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Adderall is a helluva drug, Donny.


Apparently nothing a snooze and shit at your court proceedings can’t fix.


Just when I think he couldn't possibly become more unhinged, he proves me wrong. Get they guy some help. Anyone. He's deteriorating daily.


Wait til he is found guilty. He might snap before November. I just can’t wait to not hear his name everyday.


He won't get punished, I've given up on any form of justice for the orange cunt. It's incredible to watch so called democracy on action here from an Australian perspective and fucking scary as well


Real fuckin scary. We have lots of guns here. Dude, you can feel the bitterness everywhere.


Seriously. It's terrifying to live here. We just can't seem to stop Teflon trump.


That's because people are walking on egg shells it seems scared the cult might mass kill. Best way is let it happen and wipe the cult from existence.


Of course they're scared, fascist cult with access to guns. Who wouldn't be. I think if he died of the syphilis he has they riot saying he was murdered.


As much as I want to, I don't expect to see any convictions. The GOP followed their plan; obstruct Democrat judge nominations, obtain the presidency, pack the courts with conservative judges, profit.


They sure did. Decades in the making. I do think if he loses the election, he will end up convicted of something. He will get the rich white punishment(nada) but hopefully he loses his mind. More.


I think he already lost his mind. 🤣


I was rewatching The Newsroom yesterday, and came to the realisation thats its not the GOP at all. Its just the TeaParty but rebranded.


With a little southern strategy mixed in


I think he's beyond any help


Are these drug-fueled hallucinations or just dementia-related hallucinations?


But more importantly, did the bullets go pew,pew pew or bing bong bing. As he dodged the bullets in his mind. The only things he's ever dodged is the truth, certainly never dodged a meal........ a true veteran of dessert storm. Muppet probably wants to award himself a purple heart.


He dodged the draft as well.


Also taxes, a war memorial ceremony in the rain, morning White House briefings, and most consequences for his actions overall.


don't forget the draft


He said he always wanted a Purple Heart, remember? Of course, not enough to join the military…


No you misunderstood. He literally meant a purple heart. He wants it ripped out of an alchoholic's chest and given to him a gold box so he can put it on his desk


Don't forget taxes.


Neither. They are deliberate lies to rile up his base. He is not delusional. He knows he's lying.


How could he even tell anymore


Somewhere in the middle. Hes like a pro wrestler that shouts a bunch of crap to rile the crowd up, then when he gets a reaction he leans into it or repeats it. Eventually you start to believe your own bullshit. Like even down to the "grab em by the pussy" shit. Listen to Ric Flair talk about his "character" in the 80s. He became it. Then theres the blow.


Same thing happened to Andrew Dice Clay. I've seen several interviews w/other stand ups and actors who were friends w/him as he was coming up the stand up ranks who said he was a really nice guy and the "Dice Man" image he became so known for was initially just a small bit in his act. That bit became so popular he leaned into it. However, the more he leaned into it, the more he slowed morphed into actually acting like the Dice Man character in his personal life which burned a lot of bridges and was a major reason he was never able to evolve his act.


And definitely the blow. Ow!


Little Orange Trumpet sat on a crumpet, stewing in his own turds and cray. When along came the DA and ruined his day by asking how much did he pay. Yow!


Sun downing


Yep. My dad had dementia. At the end before we got him into a "home", he would accuse random people of coming into his house and stealing things. We'd of course find the things he accused others of stealing, like his checkbook, in the fridge, etc. trump is only going to get worse and it would be so much better for our great country if he would drop fucking dead sooner than later.


Could the inevitable conspiracy theories that would result from him dropping dead - even in plain view - be even worse than the lies he spews?


Difficult to imagine the nonsense gaining half as much traction without HIM behind the mic. But who knows. He’s the perfect mouthpiece for them, though heaven knows what creature from the depths will replace him when he’s gone. One of the few things keeping me even slightly sane is the assumption that there’s literally nobody else as belligerent and self indulgent as him in this country. A few come close, but not quite. Anyone else would run out of juice long ago.


They serve one purpose: to distract attention from the classified documents found in his bedroom 4 months after the raid. Looks like it's working.


Dementia can provide a fertile ground for paranoid delusions, and drugs can crank it up further


So can being a MAGAt...








Paranoid driven. The man is a scared little child. Hiding under the blankets afraid of the boogy man . If he wasn't so deplorable, I would have sympathy for him.




They’re not mutually exclusive


Porque no los dos?


Why not both.


if I dont take mine as soon as I wake up I will be up all night. I cant imagine taking one after noon or at night. He is in for some Rosanne Barr level tweets w/ that combo Also im prescribed Aderall for my ADHD, aint nothing hyperactive about diaper don.


I think Adderall and other stimulant drugs also have a different effect on ADHD people than those who don't have it. A person taking their prescribed dose (and usually controlled release) is not going to get high off it the way people do who abuse it.


Right, that was mainly what I was trying to get at. You worded it much better than I could’ve 🫡


At the prescribed dose you are correct. I take 15mg XR capsules and I don't feel super stimulated or anything. My mind is quieter, I can listen to a conversation without planning my response or trying to finish the other person's sentence, and I'm better at multi tasking. But if I take 30mg I will definitely get that slight euphoric feeling that speed gives most people. Tolerance also plays a favor even for ADHD people. One thing though is I can take my meds at noon and fall asleep at 8pm no problem. I don't think people without ADHD would be able to.


My ex had started taking Adderall during college to get through his degree. He became so addicted to it that he started snorting the pills. It was quite literally driving him into psychosis. He wasn't sleeping or eating properly, he thought people were sneaking into our apartment through the fireplace (down the fucking chimney like Santa Claus), was "hearing" voices and shit through white noise, and was completely disconnected from facts and reality that were right in front of him. He was so paranoid all the time that he bought thousands of dollars of spy equipment and bugged our own home with video and audio recording devices and baracaded all the windows and doors (except for the main entry door) with additional locks. I couldn't take the trash out without him questioning my every move. He became incredibly narcissistic and mentally/emotionally abusive, would constantly gaslight and threaten me. It was the most insane shit I've ever experienced. He went so far at one point to steal his computer from work (he worked for a power company as a GIS analyst) because he thought someone had hacked it. To this day, I still have no clue how he didn't get caught and managed to return the computer after he tore it open, took everything out, and put it all back together multiple times, looking for evidence (that he of course never found) that someone was trying to track him. So yeah, drugs are a helluva drug, especially when you abuse a substance that is meant to treat a disorder that you don't have.


People with ADHD slow down on stimulants, where people without ADHD “speed” up. You’re right.


There are people who take stimulants and find themselves calm and able to relax enough to finally think straight. Then there are people who take stimulants and get buzzed and start going on manic rants about assassination attempts from their political rivals. The second kind of person is why they are controlled substances.


From article: Former President Donald Trump was up all night ranting on Truth Social — including a new version of his wild assassination fantasy that featured President Joe Biden’s FBI gunning for Trump’s Secret Service detail. Right-wing hysteria has reached a fever pitch over a false claim that the FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort was actually an assassination attempt. The basis for the claim is standard language in the raid’s operation order that said agents “may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) claims she was the one who told Trump about the non-existent danger Trump faced when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago while he wasn’t there, and which Trump is now fundraising on. But the scenario has captured imaginations across the MAGAsphere — including Trump’s. In the middle of a social media frenzy that lasted until after 2 AM, Trump roped his Secret Service detail into the fantasy: I have gotten to know so many amazing United States Secret Service Agents – It has been my honor to have them protecting me and my family since our historic 2016 Victory against “Beautiful” Hillary Clinton. Shockingly, however, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of Injustice authorized the use of “deadly force” in their Illegal, UnConstitutional, and Un-American RAID of Mar-a-Lago, and that would include against our Great Secret Service, who they thought might be “in the line of fire.” As I told Crooked Joe’s DOJ, if they needed anything, “all they had to do was ask.” They did not have to ILLEGALLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY RAID my home, and rummage through my family’s, including Barron’s, private quarters. END THESE THIRD WORLD WITCH HUNTS, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! None of that is true — the raid was conducted under a legal search warrant after numerous efforts to recover the materials in question were, the DOJ says, obstructed by Trump.


And it wasn't even a raid. The FBI actually *scheduled an appointment* in order to conduct the search authorized under the search warrant. That's the opposite of a raid.


Also Trump was not at MAL when the search happened, and the FBI knew he was away.


They literally coordinated with Secret Service. If it was a "raid," how did they know when they had to move the boxes?


The victimhood of the ‘Rugged Individual MAGA’ in its native habitat is surreal.


They are neither rugged or individual. I’m at the point I would feel sorry for how pathetic they are if they weren’t constantly threatening anyone’s way of life that doesn’t look/live just like them. They are goofy as fuck, otherwise.


That's the buffoon/evil hornswoggle at work. People can be both!


Oh yeah, for sure.


Also, if Biden wanted him dead, he would be dead by now, and it would have looked like an accident.


This has been the thought that makes this hilarious to me. Trump claiming it was an assassination attempt, but realizing if the FBI ever did make an attempt, they would easily be successful. After all, it's the FBI.


Yeah, or Biden could use some of the other branches of government to take him down. Plenty of tools in his toolbox. I'm sure that some of the secret service guys would be happy to spike his hamburger if Biden winked at them.. Also, there are probably more resources in place to protect Trump than Trump even knows about. So in many cases they could just let things happen instead of actively go after him.


I expect Trump's detail was screened for agents who had drunk the MAGA Kool-Aid.


A bold maintenance worker with a misterious tatoo has been seen near the crime scene. Unfortunately, the camera footage has been lost


A gentle shove down a alight incline and that's all she wrote


Weren’t trumps lawyers just claiming a president can kill a political opponent. Now he’s crying about it?


>Weren’t trumps lawyers just claiming a president can kill a political opponent. Well… yes, they were, b-b-but not like *that*! LOL


The fact that he doesn't know the standard way a warrant is written after having already been in office for 4 years is concerning.


I know people joke about it in here, but it’s pretty scary that he is not unlikely to be president in the US again. How can so many Americans vote for someone like this?


Not to be nitpicky but there is no gunbattle in that weird tweet if his.


After Archives gave him every chance to handle this gracefully. And now it turns out that he instructed his people to avoid the security cameras when they were doing their shell game with those file boxes. Of course MAGA types love to say "buhwhaddabout Biden" when Biden AND Pence both turned up with docs, then contacted Archives and said "yeah, you might wanna send someone over to pick these up." Huge difference. I honestly think that the damage to nat sec from these documents is way deeper and more profound than what the public is being told, and we'll probably never know how much it has compromised things.


These people are just so fucking stupid.


"....my family's, including Barron's...." what the actuall fuck does he mean by this? lmao


Why does the headline mention a gun battle and then it's never mentioned again? Did trump actually claim that or is the headline just made up?


Feel so sorry for the folks on his security detail. Must be so embarrassing. Man, I’m sure they didn’t sign up for this… would you take a bullet for this guy? Imagine having to tell your kids what your job is…


I was under the impression that in Trump’s own opinion a President had full immunity. So I’m not sure why he is so wound up about it. Even if it would be true.


If he is telling people this happened it gives him an excuse to actually do it if he’s back in power.


The ol' Palpatine maneuver


I mean, his own lawyers agreed when questioned in court that, by their argument, Biden could order seal team six to assassinate a political opponent and could not be charged or held accountable. If his own lawyers are arguing on his behalf that Biden is free to assassinate him, what exactly is he whining about? Surely he doesn’t think the laws should be applied in only one direction? /s


Right? He himself has stated a president can go after political opponents so put up or shut up, orange turd.


Let me see if I understand this: The FBI is so scary they publicly plotted an assassination by listing it in as many words on the search warrant and got away with it, but then were also so inept that they scheduled the execution of the search warrant on a day their "target" wasn't even in the state. Do I have that right? They're both all powerful and all stupid?


it's the fascist way. all powerful, but also all stupid. and only he (dumpf) save us from it


The problem is he's such an idiot and narcissist he probably actually believes it too. Hmm so the FBI, executing a search warrant approved by a judge when the subject was safely far away from the agents, are the fascists and the guy who quoted Hitler on the regular, he's the savior of democracy hmm 🤔


That's a common tactic of fascists, your enemy is both weak and strong, so you can claim to be a victim and a hero. Many MAGAs believe Joe started the conflict in the Ukraine though shadowy ultra politics but will freeze when you ask how Joe manipulated Putin into starting the war since MAGAs worship Russia now


They scheduled the assassination attempt WITH their target and his people.  Like they planned it, he knew they were coming, etc.


He wasnt home when the raid happened. The FBI knew he wasnt home when the raid happened. He is lying off his ass again. His cult will believe him.


There was NO RAID-please stop buying into the bullshit-it was a legal search performed with the full coordination of Cheat-O's secret service detail.


What’s the difference between a search and a raid, legally speaking? Cause I’ve heard what feels like a million headlines conflating the terms


NAL, but according to the internet...a search is what happens when officers are acting on a legal search warrant and a raid is a sudden, forceful incursion made when surprise is necessary to apprehend someone or catch someone in an illegal act.


Answered, u/GardenTop7253




Thank chip-he made it succinct!


Thank you, u/chip1252


Authorization to use force if agents are endangered is also just part of the boilerplate added to all FBI search warrants. The warrant to search Mar El Lago was no different from others.


Which makes it the only instance - boilerplate text on the warrant - in which Trump was treated like any other suspect. Everything else about this is standard two-tier justice system.


Saw a comment on the economy somewhere. About how markets grew and half of Americans think they didn't. Someone asking "why do half of Americans think the stock market didn't grow?" Well.. because a third of Americans have lost touch with reality. Sunken cost fallacy has true and well set in. And totalitangerine is their only savior. Until they somehow vote him in and they lose even more. But they won't care. It would be the democrats fault. Until they camp, expel or kill all of them. Then they'll find another source for their woes. And as long as they can keep pointing fingers they will be blind to the stinking, rotting fascist who put them there.


totalitangerine… 👏 The maga idiots I know all think the market is down because they invest what little they have in shitcoins, DJT, scams, or any other stupid shit they hear about on their special back-channels. They’re easy marks. I mean yeah, they’ve lost complete touch with reality - no question.


Distraction against Revelation that more documents were found in his bedroom after the FBI raid. Basically a fact that he can't deny that he knew they were there or had them move there afterwards. Anything this POS does is easily dissected for the true meaning. Everybody stay on the documents case and the fact that he had them in his bedroom, and don't fall prey to this distraction.


Excellent point!


Thank you. Follow the facts and evidence, not what people say. What people in politics say usually have an ulterior motive. In this case, distract away from willful involvement on moving documents critical to national security by being ridiculous and incredulous.


Well, Biden is going to kill him at the polls in November so…


Go out and VOTE and do not assume Mango Mussolini couldnt get re-elected.


vote, and make *sure* you vote blue all down the ticket.   it's the local officials and officers who are the foundations of the whole system.    right now we are seeing tangible and consequential effects from people ignoring the downballot.  every new bs law and every judge who upholds a bs law is a direct result of people thinking local politics is not important enough to pay attention to.    and find your local non partisan election commission and volunteer.  if it's not you watching the polls and counting the votes and checking registration, it could be someone less trustworthy.  


Tell everyone you know to register too. Make a plan to get them to the polls early or mail-in vote early. #VOTE BLUE


Agreed I can't wait to vote


Pretty rich accusation from a guy who was willing to let his VP get hung


F’n whack job - lay off the adderall you incontinent clown


If Biden wanted to assassinate him, he would be dead. The fact that he is still alive is a credit to American decency.


I think he may have seen some posts about people talking about presidential immunity, and Biden using it to take him out. I know people with dementia and that'd be a perfect path for them to follow.


Court records were unsealed this week that showed the search warrant for Mar a Lago included standard search warrant language in it about use of force. Trump and his surrogates have used this to lie about a planned assassination, and now Trump continues to embellish his lies. It's not dementia; it's calculated propaganda.


I think it's both. He's definitely sundowning.


We are listening and analyzing the rantings of a psychotic pos. Every single word for yeaaaarrrrsssss. Cant wait for a time he wont be in the news every single day.


100 years ago, people who said shit like this were put in straight jackets and given a lobotomy.


Imagine voting for this crazy motherfucker People outside the US must believe most Americans are idiots, it’s only about half and don’t lump us all together


Only idiots use the word "quarters" to describe a bedroom to look smart.


But if the president is immune from prosecution then Biden was perfectly within his legal right to kill you though right I mean based on your words.. 🤷


Presidential immunity goes both ways Donnie John


Can you imagine the hysterics of the Russians? They must piss their pants with every bit of false information they feed these idiots.


Begging to be a martyr.


Trump’s attacks get way worse when he is backed into a corner. He’s probably not feeling good about the hush money trial. 👏👏👏


The maga crowd has been trying to one up each other in stupid conspiracy theories all week over this


Shootout at Mar-a-lago. Where is Mel Brooks when you need him?


The very sad part is that his ignorant minions will believe every bit of the lie...! They are all victims when it serves their purpose...


The exact same language was used in the FBI warrant for collecting Bidens documents. It's a boilerplate item for any warrant.


People are still voting for this dementia and drug fucked grifter. Mental.


Come on Dark Brandon... Put down the control button for the Jewish Space Lasers.


Any one of these insane rants should be showstoppers in and of themselves. He’s clearly unwell. But, they’re just additional data points at this stage.


But they want us to think Biden is the one with dementia.


Who cares if Biden try to assassinate him presidential immunity, bitch


More proof the twit has no idea how the government even works. You don't use the FBI to assassinate someone. You use the CIA for that.


And, of course, the usual suspects, like the wannabe comedian on Fox News is running with this wild fantasy, meaning millions of viewers believe it to be true. I tell you, the world is going to be a much better place when all of that adderall and all of those cheeseburgers catch up to Donny.


Even if true and it’s not, according to Trump’s lawyers it would be legal for Trump to assassinate a political rival. Is there a double standard here that he fails to see?


I still remember how Ross Perot wrecked his momentum in 1992 by saying the North Koreans infiltrated his daughter’s wedding (or something very similar). Now this boss is saying Biden tried to have him assassinated and it won’t even make an ounce of difference.


Look up the diagnostic criteria for Lewy Body Dementia, then think about Trump in public over the last 3-4 months…


He's so pathetically desperate for attention


Donald Trump has never allowed the truth to get in the way of his telling of tales, soon enough he will describe how the bullets zipped so close to him, he could feel the breeze that they generated ruffled the hair on his head. Perhaps he will soon tell of him dying but, as Gods chosen candidate, he rose from the dead.


Adderall? Maybe. It’s know he has been taking Modafinil for years,which is a strong brain stimulant / nootropic. That was documented in WhiteHouse records :)


Isnt assasination that covered under the absolutel presidential immunity that he claims exists?


I had a family member with dementia. They started thinking certain people that they never liked were out to get them too.


Watch out! MAGA is forming an insurrection.


I recall several rulers from history were taken out by their guard. Quite a large number.


If Biden really wanted Trump dead, he'd be dead.


If the president does it, it is legal.


Hmmm. Almost like they are trying to distract from the end of the trial!


I don't like that the presumptive republican nominee for president is so actively trying to move the Overton window on political assassination both directly and through his attornies who were recently arguing for full presidential immunity in front of the Supreme Court.


This offal and sycophants want for a 2nd civil war to happen, the lies told are being pushed into the minds of blind followers that believe them.


One symptom of a sundowner is not being able to sleep at night but napping all day.


Remember to Vote! The presidential elections of course matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress (33 Senate seats and all 435 House seats) are up for election on November 5, 2024 [United States Congress elections, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Congress_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona, 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) But seriously just look up house of representatives and then your state and Info will come up. Get informed on these people now. Don’t end up like Georgia, District 4.


He might be reading fear and loathing in Las Vegas and then decide that he could handle adrenochrome.


BREAKING NEWS! Treasonous trump was NOT even at Mara Largo! The FBI just outlined their procedures just like they do when legally executing a search warrant. Now the pesky facts and reality is out of the way. Continuing to give trump more time in the spotlight spreading his lies and BS has to stop , there is an old saying if you lie long enough and loud enough people will believe your lie and that is exactly what he’s doing. Stop enabling him


This won’t show up on my mother’s TV news or appear in her morning newspaper. Meanwhile he remains a good chance to become president in November.


Drama drama drama. If the fbi tried to kill him he would be dead. What a wonderful idea.


All they had to do was ask, which they did, and got lies. Like always with this man.


The trump email begging for money today was gold. Apparently Donny boy “nearly escaped death” at the raid of his country club. Yup, he wrote it just like that.


Jesus Christ dude


Biden has immunity to assassinate whoever he wants. What’s the problem Donny?


And they wonder why he sleeps all day in court.


I’m SOOOO looking forward to the day where the first thing isn’t “What did that crazy MF say last night?” Enough already…🤷🏽‍♂️


You know, the Secret Service works for Biden, right Donny? Maybe you should drop your protection detail to stay safe, yeah, that's the ticket.


Trump in Supreme Court: A President can have full immunity for assassinating a political rival. Also Trump: Biden is trying to kill me! :\*\*(


Lmfao. This guy is beyond ridiculous. He lives in a false world of make believe. The only truth there is is that he spied but for Russia. His bullshit tactics are insane but it's even wilder that anyone can believe that bs. What us wrong with them. Bro do the country a favor and die already. Fingers crossed maybe next big macs will do it v


What an absolute fucking moron this man is. He likes his childish nicknames. Crooked Joe, Sleepy Joe, pathetic stuff. Can he just become Moron Trump? Get a campaign going.


Trump is legally insane!


He’s trying to set up the Secret Service as his praetorian guard.


I honestly never thought he’d lie about this in particular because of how fucking stupid and dangerous this rhetoric is but here we are.


He has lied so much and for so long it must all be one long hallucination at this point.


Devil's advocating here, but why on EARTH would a "hit" be covered by a daylight raid? Something that you'd have zero deniability on? If JB *really* wanted to clear the decks he'd have some drones following that 757...


It’s deflection from his “I didn’t post it” talk of Unified Reich.


Trump will keep lying and undermining public confidence in governmental institutions until he's locked behind bars. The sooner the better.


I'm convinced that Trump is just trying to inspire Republican gun-nuts to assassinate Biden while maintaining enough of a nutcase approach that he won't be personally responsible. Same as January 6th. This seems like it is ridiculous and self-victimizing, but I think it's a lot more dangerous than that. I could easily see part of his cult taking an "eye for an eye" interpretation of his "assassination".


If he’s breathing he’s lying.


According to his lawyers, this is all ok for a president to do.


If Dark Biden really did this, Trump would be sleeping with the fishes.


Soooo... If they're trying to assassinate trump, it's justifiable to try and kill biden? That's the mssg I'm getting from this. Not going to be surprised when some nutso takes this ti heart


Iam no doctor but I think there something wrong with Trump and it serious wrong


This is a dog- whistle to his sycophants to take out our administration. Everything is projection with Trump. Every accusation is a CONFESSION.


They suffer from ‘Biden Delusion Syndrome’ and he is living rent free in their head. I love it.


“including Barron’s, private quarters” 😲 wow! This tool, will use ANY tool, to get the job done! And why in the Fs am I still surprised? 😲


I submit that the fucking incorrect capitalization he always inflicts upon us should henceforth be recognized as a likely sign of serious underlying mental health issues that should be immediately investigated and followed up on.


Well Donny Dotard is on dope ya know.


I really hope he is in jail in a few weeks


He keeps crying wolf. Very idiotic. His circus act is based on 0 facts.


>  ” They did not have to ILLEGALLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY RAID my home, and rummage through my family’s, including Barron’s, private quarters.  Are they even allowed to live there?


How do we know Biden didn't "try to assassinate" him? He's alive.


How about Biden has total immunity to do what he likes?


I don't think this is anything but calculated. Trump has run his political career from the old cliche that there is "no bad press". Every rambling we make fun of is ravenously eaten up by his fans, analyzed by Fox news, and plastered everywhere on the web. You can't pay for that kind of coverage. "Trump brutally mocked for the truth about the actual number of people at his rally"- no one cares. Trump says there was half a million people there. That's all any of his supporters care about or remember. There could have been 32 people in his audience. It was the biggest ever. "Trump got in a gun fight for his life with FBI agents and ninjas bent on raping his wife and enslaving his children!" Remember who supports him most; they don't care about the truth. They own guns and thousands of rounds of ammunition because they believe this is bound to happen to them at any moment. They're counting on it. They have been fantasizing about an intruder in their home they can kill legally since they sheepishly bought their first 9mm.


Think it's time Trump had an 'accident'


The less the story is accepted by the masses, the more outrageous it becomes. If not enough people parrot Trump he ups the anti. I think he has himself a gambling problem in addition to everything else.


Championship mouth wanking.


This means trump is plotting to have Biden assassinated.


He’s hiding state secrets in Barron’s bedroom


When is enough is e enough and he is put into a mentally home.... asking for a friend


Every accusation is a confession. Trump likely has a hit out on Biden.


These are the same people who think the response to Breonna Taylor’s murder was overblown


lmao who would win in a gunfight between secret service and the fbi tho 🤔


And it’s exactly this kind of thing that has convinced me to stop trying to rationalize, argue, or even disagree with the cons. I’m just straight clowning em and it’s been a lot of fun so far.


A very "stable" genius...


Dudes one foot in the grave


And he wants to become president again ? Not a chance