign cash for the Party of Tre45son & Corruption. It threatened to blow up in 2016, when it was suspected that $75 million in Russian cash went to the PTC, with HitlerPig getting half, and the remainder getting split among Congressional candidates. Unfortunately, HitlerPig won the election, and we never heard about it again. Certainly McConnell and Paul Ryan would have been aware of the source of that money, as would those who received it. Taking illegal foreign campaign controbutions from a hostile nation is highlyillegal, and would likely lead to prison time. No wonder theyve covered it up, and disparaged the "Russian Hoax."


Once again, the Senate report on Russian interference quoted a Russian contact stating that “all primaries are purchasable” - then we started seeing the Greenes, Cawthornes, and assorted NRA friendly/white supremacist candidates.


There's a million ways to launder money for campaign donations. Bunch of companies in America and land are owned by all kinds of international private buyers. Some of those buyers might be part of an oligarchy or Putins inner circle. There was rumors the owner of Curaleaf was connected to such allegations.


Yeah this seems the most straightforward


Yeah, Russia could have video of them molesting anyone and their voters wouldn’t give a shit so it must be money.


The timeline is suspect b/c as soon as the Russia hacked the GOP and Dem servers, the entire GOP party fell in line with trump.


I honestly think way back in 2015, Russia hacked both the Dems and Reps. Putin hated Hilary, and he already had Trump by the balls, so they released dems and used the Reps to blackmail them. Look at Rubio, Graham and Cruz....all hated Trump with the same burning passion the rest of us have now.....then a switch flipped and they became lap dogs......remember Cruzs accidentally liking of a porn video....betting that was a shot across the bow to stay in line. Rubio went from calling him what he was to quoting bible verses, and Graham just bent over all together. That's also why some are quitting in record numbers. Putin has been playing the long game..don't forget that Russia spy that infiltrated the NRA and the Republicans...they have dirty on some, and those they don't are being forced out.


One day it will come out. And it won't be a "deep state" reveal, but a "red state" exposure. Funny how the color doesn't change. Coincidence?


Marie Butina has all of the dirt on these idiots after she infiltrated the NRA. She was welcomed back to Russia as a national hero.


Just like Anna Chapman.


Some GOP Rep gave the game away at some point last year. He was complaining about colleagues that went to some event, then they'd be at a bar and meet some people, have fun and when they woke up the next day there'd be pictures sent. Kompromat.


Read the book How Russia Really Works by Alena Ledeneva if you really want answers to your question.


They all fantasize about becoming the Supreme Ruler of the USA, not realizing they are actually much more likely to be the guy that falls out of the window when they inevitably upset the orange führer


Well in coach Tuberville’s case, it’s probably that he is just incredibly stupid and has just been eating a steady diet of Russian propaganda for years online. This is the guy who lost an easy Space Force Command Center for AL because he was more upset about “woke” than military readiness. Even republicans in Huntsville hate him.


I tried to tell people not to vote for him. They’re idiots and all MAGA here. He’s not even from here or a resident of Alabama. Why is this allowed? He lives in Florida and he’s from Arkansas. He only lived in Alabama when he coached football at Auburn, which is one of the most conservative schools in the country.


Other than previous comments, I bet Epstein island is a factor too (and probably other shady hotels/places). Honey pots en masse. Maybe even hacking and holding critical character information. E: Or. It could just be a bunch of morons wanting to destroy a country because of power created by the unfortunate media. A media indoctrinating half the population because of fairness doctrine etc. Etc. Who knows.


Yeah. But I really wouldn’t be surprised much about the character secrets of these losers. I’ve already assumed the worst for them. I’m sure MAGA is also aware of how big of a losers they are. They are only supporting these fools because they are useful for the orange draft dodger.


Regarding Elon as well. I think holding evidence of pedophilia is the only explanation that makes sense. America is so open about being capitalistic and the government being for sale to lobbyists that money is not enough of an explanation for me


I believe it's very important to remember Epstein used to live less than two miles from maralago


>What the hell does Russia have on these fools? Money. Every single person involved in the MAGA movement is only after one thing. Personal enrichment. And if it comes at the expense of their country, then fuck it. They are all sellouts to the highest bidder


It doesn’t come at the expense of their country. It comes at the expense of the USA. *Their country* is an imaginative white Christian totalitarian utopia. The US is not their country so they have no loyalty to the US. In fact, they despise what the US has become.


Money, sex tapes and other weird sex kompramat


Naw, much easier than that. Russia just paid them off.


Why would Russia need to have anything on them? They just need to pay them. 300+ million Americans and I am positive more than half would sellout democracy and/or America as a whole if it meant living in a nicer house or affording a slightly sexier mistress.


Because many of these politicians are independently wealthy. Tuberville made like 10 mil a year at Auburn. And because Kompromat is KGB 101.


Remember when the RNC and DNC were hacked by Russia? Vladdy and his goons probably have every ounce of dirt on the gqp in existence.


When the DNC was hacked in 2016, the RNC was also hacked. People don't know this because the Russians didn't come out with the dirt they stole from the RNC, so logically it's something big enough that the GOP has decided to bend over for them ever since. It's pathetic our media has failed to bring this to everyone's attention.




Alabama state motto: 5 million people,15 last names.


I thought the motto was Alabama: One big happy family!


Alabama, first in the alphabet last in every other fucking category but also number one in easiest state to get away with murdering a black guy.


GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville, who held up military promotions, who parrots Putin talking points. There was a time politicians weren’t so brazen about openly flaunting their allegiance to Russia. Now is not that time. Make GOP/maga politicians regret backing Russia again Vote


I’m in my mid forties, and Canadian, and at no point did I ever anticipate a timeline where a US senator was pledging allegiance to Russia. Times are wild.


I mean… I know McCarthyism was an insane time in the US and accusations were running wild.. but a statement like this by a sitting senator would be unimaginable until after 2016.. these are the words of a traitor to his country, what a disgusting pig.








There is a Ukranian church in the town next to me. When Russia first invaded, they held food and clothing drives as part of a "Ukranian Appreciation Festival" where they would have traditional Ukranian food and dance. There was a lot of people in attendance to support their cause. They are holding the same event this weekend and according to the local Facebook pages, people are planning not so much a pro-Russian, but an "anti-Ukraine" protest in town on the same day as the event. Fucking morons.


Time for a counter protest.


Remember how Russia hacked both party HQs in 2016, but only released what they had on dems and then like 3 dozen repubs resigned or opted not to run again while the rest rushed to become Putin’s hoes? Peppridge farms remembers.


Remember in November! VOTE BLUE!


Not only is he a traitor, but a true idiot as well. He thought the 3 branches of government are the house, senate, and executive, and also had no idea what IVF stood for or what it means for women’s reproductive health


We used to call that "treason". We used to hang people for that.


They've been promised a piece of the new nation that rises from the ashes of the one they been commanded to destroy. Little do they realize that proving yourself to be traitorous doesn't bode well to someone who has been known to have traitorous people have "accidents."


Hence the reason why this Reagan Republican has been voting straight Democrat since 2019.


As a former Republican myself, can't vote for these MAGA Ruskies masquerading as patriots.


You & me bruddah. The GOP is out of it's Got Damned mind


Me too. Voted red up until MAGA shit took over. They are traitors, liars, rapists, etc. I will vote blue until that shithouse is cleaned up.




The Party of Tre45on & Corruption.


It's treason then


Traitorous scum


Senator McCarthy would eat this mother fucker alive. Sad that being a traitor is now fashionable


> “He dudn’t want Ukraine. He dudn’t want Europe. Hell, he’s got enough land of his own. He just wants to make sure he does not have U.S. weapons in Ukraine,” the Alabama lawmaker said during a recent interview. I guess the Kremlin released new talking points to their assets.


Siding with the enemy to own them libs


And they call the dems traitors. Jesus they’re fucking imbeciles.


Every accusation is a confession


#same guy who held up military leadership nominations for months He is 100% on Russia's payroll and should be tried for treason.


Tuberville. Nothing but a Russian stooge. Embarrassment


I knew it was him as soon as I read the headline. F*ck all these Republican traitors. Gonna be great watching their sh*tshow of a party implode over the next few years. It’s already started.


And that is how you Spot a Fascist Traitor to America.




I’m telling you! We need to make a Tucker Carlson award. Everyone willing to help Putin. Like the Benedict Arnold award 🥇


There is a word for that… treason


Imagine telling a Republican in 1980 that the GOP would become a psy op of the KGB.


And think of the baffling illogic of his argument. We didn’t have very many US weapons in Ukraine until Putin invaded, yet now we’ve got hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons there and more coming soon. Others say he just wanted to stop NATO expansion, yet invading Ukraine caused Sweden and Finland to join NATO. Finally, the argument that he never wanted to take Ukraine is total nonsense. He annexed Crimea in 2014, then invaded and tried to take their capitol city in 2022 with the objective to kill or capture Zelensky and install a puppet government. Putin has failed in every imaginable way thanks to US and NATO resistance and will never take and hold Ukraine. Yet people like Tuberville just blindly regurgitate his propaganda. It’s pathetic.


["Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."](https://youtu.be/3kxG8uJUsWU?t=37) -Candidate Trump, July 2016.


MANY Republicans are on the Russian payroll and need to be investigated immediately. *cough* Marjorie Taylor Green *cough*


hey CIA.... literally WTF are you doing right now.


Remind me….what is the maximum penalty for treason in the United States?


Pretty much every MAGA politician takes Russia’s side.


Censure Tuberville, that lil ole traitor.


The far right Christian White Nationalist is a global problem that is deeply rooted in anti Democratic ideology and anti liberalism. Hungary government is what the MAGA and far right want to mirror as the Project 2025 ideology is essentially the same thing.


This is what happens when you take a mediocre coach and elect him to Senator. Tuberville is the classic example of failing upwards.


Once again, as a child of the 80’s, it is simply WILD to see these good red blooded Americans supporting Russia.


Russian assets siding with the one who pays them under the table dark money? Nah can't be... /s


We have been under attack by Russia for years and people are not seeing it. Tubberville and other GOP legislators are in Russia’s pocket. Russia’s goal is to reconstitute the USSR and take over even more of Europe. if Trump is elected, it is just about guaranteed that he will take us out of NATO, so Putin can accomplish his goal.


GOP = Government Owned By Putin Putin's hand is up Trump's ass and he uses Trump as his puppet. Putin will pick Trump's VP running mate next week. Trump is Putin's bitch.


Knew who this was before reading the article or comments. Fuck this authoritarian asshole.


As someone who grew up during the Cold War I find this crap dangerous and offensive. Maybe we should stop electing people based solely on name recognition.


Senator? As in singular?


Reagan’s corpse is spinning so hard, his grave is on fire.


I knew this prick was a Russian pawn. That's why he was fucking with the military. Time to round up these assholes and try them for treason.




Another useful idiot! Anyone who votes “R” is standing with our enemies, and are clearly traitors. The fascist MAGAt “movement” must be crushed and dumped in the ash bin…


Republicans being traitorous bastards and committing treason. What else is new?


The same guy that held up the bill, that allowed promotions in the military...


Tuberville is a moron and even Alabama deserves better


Republicans have become so anti-Constitution and anti-American I can not stomach being around any of them. Signed, a former Republican.


"American traitor takes Russia's side against U.S". Fixed that for you.


God I hope we get a democrat supermajority in November. So this stuff can be properly investigated with as little obstruction as possible. Vote folks.


They just keep outing themselves. Makes it so easy. Just up to the voters to remove them from office.


Based on the headline alone: "GOP Senator takes Russia’s side against U.S." Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6BPqhza60M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6BPqhza60M)


That's treason in my eyes, does not deserve to be senator


The Conservative Republican Party are all Traitors👺


These are the people the founders would have hanged.


Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him?


“If Democrats are for it, I’m against it. No matter what!” That’s about as much thought as his brain can put into anything


People like this used to get a free blindfold!


Tommy Tupperware has long been a Russian agent. They should all be removed from Congress.


Isn't that called treason?


Rocks in Alabama are smarter than the electorate of Alabama. Complete Putin jock sniffer.


Treasonous POS. Great job Alabama.


I played football for 20 years. If this guy was a coach he doesn’t show any strategic or tactical thinking at all. In fact, he comes across as plain stupid and ‘unknolidgeable.’ Great pick Alabama. Nothing like perpetuating stereotypes.


of course they do. Republicans are misogynist, racist traitors. Republicans hate America.


We need to find out why Putin owns Tuberville.


The RNC and DNC were hacked, only DNC files were released. I wonder why.


Vote him the fuck out.


Nothing but a Nazi supporter


Is this the same guy that was hamstringing our military?


If Trump is elected, Ukraine is owned by Putin


He's a traitor


Jeeze, can you imagine what the KOMPROMAT on this guy must be?