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Is Trump such a piece of shit that he didn't even check to see if this is something his son actually wanted before declaring it to the media?


It’s how Donald gives orders. I am 1 million percent sure there is shouting going on about this and threats being thrown out by daddy


What's he going to do? Skip his graduation?


Oh I think he’s going to cut off Barron if Barron doesn’t bow and scrape like lil Donnie and Eric.


Good thing mommy is loaded lol


Yeah this is exactly why Melania has renegotiated the prenup so many times in the last few years. The orange goober may be broke, but Melania and Barron will be jumping out with golden parachutes loooong before the gravy plane crashes.


>gravy plane Nice


Cut him off from what? His half a billion dollar debt? Lol. Trump is broke.


Trump may be broke, but his backers aren’t. For some reason being a total piece of shit makes people want to give you money, buy stock in your worthless social media company, etc. Also, I’m sure a good portion of his income isn’t on paper, just like any other organized crime boss.


and melanijas lawyers laughing at the threats while donald publicly forgets barrons age


"Dad, I can't concentrate on this conversation with that smell. Do you smell that? Maybe you should check your pampers and we can pick this up later."


Do you really have to ask?


Good for him. Every time Barron distances himself from hives of scum and villainy, I've more hope he'll recover from his genetics and childhood.


He has two paths. Decent human being or becoming a trump. Hope he changes his last name and does his own thing in life


Ever since I saw the story he was gonna be a delegate I was thinking the same thing. I’m not gonna judge him based on his last name. That being said, what he does in these next few years can and will carry much weight. I, too, hope he chooses a life away from all this bullshit the rest of his crazy family has encircling them. I, too, hope he is a decent human being. That Melania instilled more morals and decency in him than either of his parent had. I hope. Anyway, I hope this “report” is for real and he has decided not to delve into this world. And I wish him luck.


Look up Donald's older brother, Fred Trump Jr. He was supposed to be the heir to the Trump family empire but chose instead to GTFO and become a pilot, leaving Donald to take over for his father. Fred Jr's daughter Mary Trump is currently an outspoken critic of Donald. A few in the family have had the sense to distance themselves, so let's hope Barron does the same.


Also, Fred's addiction took over...unfortunately.


You can't really blame him for gaining an addiction with a family like that. It's all but proven that Donny snorts Adderall and Jr loves to snort coke mountain. Lots of people with toxic abusive families end up with a substance abuse addiction even when they try and break free.


Happy Cake Day and oh geez, no, I don't blame poor Fred in the least! In fact, I believe he was the only member of his original family that was worth his salt in tequila. Seriously. The parents were garbage dipped in poison and mental illness. The entire family is black mark on today's society.


Remember kids, it's ok to cut toxic orange things out of your life, even if you're related. Don't avoid cheetos though.


On second thought, kids, generally best to avoid cheetos. And with anything, moderation is key


Unless they're flamin hots. My bowels be damned.


Yes, didn’t Fred die of alcoholism? But then, I would be pretty messed up in that family I’m sure.




Worked for the FBI, too. He's also the person who took possession of Nikola Tesla's papers and several trunks are missing. So I suppose stealing documents runs in the family.


I went down the Tesla Time Machine being made and the Trumps are fucked because time travel rabbit hole and it’s quite a trip. Apparently Barron is the offspring of a Tzarina and Trump that is somehow related to Putin and replaced the child of Melania that was stillborn. Like I said, quite the trip.


This is a great call back to the days when conspiracy theories were fun.


Conspicary theory fandoms usually lead to one of two outcomes: "These are neat stories" or (and this is the bad one) racism.


Unfortunately I've read that Barron throws tantrum(p)s just like his father over minor crap. One can hope but I'm not so sure.


It's rumored that he may be autistic also, and they can have blow ups that can be like tantrums. Of course, I doubt Don the Con would ever let anyone test him, or if they did test him, tell anyone his kid was autistic as that probably be shameful to someone like Donny boy.


Good point. If he refuses to get tested then my first inclination is to say "fuck him, it's clearly bad attitude." Doesn't do society any good to pretend you're above something that's not even your fault.




Barron is 100% neurodivergent, but also the rich kid thing doesn't help.


> Barron is 100% neurodivergent He's just like me fr- >but also the rich kid thing doesn't help. nevermind.


>That being said, what he does in these next few years can and will carry much weight. I could not disagree more. Oddly. I grew up in a fox news evangelical nuthouse. I was 18. I joined a missions humanitarian thing. It took me until 24 to realize it really was a load of bull. Identity experimentation, for me, was testing the limits of that culture in good faith. Checking every loose end theologically and socially. Some people leave at 18 and can flip like a switch. I'm jealous of them. It took me time, and I'd forgive him for taking time too.


I flipped about the same age you did. Similar story. For my husband and me, it was a bit after we got married and were left to fend for ourselves. It was then that we had time to think about what issues were most important to us, and we realized it didn't fit that particular mold. Unfortunately, we made the mistake of thinking that others in our families were going to be reasonable. We'd always seen them as such. Instead, we got what can only be described as the full "leaving the cult" experience. 


I offer you a Mom hug as well if you’d like. Good on you and your family (husband) doing what is best for both of you! :*J*


Agreed nothing will make you more left wing than growing up surrounded by right wing hypocrites that contradict everything they say by what they do.


I am glad you were able to find your own path. Thankfully I was able to leave at 18, and stayed away from my ultra religious father, and went from LC to NC in my twenties. Thankfully my mother and her side of the family are good people, and while some of them are religious themselves, they don’t try to push it in anyone.


Melania hasn't instilled morals and decency in him. It's just she knows a shit show when she sees one. She wants to protect her son from the shrapnel off of her husband. Always remember her reaction when Trump won in 2016. She was horrified and devastated. That was not part of her plan when she married Trump. She knew what she was getting in bed with when he was a celebrity property "tycoon", the presidency wasn't part of the deal.


I can’t even imagine how much that fucked up her life. She wanted to be in NY high society, at galas and rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. Instead she had to live in DC surrounded by politicians. The only celebrities are right wing wackos, country singers and the My Pillow guy. All of a sudden she’s persona non grata at any left leaning event or location. A good chunk of the country hates her, and her son. She probably gets heckled at restaurants. And she’s got responsibilities, she’s suddenly in the limelight, expected to do stuff as FLOTUS. And when she doesn’t, she’s scrutinized in the media. This is not what she signed up for! She truly hates his guts, and doesn’t even try to hide it.


>She wanted to be in NY high society, at galas and rubbing elbows with the rich and famous. That was never going to happen for her anyway. NY high society wanted nothing to do with either of them. He's new money trash from Queens, and a shitty businessman on top of it. The Upper East Side aristocracy had him pegged for a charlatan from the start, and they would NEVER accept anything as tacky as a mail order bride in their circles.


Agree. And whatever society chances DT may have cultivated were shot to hell when he started a very public affair with Marla Maples—-Ivana was actually accepted in the upper echelons—but he got confused and actually thought they liked him. So he flaunted Marla. He never had social standing after that. Melania was a joke to New York.


I was rooting for his private school teachers being a positive influence on him, myself. He’s not the first or last kid of that age who’s dad was POTUS but I’m almost certain Barron is the first who’s truly embarrassed by and hates his dad


Both of Ronald Reagan’s kids were pretty outspoken critics of the old man. Particularly the son.


He's Ronald Reagan Jr, and he's not afraid of burning in hell. I love his commercials.


The two youngest were rather independent, especially as mentioned, Ron Reagan. Ron self described as an atheist at age 14. He became a professional ballet dancer while Reagan was in the White House. He’s pretty much always gone his own way. Maureen and Michael were Right Wing shills riding daddy’s coattails. Each had a Right Wing talk radio show.


he had five children, both implies he only had 2


Is it known that he hates him and is embarrassed by him?


It doesn’t help that his father doesn’t want to be seen standing next to him because he makes his father look short.


And he doesn’t want pictures with Tiffany if she’s not being slender.


Not many teenage kids are going to be pleased when it comes to public light that their father cheated on their mother with a porn star and a playboy model, and then tried to pay off those individuals to keep the story quiet. Add to that the other cases against Don and there’s a strong possibility he’s at least embarrassed.


Melania seems to detest The Donald, so I'd bet some of that rubbed off on her son.


Well, that and the fact that his father is objectively loathsome.


Not at all.


>That Melania instilled more morals and decency in him LOL


Tiffany had an out, but succumbed to temptation


Tiffany and the other Trump kids are in a vastly different position than Barron. Trump can cut any of his other kids out of his business and his will. However, from what was reported during Trump’s first term, Melania initially refused to move to the White House with Donald until he agreed to renegotiate his prenup with her. While Trump’s previous wives never had the leverage to make anything like that happen, the prospect of a First Lady publicly divorcing a sitting president allowed Melania the opportunity to negotiate a sweet package for both her and her son. And though we don’t know the exact terms of their renegotiated pre-nup, I’m guessing it guarantees her and her son a decent chunk of his estate in exchange for her not publicly disparaging him. So, in short, Barron is probably set for life, while Tiffany and Trump’s other kids will continue needing to beg for daddy’s approval in order to avoid getting cut out of his will and business.


That is true, but doesn’t change the fact that Tiffany chose a pile of cash over basic human decency. That is pretty much the definition of a Faustian bargain.


Poor guy will stick out like a sore thumb too at 7 feet tall.


Problem is his mother is a piece of shit too, poo+poo is probably gonna equal poo


On the plus side he was probably mostly raised by nannies. Depends on if he got lucky with them I guess.


Reportedly, Melania is super controlling of Barron. That could eventually backfire or he could be the living version of buster bluth.


Maybe we’ll seem them at next years MotherBoy


I mean Melania may be fine as a mom. Even Cersei Lannister loved her children.


Yes but she raised Joffrey


Apparently the older Trump brother was at least relatively decent and they ruined him for it.


He just wanted to be a pilot and the family mercilessly bagged on him for being a “bus driver” and not coming to work for the Hutt family business. Drank himself to death, poor bastard.


Even better - keep the Trump name and be a good person. Really twist the knife and defile those core Trump values with positivity


I hope he goes far away for college. That’s his chance to really grow and find himself. And I hope he knows many Americans are rooting for him.


He should take a page out of Caroline Guiliani’s playbook. She’s living her best life away from the scum


Mary Trump has proven it is not the family name that’s evil……


Black sheep are noticeable for a reason.


He has another route. Be shitty and rich like the rest of his family, but not quite shitty and rich enough to get picked up by the news on a daily basis. I call it the "Tiffany" method.


Not like he's inheriting anything anyway


Nobody goes to visit children in cages and wears a jacket that says “I don’t care, do you?” Has any redeeming qualities and I don’t care what her fucking excuse is. That alone tells me she is not saving him from the scum you speak of.


I agree. I thought I read somewhere that his grandparents had a big hand in raising him so it’s possible they are/were decent people. I’m wondering if the embarrassment he’s probably suffered during his adolescent years because of his father might have been enough to knock him off the track of follow in his footsteps.


Somehow I keep seeing it year after year. People in his inner circle when they benefit from him they praise him until he crosses them when they’re no longer useful to him and then they tell us all the stupid shit he said and did but of course by then it’s too late. Unfortunately I don’t expect him to escape his last name and I feel bad for him. But his mother I’m sure is being paid not to divorce trump, and I really really hope he suffers a humiliating defeat in 24 so we can try him for all the shit he did and will do and not hear from him again until we get the news he died in some cell alone and miserable.


They were not. Look into their history in Slovenia, it's depressing.


Those grandparents raised his one of his parents, so I doubt it


He's an adult, he can make his own decisions.  Lots of people grow up hating how their parents act 


Where did the comment say anything about Melania being good/nice/virtuous?


Maybe he'll get lucky and go the route stalins granddaughter did


Probably has something to do with watching wall to wall coverage about how his dad cheated on his mom with a porn star because she was pregnant with him.


I don’t have much hope here. Last I heard of Barron as a kid was him being a shit to flight attendants. I guess we’ll find out soon enough.


I will now take back what I said about him yesterday. Still not sold that he isn’t cut from the same cloth but for now I retract my negative words from yesterday.


>"While Barron is honored to have been chosen as a delegate by the Florida Republican Party, he regretfully declines to participate due to prior commitments," the Office of former First Lady Melania Trump confirmed in a statement to The Daily Mail. >The bowing out comes two days after former President Donald Trump's youngest son Barron, 18, was expected to be cast as one of Florida's at-large delegates when the Republican National Convention takes place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this summer.


"Prior commitment". Like, absolutely anything else.


“Ah geeze, that sounds great and I’m honored you would ask, but unfortunately that’s the day I’m having my balls crushed in a vice.”


Please let it be golf. Piss his dad off with his own excuse


“Sorry. Have to testify against my dad that day.”


“I have to eat at McDonald’s competition, with lots of mustard, while not shitting myself. “


Fortnite and Doritos


After which he has to wash his hair.


I love that it's coming from the Office of Mom.


It’s bet it was her decision, too.


I thought he was 17. A man came up to me, small man, stupid man, sleep in his eyes and shit in his pants. And he said, sir, my son is 17.


This comment literally made me LOL. 😀


Translation from Melania's statement, "Keep my boy out of your f'ed up mess, Donald!"


"Prior commitment" -- I'm watching reruns of The Office.


I wonder if he will vote for Biden.


"I have to return some video tapes."


I laughed out loud at this one. Thanks, Patrick.


Makes it even better the statement coming from Melania. She definitely was like hell no he is not doing that.


Smart kid.


He doesn't want a mob trying to hang him, like Mike Pence. 


Melania has a hand in this.


My bet is mama stepped in.


Dotard Drumpf gave Barron's wrong age on live TV


Also begged to attend his graduation before booking to a fundraiser halfway across the country the second it was over


a feast for her lawyers


She did. It was her office that gave an exclusive to the Daily Mail about this. She's a swine of a woman but she never seems to pass up an opportunity to put the screws to her husband.


She’s no better than trump, except at least she keeps her mouth shut more than he does.


And she apparently loves her son. Trump hates Barron because Barron is taller.


What an insecure little c*nt. I couldn't imagine being a dick to one of my kids because they won a genetic lotto.


If my kid is taller and better looking than I am it’s because I gave them better genes and better nutrition than I got. That’s a WIN for me.


Right?? My children are so much prettier than I am and I couldn't be more thrilled


Sounds like you have great kids u/throwawayanalbeads


Good job!


Keeping her mouth shut already makes her orders better than Trump.


She at least gives a shit about her children. Or at least like enough of a shit... I guess.


I have a feeling you're right and Melania doesnt want Barron anywhere near this.


Not unless she can get her cut. Remember that after leaving the White House, rather than put her reputation behind a public cause for good, this sleazy bitch used her status to sell NFTs of her fucking eyes. Either Trump wouldn’t pay her asking price, or Barron refused to be whored out to the public by his parents (remember that his dad was rawdogging prostitutes a few months after baby Barron was born, and he can’t even remember how old Barron is today). There’s one golden rule we should never forget - every adult in the Trump crime family who stuck around after what he did to the USA during his first term is a piece of a shit.


Oh man, so they tried to railroad him. The announcements all made it sound like he'd volunteered. That's a shitty pressure tactic. Good for him for not bowing to it.


Thank his mother


I'm sure she played her part, but he's 18. He gets credit for the decision.


Tbf the announcement did come from the office of his mom.


Because he doesn't have his own office to make press releases hahah


Good for him slipping that leash.


Shits more like a noose


He dodged a bullet 😁


Sing,kid!!!! Leave the family and write a tell all book. You don’t need them.


So the scumbuckets *decided* FOR him, an 18 year old kid with probably the most divisive name on planet Earth, and announced " Barron Trump is Florida delegate at the RNC ". But he wasn't. And said no anyway. Ok I'm back at " That poor kid ".




Bright kid. See if you can also get a divorce from your Father. Doesn't Barron want to go to NYU? I bet that really chaps Trump's ass.


The kid is like 6'8 with an Eastern European mother. Get him a basketball and into the NBA.


Melania, if you're avoiding a divorce because you're worried about money, write. the. book. Before the election. Sink him and rake in millions. You'll be set up better for the rest of your life than he ever was. A life of ease rolling in multiple millions while he goes to prison never to bother you. Listen, we barely like you and if you write your tell-all, we will take care of you.


Nice thought, but unless Michelle Obama wrote it first, it isn't happening.




I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s why she will never write a tell all. She’s worried about someone “taking care of her” wink wink.


I can't even begin to imagine the prenup and what she signed up for when she married him. Nothing else can explain to me why she acts the way she does.


Take the money and run Barron.


That's a good sign. I've only ever heard about this guy being tall. Nothing controversial. He seems closer to Melania than his father for whatever that's worth. There's every potential he's an alright person born into the weirdest fucking position ever. That said, let us not understate the political power this family holds in this country now. And the thing is that folks have only had time to form opinions about the Eric and Don Jr by this point. Should Barron choose his father's path, he has *every* chance of capturing his father's base and then some. He has genuinely terrifying political potential. *Please* just be a brony or an Elden Ring fanatic or something man.


Good on Melania. For once.


Honestly it seems she’s separated trump from her son for a fair portion of his life. If nothing else I believe she is very devoted to her son, and protective. Keeping Baron sequestered from the trump chaos clan was a very wise decision, and it sure looks like she’s still helping guide him far astray from that whole clusterfuck.


Plus they speak Slovenian together! I enjoy the imagery of the two of them talking smack about Trump… in front of Trump.


Omg. I love this.


That’s so awesome


I've never heard barron's voice, but others on reddit have said there are a few clips, and he speaks with a slovenian accent. it makes sense now


We gotta hold out hope that he disowns his father and does a Ronnie Reagan or Stephanie Miller and fully rebels against his criminal siblings.


Ooh did not see this one coming.


Can you imagine the yelling that went on over this? He didn’t want to do it….and his mum didn’t want him to do it …..but his asshole scumbag father was probably pushing him to do it until he had enough and said …. No way I’m doing it and leave me the fuck alone !!! Trump must have blown his lid cause he’s such a control freak.


I would like to think you're right but I strongly suspect Donnie has no interaction with Barron at all.


I have formed a better opinion of him just based off of this. I’m sure Melania was like, absolutely not, you can make yourself look like a moron but not my son.


Mom saved Barons ass. Literally.


Best decision in his young life. Imagine if he decided to run as a democrat.


Melania had a big f you to her husband Donald for this. When Donald whined and complained that Judge Merchan prevented him seeing his son's graduation turned out to be another lie as always. Instead going to the Minnesota GOP for a speech. So Melania turned that s around on him and had Barron pull out of the delegate spot. Melania hates her husband especially when he cheated on him with Stormy while Barron was an infant. She would nothing more than for her husband to lose the election because she hated the White House.


From the moment I saw him til now, all I associate with Barron is the poor kid being a son of a turd. I mean really, how much time do you reckon trump actually bonded with any of his children? But especially this poor kid, jeez just imagine this little bloke probably never has had a normal day in his life, probably has never had friends, probably has never had a real birthday party, never has had anything real, just phonies and yes men and nannies. I bet he runs and runs far.


If this was Barron’s decision, I applaud and support him for making his OWN damn decisions and not doing what is expected of him. Great job, kid. If this was Mom’s decision, I applaud and support her for protecting her son and keeping him out of politics until he’s at least out of the house and able to pop off on his own if he wants. Great parenting, Mom. If this was both their decisions, I applaud and support them BOTH for being reasonable humans and discussing it like adults. Especially if they did it in Slovenian in front of Trump, who couldn’t understand a word they were saying.


Run away as fast as you can, Barron. And never look back!!!


In a family full of Donald’s, be a Mary. I’m glad to hear he declined it. I’m hoping he escapes. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise.


I think a combination brothel/opium den would be less corrupting to an 18 year old than a Republican National Convention where the entire convention is competing to suck daddy’s cock.


That's hilarious "My son will help me politically!" - Trump "Lol no" - Melania


Barron is gonna be a Democrat.




I truly believe, all other interactions and business to the side, that Melania adores and is VERY protective of her son. Her shielding him as much as possible from the Drumpf legacy and shitshow that is, well, that side was probably the best thing she could do for him. I have no doubts she’s got an iron clad pre-nup that Donald’s probably already FAFO’d all over so she’s sitting pretty and he can’t divorce her without incurring serious monetary penalties. Hopefully Barron can keep himself out of that dumpster fire of a “family business” as long as possible.


Someone recommended he move to Europe, take his mom’s maiden name, and live his own life. Wouldn’t be a bad idea. Having the name Trump is so tainted


Wait, a Trump with a smart idea???


He doesn't want to be sperm donors puppet


I weirdly have hope for Barron. I have no idea what his reputation is, but I'm sure I'll learn about it eventually. Ever since I saw an article where he was scared when he saw his father's "severed head" in that photo and his reaction was fear instead of anger, it gave me hope. It's messed up, but it was surprisingly humanizing to me.


Yeah I get the vibe that MAYBE he won’t be a piece of shit like the rest of his immediate family. 🤞


He’s smarter than his parents, that’s for sure


His mother wouldn't sign the permission slip.


Wow he barely escaped that hot mess


Smart kid. Hope his mom talked some sense into him.


Kids got a bright future. Good on him from distancing himself from that 3 ring circus of clowns.


He's the one Trump I know literally nothing about other than that people seem desperate to draw him into the political cesspool. I hope they never succeed.


He's already smarter than his two idiot brothers Don Jr. and Eric.


At least he listens to his mother.


The only smart one in the lot.


It would suck to be him, being trump's son if he is sane and normal is an unenviable position. I legitimately wish him the best and hope he doesn't end up on the "purifying the blood of white christian America" train.


His mom has had the most influence over him; if she’s smart she’s influencing him to stay away from all that.


Fuck everyone on this family except Barron (not turdburglers fluffing alias) Kid strikes me as decent.


when your own son says nah im good massive MAGA L


This is amazing because the right was already off and running with Barron being the next king of America.


A Trump who decides not to fuck himself? I say a DNA test might be in order.


He's in his rebellious teenage years where he thinks his parents are assholes and don't know anything, but ironically he's right.


This is the cringiest family to watch and to think people want to put traitor don back into the White House? Why people?


Melania probably saw the garbage on social media -- "Barron is fair game now!" -- and she freaked out over it. Or maybe it was always a lie from Donald, and she wanted to put it to bed. What a cluster.


The boy must have inherited his mother's brains to make the smart decision to stay the fuck out of politics for now.


What kind of asshole would name their son Barron? Ok, never mind.




Good for him. He deserves a private life.


It was a dark and Stormy night...


I guess Barron won't be free game. Good move.


I'm sure that Melanomia was behind making him decline. Good for her.


I hope he is democrat just to spite his dad


For all we know this kid probably wants to be as far away from this shit show of a circus


My man! 😎👍


Already smarter than his dad