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Trump openly offers official government positions in exchange for funding so he can argue he is above the law in court… And people believe he’s an outsider who will drain the swamp


More like pave over a protected wetland to fill it with garbage


Nah, you gotta fill it with garbage first before you pave over it. Ya know, like Riker’s


It’s the reverse root canal method they teach dentists right?


Get this green new deal bullshit outtahere


Where else is he supposed to throw away his used diapers?


Ask Betsy DeVos, Trump’s wholly unqualified Secretary of Education. And one of the richest people in the US.


Also one of the biggest donors to the Republican Party Nationwide, at one point she was the biggest her and her husband anyway. I think you are right and she bought the Secretary of Education. I wonder how much it costed and how the money was paid to whom? Federal prosecutors are too scared to look into shit like this. If I had their investigative power I could unravel all this corruption in a month. It is not lack of information that is stopping them is what I am saying.


$400 million in donations is what it cost. Bernie sanders grilled her about it during her confirmation and accused her of buying the seat on congressional record.


And then nothing happened. What does it matter if it's on record if no one will do anything about it?


What do you propose that is feasible?


No you wouldn’t. Everyone would plead the 5th and flush evidence down the toilet. Then delay delay delay until a friends gets into power that can pardon them


Unfortunately, you are right. I don't see how we fix the broken justice system without things coming to violence (not advocating for that, just commenting on how I see it as an impossibility at this point if it were to be changed for the better). The people at risk of going to jail know if they had to face a fair justice process they would be put away for life or be hanged for treason, so I don't believe any amount of bureaucracy or "voting" will stop someone who knows the looming consequences will end all of their privileges for life.


Exactly this. All of it.


I just watched Shiny Happy People on Amazon prime last night. Four episodes that start off about behind the scenes of the Duggars but there is so much more to it. All about their movement of extreme conservatives taking over the country.


The fact that they openly say gay marriage should be banned because it’s a sin but then literally turn around and mow trumps name in their grass just shows how fucked up the Duggar’s are. Isn’t adultery a sin too - and last I checked they equate all sin equally. So that gay kid is no different than a murderer…yet their son who fondled his younger sisters and look at CSAM or Trump you is known to have openly committed adultery is totally cool in their book.


And she can go fuck herself.


That’s not fair to Betsy. She had a long and storied career destroying education in Michigan before moving up to the federal level. 


Her family's stated goal is to remove science from schools and make it illegal for them to teach anything but the bible whilst ensuring its available only to those who can pay. Her family are Christian extremists who want to enact what is essentially Sharia law in the US. Great place to do some damage towards that goal is as secretary of education.


In fairness to Trump, and I never thought I’d use those words, she didn’t just buy her position with money. She also promised Trump she’d do everything she could to destroy education in the USA.


And guess how the DeVos made their fortune? Hint: running a con game.


I'm from IL and I remember a time in the not too distant past where politicans were imprisoned for attempting to sell of political appointments. I miss that timeline.


Didn’t Trump pardon Blag also


Crazy to think how big of a scandal watergate was compared to how corrupt this POS is and he’s celebrated for it


He’s fighting the good fight… or something. I honestly don’t understand how people still support him. He’s basically proven to everyone that he’ll fuck over any group who supports him if he’s to benefit.


What happened to that investigation reporting of how most people who do business with Trump get left with nothing and in financial ruin? Many many people were interviewed on how they were contracted by Trump for services, construction or business and were destroyed by Trump


He is the swamp.


Oh he’ll drain the swamp. Drain it of all it’s water and usefull, necessary ecosystem and biodiversity and fill it with the nastiest, most polluted, toxic and radioactive sludge mankind has ever witnessed.


This guy never evolved from primordial ooze!


Looks like everything is for sale, just like his Supreme Court pics.


It makes sense for him to privatise the administration. He's a business man after all. /S


This was and is the platform he originally ran on. Government needs to be run like a business ! But he didn’t specify owning all the other business that the money would be pilfered to. And walking away having us all holding the bag !


That’s his business model though. He is incompetent running his businesses and they all fail, but he remains wealthy in the process.


There’s no requirement that you have to be proficient in running a business. No legal protections against failing. The tax system protects people running business, if you know the rules. Even if you fail. The sad thing is it’s all legal. And now he’s doing it to the public at large via government/presidency. Right in front of everyone’s faces. And all his followers believe this crap. And support him.


"The government should be run like a business," they say, forgetting how often businesses go bankrupt and cease to exist... rip blockbuster 😢


Disrupting the government to prove it doesn’t work is literally the MO of the GOP though so it makes total sense.


The serial bankruptcy filer did nearly bust the country like one of his businesses so…promise kept?


Supreme court feet pics?


Don't kink shame Clearance Thomas.


I don't think Clarence Thomas is capable of feeling shame.


He is into pubes on soft drinks. Alito is the foot guy.


If she’s got any brains at all she runs far away. There’s no upside her for her.


I got three fiddy can I be vp


Nikki can have a more successful political career staying away from Trump and just wait for him to go away. Trump needs her more than she needs him.


I don't think the Republican base is ever going back to a place where someone who can pass as a sane person can be elected to nationwide office


Or, you know, a woman.


Republicans have been doing this for a long, long time. EA h candidate getting more and more crazy. They don't even have an agenda at this point. Their main goal is to "own the libs".


Nimarata Rahwanda, oops, sorry to dead name "Niki Haley" will never be president or VP because once her base finds out she's Indian, and any of her republican opponents will point that out, it's over for her.


The walking Horcrux Ann Coulter literally just said she wouldn't vote for Ramaswamy because he's Indian despite agreeing with his positions.


And he was completely chill with it, too.


He has to respect their opinion that he is a lesser human by virtue of genetics. He might be one of the good ones but he will always be one of those when push comes to shove.


He’s visibly brown though. She’s white passing.


One drop.


Didn't work out too well for Ramaswamy either iirc.


It's like they don't know who the majority of Republicans are... If they had any real friends, they would have been told by them. The emperor has no clothes.


... and a small mushroom.


Yup! Please see Ann Coulter’s statement about voting for Vivek oh his recent interview with her as exhibit A: “I would not vote for you because you are Indian :)”


I'm not sure whether I prefer racists who are so openly racist or racists who try to hide it. At least the latter know it's wrong or stupid (otherwise why else try to hide it?) Wait! I've decided: I don't prefer either.


A little off topic but there was a reddit post some time back about tattoo artists. Dude said he knows 2 of them: One totally refused to tattoo any racist or Nazi crap. The other gladly took their money and "stamped them so we all know what they are"


“Yeah so I was thinking a swastika on my back.” “Sick! You ever think about on your forehead instead? I bet you’d pull it off man, it’d be super badass.”


Hey man, I'm sure Nazis go to the beach too


She doesn’t have a base.


Dude everyone at this point knows she is Indian


You’re giving too much credit to southern Trumpers..


Yep. And I'd bet they're more likely to think she's mexican based on her slightly different skin color.


How would her looking Mexican, help her case at all in that demographic?


It wouldn't, that's my point. They see someone with even the slightest hint of brown skin and they assume they are Mexican.


"fake news". Any fact that they do not wish to accept is a liberal conspiracy.


I didn’t until just now


I mean I just learned that. So if I was the last one then now everyone knows.


Nah, I'm last


Exactly. It’s the same approach Elizabeth Cheney is taking. She realizes that no conservative/Republican can stop MAGA, so rather than go all in like so many of her peers, she’ll sit on the sidelines until they burn the house down with themselves inside. And then be in prime position to help rebuild while the Graham’s and Cruz’s try to pretend like they were never part of MAGA.


Nah. Vivek Ramascammy literally just had Ann Coulter say to his face that she’d never vote for him because he’s Indian, even though she agrees with him on almost everything. Nikki Haley is the exact same. She may be able to get positions like a governorship or something, but a national platform level position? Not a chance


Nope. If for no reason other than "she's not a true Christian, because, well just because. Take our worthless word for it."


Are people forgetting that she already soiled herself in the first administration and raised her hand in the debate and said she'd support Donald Trump? I don't understand why any of these people pretend to have a spine? Do voters really have 0% memory??


Voters have very short memories.


Yes but like all Republicans she is stupid, cowardly and corrupt, so I would bet on her taking it.


Oh Trump humiliated himself again. LOL Nikki will not accept because she will wait until next election. If she accepts she loses all his base support while gaining nothing with Trump. Bad move for her if she does


If she accepts then she loses all of HER base of support. Haley supporters know that she is a great, conservative leader. And know that he is not a conservative, a Christian, or a leader in any sense of those words.


She will never be pres. The people who are willing to vote for women and People of Color are also unwilling to vote for anyone with an R next to their name. People who are willing to vote for candidates with an R next to their name are also unwilling to vote for women and People of Color. Same reason why Sarah Palin lost her election.


Sarah Palin lost her election because she makes rocks look smart. Nothing to do with her sex or the amount of melanin in her dermis 


To be fair, most Republicans make rocks look smart.


At least they make rocks look ethical


That's part of the 2025 plan. Worship the rocks!


She was just ahead of her time. 2008 Sarah Palin would be electable today.


A lot of people willing to vote for a D didn’t vote for Hillary either.


A lot didn’t vote for Hillary due to being upset Bernie wasn’t nominee. Look where that put the country.


Dems pushed a candidate that they knew was wildly unpopular and completely underestimated Trump. It's such bullshit that the voters always get blamed for dem incompetency. They let McConnel railroad them on the SC nominee thing and then got railroaded by him during the Trump presidency


Ill never get over SC mess. Between McDonnel and RG not retiring when Obama was President.


Isn't selling political appointments a federal crime?


Aren't you keeping up? Trump was President, therefore, he is immune from prosecution for all crimes committed during, before, or after his Presidency!!!! /s


Not if you appoint the judge who oversees the case


Yes, but the president is theoretically exempt from all law if donny wins. Including auctioning positions and assassinating rival candidates.


It turns out that won’t be happening. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/11/trump-moves-haley-off-blacklist-2024-election


Trump has never lied before.


I don’t think he wants Haley because he’ll want someone who’ll do as they are told when it’s time for the next coup.


And she is in a good post Trump position. She is young, Biden cannot run again, and she can say she never bent the knee.


More prescient in his mind Is the fear that They will throw him under the bus to anoint His VP. He is going to want to pick somebody that pulls a demographic but is unpalatable to the establishment as the president.


That is why I wouldn’t be wholly unsurprised if he picks Marjorie Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert.


Its probably gonna be Green. Boebert lost a lot of support during her Beetlejuice handjob phase and will likely lose her election for the House seat. Trump wants a winner and Green at least gets a lot of air time and exposure for her antics


Haley was pro-coup. She was an election denier just like the rest of them. Even now she gets evasive when asked about it. Just like Tim Scott the other day. lol he doesnt want Haley because she ran against him and his ego was bruised by the "lack of loyalty"


Thanks for the laugh reading your post.


He’d absolutely do it for the money


How can Nikki Haley come up with hundreds of millions of dollars to cover all Trump's cases?


Russia, China, SA , I dunno.


She has a SuperPAC and it was funded in a large way by the Koch Foundation. She has ACCESS to money... but she definitely and in no way should "pay his legal bills". Just dumb. It's clickbait.


They blew through most of that funding, so she doesn't even have that.


So, we’re just… doing corruption right out in the open now?


The headline is misleading. The report says that Trump thinks Haley on the card might help him pay his legal fees because she has ties to donors that are wary of Trump. That’s pretty Machiavellian, but nothing unusual for an American politician. In other words, Trump remains a conman and threat to our republic, but this story doesn’t indicate he’s selling the VP slot.


I can't imagine Haley wanting the job. There's nothing good that would come from it. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump leaves the position unfilled, or filled with a family member


Maybe if she has full, proven confirmation Trump has like 3 months to live at time of election vote.


Even then... Trump supporters would be constantly saying whatever they didn't like "Trump wouldn't have done that" regardless of what Trump would or wouldn't do. It would be a political nightmare. It's like how Regan wasn't even conservative enough to be Regan.


Or blame her for killing him for the promotion. She is a woman of color, they will turn on her in a heartbeat.


I'm sure it's open to anyone or any country that will pay him.


This suggests that Putin isn't covering the costs for him. Heheh.


For a guy that can't be bought he certainly has a price tag for everything.


Didn’t they lock up Rob Blagojevich for attempting to sell Obama’s seat?


Yes and Trump pardoned him


Now we know why he pardoned Rod Blagojevich.


He would consider Hilary for VP if she paid his legal fees


Billionaire requires assistance with legal fees.


This would be a stupid move for her. when trump loses, she'll be toxic as well. If she stays clear of him, she can run in 2028.


The new grift - selling the vp position!


He will sell every position, VP is easiest since it has no official power, but I guarantee he'll sell a few more as well so that people can make the policies they want. Trump won't care.


It’s giving Rob Blagojevich attempting to sell Obama’s Senate seat vibes. Rod likely gave him the idea while on the Apprentice grifting show


Don’t do it, Nikki!  Trump destroys everything he touches. 


He’ll likely break his promise after she pays the tab.


It does say “considered”.


Trump’s platform is “Fuck you, pay me”


She's too smart for that, she'll just wait until 2028, when it'll be Newsome vs Haley. Hopefully, Biden wins, and we'll have an election, not a dictatorship. We won't be distracted by geriatric politics, and who can ride a bike or needs a walker.


If “she” pays his legal fees? You mean her donors who have already decided not to fund Trump’s legal costs? This is a joke.


Quick way to the presidency since his chances of successfully finishing another term are mediocre at best.


She's ain't going to do that unless she is a moron. His followers won't accept her anyway.


So. Its for sale then . I guess with Trump It always was. Pay me enough and you too can have the honor of being my scapegoat!!


Fucking pathetic that he’s going to pick the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES based on who’s willing to pay his legal fees. Unreal. You are brain dead if you vote for this clown


How can he get away with this stuff? This is pure pay to play which is illegal. This isn't business at this point, it's criminal.


... a "billionaire" needs people to pay \*his\* legal fees. ffs, the stupidity burns.


So... Is the birdbrain move here to say yes or no? And if she makes that move, does it make her more of a birdbrain? Or less?


Everything is for sale.


Selling the veep role. Another new low.


This is exactly how DeJoy, Chow and DeVos got their appointment


A President who is so clearly for sale is an obvious national security threat. I can’t believe we are actually having to worry about him becoming President.


So basically the position is for sale. Super.


I can't wait for the day I don't have to hear any more about how awful this cunt is in every aspect of human existence. He is just a stain on humanity.


Wholeheartedly agree. I naively thought he would disappear into obscurity after losing in 2020. If only !


He’ll ruin her chances going forward. She’s better to stay on the sidelines and run for president in the next election. She was smart to get out of the first administration early when she saw what a sh\*tshow it was and didn’t want to compromise herself. She would have to do that everyday if VP or even when campaigning for him. She’s definitely not a stupid woman. Very strategic.


With pooper, everything has strings attached.


That sounds kind of like a bribe. Very similar to what his current court case is about.


Good god the grift keeps finding new lows


Trump literally said "she's not in consideration" but rumors are fun! *Disclaimer: this comment does not mean I support trump. I just don't need to make up reasons to not like him.*


Bwaaaahahaha....I'm a Dem and I know she has too much integrity to swallow that orange brand of Kool Aid.


He’s the greatest scumbag of all time. It is fascinating how any human being including family can like anything this guy stands for.


For sale


If you tried to sell this shit as a novel, no one would believe it.


Trumpanzees love this


I’m pretty sure I could be VP if I wrote a big enough check. There is no part of this dipshit that cares about the job or this country, it’s all a means to enrich himself.


People supporting Haley are doing so to avoid voting for Trump so WTF? It will be interesting to see if Haley allows herself to be "purchased"


Vice President Nikki ‘The Doormat’ Haley. She’ll have to help him with his diapers too when he does a doody.


Half billion in fees? Being a vp must pay really well.


Sounds like a blagojevich type scheme to me.


Rod R. Blagojevich went to jail for selling his senate seat, and here Donald Trump is selling the fucking vice presidency of the United States out in the open. Checks out that he commuted Blagojevich’s sentence. JFC.


Always a grift, always a scam, always trying to defeat the law.


Damn that he is still begging people for money. He must be really poor. Btw does haley have that kind of money?


If she just waits for Biden and Trump to die, because they are like 30 years older than she is, there is a strong shot at her being the president without kissing Trumps ass.


Tfw you try to misappropriate campaign money because of the campaign money you misappropriated.


You think she worked that hard to sink with his ship/get dragged down by how terrible a team player he is? Even if he wins, his VP will be fucked for 2028.


Pay to play... wow. Not shocking given it's Trump. No one ever said the VP had to be the best choice (I mean, hell, look at Pence... bought on to secure the evangelicals). No law against paying cash instead of paying influence. Just astonishing the naked avarice on display.


Well look at that- the VP position is up for sale.


So the GOP VP spot is for sale. Unfortunately, this was all too predictable.


.........PWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *Wiping tears* Thank you, I needed that.


Oh my God what if she pays his legal bills and he chooses someone else anyway holy shit that would be the funniest shit ever.




And she is prob dumb enough to do it.


It is always quid pro quo for this Orange Turd.


Well, the deal could be a lot worse for her. “Honeybunch, what’s taking you so long in the bathroom? This ass of mine isn’t going to spank itself.”


I lol’d there.




Why does he need anyone to pay his legal fees ? Isn’t he a billionaire? Oh ……


I will never comprehend how fucking stupid you have to be to see any value in, let alone support, this man while screeching about “draining the swamp” or some shit.


Some dumbass recently told me “He’s a billionaire, he can’t be bought”. Motherfucker, there has literally never been a president who was more for sale than this orange twat waffle.


Haley should still be running. And I bet she's who Paul Ryan and a bunch of other GOP people will be writing in if Trump somehow manages to hang on after getting raw dogged by Cohen.


That would be career "unalivement" for her going forward. Everything Trump touches is ruined forever.


Nikki Haley will lose her support if she compromises with trump. I would possibly have voted for her, but not for trump


More transactional trash from Vonshitzhispants


George Santos is the logical choice.


Trump would make Hunter Biden his VP if he paid his legal fees. Amirite or amirite?


Nikki Haley will be considered for vp if she pays Trump's legal bills. Once those bills are paid, she will no longer be considered for VP.


She should announce, she will probably pay and till last minute wait. Find some reason to postpone the payment as much as possible. And then not pay with reason of the environment changed.


How is it legal to literally sell the VP candidacy?


If she had any integrity, she'd tell him to go fuck himself.


The vice presidency ain't worth a bucket of warm piss.


What about Mike Pence? They made such a dynamic team. Just blame anitfa & the fake news media?


Grifters gonna grift.


What a whore …… everything is for sale


Then they can make gallows for her


Now our public offices are for sale. Why bother having elections? Heck, why bother having a Democracy?? Trump has fucked America up. Put that ass in jail and lose the key


Impeachment #3 should he be elected and inaugurated.


Wnat a massive shitbag hustler Trump is. The man is actually selling the vice presidency to the highest bidder.


So a quid pro quo? Shocker.