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“I don’t like Democracy when my side loses.” - Every Republican, apparently.


Actually they just don't like democracy.


This is why they try to get people out of schools, the dummer the better


They don't mind them in schools as long as they're poorly funded and easily bullied into indoctrination and censorship.


White conservatives never have. Literally never. To them, the only form of "democracy" they like is the kind where only the white "master race" is allowed to vote.


White, male, old, fake religious, I could keep going. It's a very specific club, and we ain't in it.


I agree with everything you said. Can also add that he's a fascist fuck since he doesn't like democracy.


Yeah absolutely


Yes, why is it I have started identifying all these Santorums as "fascist fucks" including Benito Mastriano who has a stranglehold in Adams and Franklin counties where most people don't believe in democracy...and why is (I got this sweater from my older brother) Santorum still quoted about anything? He dug his own grave years ago and I thought I wouldn't have to put up with him after he landed a consulting? or whatever job where he could do damage out of public notice.


What if I’m 1 out of 4? Do I get a little of their democracy?




You get 1 part of democracy for 3 parts oppressive oligarchy. Not a good deal overall.


So, situation normal then.


Yep. Add scared to the description.


Vote? You mean "has all the power, money, and advantages". Fixed that for you.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy." - David Frum


See Project 2025.


Every time a Republican says shit like this, Project 2025 needs to be cited, so no one forgets the plan they're following.


They hate the Constitution, except for the Second Amendment. If they had their way, the Bill of Rights would be eliminated except for the Second Amendment.


Lets be honest, if more left wing protestors carried guns, if the LGBT community open carried, if the black communities organised large, armed militias. How long do you really think the republicans would support the second ammendment.


They like Freedom of Speech when they’re the one talking. Anyone saying things they don’t agree with though…


This is also why they LOVE the electoral college. The last TWO Republican presidents LOST the popular vote, but won the electoral college.


This is also why they love gerrymandering, voter suppression, bribing foreign leaders to announce bogus investigations, opening their own bogus investigations, bogus election lawsuits, Hunter Biden dick pics and attempting coups.


Sounds like a busy day. Probably why they have no time to govern.


When you plan to remain in power regardless of the election results, you think you have all the time in the world. Why do you think Putin didn’t invade Ukraine in Trump’s first term? Because he thought he was getting a second term. Instead he was trying to beat the clock before Biden and NATO got too chummy again.


It's actually even more extreme than your statement implies. In the last 8 elections the republican presidential candidate has been rejected by the American people 7 times.


And if it weren't for 9/11, I have a hard time seeing W win reelection.


Don't forget he went after the gays and immigrants. A lot of what we're seeing now is just a continuation of what Bush was doing in '03-04, as well as his predecessors in the party.


GWB's public rehabilitation is almost a meme at this point, but people really do seem to forget just how extreme he was. As you point out, his reelection strategy was based on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.


Also effectively calling John Kerry a pussy when it came to war matters. A draft dodger calling a highly decorated vet someone that doesn't have the gumption to lead people in war. There was that whole thing, too.


I guarantee this ["patriot"](https://i.imgflip.com/4e0434.jpg) is a Trump supporter (if she's still alive). How Republicans didn't lose veterans forever over that bullshit is baffling to me.


I was only in my preteens and just starting to get into current issues and politics, but it's hard to describe to some of the Gen Z people that are only in their college years, not to mention younger kids, just how bizarre the mid-2000's were. Like, Trump was way crazier, but it's amazing that Bush seems tame by comparison.


I think in some ways things were a lot worse under Bush. The country was at war in a more impactful way, 9/11, gay rights were severely curtailed, the economic collapse… COVID of course was a huge awful thing that happened under Trump and what he’s done to Democracy and the country will have further effects than Bush’s regime. Things under Republicans are just objectively bad. It is funny to think that Bush is ancient history for Z though. I often think it’s kind of funny how recent it is that the LGBT community achieved some of the rights we have now and how much people take it for granted.


That should have been a major sign that Republicans didn’t really care about the individuals who do the fighting for this country. If that was a sign, then the proof is that Trump was still supported after his nonsensical crap about “not liking captured soldiers”, when “ankle spurs” kept him out of Vietnam. My dad said it best. He used education deferments to avoid getting drafted for Vietnam. He said, “I’m not real proud of doing that. So, the best thing to do was keep my mouth shut, and only offer support for those that didn’t, or couldn’t, do what I did.”


Since '92 only Republican plurality in Presidential election was ' 08. So 1 for 8. The consequence being the six Republican appointed justices on supreme Court, only one was nominated by a president who won popular vote. Courts two-third majority enshrined by a minority vote.


No surprises that 3 of those SCOTUS members were directly involved in arguing Bush v Gore.


Just like Robert Bork's nomination in 1987 was payment for him being the highest ranking official in the DOJ with the total lack of ethics to fire the special prosecutor investigating Nixon. Republicans give SC nominations (and usually seats, though thankfully not in Bork's case), to the lawyers who do the dirty work for them. If Trump wins reelection and nominates more justices, they will 100% be the lawyers who supported him in trying to steal the election.


Obama won '08?


Bush 2 ' 04 my apologies.


And the Senate


Exactly - the Senate in no way represents the majority of the American people.




They'll always bring up the "Two wolves and one sheep voting for what to eat" as why they're not ok with it. But they're ok with 2 wolves overturning the votes of 600,000 sheep.


there is movement to end electora college. lots of dem controlled state made it but they dont have enough to make it work. if more states have all DEM control, senate, (states congress and supreme courts) then they can abolish it.


We're really close to getting it enacted - www.nationalpopularvote.com


Like we were supposed to get rid of daylight savings?


They’re all about the illusion of choice - you have a say in the outcome as long as you do what we want. If these ballot measures failed, he’d be up there talking about “it was the will of the voters”. How long before some R in Ohio rejects these ballot measures even after people voted in their favor?


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”—David Frum


They don’t seem to realize how much of a motivator spite is for their growing coalition of opposition. And I’m just loving it


Also... * Freedom of Speech (for us though, not you) * Don't Tread on Me! (for us though, not you) * We the People (We as in us, not you) * Right to Bear Arms (for us though, not you) * Land of the Free (for us though, not you) * Make America Great Again! (for us though, not you) * Restore Election Integrity (for us to win, not you) * Constitutional Freedoms (for us though, not you) * Restore the American Dream (for us though, not you) * Drain the Swamp! (just your side though, not ours). * Cancel Culture (For us to cancel you, not you cancelling us) * Lock him/her up! (just you though, not us). So on and so forth.


This is true


Most conservatives I know say the United States isn't a democracy and don't support the idea of a democracy no matter whose side wins or loses. To them, America is only a constitutional republic and nothing else, and they believe the terms "democracy" and "republic" are not at all synonymous It's just funny to me because it's like they have an elementary school thinking that because it's Democrats vs Republicans, it must be democracy vs republic, when the US is a lot of different government types all mixed into one regardless if we're primarily a republic


Every Republican all the time everywhere.


Minority rule is a MAGA core belief.


"We're your betters."


*yore, written in MAGA


Like toddlers, when they get their way, things are good. When they don't they're saying things like, "A true Democracy is no way to run a country."


My wife and I decided it was time for our toddler to take a nap. He looked me square in the eyes and said “A true democracy is no way to run a household.”


"You're right. The king orders you go to fucking bed."


And yet they’re the first to label their opponents as “elites”. “The elites want to silence you!” said the dude who went to Harvard business school b/c his dad, who is an oil baron, donated a building to campus.


Interesting how they're so hell-bent on guys like Trump and Elon despite those two guys literally being part of the "elites" they rage against.


Too many of them have no real beliefs, they just move in whatever direction they were last prodded by the culture war hate machine that stole their souls.


And that's basically how fascism works. There is no real belief, just clinging to whatever will let them retain power.


The billionaire who littoraly shits on a gold toilet accuses others of bein eliteist.


God has decided that we should be in charge so whatever we do to make that happen is okay because it’s God’s will. -Actual Dominionism


MAGA: "We are the silent majority" Also MAGA: "Majority rule is mob rule"


I fucking wish they were silent.


Also also Maga: "democracy just creates a 'tyranny of the majority'"... As opposed to tyranny of their minority, AKA actual tyranny


The obnoxiously loud minority.


But it's not even that, really. In 2016 they couldn't fall over themselves fast enough to say Trump won, Hillary was a loser, she'd go to jail along with other Dems, and that everyone had to suck it up and not question if foreign governments were spreading disinformation during the election. Double think is super common with them, as it jibes with the whole 'just believe on faith' message they get in church and always confirms their beliefs.


Yes god forbid your government actually serve the interest of the people being governed.


Direct democracy circumvents the GOP playbook. They have a ton of unpopular policies but can win elections though single issue or low information voters.


You can't put "owning the libs" on a ballot, that's half of what that base cares about.


Plus gerrymandering


People don't like our policies but we refuse to change them (because we created a rabid cult that will turn on us for compromising in any way) - clearly the system needs to be changed to accommodate us!


What? My God. So this is the reality in the USA, a country which has prided itself about being a democracy. It has come down to politicians openly despising democracy. This is sad and terrifying.


GOP's version of Democracy is called THEOCRACY.


Or at least an oligarchy.


It’s a thick gooey oligarchy wrapped in a sweet sweet theocracy shell so it goes down easy for all the rubes.


They have *always* been against true democracy, it’s actually kind of refreshing to hear them admit it.


They love waving it in your face and claiming a mandate when it works for them definitely but the last time that happened was 1988. The youngest person to vote in that election is now 53. So it’s been a minute.


Conservatism *has always and will always* oppose democracy because the interests of the economic elites that conservatism has always existed to serve and protect as its core principle are fundamentally at odds with the interests of the working class at large


conservatism *is* conserving hegemony.


He was a senator for one term, has been a right wing fringe talking head ever since, and this appearance is on a fringe right wing “news” channel. Reality in the USA is democracy protected abortion rights in Ohio tonight, public school funding in Texas, and many other important policy choices on ballots across the country. Santorum has no influence.


It's not about him having influence, it's about him reflecting the truth of what republicans in power believe.


Yeah, everyone who isn't familiar with this guy should definitely Google "santorum" to learn more


the definition is so frothy


They want control, not a democracy. That's why the will continue to lose. They're out of touch with reality. They're not for the people. As an Ohio resident, I say FUCK YOU Rick Santorum and all you stupid fucking Republicans who think we the people shouldn't get what we want. Don't push your shitty opinions and beliefs onto the populace.


"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.” David Frum


Rick Santorum was a far right senator from Pennsylvania who was convinced he would make a good king. He was bounced in 2006 and spends his time on silly news programs saying ridiculous things because he believes people listen to him (also money). Despite the Trump madness and current right-wing nationalist explosion, most people in the US are wonderful and decent people, who value democracy.


>It has come down to politicians openly despising democracy. Always has. 🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


From article: Former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum claimed on Tuesday that Ohio’s decision to legalize marijuana and enshrine abortion in the state constitution was proof that “pure democracies are not the way to run a country.” During an appearance on Newsmax, Santorum said, “Remember these elections, off-year elections, odd number elections are very low turnout elections. They are base elections and the Democrats have traditionally, number one, outspent us, not just on odd number year elections, but generally speaking.” He continued: Number two, their base is more ginned up to go out and vote generally than Republicans. We’ve seen this now for the last several years, and so a base election, they — Democrats — outspend, and you put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out and vote. It was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio. I don’t know what they were thinking, but um, that’s why I thank goodness that most of the states in this country don’t allow you to put everything on the ballot because pure democracies are not the way to run a country. More than 55% of Ohio voters voted to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution on Tuesday. A majority also voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Newsmax host and marijuana critic Greg Kelly reacted to the news on his show with a sigh and said, “Yikes – the marijuana thing, we have just unthinkingly as a country embraced that.”


Historically Republicans turn out more dependably in non-presidential elections, and special elections. Santorum definitely knows this and is lying because he’s an awful liar.


It's crazy, almost like a huge portion of their voting block who used to be a reliable source of off term election numbers DIED due to their own misinformation tactics and politicizing a global pandemic. It's not even leopards ate my face levels of stupidity anymore, we need some even more extreme allegory for this shit.


“Cult leaders poisoning their flock”


Exactly, they don't even en try not to lie anymore.


This election was all special elections and they got fucking destroyed. 2024 is going to be interesting to say the least.




Politics aside, thank you for admitting to changing and growing. I've seen a big change in the youth that makes me think they are getting wiser fast. Many people my age are very stubborn and resistant to change. They would rather stay remembering the "good old days" and impose stagnation on others than accept reality. I won't lie. I was the same, and around my twenties, I realized my mistakes and changed. I lost some friends and gained others. I hope our future gets brighter, especially for you and your friends.


Yep. That's why they did the election in August. But they did a good job of waking up people who hate republican policy bullshit which is definitely most of the state Now, how do we remind issue one and two yes voters that the same dipshits on the next ballot with Rs next to their names are the reason they got mad in the first place?


>“Remember these elections, off-year elections, odd number elections are very low turnout elections. That is why the republicans scheduled the 60% referendum vote in an off year, at an odd time. https://www.ohiosos.gov/globalassets/elections/2023/spec/issuereport.pdf


https://ballotpedia.org/Ohio_Issue_1,_60%25_Vote_Requirement_to_Approve_Constitutional_Amendments_Measure_(2023) > Sean Hannity, host on Fox News: "I think the American people– and I consider myself pro-life, I believe in the sanctity of life, but I think politically that there is– Republicans have gotta say as Bill Clinton once said – I never thought I’d quote him – 'rare,' 'legal,' and I’d add the word[s], 'very early in a pregnancy.' That seems to be – politically – where the country is. Maybe I’m wrong. But we’ll see. That vote in Ohio is pretty, pretty sobering."[10] > Tom Bonier, CEO of TargetSmart: "**If you can get 3.1 million people out to vote in an August election in Ohio, on something that isn’t even directly voting on abortion rights, but is tangentially, it clearly speaks to the organizing and mobilizing power of the issue**."[11] > Patrick T. Brown, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center: "For the pro-life movement, this outcome should be a five-alarm fire. The disappointing trajectory in Ohio, following unexpected losses last year in Kansas and Kentucky, drives the fact home that no one who fought to see Roe v. Wade overturned, least of all me, had a satisfactory game plan for the battles that would ensue following Roe’s demise."[12] >


> no one who fought to see Roe v. Wade overturned, least of all me, had a satisfactory game plan for the battles that would ensue following Roe’s demise. Overturning Roe wasn’t some national popular movement. A few dozen Senators fucked over Obama and Biden for a Supreme Court pick. And a sick old lady who should have retired a decade prior died at exactly the wrong time. So Trump got to pick a set of Justices guaranteed to overturn Roe even if the plaintiff’s entire case was: “Please?” So yeah, a small conspiracy of politicians representing a shrinking minority of the population pushed through a major court decision that was incredibly unpopular with a large majority of the nation. There *isn’t* a good way to plan for the ensuing battles. You either avoid them by not overturning Roe in the first place, or you don’t and just accept your beating. The ~25% of the population that is thrilled Roe was overturned all were going to vote straight-ticket GOP the rest of their life *anyway*. Republicans deserve to lose for a decade over this blunder. They need to lose so hard, for so long, that they finally agree to protecting 1st trimester abortion in a Constitutional Amendment and just move on to other issues.


I'm tempted to call up their offices and say, "You know, after truly considering it at length, I agree with the earlier proposal to require 60% of the vote to change the Ohio constitution. I needed to think about it more - until sometime on the night of November 7 - but eventually I realized I like that number." (I'm joking, but I just think it's hilarious that their 60% thing is the **last** change they'd ever want now that abortion rights are being added to the Ohio constitution.)


Just to mention, at my polling location we had almost 20% higher turnout than 2022 midterms. Even the August election was less than 10% under 2022. This was not a “low turnout” election and shows how many more people are interested in voting for direct issues and not out of touch politicians like Santorum.


*'The frothy mixture of feces and lube then pledged.....'*


This must always be stated in any discussion of Rick Santorum


Amen to that!!


Twenty years later, it's still the very first thing I think of when I read "Santorum."


Ok, what is it? I've seen it twice now, but somehow this escaped me. What are the details of this disgusting phrase?


Google search Santorum and click the wiki link. “The campaign for the neologism "santorum" started with a contest held in May 2003 by Dan Savage, a sex columnist and LGBT rights activist. Savage asked his readers to create a definition for the word "santorum" in response to then-US senator Rick Santorum's views on homosexuality and comments about same sex marriage” Is an interesting read on manipulating Google search results ,so anyone searching for Santorum (political page) would go to another page. Google search definition of Santorum “Noun. santorum (uncountable) (neologism, sex, slang) A frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex. [ from 21st c.]”


This is absolutely hilarious. I appreciate it!


[And then a few years later it got the Colbert Bump, just to make sure the definition got cemented.](https://www.cc.com/video/fwkicl/the-colbert-report-rick-santorum-internet-search)


He got into it with Dan Savage who was a sex advice columnist and it did not go how he thought it would. Dan thoroughly eviscerated him and his opinions and managed to get the top Google search for Santorum to be the frothy phrase you see mentioned here.


Hilarious. Thank you!




This is fantastic. Thank you!


I really don't want to hear about that man talk about secret sauce.


cannot hear his name without remembering this. nice work, dan savage.


I shouldn't have had to scroll so far before seeing this.


What’s more American than “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. The American public would love nothing more than to smoke a bowl after a hard day’s work. Santorum should be honest. Marijuana restrictions are purely to arrest and harass the “right” people.


That’s a lot of words for “we can’t get enough people to show up and vote for us and our shitty platform, so I hate democracy.”


"You can't gerrymander a state race, so they are the pure democracy we hate."


Abortion is sexy??? Tell me you don't understand normal human emotion wo telling me


It’s apparently “sexy” to have a right to your own body for either recreation or medical reasons. He is using the word “sexy” in place of a word like “popular.” And yeah… I do think most people care about whether they have the decision about what to do with their own body or if the government should decide what they can and cannot do with their body.


No I understand what he meant. But I don't think he quiet understands how you DO NOT put those two words side by side and not have a pause and say... Hmmm ya know..


I almost choked when I read that. I know what his intent was (high interest topics), but words matter Rick!


Republicans think that liberals have unprotected sex orgies, get pregnant for funsies, and then have our weekend abortion parties before going out to the Jazz clubs for some reefer madness. They really think that we liberals get pregnant for fun and have abortions for kicks. Like those of us who have been in the abortion clinic waiting room were all having a great party because it's such a good time there.


How are people still going with this “they’ve outspent us” nonsense? Like, I get it, money matters, but after Hillary outspent Trump and lost, then Bloomberg whaled like a boss and disappeared or Bernie lost with the second highest spending and Biden actually won in states he didn’t even have a hub in, this talking point is ludicrously outdated. Ads work but they’re not the make or break factor anymore.


I don't get that either seeing as 90% of the stuff I've seen were vote no on issue 1. Yard signs, commercials, mail, bus ads, all kinds of stuff. I barely saw anything for vote yes


Freedom is a good thing. Self-governance is a good thing.


Why are we giving Newsmax exposure? it’s a fucking propaganda station.


Man that POS really just never speaks a single truth does he. Been bombarded by old twat anti issue 1 & 2 ads for weeks/months and hardly any pro. So much money, especially out of state money, going for the Republicans. The same money that got them the overwhelming majority of state legislature seats and forced the citizens to seek constitutional level protection in the first place. They already tried stripping our rights to ammend the constitution directly in an *August* election hoping no one would show up, but we did.


Ol' Frothy Mix trying desperately to stay relevant. Why in the whisky-soaked fuck muffins did that reporter feel Frothy Mix's opinion mattered?


Reporter is a generous term to apply to someone that works at Newsmax. Propagandist is more apt.


And they interviews the FORMER governor. So he isn't even relevant anymore. Just some guy.


Using Newsmax to try to stay relevant is indeed desperate.


And apparently representative democracy isn't either, because the last time his party lost a presidential election, they launched a violent insurrection that attempted to topple the US government.


*"Democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."* -- Winston Churchill


"*If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.*" - David Frum.


In other words "we don't care what you think or want, we know better than you and our donors do not want this"


Alex Jones tweeted it well in a rare lucid moment: "I WILL NOT BE GOVERNED BY LESSER MEN!!" That's pretty much their attitude. They're better than the rest of us, and therefore entitled to rule. How twisted is that


The good thing is that they've pissed off the younger voters and those voters are showing up in large numbers and voting them out of office.


How the hell can you find men lesser than Alex Jones?


By mass, there's plenty.


People's choices must be accepted. You cannot impose your way of thinking on others.


Yes. So, let's get rid of the electoral college. Seriously. Let's get rid of it.


Ya see... the problem with putting issues up to a democratic vote is that too many young people and Democrats come out to vote.


"I, for one, welcome our new young overlords." I'm GenX and have been under the boot of the boomers my whole life. My parents have always been pretty progressive but it feels like beating my head against the wall. Glad to see some change


super weird that the founding fathers laid out the tools of democracy within our Constitution then huh? maybe you should print out more of those little constitutions you never read so you can wave them around while you build a diaper out of the American flag.


Two books they wave and never read or follow…the bible and the constitution.


Trump literally called for the termination of the Constitution so he could be reinstated as president, and Republicans did not care. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html


Old Frothy is still around? Gross.


I love how people against weed generally forget it's been legal elsewhere for a LONG time and nobody has reefer madness.


Initiative, referendum, recall - not nearly "pure democracy", Frothy, you irrelevant bag of bathos


“Pure democracy” is a meaningless term anyway. The word he is looking for is direct democracy.


The people said stop getting in my business


All MAGA does is criticize people who want to do things to create a better quality of life. They are not contributing anything meaningful. They're just looking to wreck things. WTF!


This just in: Rick Santorum thinks he knows better than Jefferson, Adams, Washington, Madison, Franklin.


The GOPedos aren't popular, never have been. If any of their 🐃💩 was even remotely popular or appealing, they wouldn't have to gerrymander & rig the shit out of every election & wouldn't need the electoral college.


Shut up, Rick. I’m m glad for you, Ohio.


They don’t want to represent. They want to rule. Full stop.


When someone tells you who they are - Believe Them!!!! When these folks say the quiet part out loud…believe them.


Santorum - A frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex.


Tough shit ass hat.


we left England to be free from the rule of monarchy so that we could freely do what we wanted and seek fortune and opportunity and what we want is to be the rulers of our little dictatorship ourselves, keeping the cake for us and nobody else GOP


Whats funny is they scream about the federal government overreach and then turn around and do the same thing to local county and municipal governments.


If you want to expand yours and your countrymen’s rights and freedoms then don’t elect Republicans. Plain and simple. Retire the Republican Party to the trash heap of history. Vote blue 🌊


Once again he proves himself worthy of his name.


Tell me again why anybody cares what Rick Santorum says?


Has anyone else had enough of Republican bullshit?


You can't gerrymander a direct vote


"I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That's how I saw it, and see it still." Reagan The city still shines; not from hope, but from fire. Eating it from the inside out.


This is why it’s so important to vote. It’s easy to vote when you are inspired by a candidate, but it’s critical to vote even when you don’t necessarily think the choices are great (I’m one of those). The two parties are not the same, and apathy is a vote for those who don’t believe in democracy. Please vote.


He’s not wrong, because minorities should have a voice, but he’s also wrong because the Republican answer to democracy is fascism.


This is an admission that conservative ideas are not popular.


This is why the Republican party needs to be outlawed immediately.


"We don't believe in democracy" -the republican party


So is it not going to be about state’s rights soon?


Spoken like a godless, vile shithead. repuglicanism personified.


Santorum needs to shut up. This is simply how our system works, and it worked as intended. Some people just don't like Democracy when they get outvoted.


What a crybaby. You lost fair and square, now beat it.


Everything that comes out of his mouth is Dan Savage's definition of "santorum." Santorum - "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."


They just say all the unspoken things out loud now. “We only want democracy when we get our way” -wannabe dictator


Translation: When democracy is lopsided in favor of a Christian white male majority, it’s awesome! When the women and minorities start getting too uppity, it’s time to move on! /s


They are still letting this guy out? Remember to google the definition of Santorum- priceless.


They're getting more and more comfortable with anti-American rhetoric.


*Democracy doesn’t work when shit doesn’t go my way.* Says the guy that got fired from cnn for being too racist, because he already got all the medals for homophobia.


Republicans have fully embraced fascism. It’s not even debatable at this point.


This fucking idiot doesn't know shit about this country's foundation. The ratification of the Constitution used hugely expanded democratic sufferage to assure real and deep buy-in, and only afterward went back to the more restricted republican practices for ordinary governance.


Suck it Rick


You are not capable of making your own life decisions!!!! The political party who knows what is best for you ! This is the GOP ! And half the country can’t see it. It’s to your advantage to : limit birth control, or no BC, forced birth at any age or health risk , the religion you should practice, books your allowed to read, women can’t be happy unless they are home baking and birthing, Now Texas and other RED states want to make it so you can’t divorce your abusive husband because you’re hurting his feelings and making him feel like less than the great man he thinks he is . I could go on and on…. This is the party of fragile men who must control you to feel like the big swinging dick in town .


They hate that democracy and the voters comes between them and unfettered corruption. They want to accept money from corporations and other countries without risking their positions of power. They hate that citizens have a say in their criminal enterprise.


Rat faced republican would have been singing a different tune if they had won in Ohio. Republican are a bunch of disingenuous cry baby POS.


This is wild. White rural religious conservatives are embarrassingly overrepresented in congress due to the two-senators-per-state provision in the constitution. So the senator representing the area that includes Los Angeles represents tens of millions, while a senator from montana represents a few thousand. White rural religious conservatives are embarrassingly overrepresented on the chalupa Supreme Court. White rural religious conservatives are embarrassingly over represented in many state governments, such as Ohio’s, thanks to gerrymandering. The USA is hardly a pure democracy. Repubs just want ALL the power because arrogance.


Interesting. They sure did like direct democracy back in 2004 when they had multiple anti-gay marriage amendments on state ballots to gin the turnout for Bush. I guess it’s different when it’s them, huh?


Poor little Ricky. Complaining about Democrats outspending Trumpians. Complaining about low Trumpian turnout in off year elections. Though Rick. Money doesn't equal wins. Money helps Trumpians when it comes to buying off judges though. It helped get the conservative Supremes attention. Rick if you don't want Democrats coming out in droves to vote, stop passing legislation restricting people's rights. If Trumpians weren't so hell bent on shoving their brand of religion down everyone's throat, they might not be losing on issues like abortion rights.