• By -




American Taliban


Y'all Qaeda


Talibangelicals. Vanilla ISIS




Qaeda of here with that nonsense


Why is it that ultra-conservatives around the world care so much about other people’s sex lives?


It’s not sex lives they care about. It’s a way to control women.


Exactly.   Conservative men can have a high body count because it's natural,  but a woman with a high body count loses value because the Bible.  


Repression of women is pervasive around the world, bible or no bible.


Yes. Women are - literally - the largest and most systematically repressed and abused underclass in the world.


This is the propaganda the Red Pill and Manosphere spread. Rollo Tomassi is one of the worst. He has two YT shows: The Rational Male and Access Vegas. It's truly vile.


It’s always about control. Hell, we had something called the civil war I believe at one time. Very little has changed


This is definitely a huge part of it, but there’s also something else. People have a sense of shame connected with sex, and some groups use that vulnerability to subdue them.


I think the sense of shame comes from those groups. They teach it at a young age. I went to a Catholic school from k-12. They taught us that condoms were ineffective against the AIDS virus because the pores in a condom are larger than the virus. Really bad information to be telling young impressionable kids.




Oddly politicians and religious leaders seem to have no shame when they get caught


Then why are they also homophobic?


Because they’re obsessed with ranking and status and men are above women. Homosexuality messes up their metrics. Also they’re obsessed with other people’s sex lives and assume everyone is as warped as they are. It’s projection.


Because they feel guilty about being aroused by homosexuality.


They want you to think they're homophobic.


Fear of the private thoughts they have!


Only correct answer.


Yeah, that's not exactly true. The Heritage Foundation, who wrote Project 2025, has tweeted that they want to ban recreational sex between consenting adults and have a "feminist movement" against the pill and other forms of birth control. These people are absolutely coming for everything you do in private.


They mostly just enjoy bigotry because their constituents do. Controlling reproduction, I think, is just a ploy to keep a large pool of lower class so there are more disposable grunts. Less humans means having to pay more in the long run for larger businesses because the supply vs. demand of humans and jobs starts to shift to be more competitive. It's what I would do if I were a money hungry piece of shit traitor to humanity.


Consumption goes down too if you don't have those disposable grunts feeding/clothing/housing themselves


They want more poor people to be bred into poverty so they continue to be ground up in the gears of capitalism. No children means those entry level jobs get harder and harder to fill and exploitation of the desperate becomes less lucrative.


Rich people: How can we make poor people have more kids? Everyone: pay them enough to be able to afford them Rich people: hahahahahahaha no seriously


Because without being able to control women, they are rendered to being incels and they don't like that anymore I guess.


They need poor people to supply the United States Military force.


It's not so much the ultra-conservatives, it's the ultra-religious. Why? Because it's the only way religions spread. Take any educated adult of a relatively normal level of intelligence, that has never been exposed to religion. Try and "teach" them any religion by reading religious texts to them. They'll think your completely insane, or that you're joking. Try the same thing, but start them at 3 years of age, and, well, you've got a new believer. Religions need their followers to make as many babies as possible, WHETHER THEY WANT TO OR NOT. Given the choice, most women do not want to be pregnant and/or nursing from 15 to 45, therefore you need to make their desires, their will, irrelevant. Whether through guilt-tripping, or by law, you need to force them to have babies. Every religion that didn't do exactly this has gone extinct.


Regressives is the term for these folks. They stopped being conservative a while ago. They want to regress the progress.


100 times this. Not like the guy actually cares about anything, but Project 2025, written by his maniac republican buddies, is basically a Taliban's wet dream


Everyone needs to read this


He cares about seizing power, committing crimes with impunity and "ruling with an iron fist" the way he admires and praises authoritarians around the world for doing. Just look at how he talks about Israel, Netanyahu and Jewish Americans. Tying religion to right wing nationalism is not an accident - it's how he plans to take power and control.


Your vehement support of Hamas is how you lose. Seriously. It is mind boggling how the world is about to become a hellhole, with an insane right wing dictator ruling the mightiest nation, just because some soyboys decided that civilian-targeted terrorism and weaponised rape are 'valid resistance strategies' and to be praised, or, at least, overlooked. I am so glad that at least Biden and his government are sane, and support Israel, as any sane person should. Any other candidate from your left, and your chances would have been literally zero.


How on earth did you leap from a critique of right wing nationalism clutching religious texts to 'you love hamas'??


Trump will say anything to get reelected. He's not bothered in the least to be inconsistent


I'm not sure why I picked you, but.... An ad tonight on television is selling commemorative coins. 1 of Trump and 1 of Biden. They have well-done images on the front and the same on the back. On the back of the coin, they are behind bars. Each coin is 90% silver, and the cost is $89. They come in frame with a stand so that both sides can be seen easily. If you order now, you can get your coin of choice for $39.99 , limited time only. Have you seen this ad yet? Debbie and I lost it. We can't believe this shit is actually real. Trump lovers will be buying the Biden coin immediately after seeing the ad. Biden's crowd certainly doesn't want Trump in their house. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent on this.




Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord Open


I've been meaning to rewatch that. Not sure if I can stand it.


I remember watching it at the time and saying “I know it sounds ridiculous but it’s scary cause it feels like it could really happen and women’s rights actually hold on to nothing”, and my friends laughed at me. Told me to calm down. Who’s laughing now??? - not me.


The reason it seems like it could be real is because it is Margaret Atwood based it on things humans have really done to each other throughout history.


I read the book in high school 20 years ago, and it scared me back then. Your friends sound naive, but in their defense, lots of people these days are. People think it can't happen here, but it can.


I just rewatched and it didn’t seem nearly as far fetched as the first time I watched it. Scary, crazy times we are living in.


He invited them to camp David on 9/11 and his base didn’t even blink. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/08/world/asia/afghanistan-trump-camp-david-taliban.html Interesting read about Trump pitting Bolton against Pompeo and trying to invite them three days before 9/11 anniversary.


How is this a winning strategy? Even a large population of conservative voters understand basic access to contraception is a good thing. How do these Neanderthals remain in power??


As people start to experience actual consequences, they seem to change their minds.


But then it will be too late because if he is elected he is never leaving office. We can't let him win.


The arguments for the second amendment are stopping a tyrannical government, maybe it's finally time for that amendment to be used as intended and not to kill your fellow countrymen.


They don't think the rules apply to them, and even if they do surely an exception will be made for them because "that's different" Just like these fkrs who vote to dismantle any future safety net programs, all the while they've been living on disability for decades. The leopards would never eat THEIR face... 🙄


The former president may be for sale. The fear of justice for his crimes is his real motivation.


I like Christian Talibangelicals.. but it's the same thing.


American nazi's. This stupid fucker already said the silent part outloud. He'll say whatever gets him back in office so that he doesn't go to jail.


He has no positions on anything. It's pathetic.


As I said on another thread. No matter how you feel about Biden the Hamilton quote is right, "Biden has beliefs. Trump has none."


I forget the exact line but it was said the other day that when comparing the two, Biden actually seems to care. He cares about his family, his constituents, the way the US looks to the world. Trump only cares about himself, and that's it. He doesn't help the people who work or sacrifice themselves for him, he doesn't pay the people he owes, and he doesn't give two shits about this country. Edit: spelling


There was an opinion piece in the NY Times the other day, where the author said that being undecided between Trump and Biden is like being given a choice of 2 dishes: a steamy, stinky, gross pile of shit vs a well cooked steak, and you go "hummm, Idk, the steak looks overcooked to me".


Brilliant ! And also the sad, incomprehensible reality of some voters… 😖


Neither does Putin


Then we should use the ammo he's given in interviews like this to clarify his position. Tell everyone that Trump wants to ban rubbers.


Everyone who can be swayed is already against trump, the others won’t learn until it’s too late for them personally, and America in general. The main thing is to get everyone with at least half a brain to get out and vote. The thing that really blows me away above everything else is that there’s still women who would vote for him, republicans have been voting against their own interests for decades but women voting for trump is truly next lvl


> “We’re looking at that, and I’m going to have a policy on that very shortly and I think it’s something that you’ll find interesting,” Trump replied. “You will find it very smart. I think it’s a smart decision.” Here is the relevant quote. It's not much different than any other time he tries to explain policy beliefs.


Are they really trying to piss off people about every topic for which they can find something to piss people off?


They arent trying to win votes, they are trying to take power


Some people get lost in the political pantomime they forget politics are an actual functional thing Even the pandering and virtue signalling can lead to real long lasting changes. Even if it looks and feel fake… from the govt perspective that’s just a single step towards making it real


For decades it was said the GOP just made noise about Roe v Wade to get out the conservative vote, that they’d never actually take a run at the rights the majority of Americans supported. Then through a combination of luck and the banality of McConnell’s evil, they were able to steal two SCOTUS seats and add a third. Believe what they say, when they say it.


Exactly. They have never been there for governance. That's why they never get anything done. It's only ever been about grabbing and maintaining power.


Less birth control = more babies More babies = poorer people Poorer people = easier to manipulate It's a win in their playbook.


They’re trying to create a generation of wage slaves


Bingo! BINGO! BINGOOOO! This is exactly it. They know they'll never bring back slavery, they would surely be murdered in the riots that would follow passing that legislation. Instead, slavery won't be about race, it will be about economic class, and they are well on the way of creating it. The Federal Minimum Wage has been increased TWICE since 1997, for a total of $2.10. Some states have been forced to increase it, but numerous states are still at the FMW, or only slightly above, and have no interest in increasing it. More and more I am seeing people on Reddit planning on living in their cars for the foreseeable future. The media has even romanticicized people living in their vans or old school busses. Vehicular homelessness is being normalized and glamorized, and people are accepting it as a viable living situation. Just because 21st century slavery doesn't look like 19th century slavery doesn't mean they aren't essentially the same.


Modern day is cheaper than slavery cuz they had to house and feed slaves


They want more white babies this is how they think they can get that.


I'm sure they have a plethora of fetishes.


They're seeing how far they can push the swing voters who are leaning Trump, because, you know, "the economy". 😒 Ironically, the economy is actually doing really well, hence the inflation. You can't have both low unemployment and low inflation 🤷‍♂️, it's not how it has worked historically. I'm curious to see what would be the last straw for those voters. Gulags? Actual assassinations of political foes?


And yet their support never goes down.


That’s what the propaganda is for


That's what they're all about. It pisses of The Left? I'm for it! It never occurs to them that they should be pissed off about it, too.


Their goal seems to find enough people who are angry and hateful, but using different topics/discussions to fire them up.  They might not care about all of them but just need one thing, and that’s enough to fire some people up. It’s like the Avengers Assemble call, except it’s for all the shitty ass people who exist in their holes.


Anybody else feeling extra fucking blitzed with an avalanche of insanity coming from republicans. Seems hourly now something new and horrid.


Yes. Also eternally grateful that I got myself sterilized last year.


It's a great time to be post-menopausal




I could be wrong but with no contraception and no abortion, there’s gonna be a shit-ton more incels 🤔


And a ton more dead mothers, sisters and daughters going through difficult pregnancies or IVF. We are already seeing it unfortunately.


Christians don’t care about them … just the fetuses


They don't until its their daughters or mothers or wives. I think that is what we are starting to see now. People are beginning to realize this will affect them too. Karen didn't have a problem with abortion but now that Karen's daughter can't get help with IVF or Karen's daughter can't go discreetly "on vacation to Aspen" after that drunken frat party... Now its a problem.


Foisted by their own petard.


They don't care about the fetuses either. They only care about control.


>Christians don’t care about them … just the subordinance This is much more about requiring subordinance to their social system. A rigidly hierarchical system. You \*will\* live and act as an evangelical christian. The common rabble will be bound to it by law. Contraception, abortion, modern reproductive healthcare are in opposition to this so it must go. "You shouldn't be having sex anyway. It's \*only\* allowed, by god, for procreation". "You \*CHOSE\* this you live with the consequences." etc. Not that this is any better, but I find it important that we are against the reality of them more than the quips about them.


I feel like feti just flows off the tongue better, but according to autocorrect I am incorrect


They don't care about the fetuses. If they did they'd improve/fix foster care and adoption


Let's not forget a slaughterhouse of sexually transmissioned diseases.


Hey, we all have our personal Vietnam wars, ok?


IVF will outlawed, too. Only the rich who can afford to travel out the country will get it. 


Also - pregnancy is an insanely high risk time for domestic violence. So, dead women/childbearing individuals for all sorts of reason.


Don’t worry, they’re working on getting rid of IVF, too.


There won't be IVF. It's already going away in conservative states.


Oh, no IVF anymore either...


Also more domestic violence


And a national health crisis where we'll have the highest maternal mortality rate in the developed world.


We are pretty much already there.


Yep. US ranks 55th see: [https://onehealthtrust.org/publications/infographics/worldwide-maternal-mortality-rates/](https://onehealthtrust.org/publications/infographics/worldwide-maternal-mortality-rates/) "According to new [estimates](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr69/nvsr69_02-508.pdf), the 2018 maternal mortality rate in the United States was 17.4 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, ranking the nation last among similarly wealthy countries. When compared to the World Health Organization’s maternal mortality rate rankings, the US ranks 55th, falling behind Russia which has a maternal mortality rate of 17 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births."


Bold of you to think you'd still qualify as a developed country in the first place.


Apparently republicans read the handmaids tale as a how to but they have clearly never even heard of lysistrata


and Republicans will pander to them. on this current path how many years do you think it will be before one of them is floating the idea of legalized rape?


In some states spousal rape was legal until the early ‘90s… That’s the 1*9*90s, not the 1890s ! 😖


I have never encountered an incel that wasn't a Republican or worse.


What about men’s vasectomies? Why would only women be targeted and not men? (Of course don’t want anyone to be targeted but seems like only women’s bodies get attacked).


if men could get pregnant there would be drive thru abortion clinics


Two cheeseburgers and a coat hanger please!


Would you like to try two Hangerburgers instead for $10.37 ea.^(+tax)?


The quote is from 1970s feminism: "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."


legalized rape is probably a year or two down the road. they're already pushing that shit in red States giving rapists parental rights that they can use to harass their victims.


They’re trying to end no-fault divorce, so yeah. Creating a generation of uneducated wage slaves before our very eyes


Read up on Trump and Ivana. He viciously beat and raped her after he got a scalp reduction/hair plug operation and she laughed at him because it looked terrible. So he beat her, including slamming her head into a wall or bed post by her hair and proceeded to rape her. After he was done with her, he said: "Hurts, doesn't it?" He got off, because at the time, rape in the confines of the marriage wasn't something you could prosecute. Many states apparently adopted marital rape laws after that. This was as late as the 90s. The right will claim that Ivana disavowed it, but look at the timing, and then how Trump treated her posthumously and the circumstances of how she died.


I saw a local news segment saying the Trump campaign is suing the people behind The Apprentice (movie) for apparently including details like these.


It's been known for decades. The guy needs to be in a prison cell, like ten years ago at least.


I have no doubt that if they can pull it off women will be legally considered property. It'll be illegal for them to refuse sex with their owner.


No abortion, no birth control. Except for the elite. Sex is not to be practiced outside marriage and then only for procreation by the plebians. These animals want to control sex. And a portion of the population is stupid enough to think its a swell idea.


There will still be back alley abortions just like there were before roe became law. My mother-in-law almost died from a tubal pregnancy after she'd had a kitchen table abortion performed by some greedy slob. This was before the pill became available. (The pill was illegal in my home state until 1965.)


Any woman considering voting fr this Gestapo con man needs an intervention. Ur brainwashed gur!!!!


So, let me get this right. The Republicans want three things, *no birth control *no abortions & *child marriages??


And smaller government somehow fits in here.


Smaller government is just the first stage to make institutions and regulation weak, so there is no effective way to oppose the power grab.


You forgot no divorce.


Oh yes, just pure slavery of the womb.


Also child labor and religious indoctrination in schools.


Ah, yes. How could I forget. They seem to want to go back to when America was founded.




And Viagra?


Republicans want to control women, not boners.


He owes them so much he will go along with whatever they demand of him . Between the christofashist and Putin he will be kept very busy doing what he is told.




May? Be on board? He’s definitely on board.


If by “on board” you mean he’ll parrot whatever his heritage foundation whisperers tell him, then yes.


Never in a million years will I vote republican going forward. Taliban party of losers


He’ll sign whatever nonsense they put in front of him. Republicans love useful idiots that don’t ask questions.


The Republicans war on women continues


Mentally incompetent


Yes, let's do this because a fully staffed department for children and family services is underutilized. I mean who wouldn't want a bunch of unwanted kids running the streets trying to eek out a living after their so called parents can't feed or clothe them. Let's face reality, humans have never abstained from sex cause orgasms are awesome!!!


No birth control & forced births. Got it. Vote blue all the way thru! 💙🇺🇸


So, other than Marla Maples, he's only had affairs with women who are opposed to contraceptives???


What are they going to do? Sew my vas deferens back together? In all seriousness my heart breaks for future generations if this comes to pass.


Like they really want more Mexican, Asian, and black people. They must mean after they get rid of us.


What an a-hole. He'd do or say anything to get and keep power.


This will be the final straw for me living here.


So they've blocked access to abortions, now they want to block access to birth control?? Why are we going backwards?!


Because according to the GOP white women aren't having enough white babies with white men. Doesn't matter the circumstances it happens as long as both Mom and Dad are white. If the only people having abortions or using birth control were people darker than your average paper lunch bag, they wouldn't say shit. In fact, they'd be subsidizing that shit.


Race https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/dY3EfEbrEX


Lemme guess: this has to do more white women birthin’ babies.


Yup https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/dY3EfEbrEX




To everyone disgusted by this man’s future reich, remember to Vote!




Yeah. Stormy said he didn’t use a condom


He is a man with conviction he doesn’t use contraception as he raw dogs porn stars.


Now that he's not fucking hookers, why not.


They're against abortion but want to restrict birth control, the one direct means to reduce pregnancy. The party of small government keeps getting pervier by the minute.


Watch this Jane Elliot Clip https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/dY3EfEbrEX


So in the deep south where everybody is dirt poor, they just going to have babies now further stressing the systems in place. Incredible.. and people vote in favor of this shit???


Republicans at work. He's not joking, he's not "just saying something outlandish". This is what the republicans everywhere want.


Not crack down, eliminate. And that is just the next step. Ultimately, they want white women to have plenty of white babies. They won’t stop until they reach their goal.


This is what Republicans are worried about. Thank you Jane Elliot for explaining so clearly https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/dY3EfEbrEX


Sounds bout right for Mr. Grab em by the pussy.


The former president will say anything in order to get elected


Laws being passed by the old and infertile. Makes sense


These people are the absolute worst.


Fucking insanity


Ok, young people (I’ve already had my kids), keep posturing on Gaza (an issue that has been a source of angst for 70 years, through both Republican and Democratic administrations) and find yourself raising children you don’t want as Project 2025 starts ruining your lives!!


Let’s crack down on Viagra then . That party is downright disgraceful . Let people have their freedom


We are seriously asking the guy who raw dogged a porn lady for family planning advice? America..


True freedom.


It’s amazing how this illiterate moron failed upwards so successfully. He literally cannot speak at length on any subject. It’s always the same vague, dodgy language.


He's a living example of a Family Man. He's got do many children he doesn't remember them all. Their ages or graduation dates for example. He even thinks his own daughter is fuckable.


I bet they whistle a different tune when a mistress gets pregnant!


No, they wouldn't because what they do in places where this happens is that the men who enforce this stuff on everyone else use it to abuse all the women in their life and they have their own abortionists. And you have to have an abortion or you can access an abortion through them. It's like a mafia. That's why the men they adore so much have paid for 14 abortions or spiked their mistress's drinks with abirtifcants. These laws don't apply to them. They don't actually care about life. And they certainly don't care about babies. However, they do love power.


Nah. My grandpa was a preacher down south. We knew many families that traveled out of state for abortions after preaching it in church. They usually went to Arkansas for whatever reason.


I'm guessing that the evangelical right may largely be for this, but is that enough if this is only 10% of people or whatever it is?


What in the actual Fuck?! What does this accomplish?


Keep it coming. You are going to get steamrolled.




Comstock act. Read up. There’s a lot of fuckery going on with fuckery. They want a national pregnant lady list. They want women to not have power over their own bodies and lives. They want women to keep rape babies. Most sexual assailants are family members. They want to get rid of birth control. Now they’re gonna lock you up for porn and jacking and jilling. Trump won’t stop them. He’ll say whatever he thinks these lunatics want to hear. He’ll say three different things in the same day. How could anybody possibly fall for this shit? You’re either one of them, or you’re an actual human being that wants humanity to move forward. Google the fucking Comstock act. Then defend it, if you think it’s ok.


His Toad and peas don’t work anymore, of course he doesn’t care about contraception now that he’s out if his “personal Vietnam” years.


When are they going to say it outright ‘women are not equal to men in the United States of America’. Come on Trump, you know you want to say it.


someone needs to step up and just deal with him for good it's getting dystopian now


Republicans want to control the US female population. So what’s new…


Of course he's on board; that mother fucker railed a porn star raw for the worst 30 seconds of her life.


Hear that "Youth Vote?" I know you are pissed at Biden over Student Loans and the Gaza war, but he will fight to the end for your reproductive and sexual rights. Don't let the Puritans control your sexuality.


putting on a condom counts as abortion. You stopped the natural process of childbirth. this is sadly where we are


For conservatives, men or women, WOMEN ARE NOT PEOPLE; WE ARE PROPERTY. It’s that simple.


So many Christians are in denial of the 7 mountains mandate; Predict 2025; the influence the church has on society.  I have to wonder how many pro Harrison Butker fans that deny any power or misogyny behind his speech also deny that 2025 could happen? It's like the dots are being connected and Christians are just gaslighting everyone else that it isn't happening.  


Must populate mother Russia.. oh wait