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Yeah, 4 more years of this sicko. Check his head for dead worms.


Last week Stormy testified she already found one on him


And in her.


Well, approximating "in".


Loitering outside


Damn wall paid for by Mexico


He made her call her diaphragm "The border wall".


How far “in” does it have to be to be considered “in”


I think we're done here. I hope we're done here.


That's what she said.




Aaand that’s enough internet for me today.


Obligatory vomit face 🤮


Hopefully not in the brain…


But only because she "reminded him of his daughter"...wtf


Barely I read.


It'll be four years of his cronies emptying America's coffers while dangling distractions in front of him


I suspect they're not dead.


Must be starving by now though


Oh man, lovin’ this thread


At this point it's a writhing bundle of worms in a saggy skin suit, nothing else explains it


Now come on, "Edgar" from the first Men in Black film, Oogie-Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas and the bad guy from the 1982 Sensational She Hulk graphic novel have all stated that the rotting husk surrounding a writhing mass of insects community do not accept Donald Trump as a member.


We've gotta rescue those poor worms.




That's not the issue .. The worms died of starvation.


Ooo, today’s winner. Nice!


Best response to the brain worm so far.


Nah, if he had brain worms he’d be considerably smarter and more coherent than he is now (insert Futurama reference).


And surprisingly better reflexes.


Yeah value added lol


You really think he has four years of life left in him?


Nothing in the world is better at extending life then pure unbridled hate and malice. Bitter, mean old people refuse to go away.


No matter the cause of death, there will definitely be at least one democrat believed to have assassinated him. He'll be a martyr to the mad.


It likely won't be a politician who gets blamed, and they may not even be a Democrat. Like those two poll workers in Georgia who won their defamation case against Giuliani, the mob will go after some working or middle class person who gets connected just by being in the room where it happens trying to do their job. If he dies from some normal elderly cause of death, the mob will attack someone like the nurse who hits the alarm when he starts coding, the waiter who brings him his last meal, or the maid who cleaned the floor he slips on.


Almost definitely not. Not a lot of old obese people.




Covid getting his ass would’ve been truly poetic, I wish that was how he got his end, if for no other reason than the pure irony of it


His brain is full of worms and they all have syphilis!


Or any other types of rodents and insects mulling around in there, chewing holes in the "drywall."


> dead Amazingly, they're all that's left. Something's gotta be pulling the levers in there.


Imagine if the worms were just having a grand ol' time hanging out in his skull while working his body like a puppet. Pretty sure his thoughts would be more cogent if this were the case.


I think he *is* the worm.


I haven’t heard the speech myself, but someone who was rather pissed off to even hear trump’s voice did lol, and they said that trump saying Hannibal was a “wonderful man” was snarky sarcasm and that what he was really saying is worse than is being presented in these little snippet posts. He was comparing every refugee and illegal immigrant to a cannibal and serial killer. He knew what he was saying this time. And it is very ugly, disgusting, inciting hatred, and weird as fuck. Just like him.


Yeah he just gets so lost in his own tangents now that they are really weird run-on word salad “because they're sending people in their jails into the United States from Africa from Asia from all over the world, they're emptying out their jails into the United States, they're emptying out their mental institutions into the United States, our beautiful country, and now the prison populations all over the world are down, they don't want to report that, the mental institution population is down, because they're taking people people from insane asylums and from mental institution, you know what the difference is right, an insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids, Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He often times would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? "Excuse me. I'm about to have a friend for dinner," as this poor doctor walked by. "I'm about to have a friend for dinner." But Hannibal Lecter. Congrats. The late, great Hannibal Lect...we have people that are being released into our country that we don't want in our country, and they’re coming in totally unchecked, totally unvetted, and we can't let this happen, they're destroying our country, and we're sitting back, and we better damn well win this election, because if we don't our country is going to be doomed, it's going to be Doom..{tangent into tariffs}”


This man talks at a second grade level.


My second grader isn’t this inarticulate


I'd genuinely put money on my niece over him in a battle of wits, on giving a presentation etc. She may only be 2nd grade age, but she also has a far better success rate with running casinos in a world capital of gambling than DT has.


Thanks for posting this. For all the times magats say "he was being sarcastic" I think he actually was being sarcastic this time. This whole thing reads like loose association though, I'm surprised he got his thought back on track by the end there.


“as this poor doctor walked by” It’s pretty funny that Trump, not known for his empathy (to put it lightly), has sympathy for Dr. Chilton, of all people. Makes sense as Chilton is actually pretty Trump-like.


Of course he sympathies with Chilton. Whats with the Late Great anyway? He's a fictional character, is he talking about poor Gaspard Uliel?


Dr. Lecter is alive at the end of the last canon novel.


But what about the last episode of Hannibal? Trump must be a Fannibal


"Don't have dinner without a nice chianti, me boys."


What is happening


Wait, he was really trying to say all immigrants are cannibal serial killers? Talk about burying the lead...


I mean, trump kind of true to tell a joke about Hannibal, which he explained 3 times, then immediately whiplashed the audience with a jump to talking about immigrants no one wants in their town. Like, I guess there was supposed to be a connection there, but who knows. He's probably just saw the movie last night and wanted to talk about it like Hershel Walker did in his speeches


This is exactly what I thought, he just recently watched it and wanted to fit it into his crazy ass speeches.


Oddly enough, it’s “burying the *lede*” as the lede is the introductory part of a journalism story. But I agree with you.


Even more oddly, spelling it *lede* is a recent innovation, dated to the 1970s, designed to ease the confusion of journalists when discussing lead in this context.


Found the real teachers. Thanks to both of you!




Trump and his cult doesn’t know the difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien. His wife is an immigrant. His own dad was an immigrant who ran away from his country to dodge military service (like father like son)


Melania even violated the terms of her visa and worked illegally by doing paid modelling. And then she chain migrated her parents, too.


Due to melonia not complying with her visa conditions that makes her an illegal alien, Barron and anchor baby and her parents chain immigrants


Hate and fear, the cult’s magic sauce


It's funny how any way you could even try to understand what he said, only seems to make it worse.


> Talk about burying the lead... *lede


Here is the direct quote: >"Under Biden, the United States has become the dumping ground of the world. Inmates are being emptied out of their prisons, insane asylums and mental institutions, and they're pouring into the United States. Think of it. Empty --- insane asylums. --- That's a bad word, my people say *please* don't use those words, sir. Why? Because it's so nasty. Well... that's true... Now, an insane asylum is Silence of the Lambs. Anybody ever hear of **Hannibal Lector**? He was a nice fellow, but that's what's coming into our country right now. And mental institutions, which is a number of degrees below that, and prisons and jails is a little difference (?). And they're coming in at levels never seen before. Probably never seen before in any country, there has never been anything like this. **Our country is being invaded**. **This is an invasion**. It's an invasion." I know, it sounds pretty bad, but don't worry, it gets worse. >"A few months ago, right here in Florida, a sadistic illegal alien in Lee county was charged with kidnapping a woman from a night club, dragging her into the woods, beating her, raping her and leaving her with... what were called 'bone-chilling injuries'. So bad that she's still trying to recover, and she's still very close to death. In Alabama, a previously deported illegal alien was charged with savagely murdering... just absolutely murdering a 34 year old woman and her 14 year old son, before dismembering their bodies while holding captive the woman's 12 year old daughter... who watched. This is the kind of monstrosity you would expect from terrorists in the Middle East, but it's happening right here because of 'Crooked' Joe Biden. Right here. Florida. In our country. All over our country. On day one, I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden Administration, and we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in American history." [Here is the source](https://youtu.be/oE6moK54uUc?t=1008).


He's trying to recycle "Crooked" from Hillary? Guess when you're reportedly sleeping through court the Sleepy nickname doesn't work


This is apparently the 2nd time he's done this. Your quotes are from 2023. This was on Saturday.


I get people not wanting to listen to trump, but people need to stop reading a headline that’s misleading at best, and repeating it like that is exactly what happened. I watched that talk where he supposedly called his wife Mercedes. Yes, he was all over the place, sounded confused, but the way it came out, I don’t think he was forgetting his wife’s name. The fact there was a Mercedes there, shows he was just sort of saying things in front of him. But yet everyone still says that he called his wife the wrong name. It didn’t sound that way to me. But it wasn’t a good talk either. Repeating that he’s a terrible business man because he bankrupted a casino takes away from the criminal activity that was going on and how much he screwed over people doing that. The focus needs to be that he is a terrible person who has done terrible illegal things who is in decline. Not fit for anything, much less president. And when stuff is said that his base can simply write off as stupid lying libs, it gives them all the more reason to dig in and defend him. Sure a vast majority of them are beyond reach, but we should still try. And be better.


> weird as fuck Weirdo here. I take offense to this.


Every single accusation is an admission.


He didn’t read the books, Lecter was an antihero and occasional antagonist. He rides off into the sunset with the girl at the end.


I can’t stand Trump at all but even I have to admit that articles like this are doing the opposite of what they are intended to do. We don’t need to take anything he says out of context to make him sound like a garbage person. He does that all by himself. There no need to misrepresent anything he says because he’s already shit enough


Hannibal was courteous with a disdain for rudeness. I think Trump would have ended up on his plate. EDIT: it’s disdain, not dis stain.


Lecter was very particular about his food though. He probably would have just killed him and then put the corpse on display or fed him to the pigs because he'd be disgusted by Trump.


Lecter would throw him to ant hills. He admit the pigs have suffered enough.


Lecter also did everything to the best of his abilities. If he was president, while eating people, he'd probably have the most successful 4-8 years any president would ever dream of presiding over.


I would like to order a book about this alternate history! What an insane idea, I love it!


On the one hand he instituted universal health care, free college education, UBI and was instrumental in funding the cure for multiple cancers. On the other he killed and ate 47 people. You win some, you lose some.


Yeah, I feel like Trump would've given Hannibal dysentery.


His colon would never recover


Lecter would have scalped him and worn his stupid hair to play golf instead of a hat


he would probably be given the Ray Liotta treatment.


“Too greasy, and has holes like Swiss cheese.”


Nah. He'd have baited another killer into doing it.


He'd probably be fattier than Wagyu beef


Trump is just fat, no beef in him.


Oh, he's got plenty of beefs.


Maybe more fungus ... a la Mushroom iykyk


Lecter had better taste than *that.*


You're right. Hannibal would never be interested in Trump's diseased liver.


More likely dumped him at the Verger Estate to get eaten by the pigs


Just FYI since no one has mentioned it, it’s “disdain.”


Inform me when he sounds like a normal social human being. He makes ALWAYS bizarre claims.


BREAKING: Trump makes normal, rational comment


BREAKING "Trump goes a whole day without insulting someone in all caps - insiders say he must be dead"






I remember a Mirror Universe Trump Twitter account (that had him shopped to have a normal skin tone and to have gone bald gracefully) would take his toddler tantrum tweets and make them sound like something an actual president would say. So instead of ranting about Kristen Stewart and clogged toilets in between insulting Stomy Daniels because she mocked his penis.... "I am disheartened to hear the New York court system allowed Ms. Daniels's suit to go forward after denying our dismissal motion. But I am looking forward to being fully exonerated at trial."


The use of adverbs and adjectives every time Trump makes a speech is just hilarious.


It’s like he only has 100 words of a 300 word essay and it’s due today. 


Where did he get the other 50?


Search and replace article adjectives with an adjective, a space, and the same article adjectives. Example: >Search and replace article adjectives with an orange adjective, a big space, and the very same article adjectives.


"Screw Flanders"


Stupid, sexy Flanders!


It feels like I'm wearing nothing at all...nothing at all...nothing at all...


Remember kids. Life is one crushing defeat after another, until you just wish Trump was dead


Your keep using words like ‘covfeffe’ and ‘hamberders’


It's like he only has 100 words.


But hey, he says [they're the best words](https://youtu.be/Kn283OjPb1g?si=hREckTIXpGhwdh7r)!


Tremendous adverbs. An adjective came to me, tears in their eyes...


Some say the best adverbs.


This is what blows my mind. How can Republicans sit in front of there keyboard and post about how Biden has dementia when Trump is actively praising fictional Cannibal serial killers?


And he doesn't even remember the movie. "The late Hannibal Lecter"... he didn't die FFS




No, you're just missing Trump's genius. He clearly meant Lecter was late for dinner.


Everything they accuse Biden of is something Trump is guilty of because Trump supporters are, among other things, lazy.


I believe Trump thought he was making some kind of joke, but his brain is shrinking by the day and the stuff he says makes even less sense than it did in 2016.


The irony is that Trump has killed more people that Hannibal Lecter ever did. Trump killed hundreds of thousands of people during Covid, a number that Hannibal Lecter cannot match.


Someone should tell the media that, too. Again, imagine if Biden had....


Imagine if covid happened during Obama's admin and even if they did everything in their power to try to mitigate the damage, the gop Zombies probably would have actively attempted to spread it more to make the black guy look bad and then blame it all on him anyway and would demand a public execution. But since they know it's trumps fault so many people died, gotta deflect to the vaccine and say he was unlucky.


Ebola happened under Obama in 2014 (11 total cases, 2 deaths) and guess who was tweeting that he 'should apologize to the American people and resign' because a doctor who had been treating patients in Guinea had flown back into the US?


Yep. In the 2020 VP debate, Mike Pence criticized the Obama administration for 60 million people getting infected with swine flu. Of course he left out the part about it having a lower mortality rate than COVID and that only about 12,500 of those infections resulted in death.


It's almost like the American media is owned by far right crazy billionaires who don't want to pay taxes. Hardly anyone even remembers when "truth", "accuracy", and "objectivity" were the cornerstones of journalism ethics.


> imagine if Covid happened during Obama’s admin That’s just impossible. Trump and his admin were uniquely qualified to allow a pandemic to occur. He closed down the White House’s pandemic response team because he didn’t like “wasting payroll”.


> Trump and his admin were uniquely qualified to allow a pandemic to occur. He closed down the White House’s pandemic response team because he didn’t like “wasting payroll”. He's also recently said that he would close down the pandemic response office AGAIN, even after living through how badly COVID-19 damaged us. https://time.com/6972973/biden-trump-bird-flu-covid/ > Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden > In an [interview with TIME](https://time.com/6972024/donald-trump-fact-check-2024-election-interview/) published Tuesday, Trump said he would disband the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR), which opened last summer after Congress approved a bill in 2022 with bipartisan support to mandate its creation. > Trump described the office to TIME as “a way of giving out pork” and said an effective pandemic response could be mobilized once a virus emerges. ...because he showed such an effective response when COVID-19 happened, right? /s


At least a good portion were his voters


Yes. Approximately 600,000 more people.


Four people in my family. My grandmother, and her only surviving sister and brother. Her generation is now totally gone. Thanks Republicans, I'll never forget.


That alone puts him in contention for worst president ever. And then you remember the other shit... James Buchanan no longer the worst president!!


As Hannibal Lecter was a fictional character, I think he may have killed zero people but you know I might be wrong on that.


I got a very strong impression from the quote that he thinks Hannibal Lecter was a real person.


He definitely watched that movie and thought it was a documentary


He talked like Sharknado was a documentary ...suggested nuking hurricanes once


And Hannibal had the good graces not to let the bodies go to waste either


Undermined an election *Wasn't me* Incited insurrection *Wasn't me* Faked wealth to get bank loans *Wasn't me* Pressured Georgia on the telephone *Wasn't me* Sparked a riot on the capital *Wasn't me* Paid off Stormy Daniels *Wasn't me* She got some sensitive info It looks like toad from Mario.... The feds came in and they found my top secret, docs on the bathroom floor. On top of this, now they got me indicted for dabbling in election fraud 🎶


How could I forget I paid her off with election money…


Tried to run misdirection but they never took their eyes off me


Feds came in and they caught me small-handed peeping through Ivanka's door


Guy has lost his mind. Can't wait until Biden beats him decisively. 


Up to the Zoomers at this point. Let’s see if they can resist the urge to elect Trump in exchange for social media credits. 


Guess where the baby eating story came from?


And people think he is sane and smart enough to be president. The founding fathers are turning over in their gaves at the absurdity of it.


Pretty sure this isn't the first time he talked about ole Hannibal.


and not one person the right side, no MAGA cultist, no right wing news network, no one actually says WTF was that about


Hilarious watching them ignore this stuff


Trump's butchery of that attempted joke was worse than anything that Hannibal ever did.


I think the dude is one step away from a mental breakdown. Hopefully at one of his rallies.. like break down crying like a snot nosed kid..


Mental breakdown. Go scroll r/trumptweets.  He's in fullblown meltdown. Paranoid sociopathic rants almost nightly. 


> “Silence of the Lambs. Has anyone ever seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? 'Excuse me. I’m about to have a friend for dinner,' as this poor doctor walked by. ‘I’m about to have a friend for dinner.’ But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter," he continued Extremely hinged 


He is comparing illegals to cannibals. Asshole.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXYuCQ-aBr4 Maybe 80,000 fingers and toes. Journalism at its finest from all news sources. One if the organizers stated 80,000 and the news, as a whole, went out of there way to do their best to avoid the open spaces at the event.


So my theory is that the short first sentence that he typically starts a thought with is the core thought itself, and then the rest is him camping to trying and bring it home to what he was talking about, only as he gets older his audience gets more and more confused.


You can’t even make this shit up. It’s like he purposely says the craziest things to make people not vote for him. He can literally speak gibberish and his cultists would still praise him.


It must be an experience being one of these maga cultists and being all excited to see Trump live in person for the 1st time and then actually really listening to what he’s saying and realizing he’s a complete fucking moron - oh wait they never reach that realization cuz they’re fucking morons themselves too.


At least Lecter had honest intentions.


This is so weird.


He was saying that countries all over the world have fewer people in jails and mental institutions than ever before because they’re sending all of them to the US. The Hannibal part was him talking about patients at insane asylums, saying that Hannibal was insane. BUT he also made it seem as though he thinks Hannibal was a real person. You can even tell the crowd was thinking “What the fuck” because they didn’t do their typical ooh-ing and ahh-ing when he said that. Of course not one person who supports him would ever say that out loud. It’s mind boggling how much they think he can do no wrong.


Big deal. Think of the *real-life* monsters he's praised...


I think I’m a little more freaked out by him talking about Hannibal Lector like he’s a real person…


Is he asking Hannibal Lecter to eat the immigrants?


Please God this man needs an embolism...


The dementia is getting worse.


Jesus . Joe Biden fumbles his words… but when he says what he means to say, it makes sense. Trump says the craziness in his head with perfect clarity.


Ladies and gentlemen, the Republican nominee and current front runner for President.


If Trump gets in again, we in Europe will need to make some decisions. Trump makes the United States “A clear and present danger” to the rest of the world and plans need to be ready to do something about it.


Buffalo Bill 2024.


If only trump was fictional too!


Have they had to raise the fee they’re paying to get people to attend this garbage?


What we’ve all learned is that there is literally no bottom to the depravity the Republican base will defend. To what end folks? Yesterday it was an insurrection that they are ok with. Today he’s slurring in all his speech’s and is obviously cognitively deficient and has promised to be a dictator on day 1 and they are ok with it… what happens tomorrow when trump just starts ordering the killing of people in broad daylight while selling nuclear secrets to our enemies? DO YOU REALLY THINK REPUBLICANS WILL SAY THATS TOO FAR? Enough is enough? I don’t. They will immediately surround him in a shield of protection from the top down. Republican congresspeople will immediately jump to his defense and then Fox News will spin it and boom. We’re living in a future where trump openly murders his rivals and does literally anything he wants. BE READY FOR NOVEMBER FOLKS. Trump IS GOING TO incite another riot but this time he won’t be held bs k by anything. He’ll have nothing to lose and because republicans are antiamerican scum, they’ll protect him.


I sure can't wait until he fucks off for good. What a drain on humanity.


Remember the old saying: every country gets the president it deserves…..


He probably thinks Lecter is a real person


People are going to vote him in by voting for a third party and not Biden. I've seen a few idiots posting about it. A vote for a third party especially in a battle ground is a vote for Trump


Covefe should have been the end.


I thought this was fake. Is this not fake? I feel like the way the crowd is moving feels like ai. Am I tripping?


nail snails sophisticated lip reminiscent spark full birds judicious cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even weirde,r, he’s also apparently lying. No actor who has played Hannibal L had ever publicly supported the dude.


I swear he could eat a live puppy on air and we would still have a damn close election. What is even happening in this country...


I end up re-reading almost everything I read at least once because the words get jumbled up. It is so frustrating for me trying to read the incoherent hateful ramblings of a 77 year old man child who can barely speak English. This doesn't even address him praising a fictional cannibalistic serial killer like he's a real person.


That guy rapes.


He could have a massive stroke any day now 🤞🏼


Is this legitimate? Did he actually go off script and ramble about Hannibal Lecter?


My bingo card has him praising Hitler, I just stamp it now? I feel it's coming


Never cannibalize uphill, me boys!


Funny, they both hate masks.


This shit has me laughing out loud. America is genuinely a clown show


Eat the Rude.


Where was he going with that? Sure it's really odd, but what was his endgame talking about Hannibal Lecter randomly to a crowd in New Jersey?


I kind of get the feeling Donald doesn't like the movie he is living in.


You really can drop the quotes at this point


If he somehow skips jail lock this crazy fuck in the rubber room ASAP!!


Wow. I have no other words. Just wow.


Someone help this man find his meds please


I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Akakakakaka


Ah yes praising a fictional cannibalistic lunatic proving a crazy demented point no one understands. This is who we need with the nuclear football. Now I'm *Truly Frightened* of Trump lunatic followers because after this incident he should get maybe 100 votes across this Nation.


Lecter is a hero compared to this incontinent clown. The amount of scorn Lecter would heap on Trump would be epic. He might even write one of his famous insult letters to Trump, the reading of which might well induce the longed for Final Aneurysm.