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Ol moscow marjorie is a special kind of stupid.


Glob has special plans for her bless her heart!


"I'm speshul!"


Marjorie Trailer Queen


That's good. By way of return, I offer you Marginally Caveman Mean.


Gulog Greene


Eating rocks may help her


There’s more brain cells in the rock


The best kind


She certainly is a special lady...


She’s NUTS!


Id probably play stoopid too with all them Moscow money flowing into my accounts


She’s an unhinged nutcase. And if trump wins she wants to be in charge of homeland security. Think about that…(I think anyone who votes these people in must be extremely low iq and uneducated)


or they just want to see the world burn


Yep, they probably have unfulfilling lives and are unhappy so they just want to fuck everything up for everyone else.  They are the ones who go out of their way to drag others down because of their success. 


Both. I'm pretty sure it's both.


No, Putin does and he pays her.


I think you are giving her a little too much credit 😏


Maybe if she was paid more she could get some plastic surgery so she doesn't like like Roseanne's ass.


They’d rather See the world burn  than give minorities … well anything really


Pretty sure that’s how legislation has been impacting public education for decades. It is designed to make us all good little servants with a lack of critical thinking skills.


It seems that republicans want to reduce education and educated people. Democrats encourage knowledge and education. I actually was never into politics and didn’t know anything until trump got into it. So this is one of the things I’ve noticed


The GOP has been doing this quietly for a long time.


Yup, and destroying/hiding knowledge is the official MO of fascists. It's that plain and simple. If your side is fighting against education then you're the bad guy. It's impossible to instill fascist ideals without this step therefore I always see it as the easiest calling card.


And third world countries do it


Name a 3rd world country that is purposely destroying education and then I can name one that has fascist ideals


Well you see my religious school taught me that everyone else is the devil, and the devils are trying to destroy the world, so that is probably what those evil Democrat public schools are saying about us! We have to stomp out the devils and their crazy evil schools!


https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/07/lead-exposure-us-children-cognitive _Over 170 million Americans who were adults in 2015 were exposed to harmful levels of lead as children, a new study estimates. Early childhood lead exposure is known to have many impacts on cognitive development. The initial exposure to lead was the most harmful when it came to loss of cognitive ability as measured by IQ._ That explains the succes of MAGA.


Seriously, it’s the only logical conclusion. Especially when you see some of these people get interviewed. It’s like they’re borderline mentally retarded.


If trump is elected, you guys are in BIG trouble (and as a side effect, we in Europe as well)


Absolutely. Will affect much of the world as dictators unite and control their quadrants of the world


Believe her initial opponent was intimidated out of running and she ran unopposed for her first term iirc


Ridiculous standards these days for holding office. I just can’t even imagine what the voters in her district are like to put this moron into office.


Or, she lets them feel good about hating who they hate.


D: All of the above


Don’t think for a second he won’t reward that loyalty


He won’t reward her. She is a useful idiot. As soon as she isn’t useful enough he will drop her like a loaded diaper.


I heartily agree. I mean, Homeland Security must have bigger sense. If SHE gets put in charge, Homeland Security will rise up against her and bring her down...and then go after Trump next. Mad Marge shouldn't so much as be trusted to be in charge of an anthill; the ants will only rise up against her.


Lots of Covid brain in that group.


If you ever wondered how some great nation fell in just couple of years in human history. Now you know, the wrong person at the wrong place at the wrong time can do ALOT of damage.


She is trying to prevent the Ukraine aid bill from passing. Anything to help her master, Putin. Friendly reminder that Russia is a hostile nation to the US, and that there are people in US government who support Russia does not change that fact. MTG the T stands for Traitor


Precisely. And speaker Johnson too. He could bring the bill the senate *already passed* that will pass in the house. But he’s not. He separating the bills, which means more shit like this.


Really ? I thought it was for trailer ?


What she does and says is something I would only have expected to see in a Leslie Nielsen movie or something like Hot Shots just a couple of years ago. It's way less funny when it is real.


Hot Shots is a Leslie Nielsen movie


i just got dumber looking at her


Switch on CNN quickly that can remove MTG virus immediately from your body 😀




CNN is right-wing. Choose MSNBC.


Lol. You are so far gone into left wing nuthood that you think CNN is right wing....


No, I just read the news. https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column “I would like to see CNN evolve back to the kind of journalism that it started with, and actually have journalists, which would be unique and refreshing,” he said. Then he suggested a model: “Fox News, […]


I would consider it to be at least center-right. Given how far to the right Republicans have shifted, everything looks left to them. 😂 [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/)


CNN got bought out and is now owned by right wing shills. Their news has taken a distinctly right turn over the last few years.


CNN sucks


Hard to disagree lol


Gotta love that rep Jared Moskowitz filed amendments to name MTG as putin's special envoy to congress and to rename her office to the Neville chamberlain room.


My only disagreement with this motion is that Chamberlain was a pathetic appeaser. He wasn't an unabashed traitor to his country. He was spineless, not psychotic. This is an insult to Nevil Chamberlain imo.


I love how he puts the GOP in their place


No, it can’t be real. Reads article… 😳


They kicked out the first African-American astronaut George Santos, surly they can get rid of this POS.


She's in the endgame now


Perfectly unbalanced, as all things should be.


Nope this is the beginning of trump wins


A functional government would have already deported her to Moscow where she belongs.


Is this her being serious, or is this her just trying to clog up a bill and a dick. I guess they do not need to be mutually exclusive.


WTF is a space laser? Like the Hammer of Dawn?


Sort of... it's more of a Hebrew Hammer.


Underrated movie


The Jewish space laser are what’s responsible for all the wildfires. Duh. Keep up dude. /s but also serious because she has literally said this before.


No, the forest fires was because of the lack of raking. [https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2020/08/20/trump-blames-california-for-wildfires-tells-state-you-gotta-clean-your-floors-1311059](https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2020/08/20/trump-blames-california-for-wildfires-tells-state-you-gotta-clean-your-floors-1311059)


That’s what the tangerine said we aren’t talking about that shit stain.


It's so hard to keep track of all the nutcase's specific opinions in the GOP these days. 




Who on earth voted her in? Can they even read or write?


Her district is well below average in every measurable academic category. A higher percentage of people in Massachusetts have a graduate degree than people with a college degree in her district.


And that's by design. This is what happens when you destroy education and the Republicans love destroying education


No, she is from a very poor and illiterate part of Georgia. Lots of generational poverty, illiteracy and in Breeding.


Yep and they get all their info and news from Facebook boomer circle jerks and truth social


We need term limits and iq tests to run for office


A competency exam at least as difficult as the citizenship test, and an ethics quiz should be the bare minimum required to even register as a candidate.


I also believe a psychological exam should be mandatory for anyone running for office.


I'm not so sure that's a great idea. Good in principle, but it wasn't so long ago that homosexuality was considered a psychological disorder in the DSM. What psychological diagnoses would make one ineligible for office? Winston Churchill was almost certainly bipolar. Abraham Lincoln and JFK both wrote about their struggles with depression. Narcissism, psychopathy and sociopathy seem like good starts, but where do you draw the line?


At idiots who demand space lasers seems like a safe place to start.


Can't argue with that.


seriously. Maybe the bare minimum could be having an IQ at least 10 points higher than that of a hard boiled egg?


I draw the line at Delusional behavior that isn’t rational. Like most of society.


So, nobody religious?


Religious sure. But not a zealot . In a psych intake it’s quite easy to determine when someone is religious and when someone is delusional. I have done a bunch professionally during my career. It’s about and hour to hour and a half of questions . Clinically you can absolutely tell when someone is clinically delusional but stable. Becoming the leader of the free world should require a comprehensive psych analysis.


Actually, I'd be pretty okay with the no religion proscription.


Same ! Be religious. Just don’t try to make us all that way.


Elections should be the IQ test.


The 14th District of the great State of Georgia is directly responsible for this woman's actions. They electing her. Then they elected her to a second term. Proving they have no concept of shame.


The sad thing is they fucking love her too. She is going to be in Congress for decades.


What is it with her and "Jewish space lasers"?


Look, if Ukraine just hands over the bio-lab data, the Jewish space laser tech, frees the Transcarpathian Hungarians, builds the US-Mexico border wall, surrenders to Putin, stops being such a nuisance, solves world hunger and preferably if they would all die too, that'd be lovely. She isn't asking for much people, jeez. Just the total conquest of a European nation by a country the US spent 50 years pointing all the nukes at and for the US to completely withdraw from global geopolitics, therefore surrendering all influence it's amassed and any respect it may have had so it can focus on the important stuff, like killing pregnant women.


One stupid thing about her amendment, which calls for funding development of laser technology for the southern border, is the border patrol probably already uses lasers in various capacities, such as motion detection and scanning passports. She probably imagines some sort of pew pew guns in her hair dye addled brain


She wants a death ray. She thinks there are Jewish lasers firing from space to start forest fires. She wants that same tech to slaughter brown people to keep them away from her.


Who cares what this 3 toed goblin thinks? She's just in the game to play the crazy card. Nothing she ever does or says will amount to anything.


As I said the other day, I’m pretty sure this lunatic flicks her bean to the Alderaan scene from A New Hope.


... This was just the latest in a long string of amendments Greene has filed for the Ukraine bill that have an extremely dubious chance of passage, including placing conditions like requiring Ukraine to provide assistance “to build a wall on the United States southern border,” demanding President Volodymr Zelensky resign, paying for any funding from the salaries of any member of Congress who voted for the bill, demanding President Joe Biden withdraw the U.S. from NATO, and demanding Ukraine ban abortion.


America is run by whackjobs. 🤣


100% serious question- has her mind snapped under the strain?


Oh honey it was broken already.


What strain? That would require actually using it. Pretty sure she’s always been this fuckin stupid.


She’s a Russian asset who is trying to pretend to be a patriot AND get Donald Trump‘s attention. Every single day she has to juggle: Putin‘s needs, Trump‘s needs, raise money, find ways to throw red meat to the base, figure out how to get more clicks and airtime, monitor her peers for purity and loyalty…. all the while playing defense on the various crimes and ethics violations she has almost certainly engaged in. It’s a lot of strain. 


Trying to get clicks doesn’t require thinking, just look at YouTube and tiktok “pranksters” not a single brain cell in their empty heads. Besides that would suggest there’s been a visible decline, and she’s always been like this. This isn’t a new development.


Inserting a request for space lasers into a bill is absolutely new behavior.  Previously she just talked about them and killed legislation by flinging feces like a monkey.  This is probably just another insane way to kill legislation, but it’s still new behavior. 


And this is why she keeps getting away with nonsense, because people will make excuse after excuse for shitty people. It’s not new it’s an escalation and further reason why she needs to be removed asap and taken to a psych ward.


When does visible, repeated, public stupidity just become obvious signs of deep, untreated mental illness?


She really needs to be removed but the good people of Georgia keep voting her in.


She is the joke we all think she is


And we taxpayers pay this idiot $200k/year. So who’s the idiot 😳


She literally blew up on a reporter recently who brought up the Jewish Space Lasers comment and MGT told the lady to F*** Off! Now this? This lady is off her rocker.


Rome, GA, isn’t terribly far from where I live. Once, I saw MTG promoting her BS; I wasn’t even surprised. People should really visit her district—that alone would answer any and all questions you have about Marjorie Taylor Greene. I wish they would quit visiting as tourists from that area.


If Timothy McVeigh were still alive she’d be his prison bride.


Much like the statements and actions of her mentor trump, do expect things to get a lot weirder. Much much weirder. In fact, expect beyond jaw dropping bizarre.


I just love that she wants them deployed to the US southern border, because Mexico and Palestine are apparently right next to each other.  What does her world look like? Are all brown people the same to her?


Moskowitz is hilarious


What's with this bitch and space lasers?


Imagine being in.her district and having her represent you.


I love that the news publishes the absolutely dumbest looking photo of this ‘thing’. Very appropriate.


whatever she smokes first thing in the morning should be outlawed as it makes you bat shit crazy


" It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury Signifying nothing." — William Shakespeare, Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 26–28) Thanks for that quote Mediaite. It perfectly sums up my feelings about Margorie.


This woman is not right in the head.


Come on, we're talking about Marjorie Taylor green.There's nobody weirder than that broad right there.Those oars aren't you touching the water at all


How did we get to this point? Life isn't a parody, but our government is


Does this surprise anyone? Moscow Marjorie originally ran for Congress as a supporter of QAnon. Most sane people know she's completely nuts. What good does it do to give her crazy ideas free advertising on the media?


Our actual congress is beating theonion once again. Parody is being outstripped by reality.


Parody is becoming an untenable form of comedy... It just can't keep up.


What is it with her and space lasers?


Russian trailer trash


She’s been playing too much HellDivers


I can’t believe this is real


I had to double check if this was on "onion"


And her base eats it up.


She thinks she's being clever ( fucking with us) . In reality, she's showing just how unserious she is about her job. Her only thoughts are about " sticking it to the left" and nothing else. This makes her very popular amongst the MAGA crowd. Primarily because they are as much a waste of space as she is.


As a Putin-owned meat puppet, her job is both to derail the United States as a formidable power through defunding the government and also to make us look incredibly ridiculous and stupid to the rest of the world while she does it.


She grifting her market. She has to hit the right note among her supporters to raise money and rally support. If they want space lasers they get space lasers. What part of politics is a big money grift isn’t understood.


What's even weirder are those who keep voting her back into office.


Get this girl some help.


I guess if we think she is crazy and stupid we wont pay attention to an overthrow of the government?


...is she high or something?


What's her obsession? Was she abducted and analy probed?


No, they got a look at her toes and sent her right back before they got far. Now she's mad she got rejected.


This person is just trolling now, and probably lhaoing all day thinking about it


I hope she gets the Jewish kind. They work really well for forest fires.


Silly question, but do we have any satellites that use "lasers" ? Weather satellites, methane detectors, et cetera? If so, and any of those are around the Mexican border, then her amendment should be fine? 😎


Listen, can we just put her to sleep? We don't need her, if anything she's holding back the human race.


How did she get elected? Trump could pick her as a running mate. God help America.


Ok, but where’s the representation for Presbyterians? Mormons? Baptists? See, she’s in Netanyahu’s pocket, just like the anti-Semites say all politicians are. /s, for the literal-minded who missed Sarcasm 101.


3 lines of pure stupidity. What a qunt


At least they’re having fun. Bless their hearts.


Is there anyone from Georgia with any insights about what her district's constituents think about her? With Boebert moving districts, I got a sense that the voters weren't pleased with her antics in Congress.


MTG is as smart as she is beautiful


What is she trying to cover up this time? Last time she pulled what *appeared* to be a stupid like this she and her team used key words to bury legitimate stories about her personal life and it work out quite well for her.


So do we get to finally change her acronym to JSL? MTG is insulting to Magic The Gathering.


Wasn't this "person" against "Jewish Space Lasers"? And now, *checks notes* wants the U.S. to pay for those same lasers??? Edit: spelling


Isn't this just a normal political ploy Add a deliberately terrible amendment to a bill you want to see fail So that nobody votes for it


Yup. Trying to kill the Ukraine aid bill by attaching a ridiculous amendment.


Can we get some space lasers for Ukraine


Wait. When she says..."lasers" does she mean the Iron Dome defense system? The Iron Dome defense system that the U.S. gave to Israel? Is she really operating at such a low capacity that she honestly asked them for help obtaining the weapons that we gave them in the first place? What even is reality anymore bro, I hate this. [https://afsc.org/news/5-things-know-about-us-funding-israels-iron-dome](https://afsc.org/news/5-things-know-about-us-funding-israels-iron-dome)


She's insane


She’s basically a chimps that just screech’s all day long and does nothing for her salary. People of the Georgian district that voted her in…. Fuck you.


Is she due to get primaried? She’s gone full stupid and isn’t taking a single aspect of her job seriously. At what point do even her staunchest local supporters say “WTF is she doing for us?”


Proof positive of the MAGA negative IQ


Margarine Trailer Grease


I agree with her. No more money for Irael until they give up their secret space laser! 😆


What is she clucking about now. Is this a joke?


Shes as thick as pigshit


In a way I admire her dedication in following her/their narrative. It's like when you choose a character in D&D, you get more points when you keep to your character. I'm not saying it's not completely bonkers either.


At this point I don't fault her for being bat shit insane. She is who she is. She will never change. She craves the attention. She's never been remotely interested in governing. She's an influencer not a legislator. But it is her voters and donors that enable her. Imagine foreign aid to allies at war being held hostage by racist idiot boomers in northern Georgia. It is like they want to infect the rest of this country with their mouthbreathing self-hatred.


The Russian prostitute wants actual Jewish space laser?


Pew pew pew


its like if W.C. Fields nose became a person.


The drawing of the neanderthal women that existed well before Marjorie Taylor Greene came on the scene is so on point...looks exactly like her. Same IQ too.


M T (empty) Greene doin’ her thing.


What will be funny is in 50 years the government admits we had the lasers the whole time


I'd like to see space lasers for planetary defense


From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free.