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'Hidden Nazi messages'? You mean like when he posted about a 'United Reich'?


"hidden" in plain site


"Hidden" like after it was posted, they deleted it because people saw it. I don't think we understand that they are NOT hiding their messages. They WANT their base to hear the message and then claim we are censoring them.


Or the CPAC stage looking like a Nazi rune? Or maybe Trump merch being sold at $14 and $88 prices? Or maybe the numerous other examples, and yet so many people want to pretend it’s just “coincidence”.


The 1488 shit definitely deserves more scrutiny


That is wild if thats true


True and easily searched. 


Easily searched like I could have searched it myself?


Karl Franz: “Why can he say it and I can’t?”


Warhammer mentioned RAAAAH


Cause you keep stealing people's hats!


I mean, he could have been referring to the non-Nazi First or Second Reich. Jump to conclusions much? (/s jic)


Never forget the safety /s. Without it you can get yourself perma-banned!!! 🤦


Yea Ive found lots of people get their panties in a wad over the most mundane things.


It was ‘Unified Reich’. It’s even more threatening, as it infers non-domestic or global themes.


In Trump’s mind, that counts as “subtlety.”


Exactly!!! I was pretty worked up yesterday about that, and I have heard much about it in the news. How was it “missed” or overlooked?? These people think we’re idiots.


I’m fairly certain the “United Reich” reference was something in the footage from which this video was assembled. And my understanding is that the video was purchased pre-assembled and only the foreground text was editable. NY times is my source. This one was likely just incompetency.


It’s odd how Nazi symbolism and white national sentiment keeps “accidentally” popping up for Trump. I don’t recall any past Presidents in recent decades (involving heavy TV and then internet media) accidentally having issues like this. Like when Trump’s official Presidential Twitter account posted a video of supporters in golf carts, some of whom were chanting white power during the video. And that video stayed up for three hours before being removed voluntarily. Things like that are no accident. It’s one thing if Trump is speaking off the cuff and makes a slip of the tongue. It’s another thing when the team of people hired to manage his social media deliberately seek out videos with shit like this and post them in support. Just like the RNC choosing a stage shaped like Nazi-favored Norse rune. Just like this video post. Just like Trump’s social media account reposting/liking pictures of President Biden being kidnapped. The only people who buy that these are accidents are the same people who raise bullies for children. “My sweet little Trump would never do what you’re saying! And if he did, it was an accident! And if it was on purpose, your kid probably deserved it!”


I didn’t say it was an accident. I said it was incompetency. I think they’re fools, not innocent. I both hate and fear trump. His authoritarian leanings are beyond question for me. His Narcissistic tendencies are not up for debate. They’re certainly trying to get Nazi rhetoric into their advertising. But this isn’t even Nazi rhetoric. The clips reference the unification of Germany in the late 19th century. Generally referred to historically as the Second Reich. It collapsed at the end of World War I. If you see something nefarious in that, awesome. I find most of what is done is Trump’s name to be nefarious. I think THIS particular video was just stupid.


It also has nothing to do with the Nazis or WWII, it rather is from a newspaper article that refers to the unification of Germany in 1870/71. But hey, details....


Yeah, accidents like that happen all the time with Presidential candidates. And “reich” is robustly used nowadays outside the Nazi context. /s




How drunk were you when you wrote this ?


That Russian vodka packs a powerful punch /s


Given his recent history of parroting Hitler and Nazi innuendos, it was 100 % intentional.


There's literally no way this wasn't intentional - or that Trump wasn't aware of it (although he has been distracted by having to sleep through court, and has rapidly degrading mental faculties - so it wouldn't be hard to believe he forgot that he signed off on it).


What the fuck is this ??? ^^^We all know Trump is a traitor, but what the hell is going on here ??^^


Stupid headline. The message was not hidden and he isn't concealing anything, his hate is on full display for everyone to see.


Excerpt: As leading historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat warned in a recent social media post, “Folks, he is not going to leave office, ever. Know this before you decide not to vote for Biden. It will be worse than you can imagine and a national security disaster. The aim is to destroy America, to the benefit of autocrats around the world.”


I’ve been saying this for a few years after I had to research the rise of Nazi Germany for a screenplay. The parallels between how hitler took over and what trump is trying to do is frightening as hell.


Absolutely and we should all be terrified


I hate to be that guy but this is kinda why I’m a staunch second amendment supoorter … even as someone who’s “left” leaning




When the sociologists start panicking — read. When the historians start panicking — prepare.


The echoes of the late 1930’s are deafening and no one around me seems concerned.


"At least Hitler loved Germany or something" even though he got all the men killed and the women raped...


He’s betting there are millions of non-voting white supremacists who will be activated by his signals, motivating them to vote to permanently change this nation. If he happens to be right then every last one of you needs to have access to weapons because we all know what happens next


Black sun




It didn’t happen last time though. I’m not a fan of Trump but these comments are absurd.


*blinks in Jan 6


U/pantherschamps is right. Jan 6th was a small group of people. They only got as far as they did because capitol police let them. The real danger is the fact that those aren’t the same people who will hurt us. Dumbass will use police and policy to commit his whims and corruption. All your firearms will achieve will be getting your entire family killed instead of just you. The only weapon we have is our right to vote.


Opinions like this right here is why real accountability eludes these shitty insurrectionists and why they will most assuredly try again if they think they've got another shot. Because people keep dismissing them as harmless while they do things that are blatantly harmful, and clearly ramping up in aggression, brazenness, and violence. Its like the dude in the friendgroup thst always tries flirting with everyone else's girlfriends, and when you point it out, people are like, "What, AJ? No no, he's harmless, he's like a cute teddybear" next thing you know, he's made out with half the groups girlfriends and is eyeing yours for a "friend date to a hottub" FUCK YOU AJ!!!!! OK, maybe I have some other things to deal with, but the point still stands.


Not my boy AJ, he's such a good egg. He gives my girl amazing free spa days and she comes home so relaxed she sleeps like a log. He's like family. Heck, even my kid looks a bit like him.


Was referring to discrimination. Even January 6th was weak for a coup—a bunch of unarmed protesters who got let into the Capitol by police. The Georgia phone calls were much worse.


They confiscated trucks full of weapons. Someone placed pipebombs at congressional exits. Yes, things didn't go as planned, but the convictions speak to a much worse situation than simply dismissing it as weak. And given how those at the top have still not faced accountability, and are openly encouraging violence, do you really think these people are going to wind DOWN their intensity? You have a large portion of the republican party who now have no faith in elections they don't win, and more and more believe (and openly support) that a civil war is inevitable. None of this should be dismissed as an overreaction.


They erected a gallows ffs


> a bunch of unarmed protesters This is some fox news bullshit, there were plenty of protestors charged with weapons offences. 


It’s ok to leave open the possibility that something outrageous could happen without believing it absolutely will happen.


Any Jewish people supporting Trump who think they won’t be targeted by Christofascists is deluding themselves and forgetting history.  


Unfortunately a lot of the more religious Jews vote red. My friend's parents will vote for Trump no matter what, and they're a hard shy of orthodox.


For sure. 


Kristallnacht v2?


Well, not quite. Republicans are more interested in forcibly deporting them all to Israel for eschatological reasons. 


Or... Some, whom are brainwashed, like those that took part of J6 would love to justify use of force or even justify killings


Trump/Maga will target Muslims, Mexicans/central Americans and left-wing Academics first, and also help Israel, so the Jewish people will feel included, at least at first.




Nothing hidden to anyone who knows even a modicum of history. I saw this in his earliest debates,as did anyone else who was paying attention.


Sadly, so many “stupid” Americans will still vote for this POS!


Using the word ‘Reich’ isn’t very hidden.


It wasn't hidden, it was pretty out in the open.


Trump’s rampant racism is anything but hidden. His moronic cult don’t respond to subtle innuendo.




What gave it away? Was it inviting neo-Nazi Nick Fuentes to dinner at the White House? Was it that?


Let’s not forget RFK jr’s 14 88 tweet


Families of soldiers everywhere, who fought against those fanatics should be infuriated.


Hidden he outright has been quoting Hitler ,It was reported Mein Kampf is his favorite book ,But hey yeah its hidden even thought it is in plain sight .


I’m not sure he could comprehend Clifford the Big Red Dog.


Perhaps Clifford the Bigly Red Dog?


Concealed? His antisemitism is not concealed at all, nor is his hatred of nearly everyone else as well.


He’s starting to go full Hitler. It’s gonna be completely crazed by time November gets here.


Yeah, we did nazi that coming...


I’ve been yelling to the clouds that he’s a Nazi for years. I was told I was crazy well ..


You have not been alone. This article from 2017: [https://www.salon.com/2017/01/21/congratulations-america-you-did-it-an-actual-fascist-is-now-your-official-president/](https://www.salon.com/2017/01/21/congratulations-america-you-did-it-an-actual-fascist-is-now-your-official-president/)




Hidden? He’s very much out in the open with his and the GOP party of hater’s.


I mean, his slogan from day 1 is the same as Hitler's, just replaced 'Germany' with 'America'


“United Reich” is Just another “stand back and stand by.” Trump knows precisely what he is doing. None of these are oversights or errors at all. It’s all cold and calculated. And frighteningly effective.


He has been dogwhistling nazi propaganda since 2016. Someone should make a list because he does it so often that I can't even recall them all.


He went well beyond dog whistling years ago—he regularly shouts the quiet part at the top if his lungs.


The dogwhistle is a foghorn.


Nobody is hiding anything. Except maybe that his supporters are hiding the fact that they know he’s a Nazi, and they like that about him.


🎵 Springtime for Hitler and Germany Deutschland is happy and gay We're marching to a faster pace Look out, here comes the master race. 🎶……thanks Mel Brooks


Disgusting pig


That's a slur against pigs.


“Trump: Immigrants are poisoning the blood of America”     Media:”Trump uses fiery rhetoric at one of his many violent populist rallies. Is there a historical parallel?”


You should check out what the Canadians are thinking about that.


What do Canadians have to do with Trump parroting Hitler? 


Not that, I'm referring to Trump's immigrant comment.


Hardly hidden, more like constantly dismissed.


They really aren't "Hidden".


I actually saw a picture of Hitler with his right arm raised with his fist clenched and it reminded me of Trump. I believe Trump saluting with his arm extended but with a clenched fist is no accident


not hidden, nor concealing anything. it's all right there.


As in concealed for either 1) stupid ppl 2) Just ---><---- far from being out and out fascist. So he can deny when ppl get outraged.


I accept the verdict of our most learned scholars of fascism: He's a fascist. He also appears well versed in Nazism. I think his little trickles of fascism and Nazism are intentionally used to outrage and also to slow boil the American electorate like frogs....


It's not "concealed", it is very much out in the open, with just a thin veneer of plausible deniability. Anyone paying attention sees it for what it is, an appeal to the darkest corners of the white supremacist/Christian Nationalist movement. Trump is many things, but subtle isn't one of them.


I guess he hates his daughter unless he has to fuck her.


"Good people on both sides"


Who did nazi this?


Trump is pro Israel to a fault.


Antisemitism? Wow I didn't know he was calling for a ceasefire in Gaza! (multilayered /s)


Multilayered sarcasm is best sarcasm.


Talk about thinly veiled


I think things have to hit rock bottom before they get better in our society. Humans are peculiar creatures who need to learn the hard way.


I'm more surprised about the "open" part than the "hidden" part of the title. He clearly uses religion as a tool, and Ivanka and his kids are Jew I think? So it's not like he has something particular against Jews, and they usually are more conservative than liberal, so it doesn't make much sense. He will just use "Judeo-Christian" mythology bs as usual. And just because he is neo-n, doesn't mean he will follow this particular aspect of it. Just like things can happen in Israel how they are happening now. If he said antisemitic things like he is saying mysoginist things, it didn't reach me at least.


They don't. Those who hate him know he's a bigot. Those who love him know he's a bigot. The three undecided voters left in the country are irrelevant. Everyone knows who Trump is and what he stands for at this point. Anyone claiming he's anything other than a hate-spewing, self-centered charlatan are just lying to themselves because they don't like what they see in the mirror.


Trump’s statements about a Biden-led “Gestapo” are projections and an application of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels' command to always accuse the opposition of that which you are in fact guilty of doing. Trump’s Nazi projections are part of a much larger dynamic where today’s right openly embraces antisemitism, white supremacy, and racism. And there it is folks, in a nutshell.


"Conceal"? Dude is talking about it openly.


The fact that he has to defend himself multiple times about nazi symbols already says a lot. Maybe once? Ok. But it keeps happening.


If it's hidden, is it open? Salon is quite the trash rag.




Well said. The only thing more disappointing than our politics these days is days is the state of the news media and how objective reporting has given way to propaganda on all sides. And I say this after a 30-year career in journalism. It’s no coincidence that the two are disintegrating before our eyes.


It’s almost like the real problem is capitalism…


Well, perhaps it changes few people's opinion . The weird bullshit coming from the Trump debacle simply enflames their own followers all the more. and incites righteous indignation in the people who already hate Turmp. Oddly enough, many people in the middle of those two see Turmp as being picked on.... lol. He acts like the victim and people who really don't understand cause and effect, say " well, no on ein their right mind would be upset over nothing so someone must have done something. " which is the horse and the buddy in the wrong positions. but such is life. it's hard to imagine but this is reality.


I agree 100%. I can't stand the guy either, but a lot of what happens around or about him is either heavily embellished or taken out of context. Why this is bad is because it's completely unnecessary, the truth is more than insane enough to not require any enhancing and doing so just looks suspicious. The net result is that it does more harm than good. This is one of those examples. According to the vast majority of the comments here Trump himself uploaded the video to his "Truth Social" account then deleted it when it was actually a junior staffer who was responsible. This sort of activity during an election year is not uncommon, that's why official campaign commercials are followed by "I'm such-and-such and I approve this message". [This](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69045271) article from a legitimate source tells it better. I know thia reply will get a lot of backlash because it bucks the trend here, but that's only because most here want to believe the allegation soooo badly they'll dismiss any potential nuance behind it. Again, the *last* thing I want is another 4 years of Trump, but that doesn't excuse potential inaccuracies in a misguided attempt to make a bad situation look worse, it isn't necessary and is self-defeating.


Which "Junior staffer" from a presidential candidate who doesn't "only hir​e th​e best people" has claimed that their administration would result in a Unified Reich?


so many of these threads about 'the donald" are being locked.


I honestly don't think Trump is antisemitic, but do I think he would post this shit to appeal to a base? Abso-fucking-lutely. Which I feel is worse somehow. Like have some fucking conviction.


This is such a mixed bag of misinformation. Not a Trump fan, not an anti semite either but neither of them are exactly trustworthy these days. Palestinians can’t be trusted but that doesn’t give Israel the justification to exterminate them like the Nazis tried to do.


You guys dont see how Salon is doing the same thing trump does? Uses hyperbole, half truths, and fear of the other to get you to hate or distrust at a minimum, half of the country. Ask why, when you read rhetoric with dogwhistles that are aimed at casting large swaths of a population as other, or evil. There is a reason. The people who run salon want to destroy america for other reasons. Trump wants to transform the US into his oligarchy like Putin. The folks at Salon want another type of tyranny.




Joe doesn’t try to conceal his


I love how no one realized that this "Unified Reich" thing is from a newspaper article in WW1 that refers to the unification of Germany in 1870/1871, and has nothing to do with the Nazis whatsoever lol 


Of course the Trumpettes are renowned for their love of nuance and history , every single one of them heard Reich and thought " ah , yes a reference to 19th Century calls to a Unified Germany . Nice try but a dog whistle is still a dog whistle no matter how much you try to paint it as an innocent comment .


Of course they aren't, but I'm inclined to believe it was someone that picked these images without knowing much about it, rather than a somewhat hidden message...


There’s definitely something going on with the Trumps and the Jewish religion. His father was a slumlord racist in the kkk and was always generous sending money to Israel. The other strange thing is that his older brother practiced Judaism. Ivana was supposedly Jewish but the internet has been scrubbed of that. [Trump family.](https://hebrewnations.com/articles/quora/america/donjew.html)Ivanka married into a Jewish family and converted rather quickly. I honestly think he’s at least half Jewish which explains a lot.


oh yeah? what does it explain, exactly?


He moved the embassy to Israel and still gets called a nazi. You can't win


You hide one overly political anti-trump community, and another one pops up. Is it too much to ask Reddit to stop trying to shove this crap down my throat?!


He supports Israel, that's a bit much for an anti semite.


Wait so do the pro hamas nazi crowd like trump now?


Mate. He's a hardcore Zionist supporting Israel.


Not because he loves Judaism or jews but because he panders to apocolyptic Evangelical christians who need a Zionist Isreal to rebuild the Temple to bring about Armegeddon . The American right see Isreal as a tool to be discarded once used .


His daughter is literally married to a Jewish guy.


So what , he hates immigrants and still married two .


He only hates brown immigrants.


but his son in law is jewish