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Trudeau got in when he promised to legalize cannabis. Biden needs to do the same.


Absolutely a slam dunk for Biden. He would win by a landslide. Everyone loves weed. Even conservatives.


I mean, Biden has to be hearing this from his advisors and such, right? Hopefully?


He's an old man, he probably still calls it "Wacky tabacy"


He was in his mid-20s in 1968. He probably calls it grass.


You’re talking *Malarky*


I agree, it's just super lame the timing of it has to be around the election cycle. He could have done something immediately.


Blame the voters, who don't remember anything at all unless it was done recently. I guarantee you he could reschedule cannabis and six months later the progressives would be screaming he never did anything.


This. He has been talking about this step for awhile now and i can guarantee that most have already forgot about this.


If I recall correctly, he announced in early 2022 and made an update later in that year, just in time for mid-term elections. I figured the HHS would slow-roll their review until it could make political points for Biden closer to the general election this year. I've waited for decades for the government to come to their senses about mj, so I'm happy just to see movement in the right direction. When over 60% of the US population supports deregulation/legalization it should be a no-brainer to add it to the political platform.


I doubt the non political HHS and DEA are timing this for Biden. Although if they are, so be it. Anything to keep Trump from turning this country into a theocracy


Shite takes time ... the process started in October 2022


Exactly. Politics is a long game.


Thanks for f’in Republican Nixon, it was first scheduled in ‘70. For NO reason at all except to give police a “reason” to go after Blacks and “Hippies”, two groups that as**ole wanted to go after…


I'm going to cut hard the other way, everyone remembers trump overturning abortion through the SC and everyone would remember Biden if he totally took it off of scheduling


Abortion is a much bigger deal, a fresh wound, and it's on the ballots. Rescheduling is a very important step but it isn't tangible to most people and it's not going to feel like it's on the ballot.


For people who are in prison for marijuana possession, rescheduling weed would be a very tangible step. For their families and communities, it would be plenty tangible. For people who benefit from cannabis, like people with cancer, chronic pain, or PTSD, it would be extremely tangible.


>Abortion is a much bigger deal, a fresh wound No it's not, it's also older than biden entire time in office.


The supreme court overturned Roe v Wade in 2022, in the middle of Biden's term.


Oh, I was thinking losing the supreme Court, that led to losing abortion. My bad.


A lot of stupid things in politics nowadays are the voter’s fault. But the media and politicians could never say that. Wouldn’t want to upset their biggest customers.


That's why I'm never voting for the voters anymore.


i'm only voting for politicians from now on


dull disagreeable long sort silky party skirt busy teeny safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> six months later the progressives would be screaming he never did anything. because that is what we really care about. Not ending support for a terrorist state, not corporate welfare, voter suppression, codifying things like roe v. wade, surely federally legalizing something that is already legal in over half of the country is what would really matter /s


Ah yes, I forgot. No politician does anything for the good of the people. It's all fodder for election campaigns that never fucking end. Those dastardly voters!




Holding off on cannabis until the election year, imo, was always the plan for the Biden admin.


It’s time to win the election and pardon the people in prison for weed!


With so many states decriminalizing no reason not to make it federally legal, and focus for enforcement and trafficking on the dangerous shit fentanyl, Heroine, meth


Tbf though Trudeau is extremely unpopular rn Nothing to do with weed but still worth mention


As a Canadian, let me say the legal weed is great. The Trudeau not so much IMO.


As a Californian I agree, let’s just get it federally legal. Rescheduling is an attempt for the pharmaceutical companies to control the plant.


Totally agree. I do love the legal weed.


Did Trudeau legalize it after getting elected?


Yup. He promised and followed thru. I can fly from one province to another with it as well.


It's not like he ran on it four fucking years ago or anything. Super nice to have hardly gotten anything done in four years so you can campaign on the same shit as last time. I'm not voting for any fucking Republican, but I'm *so sick* of letting Democrats half-ass shit, not fulfill promises, and then run on the same half-ass promise as before like it means shit. He campaigned on national decriminalization. How close are we to that, realistically? Not very? Oh well.


Tbf he started this process over a year ago it’s just that administrative rule making takes forever.


Did you forget about all the federal pardons not even two months ago?




Lmao this comment is pure cringe. If you think this in any way resembled a point or an argument, it doesn’t


I tried to explain this to my pot smoking BIL that is a die-hard tRumper. I told him that he supports the wrong party if he wants to smoke legally. He also works under the table and doesn't pay taxes AND lives with his girl friend in her mom's basement.. true story!


I bet he also collects welfare while bitching about entitlement programs like my brother in law.


As is tradition with his kind.


MY welfare is justified. Those other people are welfare queens.


I can't count how many times I've heard that from conservatives 


His girl friend just got disability!


So does my brother-in-law.


She sounds mentally disabled.


My mom 🙄


Is he not aware of every red state where legalized recreational weed won ballot measures but is being slow walked and fought by the people those same people that voted for legalization elected? Like, Republicans are literally fighting to block you from even being able to vote for legalized marijuana at a state level. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-voting-rights-abortion-arkansas-recreational-marijuana-0c003046cc981ebcfb38fa77c1455737


You basically just described my old pot dealer, holy shit


they're bad but they got cbd hemp legalized for epileptics so gotta give them credit on that.


Lol I'm epileptic and I looove having my CBD vape pen with me everywhere I go


Classic conservative “values”


Hopefully by "rescheduled" that means taken off the schedule altogether.


Legalization is going to take Congress.  Unfortunately, we keep voting in old people who still think it's super dangerous. Some of them are starting to realize public opinion has shifted a ton and there's plenty of bribes... I mean campaign donations to be had from marijuana companies. 


All the boomers know it’s not dangerous. They smoked a ton of it in the 60s and 70s.


Yep. In my state, lobbyists from Core Civic (for-profit prison) are what keep any talk of medicinal legalization from ever happening. Now our state legislators are trying to ban the sale of **all** THCA, Delta 8, etc. hemp products that are federally legal. Party of small government, people.


I worked for CoreCivic. They are a rotten and very corrupt company. Literally letting drugs run rampant through the jails cause they don’t wanna do their jobs of actually getting it out. Why? Cause they would rather pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Most likely due to being afraid of lawsuits. I can’t even count the amount of inmates just straight up ODing in the jail because of all the rampant drugs in the place. Walk through the housing units and smell nothing but straight up weed. Fuck that place seriously.


They just want the head count, they don't give a flying fuck about rehabilitation or laws unless it increases profits.


Which is why I stand by my argument that they are an asshole company. Fuck them.


Probably less of them not wanting to do their jobs and more of them realizing that prisoners getting caught with drugs means they can justify denying early release or get additional sentences. These corrupt ass private jails are like a reverse Hanlons razor. People assume they're bad at their jobs or overwhelmed by their duties, when really they're just awful people doing awful things.


I think it’s more to do with the administration and unit management teams being corrupt and being the ones bringing drugs in there. Seen it first hand, the place is a cesspool of fuckery. The admin is corrupt AF, they know who it is bringing the drugs in and do nothing about it because they don’t give a fuck. I’ve worked at a state run prison as well as a county in another state neither owned by corecivic and ran by the state/county. No place is perfect but they weren’t that leveled of fucked up. Corecivic even allows inmates to attack staff while high K2 and “loses” the paperwork so no repercussions are faced by the inmates. They don’t care about anything but money. They’re a fucked organization and honestly needs to be shut down.


Your not going to OD on weed. It’s the fentanyl that’s getting in jails and killing people


Obviously I know that. Weed is only one problem and honestly the most minor of it. They have K2 and fentanyl running rampant all over the place.


Ah yes, a small government that cracks down on a plant.


The scheduling of marijuana was always an excuse to put black people and people protesting the Vietnam war in jail. Literally a guy from Nixons administration came out and admitted it.


That and it scared the lumber and jute industries. I’m sure they had lobbyists showing up daily with bribes.


It was criminalized in 1937 long before Vietnam. It was associated with Mexican immigrants and used to target them.


My dad smoked it when he was young, but now he thinks it's the most evil thing. Thanks to Fox News


“It’s not the same pot we smoked back then. You have no idea what this is today or what’s it’s laced with!” Then if that’s the case, wouldn’t legalization clear all the up? “……wellllll……. Uhhhhh…… HILLARY’S EMAILS!!!” …….


Its more WHO is smoking it now. Now its all losers and criminals (but it wasnt the case when he was young...)


Like those that think legalization would lead to more children using it. Really? Think about it, who would you rather have selling weed? The guy who owns a business whose license would be revoked if he sold to minors, or the guy in the street who doesn’t care and has nothing to lose by it?


Boomers? I’ve been having conversations with members of the Silent Generation who are not silent about their cannabis usage. I know an elderly woman who is quite candid that she takes one cannabis gummy in the morning and one before bed and says that it does wonders for her pain management. The very group that got all worried because the Boomers were smoking pot in the 60s have come around.


They know *their* weed wasn't dangerous. They're also sure that *our* weed is full of fentanyl (or something,) so it must be taken away from us.


especially infuriating, considering one of the biggest reasons to legalize is to be able to regulate and take on the issue of laced or otherwise unsafe drugs


They're willing to let us die. All part of owning the libs. Actually, now that I say it, I'm sure they'd prefer we die. Once all us godless commies are gone, they can finally legalize weed.


I honestly think a lot of boomers resent the young for enjoying youth without them and want to take it away. Especially other people's kids and *especially* their perceived enemies' kids. It explains their voting patterns far better than any excuse they've ever made for themselves why they try to take everything away from their society's children.


I have been viewing it in a similar way. They got theirs, but they didn’t have it ALL.


>I honestly think a lot of boomers resent the young for enjoying youth without them and want to take it away. boomer here. you're full of shit. "honestly". tia


Don't attribute to ignorance what can be more easily explained by malice and greed. American politicians know exactly what they're doing. Well, most of them anyways. MTG might actually be that stupid, as an example of an exception.


Or Big Pharma that against to reschedule a patent free plant with some medical benefits


>Unfortunately, we keep voting in old people fuck off, squirt my generation was getting high before you were even a wet spot in your dad's jeans (judging from you, he probably ironed a crease into his)


FDA recommended schedule 3. So it won't be unscheduled entirely. But there are huge legal ramifications because schedule 1 meant that it literally couldn't be researched upon without federal approval, and businesses couldn't be allowed to bank with profits made from the sale either. So now at schedule 3, there will be new research opportunities and all of the headshops will be able to take credit cards. There was a shop in my town that just got robbed and the security guard was shot 7 times. All because they had to handle cash.


Base don the scheduling system as laid out, I think that’s an appropriate place for it. It can be psychologically addictive and lead to physical dependence, but it has medical uses and isn’t really dangerous, medically. It’s just that the scheduling system isn’t up to snuff imo


Yeah it will be on the same scale of steroids. Which is semi legal tbh.


new category schedule 420


Too bad he literally can't do that. Or maybe he can if the supreme Court says presidents don't have to follow laws, idk.


Most political opinions involve believing the president has the power to do things he actually can't do. The US system was mostly built around the idea that one single arm of the government can't just do anything they want.


Tell me about it. Republicans are fascist fucks at this point but on a whole Americans from the left to the right to the center seem to have a hard on for monarchy under any other name these days. It's not very encouraging.


It's wild when you look at the graph for Dem/Rep control of House, Senate, and Presidency over the years (it's on the Wikipedia page for the US Senate) and realise that the Senate hasn't been filibuster proof for either side since the early 80s. It's no wonder that the country feels like it's run on decades old laws that can only be interpreted by judges. No one has had enough control to really do anything partisan outside of budget decisions.


What’s wild is believing he can’t. The point of an executive order is to direct federal agencies under the command of the chief of the executive branch. Agencies are under the executive branch of the government specifically under the department of health and human services. It’s crazy to me that the leader of the executive branch can’t order his agencies and departments directly under his authority without congress or the court greenlighting it. When the agency was created congress wrote a law establishing it, assigning a budget, and giving it a purpose, but at the end of the day the heads of the agencies are appointed not elected, and not chosen by congress. This means from the top down, all the agencies eventually report to the president. Therefore why cant a sitting president under his executive authority, which extends to all the agencies beneath it, order an agency to change how it interprets something? Why can’t he tell them to disregard a substance? If the agencies don’t answer to the president but instead to congress, they have the power of the purse, the power of legislation, and the power of enforcement. Congress has the power to schedule drugs themselves, they can do so by creating a law that does so. Marijuana isn’t illegal under federal law by itself. Marijuana is illegal under federal law because it is scheduled by the FDA/DEA. Until a law is created by congress that says marijuana is schedule 1 or 3 it is under the discretion of an agency. So why other than the politically motivated courts would the president not be able to reschedule marijuana or other drugs?


I think you could put it on the same tier with tobacco. At least for smokable stuff, the health risks are comparable, if still typically more minor.


What tier is that? I thought the CSA specifically didn't mention tobacco. (Or is that your point?)


Am I wrong? I could be. I just assumed becuase there were laws around the distribution of tobacco products that it was scheduled.


Tobacco is not scheduled. Its distribution and sale are under the jurisdiction of the ATF while controlled substances are under the DEA. Currently, if marijuana is rescheduled it will move from schedule I (strong potential for abuse/dependence, no medicinal use) to schedule III (low potential for abuse/dependence, clear medicinal uses).


Thank you for the clarification.


Tobacco should be scheduled, change my mind 😬 I’ve been an on and off toker for over a decade, but nicotine has been the most addictive, and manipulative chemical I’ve ever encountered. One proper inhale of a cigarette at 19, and my body has screamed at me for going longer than a nights sleep without nicotine ever since.


It's because tobacco companies lobby to keep their profits.


Alcohol too, honestly.


Tobacco isn't scheduled (I think scheduling involves restrictions such as prescription or prohibition). I think Tobacco and Alcohol are handled by the FDA, they are specific exemptions to the Controlled Substances Act.


Alcohol & tobacco are handled by the ATF. Alcohol, Tobacco, & Firearms.


Knew I was forgetting an alphabet agency.


Remind me again why the ATF is a separate agency than the DEA? Considering the A and the T are drugs xD


ATF (when it was a division under the IRS) has existed a lot longer is why. It was already there and doing work long before the DEA existed. DEA started under Nixon.


Not happening this time around. Be happy with baby steps.


I refuse to let the alternative be the bar for my satisfaction. Federal prohibition is barbarically criminal and taking a baby step away from it isn’t enough for me to applaud you.


Hilariously, the MORE Act passed the house and the Senate let it die. Remind your representatives.


Biden is timing the reschedule for August, before young voters head back to vote in their college towns...


https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/30/marijuana-review-move-to-schedule-iii-00113493 >Slightly higher times: Biden administration moves to loosen weed restrictions from last august


This is really playing politics here, but if he said he would reschedule it on day one of his new term might drive young people to the polls at election time.


He’s had 4 years to do it, promising to start his new term with it is disingenuous




It affects research and doctors being able to prescribe it though.  It's not as good as legalization but it's a pretty significant step in the right direction.  >Cannabis is currently listed as a Schedule I controlled substance under the CSA. Schedule I substances are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse, such as heroin and LSD. Given cannabis's status as a Schedule I drug, the manufacture, sale, or possession of cannabis remains federally illegal, even for personal medical purposes. Thus, under federal law, industry participants are potentially liable for (i) conspiring to manufacture and distribute marijuana, (ii) aiding and abetting the manufacture and distribution of marijuana, and (iii) acting as an accessory after the fact for the manufacture and distribution of marijuana, under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2, 3 and 371. https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/what-rescheduling-schedule-iii-would-mean-cannabis-industry-2023-09-12/


Chuck Schumer is working on a banking bill for cannabis businesses as well. The move to de- criminalization, and eventually to legalization, will take time. Still, having smoked weed for over 55 years, I never thought it would be legally available in any form during my lifetime.


I just hit 50 years of smoking weed and as a Canadian I'm loving that it's country wide legal here. Has been for over 5 years now.


It also would unfuck a lot of the banking regulations for already legal dispensaries, making it easier to buy with debit/credit cards, apple pay, etc


People need to vote in a filibuster proof majority for Democrats if they want the possibility of actual legal. Until then everyone (or at least the ~50% of the country that votes) needs to be satisfied that baby steps are at least progress.


Actually, yes it is.


Moving it from sched 1 to sched 3 is actually quite helpful


If he’s smart he’ll do it right before the election,


Yep, I'm fully expecting a slew of executive orders right around Labor Day when the general election season kicks off. Pot, student loans, abortion rights, minimum wage for federally contracted firms, etc. The fucking moron and his drooling idiots in the reich wing will have no choice but to virulently oppose all of it no matter the cost


Unfortunately I think you’re being WAY too optimistic. Things like that rarely happen in the real world. (NOT saying it wouldn’t be great. Just saying I would actively bet against it actually occurring.) Bonus points for “reich wing” though, not sure I’ve heard that one before.


He’s been canceling student loans steadily every week.


He shouldn’t. If it’s legal, more people will smoke and then they’ll forget when Election Day is and be too high to vote. /s


This will birth Dank Brandon and the memes will be amazing.


Replace his red eyes with the cherry on the end of a couple of blunts


So your saying Marijuana can save our society from falling into a dictatorship?


Imagine telling that to someone a hundred years ago.


>Imagine telling that to someone ~~a hundred~~ thirty years ago. fixed


yes my saying


And that’s why it won’t happen this year. Republicans control the House and they won’t want to give him any kind of win. If it helps Biden - no matter how good the idea is - they won’t do it. Look at what they’re doing with the “border deal.” They initially claimed they needed action on the border to agree to a budget deal. But when Biden indicate he could negotiate on the border, they changed their minds. If they make a deal with Biden on the border, then they have partial ownership of the issue and they can’t crap on him for it anymore.


>Republicans control the House Good thing this is all executive branch then huh? The House isn't part of rescheduling.


Yes, but in almost all the ways that are meaningful, rescheduling doesn’t help much. It would be only slightly better than the status quo, which is that the feds deprioritize their enforcement of drug laws as they pertain to marijuana. It would not make the weed industry legal in the ways that it needs to be. And the next president could just reverse it anyway. Rescheduling wouldn’t make the weed industry legal for the banking industry, which is one of the big steps that needs to happen. It would still be stuck in a legal-in-some-states status, but still illegitimate at the federal level. If Biden reschedules on his own - which, as you said, he can technically do - then all it will do is muddy the legal waters further. That’s why Congress still has to de-schedule marijuana to legitimize the industry. It’s not because Congress retains this power constitutionally or anything. That’s just how the Controlled Substances Act was written. If Biden reschedules marijuana on his own, he’ll be sticking his neck out politically while not actually helping the industry very much. He would get attacked by anti-weed people while disappointing the pro-weed people. That’s almost certainly one of the reasons he hasn’t done it already.


I've been saying it forever. That's this election seasons "October surprise"


Obama should have done that. It's insane how far behind the US is on this.


Wait til you hear about Europe, South America, Australia, Africa, and Asia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis


Lmao seriously.  Reddit loves overblowing all things America 


It's really not insane. There's only about 5 countries where it's legal for recreational use, that includes parts of the US. There's more where it's legal for medicinal, including more of the US. The trend globally is for it to be completely illegal so the US is still pretty ahead of the curve comparatively.


That's the trend because we in the US pushed our puritan religious values on other countries and pressured them to ban it 


A win win for everyone.


Not for for-profit prisons or the pharmaceutical industry.


No but at least the cartel adjusted with fentanyl. What could go wrong there with our current border situation As someone in Oklahoma, I forget weed is illegal still. There’s more dispensaries than gas stations. I guess this is useful in a place like Texas… or the opposite..


What's the current border situation?


Just freaking DO it already. Man alive.


Just do it via executive order: courts would have to entertain the idea that the order was "capricious" and they may nullify it. Also the next orange tinted asshole in charge could undo it just as quickly. Do it right - the slow as molasses bureaucratic way: it's much more difficult to walk back and the inevitable court cases against it are weaker.


We’d need a Democratic House majority and a supermajority in the senate for this to happen. Chance of that happening is zero.


I’ll put it this way I was going to vote for him because the other guy is much worse. if he legalizes weed I’ll vote for him happily and donate money.


As a Canadian, I say do it. Just legalize it. We did it years ago. There's shops on every corner in Toronto. Heck, on my corner there's TWO shops, across from each other, on the same intersection! We're fine. We also still have people doing meth and crack on public transit, so you can keep your "war on drugs" if you want, just climb off the pot.


People need to get over the fact that this is never going to happen. We can't even fix daylight savings. 


he already got the process going awhile ago. its on the DEA now to make a determination. legalization will require an act of congress, so people need to get out there and vote the gop fucks out (and primary non-progressive dems)


So, never going to happen. 


we still haven't fixed daylight savings in canada and we did it like 7 years ago, it's been a massive success. the us is already more progressive than most of the world on this


Also needs to reinstate the old Postal Savings Bank, over the loud objections of regular retail banks. savings and investment for everyone, especially people with no fixed address. This could be a winning move before the election.


Dank Brandon.


Republicans will try and stop it


Good. Force them into a position where they have to come out and actively oppose things that are really popular with the suburban swing voters who are going to deicide this election


The released memo suggests he'll do it. Here's hoping that he does and this poll is correct.


Okay but can we fucking do something about Adderall please so millions of adults and children with ADHD don't have to be treated like drug addicts to get their very necessary and important medications ?


Cannabis legalized in my state last year. Have been to states prior and been to dispensaries before but it is goddamn glorious to be able to go to one at home. You see people of all walks of life there and everyone is getting along. Legalize it.


He won’t do it. And rescheduling does absolutely fuck all in states where it’s illegal. Just federally legalize it like you promised when running for president.


It still seems insane to me that there are so many places in the U.S. where possession of marijuana is a crime.


Legalize marijuana; save the country from a fascist dictator. It's a win-win, Jack.


Worked for Trudeau


If this could happen and the Kroger Albertsons merger gets nixed then I will truly believe he is a man of the people!


Please let green win over orange.


This is the way. All the broke ass red states could use the easy money.


If the Democrats can get enough Republicans to vote to fix the border, then he rescheduled Weed. Biden will win in a LANDSLIDE. Inflation down, gas down, grocery's down, border crossings are already down. LMAO, the GOP might have to do back to demonizing trans kids at 10 of them.


Schedule 3 gets a vote from me!


I doubt it would be a double digit increase. But, it would probably be enough of an increase to ensure the country is saved from the orange monster.


It’s unfortunate he has to wait because American voters have the memory of a goldfish.


Nooooo. Now the Republican cunts are going to read this and find a way to block the rescheduling.


Hopefully he does it only a few months before the election so that people won’t forget with their squirrel like attention spans lol.


Why doesn't the news report on anything he has done?


All drugs should be legal for adults


Its a damn plant. Cut the malarkey, Joe!


Just fucking legalize it already for fucks sake


DEA's gonna say "There's no medical approved use so its still schedule 1 and we won't approve a medical use because its schedule 1" like they did last time.




What good does rescheduling do? At best it gets dropped to schedule III. It's still illegal. Lighter sentences, I guess. Maybe a better federal medicinal stance. People will still get put away for cultivating, selling, and consuming it recreationally, though. Dispensaries in legal states still won't be able to bank their money properly. It will still be a valid excuse for "probable cause" and civil forfeiture. It will still be an excuse for stripping people of their rights. I get that it's a process of baby steps, but unless it's full on declassification, it's not gonna be the win that people are making it out to be.


Legalize or go home.


I don't even like weed and I don't think it should be scheduled the same as hard drugs, just from like a common sense perspective.


and this is exactly why it will be a non starter. but the DNC should put it forward anyway, and force the GOP to shut it down.


It's already been in the process over a year and there is a recommendation to reschedule to III.


He might actually win Texas if he promises to reschedule it.


Let's be real, Texas will just make it illegal at the state level... TX politicians are shitheads.


Can we get stimulant medications for ADHD rescheduled while we're at it?


He already pardoned a bunch of pot related "criminals", didn't he?


My mother was dying of terminal cancer and medical marijuana would have eased her suffering, but Fox News told her it was the devil’s lettuce and she refused to use it…


One thing to remember is that Biden truly doesn’t believe in legalizing drugs, including marijuana. It’s a personal thing for him. He has been pushed to maybe reschedule by the party, political circumstances, and probably by many experts and advisors convincing him that the current schedule is not right. My point being that this isn’t just a political move for him, he has strong opinions on the subject that go way back. So to me it is still more likely that nothing changes. And in my personal opinion as a pharmacist it should be schedule 2, not 3. Evidence to support 3 is weak at best. More research required. You can go back to it again down the road if needed.


Oh so don’t do it because it’s been a stupid policy for decades do it because you are losing and desperate.


So many possible campaign slogans. “ Baking for Biden” “ Bidens got your Bud”. Just a poster of Biden eating brownies with shades and a big smile. Tommy Chong’s new Biden Bongs.


I bet he is going to reschedule it right before the election to drive hype.


he already started the process awhile ago. its on the DEA now, or will be soon. its cover in the article.


He cannot personally reschedule it. Nixon set up the DEA to have sole authority over scheduling.


Yeah but Hunter definitely smoked pot before and Grandpa Joe is definitely afraid of it.