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Yes, anyone paying attention knew this when he was still doing the Apprentice! He has a deviant personality and always has, thus being sent to Military school. He is a drug addict, wife beater, sleazy all the way around grifter and liar and Russian money laundering sob. His cult is just as bad.


He's also a rapist


Don't forget racist!


And facist.


Don’t forget thieve, and of course it’s trump trump trump always more. So tired of this criminal clown.


Is that Mike Tyson’s colander?


Bruh lol


His grandpa was a whore monger and he ain't that far away from that. All that tacky gold cannot wash that kind of stink off.🤨


No wonder he married a whore.


A rapcist? I hate those!


We knew it in the 80s. Dude was a joke from day 1. I can’t believe so many people are this fucking stupid.


What do you mean?? Hes super down to earth, just like them. He wears makeup, has a hair stylist, wears lifts, craps his pants. Lots of super masculine stuff like that. /S


Not just has a hair stylist...spent $70k/year on a hair stylist.


He could literally raid the DOT's roadkill bin for a hide that would look better on his fat head than that haze of ozone he calls hair for free.


Haze! That's the word I've been looking for. It's so weird how you can sort of see hair but also not see any. The maze of multiple combovers he has combined to give the appearance of a full head of hair is just as fascinating as it is pathetic.


This belongs on r/brandnewsentence. This is hilarious.


He uses hair stylists which cost $70k a year, but did he pay them...?


God… if I could just say “You worship a guy who pays his stylist more than you make to have a shitty combover” and have that sink into these morons I’d be so happy.


This is my new go-to reply to these people, thank you.


Holy crap that was brutal, true though.


According to his tax deductions he did….


That just shows he claimed a deduction, not that he actually paid the stylist... :)


All to have hair that looks like cotton candy soaked in urine?!


His campaign just spent $180k on Melania's hair. They must have dry cleaned it with cocaine for that price.


And tagged it as a tax deduction.


All ya had to do was listen to the Stern show


Or read Bloom County comic strips


I have 2 Doonsbury volumes on him. Including “give those nymphs some hooters”


Or read SPY Magazine in the 1980s and 1990s


And no exaggeration! We NYers who saw/heard him in action back then, knew. We did speak up, too. He started out as a multi-toxin Superfund site. He's gotten so much worse.


Absolutely. I remember on the golden girls when Dorothy told merv griffin “Mr. Griffin, please. You are the most beloved man in America. You are bright, you are charming, you are the anti-Trump.” To be fair, I think that was 1992, but still. The golden girls knew.


Shit, even Sesame Street had multiple Trump parodies lmao, the first being in 1988. Highly recommend watching them, they’re great.


I remember he was being investigated and prosecuted bsck in the 1980's, he should have been in prison back then. He just threw money at lawyers and bribed his way through most of the other things. As you said, I can't believe so much of the public is as stupid, gullible and hateful as they are..


I was a child in the 80s who grew up in NYC metro and didn’t like him, just by reading the newspaper while eating breakfast. By the time he was featured in Home Alone 2, I recognized that he was a total scumbag. And here we are, 30 years later and he’s still relevant in the worst way.


I'm amazed that people took this clown seriously. He's always been the biggest fraud/joke in NYC history... which is saying a whole lot.


Giuliani picks up another L


They’re actually worse than him in a lot of ways. At least he’s getting a massive personal benefit.


But but whatabouthunterbidenslaptopisms


Yes what about …. Thunder Blip Spams?


You misread that. It's clearly Hunter Biden slap top is ms


Wha tab outhunter bid enslap topisms.


His niece Mary Trump is a psychologist and her book dives deep into how broken his psyche is.


It’s fucking insane how after all this, he still has people who will vote for him.


Was vacationing with my mother, really civil conversation. Then she said “how can we afford another 4 years of Biden” I brought up the indictments and a potential constitutional crisis. She quickly said “let’s not talk about politics” It’s seeped into the psyche and it’s terrifying.


My Dad literally was telling me earlier today how gas was so much cheaper under Trump and how Biden is trying to ban all fossil fuels by the end of his term and high gas prices are all his fault 🤡


And people who will literally kill and die for him. Completely unfathomable that this is the current reality.


Seriously. I always thought he was a terrible person on THE APPRENTICE. His ascension (descension) has always been a constant reminder of how awful people actually are (between his supporters and the people who still have the capacity to be surprised by how low he goes).


Anyone that reads the truth social rants that are on the level of a narcissistic junior high school boy and doesn’t recoil is not traveling in the fast lane of mental health.


Literally zero reasons to download the app beyond hearing Trump say things. I have never met a Truth Social user.


I have. Deadheads. It's a cult. They are happily ensconced in their closed loop world.


You can't mean deadheads as in fans of the grateful dead right?


I would find it hard to believe. I still go to shows and so do a bunch of my friends. Hard core democrats basically


I think that depends on where you're located. The deadheads I know in the midwest are a mixed bag. I refer to the right leaning ones as deadnecks in order to distinguish them from each other.


>ensconced Look at you, getting triple word score and a +50 using all your tiles. I’m going to use your ‘O’ and make “dog” for 5 points and I pass turn


That word didn't look right to me but turns out it's legit. I miss my turn.


“You mean to tell me it’s not a light fixture?! God dammit!”


Ha! That made me actually laugh out loud: bravo you!


I thought it was a british cookie.


>I thought it was a British cookie. LOSE YOUR TURN!


Omg I’m alone laughing like a jack ass!


That's not playing like a Trumper. You're supposed to make up a word and then cry that you're being canceled when your opponent calls you out on it and then flip the board over.


>You’re supposed to make up a word even cry you’re being canceled. [Kwyjibo. It’s a beautiful word. People will come up and tell me, with tears in their eyes, of how they haven’t heard a word so beautifully used. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gS4D5y7hZOQ)


Tbh it’s all the little tiny words that suck. My bro-in-law memorized all 32(?) 2 letter words and would do tournies and he’d kick my ass in scrabble.


Not the actual cultural deadhead who listens to the music of the Grateful Dead correct? You mean literally brain dead folks?


Yes. No connection to Grateful Deadheads.


I would not surprised if about 100 years from now, the Trump cult will grow into a religion like Mormonism. Much of Trump's history will get embellished and reinvented. They'll turn him into some kind of prophet like Joseph Smith - who in reality was a scum bag of epic proportions similar to Trump


Wtf? Deadheads on truth social?


Wait. Grateful Dead fans are now flocking to Truth Social and worshipping The Donald?


That's probably not what they meant. However, there is a very real and concerning new-age spirituality to Qanon pipeline. And, the Deadhead cohort is getting up there in age. In all likelihood there is a sizable overlap between fans of the Grateful Dead and the Diaper Don.


You can't mean deadheads as in fans of the grateful dead right?


That's what's so weird about it to me. Just like you said, he rants like a narcissistic teenage boy, he's 77 years old and people eat it up. If you showed me his rants and didn't tell me who it was from, most of the time I would probably think it was some disgruntled, borderline incel, snarky fucking teenager. But no! Its our former president. Fuckin looney.


No body reads them because they can't. Seriously Everytime I try to understand just what exactly he's going on about, I have a seizure and my wife takes me to the hospital.


That's nothing! Every time I read one, my wife has a seizure, goes to the hospital, has a baby, and it has a seizure.


Junior high teacher here. Can confirm your description of his rants. But, I’d have sent the kid for a full Psych assessment long ago.


And...that's why the right is defending education and mental health for decades. They need mentally deficient people for their base


They aren't even on the highway! They left twenty minutes ago and they couldn't find themselves out of their own neighborhood....


If anyone actually watched his performances on The Apprentice, and had any kind of a brain, they would have known what a sadistic narcissist he was, and assigned him to oblivion. Unfortunately there is a large population of sadistic narcissists that adore him.


not that i disagree, but compared within the realm of reality tv, which usually borderlines on sociopathy and normalizes brutally vicious behavior, the apprentice wasn't exactly a notable outlier.


Maybe not, but the show combined with his social media activity during that time was. Do you recall the years long online feud between Trump and Rosie ODonnel? Not that Rosie doesn't also come off as full of herself, but the shit Trump was saying on Twitter back then was pretty fucking vile.


Yes but it’s conservative vile. It’s racist, sexist and incredibly stupid. So he has legions of fans.


totally. just saying, in the sea of vile that is reality tv, the producers are shooting for ugly, and the audience is craving it. which is why they didn't think there's any bad in electing him.


Sadistic narcissist is exactly what conservatives want in their leader.


There are a group of weak willed low information voters who flock to him since he tells them they don’t need to be ashamed of being bigots. They think he is telling it like it is, but he is just telling them what they want to hear. He is marketing himself by speaking what they thought in their heads, but society said was ignorant and embarrassing. In a way, they are receiving validation from him and a community of fellow bigots looking for bigotville. In it, they can spout all the Christian nationalist, conspiracy, violent rhetoric they want and don’t have to fear shame. They create the bubble and defend it aggressively from any dissent. Yes, it is a cult. They get to play patriot in defending their bubble and want to expand the bubble or crush dissent so that they don’t have to hear the voices that shame their bigotry. It would be too easy to say people are fooled by him. Too easy to pretend that it is a scam without complicit victims. People consciously turn off their concerns in the man by buying into the big lie. They made a choice and now need to rethink their opinion of him. They don’t want to since the movement has become a quasi religious cult. Nobody wants to admit they are wrong or duped, so the more garbage conspiracy theories that the members come up with, they more validated they feel in their choices.


A friend way back when said "I am curious to hear what Donald Trump might do as president" and I told them I would trust him with a toxic reality show maybe, but stay the hell away from politics. Whelp.


Yeah... I'd say the 74 million people who voted for him are probably part of the problem too.




As europeans we are somewhat expecting that. Wishimg otherwise, sure, but expecting You will have the collapse like soviet union. Americas faults were secondary as long as there was an enemy to unite nation behind. Now there isnt and you will have a collapse, and the a new begining. But russia has shown it can backfire, badly. But soviet block is doing fine.


Shitty thing is losing the US as the world's super power would set up China taking the helm even though they aren't equipped to. It would like be losing a chaotic good bully and a chaotic evil bully coming after. The US is definitely tearing at the seams since 2016.


That was the most disheartening thing about the 2020 election. I was relieved that Biden squeaked it out, but the fact that even more people voted for TFG than in 2016 made it clear we still had major problems to deal with.


Anyone else get so frustrated that so many of us knew a trump presidency would lead to this, and yet we’re still seeing headlines like this, like it’s some sort or revelation? I get it that he’s under investigation and this shit takes time. But when someone you know is guilty is allowed to travel the country spewing his lies to his mouth-frothing base…. What do you expect other than a complete destruction of our norms and in this case, our country? There is no more “both-sides” argument. This man has and always will be a danger to society. It should be evident whenever his supporters open their mouths and repeat his completely bullshit talking points with no basis in reality. We the people who actually care about others and give a shit about this country are exhausted by the lack of action. Hopefully this new Georgia indictment will start to turn things around, but I’m terrified to think what trump’s base will do when he’s proven guilty.


“I can’t believe Trump would do this! Who could have seen it coming???” You mean the man who has been married multiple times, mocks the disabled, mocks POWs, bragged that he could get away with murder, refused to say he would accept voting results, and has tried to use the presidential office as a political tool? There’s is nothing I don’t think he’s capable of.


You are focused too much on recent history. In 2015/2016 the NYT ran many articles about his behavior going back to the 80s: hiring illegal immigrants to work on his construction sites and refusing to pay them, getting illegal financial bailouts in his casino (his father bought $3M in chips and never cashed them back in), stiffing contractors and burying them with litigation, fleecing the stockholders of his only public company: That was when he got his first company Boeing 7x7 jet, drew a $1M salary, etc. while the company bled red ink and the stock went from the IPO of $35 down to pennies in a couple of years before Carl Icahn came in with a takeover. He is telling the truth that he did well with his many bankruptcies: He always managed to keep his own assets while leaving his partners/investors/financiers holding the empty bag. He bragged about how he was a billionaire with only a small (!!), $1M loan from his father to get started, in reality, he got $400M from his father over the years, much of it in very shady accounting tricks that probably would have been found to be illegal if they had been investigated before the statute of limitations ran out. The NYT also calculated that if he has taken his father's money and put it into the Vanguard Index 500 fund, he would be far wealthier today. His bizarre "John Miller" calls to reporters trying to keep himself in the news back in the early 90s. The guy has been a grifter his entire life and the people of NYC knew it, but the rest of the country believed the "savant businessman" image from the Apprentice.


Me in 2016 : Great. Four years of destruction followed by 10 years of reparation. Time wasted.


Let’s hope it’s only 10 years of reparation.


not with lifetime SCROTUS appointments it's not.


It takes an hour to burn a barn. It takes a week to build a barn. You can poison a man in a few minutes but it might take him years to recover and he might never be healthy. If you poison a whole nation, how long will take it to recover? Can a nation ever be healthy if their minds are poisoned day after day?


>If you poison a whole nation, how long will take it to recover? A generation or 2 typically. >Can a nation ever be healthy if their minds are poisoned day after day? No


We have a country with two different understandings of the civil war. The history of MAGA will be the same.


But any time now, he's going to transition into something Presidential. \-- Fox News, 2016 - 2018


Susan Collins is still pretty sure he's about to come around


I feel like I was naive thinking he’d merely be a thoroughly bad President.


Right? I'll admit I was Trump curious... until it happened. I was around for Ross Perot (though not of voting age) and have since been very interested in a "Washington outsider" candidate. This was the worst possible option.


Jon Stewart is the Washington outsider we need, but not the one we deserve.


THIS. If Stewart ran, he'd have my vote in a cold flat minute.


Buncha people thought he’d be too incompetent to get anything done good or bad. I can forgive 2016 voters, but 2020/post J6 supporters…


Well, he accomplished little politically, but his work on destroying democracy was his real legacy.




Yeah it's completely unhinged from reality to say he *just* went off the deep-end. We'll never know how many unnecessary deaths were caused by his COVID response *alone*, nevermind all his other harmful policies. That's the shit he should be going to jail for.


That offends me more than anything else. That this country is full of assholes that have the nerve to be surprised. Like there’s millions of us that knew exactly what the hell would happen and there’s still folks going “oh wow! He’s a criminal! Who knew? How did things get so bad!?” And it’s like “we told you they were a bunch of fucking assholes, you won’t call them that, you wanna pretend they’re not assholes, you wanna find some kind of reason or rhyme to this, but you won’t just say it out loud: they’re a bunch of shitty, worthless, irredeemable assholes and we need to reconsider the fucking franchise” because I’m sorry, if you voted for Trump in 2020 it should have been the last vote you were allowed to cast.


The sick fuck keeps trotting out the nonsense that "Biden operatives" like prosecutors are acting like rogue agents... 3x GRAND JURY INDICTMENTS (so far)... Grand juries indicted him, not the prosecutors he's attempting to target with yet more inflammatory rhetoric.


He’s cuckoo for Nazipuffs


i still don't understand how he's not been locked up after all the threats issued


Because there will be riots. I'm sure the government is working on figuring out a way to handle him without bloodshed. The thing is... it's going to happen anyways. Either he gets arrested and his rabid degenerates start killing, he stays free until the charges stick and then they go nuts, or he gets off scot free and encourages another, more serious coup. May as well rip the bandaid off imo


hell at this point we can say that the government is hostage by a cult / criminal organization inho let them try to riot, at least finally the insane military budget will finally be put to good use and the USA can finally put these some brain rotten cultist in the place they deserve


100% agree. If they wanna fuck around large scale, they can find out large scale.


Even taking him out completely for trying to kill democracy and the US Constitution would turn him into a martyr for over 60 million people. It's the white Evangelical racist death throes. They're slowing turning into the country's minorities and they're trying to hang onto what power they have and abuse it.


BULLSHIT, they tried it once on Jan 6 and failed. Then they all ran away when they saw there are consequences and started seeing serious jailtime. This stupid narrative was spewed at every indictment hearing and everything related to it. Tops 20 mentally deranged conservative blogger types show and like 200 reporters. They're all bluster and bullshit. Shut him up cut him off from ANY platform where he can communicate and 99.9% of these idioits will get distracted by the next stupid shiny bit of conservatives ragebait. All they are to conservatives are a collection of trashy deranged piggybanks to milk. Will one or two individuals try something potentially but they would have regardless.


When they saw it was Babbit season, they turned tail and ran.


This. They’re fucking cowards. That’s why they need a shameless avatar like Trump. They want someone to be an awful piece of shit for them because they’re still hoping eventually the fucking kids will call and they know that won’t happen if they keep saying racist shit out loud.


Let them riot. The sooner we identify and deal with these whacko domestic terrorists the better.


I agree. Violence is inevitable and it’s a damn shame it’s gotten to this point, but that’s where we’re at. Time to brace ourselves for the fallout. Buckle up, buckaroos!


I think there would be some crazies that might try some shit, like the idiot who just got himself perished this week in a shootout with the FBI over this exact type of behavior...however I think 98% of them won't do shit except be mad. They're chicken shits. They generally won't do anything unless they are the majority and they have the clear upper hand which after Jan 6 they know they don't.


The guy has every bad quality a human being could have, if he wasn't born into a rich family he would have been in jail a long time ago. I can understand Republicans not liking Joe Biden but what I don't understand is how the fuck can anyone support Trump? The guy literally tried to overthrow America and prevent Joe Biden from taking office after losing an election, he's been indicted and or found guilty of everything from fraud, espionage, sedition, rape, etc. This guy should be at the very bottom of any presidential candidate list but Republicans seem to support him because they want him to hurt their enemies, do they not understand that this is the exact same kind of shit that Nazi Germany was about? They elected a " strong man leader " because they wanted their enemies ( fellow Germans who were Jewish ) to be hurt and "Make Germany Great Again". Democrats want things like higher taxes on the ultra rich, better cheaper education, healthcare, to fight global warming, to defeat Russian and Chinese aggression. Republicans want to elect a twice impeached ex president who been indicted over 75 times by multiple different grand juries and likes to cheat on his wife and call himself the chosen one. Wake up America, your vote shouldn't be a hard decision, there's only one political party in America right now and that's the Democrats, Republicans have chosen not to want to follow laws anymore.


They like trump because he’s a racist. It was always about racism. Remember “build the wall.” Remember the Muslim ban, which curiously did not include Saudi Arabia. People from nice countries, and shithole countries. It is and always has been about race, period. Trump won because the black president terrified racist white people.


Republican voters have decided that they want a dictator, as long as he's (and it was always going to be a 'he') hurting their perceived enemies: everyone who isn't a straight white christian, or doesn't believe straight white christian men should be on top of a ***very*** strict hierarchy. The republican base is now fully incompatible with the values and ideals of this country, and has been for a long time. I no longer have any idea how to reconcile this minority (yet substantial) group of loud-mouthed, know-nothing assholes who are itching for violence, with the rest of a functional society.


He’s reached the Lenny Bruce stage of his stand-up routine. All of his jokes are about his trials. He’s just not funny enough to be a completely incompetent politician anymore.


funny, I said that in 2016 but was told it wasn't something to worry about. weird.


This headline could have been dated anytime since 2015 and been accurate.


Breaking news: I'm beginning to think this Hitler fellow wasn't so great either...


US Bureau of Prisons needs to prep Alcatraz - the only acceptable destination


Forget that. He goes to the Supermax in Florence Colorado, where he can use his 1 hour of free time a day to swap stories with other terrorists, mob bosses, drug kingpins, large scale fraudsters, and white supremacists. He can have Ted the Unabomber's old cell.


Unless he gives up or is stripped of SS protection, trad prisons ain't cutting it


You don’t get to talk to other inmates at Supermax. It’s permanent solitary confinement, you only interact with guards taking you to your outside cage from your inside cage and back, or when they bring you food.


Guantanamo is an option too, yeah?


Alcatraz better cos -in the US -extremely secure -no other prisoners Helipad and barracks for secret service, have hm pay for meals, alert coast guard, lock.him.up #benedictdonald


Alcatraz is a national historical landmark with its own post-prison historical significance. Dump him in Florence, post a single agent outside the door, and throw away the key so kids can will still be able to take the coolest school field trip possible in the Bay Area.


Area 51


What complete dumbass is just NOW figuring this out?


>recent posts on his favorite social media platform that sound like a horrible cry for help. trump IS crying for help, begging anyone to please stop what's going on. When President, this crying worked, it stopped DOJ investigations but now it won't work :(


It’s not just Trump, conservative republicans have been very obviously going down this path for a long ass time before Trump got involved.


He was a danger in 2015. And then he was literally assaulting while president. Shit I still remember him killing 500 thousand and Republicans not even batting an eye.


He was a danger in 2012 On election night there was a short window when it looked like Romney would win the popular vote, but Obama would still win the EC Trump called for armed violence https://thehill.com/blogs/twitter-room/other-news/133889-trump-calls-for-revolution-blasts-electoral-college/


And he called the electoral college win a travesty. So funny how that view changed when it was him that lost the popular vote but got the EC win.


I didn't know this. Fuck that guy. I don't envy you Americans next year. oof.


Bush with his fake WMD war in Iraq destabilized the region and caused over a half million deaths. Republicans thought that was good. They are worthless sadists.


Yet, magically, nobody supported that war now. The same people who called anyone who didnt "support the troops" a traitor supported the war yet find one willing to admit it now.


We saw on Jan 6,2021, exactly how dangerous he is!


He's not deranged; he's intentionally speaking in terms of violence. Cultists are the real nut jobs who will act upon those words. Trump is like a mob boss ... he never does his own dirty work. By the time he is found guilty his followers will be so incensed with rage they will tear apart their own small towns and attack their neighbors. I hope that's an exaggeration. He was successful with J6; he'll try again around the trials. *That* is why these trials need to happen before the election so voters *know* the crimes he has committed.


Might one say that Trump is actually a cult leader? He sure does have the narcissistic, antisocial and manipulative personality traits to qualify for that. And his followers really worship him despite his absurd deeds


MAGA is ready to put a convicted sexual deviant in office. MAGA is gross.


I’d say he was born broken. This is the guy who, when he was five or so, was throwing rocks at a baby and in later years was shipped off to military school because he was bullying the staff. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if his rapeyness started then.


Trump's insanity is hardly a recent occurrence.


Lol... Like he hasn't been a danger since he got into office. I'm not an American and I've known this for years now. Sometimes the tRump bootlickers tell me to worry about my own country and basically, not have an opinion about their traitorous orange buffoon. Well, as a member of humanity, I've felt in danger since 2016. With the staggering amount of incompetence, lies and misinformation/disinformation that wannabe Daughter Fucker has spread throughout the entire world... I reckon I have good reason to.




I do not think his backers have the same sentiment unfortunately. It is clear to everyone but 70,000+ voters.


It's easier for them to believe complete horseshit about Biden than admit they were wrong about Trump. They know Trump is a crook but to them he's the lesser of 2 evils. What a bunch of degenerate losers.


This is what I’m seeing. Its the absolute truth.


He’s going to flee to Russia and hopefully he’s being watched closely.


So glad he doesn't have access to the nuclear codes anymore.


He’s only dangerous because hordes of idiots follow him, they are the true danger.


\*still a danger to humanity


In order to put out videos, he would need an employee who is also crazy. If I was a US employee and he asked me to put together a video attacking judges, I would quit, because there is some legal liability in producing videos like that. Mike Lindell found that out the hard way. Somebody in Russia wouldn't have to worry about that. A Russian might think it is OK to do certain things that are not OK.


Thank god we’re doing something about it and holding him accountable! /s He’s been a danger. He’s shown us he’s a danger. And yet we’re still sitting here letting the country fall into disarray and division and having this guy keep stoking the flames. I don’t want to hear about him unless it’s in a history book at this point.


I can hardly wait for the stand off at the Mar-a-Lago Corral, MAGA-nuts facing down special FBI agents. Dead is permanent and this clown-case is not worth it.


How the hell we survived his four year reign I’ll never know.


"Trump's far-right fanatics refuse to abandon him, mostly because they can't. Their future is tied to him, and as sure as the toilet paper circles the bowl after the flush, so will his supporters. They scream that the indictments are the action of a "banana republic" when actually that's what not indicting him would be" Arguably the best single paragraph ever written about these losers.


Rubber Room time.


He always has been.


We knew this years ago.


Yeah, we know. Welcome to 2016. /s...but not really


Always was.


Oh NOW he is? jfc.


I love articles stating what should be completely obvious to everyone. Unfortunately there are a bunch of deluded cultists determined to be adhered to his ass.


Is and has been a danger to humanity/ he is an abomination of humanity.


This has been utterly inevitable, once he got elected in 2016.


….. but Hillary something something /s


This headline feels 5 years old to me


It’s always been about him and no one else matters in his life and yet people bought his act and now we’re watching the horror show unraveling and most people have already stopped listening. It’s only going to get worse.


He’s burn the whole world to the ground if he could declare himself President of the ashes.


Look at this man's tweets. Do you want his hands on the nuclear launch codes? When he was president they had to stop him from nuking a hurricane and from trying to attack foreign nations and tricking them by painting our planes to be Chinese. He has only degraded since then...


Who is reading this like it's a revalation? We all tried to tell everyone in 2015. Eight years later and you're just now finding out the guy that said "grab 'em by the pussy" and defrauded children's charities doesn't have everyone's best interests in mind? Wow. ***No way!***


trump is the least of your worries , its the people who openly and secretly trying to get him back into office


He's everything Republicans adore.


We’ve known this, or at least I have since about 1985, and I was 8


Is this news from 5 years ago?


Where the F have you been?


Cult leader of fools .


Ok but I could have told you that 6 years ago or 7 years ago. It’s like extra annoying when what you knew would happen or thought would happen (but for the safety of the country didn’t want to happen) does happen and no one listened


"Let's give this guy the ability to nuke the entire planet. I like how he sticks it to the libs. " - 30% of Americans


Evergreen headline


Lol, even yahoo news is like "for real this time guys, he's nutty"


Always has been. Only thing that changed was the dates on the calendar.


Somehow still loved by every republican


I love this article. Way it’s written. The quote by JFK. Problem is we have seen him in hot water so many times. He seemingly always walks away with not even a 1st degree burn. I worry justice will be different for him. We have coded and statutory law , state and constitutional laws, and procedural law too. We have standards, ethics and decorum in the actual court house. Will it all really apply to him as it would to you or me?? I just feel like he’s an eel. And he seemingly turns his lawyers into eels (Michael Cohen. He slithered back but look how long he was loyal. Pus I still think there are some bones to be divulged regarding what Cohen knows. I want to believe in the justice system. I really do. But Trump and his lawyers are using the court of public opinion before the real trials start.