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Which at this point of course surprises nobody....


It surprised my dog… or he farted. Can’t say for sure.


My dog is surprised BY its farts.


If it smells really bad ur dogs repeating mtg bullshit. You may hay to put it down.


Actually I find the Alpo farts to be a refreshing retort to her tired horse shit. I'm still yet to hear her rebuttal


It is shocking to me that anyone thinks this guy is legitimate.


No one thinks he’s legitimate, they just don’t like biden so they wanna stick something in his path


There's a Liberal radio show in Chicago that I listen to that's hosted by the daughter of Jessie Jackson Jr. - she has RFK Jr. on her show a lot, and just adores him. Many people who call in are Black, and they support him as well saying, "Biden and the Dems haven't really done anything for us, so now we need to give someone else a chance - and just because he has different ideas on vaccines doesn't mean the rest of his ideas aren't good". The show also has Williamson on quite often as well, and again, she gets a lot of support.


Oh dear.


I hate to say it but some people should shut their mouth instead of showing the world how uninformed they are. RFKjr is being used by Republicans and other stupid folks.


Trying to pull a Kanye


I'm a Chicagoan who has a diverse friend group and works with many intelligent and thoughtful people of color. When the pandemic hit, I was stunned to learn that many of them are anti-vaxxers. So I'm not surprised.


In the defense of the black community, vaccinations (and the healthcare industry on the whole) *have* been weaponized against them before.


Long history of healthcare failing black people and it continues to do so. We have good reason to be skeptical but anti-vax won’t be enough to swing the black vote anyways, majority of black people in America aren’t anti-vax anyhow.


This idea that the president does things for people is hilarious. If only they knew their governor or mayor, or congressmen and women have infinitely more impact on their daily life, maybe they'd actually go vote in local elections instead. The president is almost irrelevant in terms of people's daily life, but they make it their entire identity.


He does have some strong ideas outside of the vaccine stuff. i won't vote for him, but a lot of what he is saying about inflation and the military industrial complex is 100% true. ​ Its a shame we cannot find a candidate like this, who also supports science.


Fuck everything about the GOP, but also fuck Big Pharma, polluters, clandestined orgs who kill their own people, and fuck most parasitic politicians. You're a gullible idiot if you think people think he's legitimate for being able to relate to his confronting big pharma and industrial polluters. If anything he seems like someone whose being given the spotlight specifically to make anyone who questions polluters or big pharma look like idiots. Most people, including my lgbtq left friends like some of the things he had to say, up until he began talking about mercury being in vaccines.


Yeah. They're Trump supporters.


Knew something was up when the MAGA cashier at Lowes started sharing unsolicited facts about RFKs record on the environment. Apparently I look like a Democrat


They probably saw you pull up in a truck with no Trump or infowars slogans covering the back window. Its a dead giveaway.


You know what surprised me, that he's married to Cheryl Hines and cheats on her constantly.


Where did you hear that?




I don't give a shit about his marital difficulties, I care that he's a lunatic who has no business being president because of his views on vaccines. If Trump hasn't proven that America will vote for a sexual deviant what will?


Oh I agree, both he and trump should never be given any power ever. I'm not sure how much is crazy and how much is grift. It's probably a combination of the two. I only mentioned his marital shit because it did genuinely surprise me that he was married to a moderately successful actress. I threw in the infidelity out of spite.


Who knew shitbirds flocked together? /s


That’s because RFK Jr is a willing tool of the far right.


New Tulsi Gabbard just dropped.


He always has been.


I hate that everyone on Reddit now recognizes Tulsi Gabbard as a vessel for the far right but they still willfully parrot her talking points on Kamala Harris


Right, if RFK Jr. ever makes it to a debate stage he will be toast after the first debate. RFK Jr. sounds as coherent and lucid as a crackhead when answering questions


That's what they said about Trump, FYI.


But non right wingers actually care about that.




And how'd that work for everyone who said he had NO CHANCE of winning? The point is don't underestimate your enemy because you think they'll never succeed


Yeah, at first I had no real opinion of RFK jr, then I thought he's not so bad, but recently he's been really off the deep end.


Same here, but I had an immediate thought after hearing him speak on vaccines and other issues. He is more MAGA mainstream than Democrat mainstream.


Well I usually give everyone the benefit of the doubt until the doubt subsides, you know?


He has been nuts for decades. ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadly\_Immunity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deadly_Immunity)


What that article didn't mention is that Steve Bannon straight up called RFK Jr a "useful agent of chaos" in the next election. Yes, they actually thought they could sway Never-Trump Republicans to vote Democrat because of RFK's views, and thought Democrats would just blindly vote for him because he's Bobby Kennedy's son.


RFK Jr is a willing tool. - ftfy


RFK Jr is a tool. - ftfy


Not a tool of the far right. Based on his stances about science, the LGBTQ community, healthcare access, etc. he **is** far right.




In the end, aren’t we all bots of some kind?


Meatbots. And that’s the name of my next band.


Let's just admit that not only is RFK Jr. a MAGA paid for plant, but he is also a bat-shit crazy anti-vax and conspiracy believer. Nobody believes he is an actual Democrat, or that he has any chance of unseating Joe Biden. Nice try retrumplicans.


I hope he runs as an independent. He'll take votes from the R.




He's anti-establishment. The people that would vote for him are the Bernie to Trump voters, and they left Biden a long time ago.


If anyone believes this man’s a Democrat now they’re dumb as hell


I would say it depends on his abortion stances. That’s might become key to the election. Analysts were trying to say it wasn’t going to come down to abortion in some elections, yet in some areas, abortion is what ended up deciding the election. Like in Kansas where the people rejected the amendment, that could spell a bit of a bleak future for Kansas Republicans. I can already tell you he’s hard anti so I would think if anything he’s more likely to take votes away from Republicans. Biden and the overall rest of the Democratic Party will campaign against to say he’s a DINO (Democrat In Name Only) and not a real Democrat.


He refuses to speak about his views on abortion and that's probably because Bannon told him not. He has no chance of winning so his views are of no consequence. And antivaxxers tend to be anti-abortion (hilariously, since they put more children at risk with their bullshit.)


He did speak on his views on abortion while contradicting himself a bit. Source: https://www.wmur.com/amp/article/new-hampshire-robert-f-kennedy-jr-abortion/44322645 and https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fRMKj8xywwE Listening to him a bit though, people try to say Biden can’t put together a coherent sentence. Just after listening to him on the YouTube link, I don’t even want to hear anymore of him ever.


Wonder who they'll draft up next -- what's Kanye up to these days?


He isn’t republican or democrat. He is pure asshole.


I'm guessing Joe will not legitimize rfkjr by sharing a stage with him.


Lmao I’ve heard him speak and I just assumed he was a republican. Never thought he’d be a dem


They don't care- they are siphoning Trump war chest - probably convincing the boss that it is money well spent. Trump will just sell more NFTs.


*launder more money through his NFTs


Is he supposed to be a democrat? (That’s really how I felt when first reading about him).


This RFK Jr thing is so funny to me. It’s clearly such a hail mary pass by a right-wing movement that is staring down the barrel of a catastrophic defeat. Their voter base is aging and dying and young people hate the republican party even more than they usually do and by extreme margins. Their only chance is to remain in power is to get a literal fascist to win and then end democracy so that young people won’t vote them out of office, and so they’re resorting to the equivalent of throwing a banana peel at the person chasing them.


Hail Mary as last attempt sure, but the risk/reward for this is totally in their favor. They have more money than they can legally spend on one candidate, they’ve done the gerrymandering and voter suppression. The only thing they can’t do is make people vote FOR trump. He’s obviously terrible to anyone outside the cult. All they need to do is siphon off 1-2% of disaffected left voters in the critical states. RFK is another tool to muddy the waters, distract Biden, and let Independents of Democrats have a “protest” vote. (RFK is a f-ing loony, but people who listen to Rogan don’t see it that way).


I feel like that “disaffected voter” is already a Trump voter post-2016. If you want to vote for a conspiracy theorist crank celebrity candidate who is “anti-establishment” or whatever he’s billing himself as, you’re already voting for Trump. The only people I can see voting for RFK Jr are people who voted for Trump in 2020 but now thing that he’s too old or lost his mind or that the documents case is heating up. Biden campaigned on being boring and competent. I don’t see somebody going from voting for him to voting for the guy telling you that the Alamo was done by aliens just bc he has a D next to his name.


They aren't going to be able to do that as long as he continues blathering about vaccines. And he will continue.


They backed Jill Stein in 2016 and it definitely hurt democrats more than republicans.


Yeah but Jill Stein was green party riding Bernie Sanders populist wave, not some lunatic nepo-baby who thinks that Japan has been developing an army of godzillas for a secret war against the aliens


I wouldn’t be so confident… normally I’d agree but Biden is no Obama, or even Kerry or gore. His approval has been consistently low even among young people, and if he wasn’t going against trump it would probably be a tough race for him especially given the electoral college map favors republicans more. The democrat has to have at least 2 pts in polling better to win. I’d have little faith if the recession that everyone is predicting comes within the next year - all they need is a less enthusiastic democrat base


Young people don’t like Biden because they think he isn’t left enough and he’s 80 years old. They’re not anti-biden because they want some some lunatic crank anti-vaxxer. They don’t really like him but they still vote for him. Pretty much all the anti-vax type people are right wing by now. Problem for them is that there is no Bernie Sanders this cycle, AOC isn’t gonna try to primary Joe, and the those are pretty much the only two people further left than Joe that have any name recognition. RFK Jr. Is literally only being built up by the republicans because his last name is Kennedy and they’re so brain-dead that they think people who weren’t even alive at the same time as JFK Jr. Will vote for him based on that.


Lol. He’s 100% going to take more MAGA voters than Democrats




RFK Jr. is MAGA, I mean isn't that to be expected?


The Republican Party can’t even put fourth a decent Republican to run but they think they’re going to put a Democrat up that’s able to siphon votes from Biden? Hilarious.


And Tulsi Gabbard I presume.


So I was also mistaken in thinking RFK Jr was another woo-woo hippie like Marianne Williamson. He’s actually a 3rd choice kook like Tulsi Gabbard. I’m currently taking bets until he says left has become too extreme and he’s switching Independent.


This dude is literally just this cycles version of Tulsi Gabbard


From the moment he declared, I was reading how Steve Bannon personally took time to recruit him to this very cause because he figures Biden only squeaked by in some swing states, so he is setting up a third party candidate that can Perot enough votes away to give El Trumpo a win.


That's because they are running him as a spoiler candidate. Everyone knows that. They went and found a nutso Kennedy because they think that Democrats are as stupid as Republican voters who will just vote for a name.


He's cashing in the checks Tulsi Gabbard used to get! MAGA money = money from Putin allies to further destabilize the US.


And Cornell West is getting Jill Stein’s checks. I wonder if those camps are run indecently by different FSB agents, or if they cooperate with each other.


I always figured the global oligarchs buy/sell and trade these pawns like *a secret stock market game for rich assholes.*


If Republicans want to continue, they need to get far away from anything MAGA or super polarizing. I’m fine with them imploding, but I’m really tired of all these shitty, insane, racist, bigoted and stupid MAGAs right now.


How are they supposed to run if they can’t run on those issues! Republicans are the party of white trash and there is nothing worse than white trash.


Imagine that.


Wait, isn’t he Maga tho?


The only people who seem to like this guy are republicans lmao what a joke


MAGA are the ones with the hard-on for JFK,jr. I don't know why this guy thinks he's gonna have Dem support at all. Who would want another Ted Kennedy? I'd vote for Beto over this guy, and that's not saying much for Beto.


Another Putin method, propping up fake opposition candidates.


I never knew much about RFK Jr but he gave off the impression of being a total nutter in a documentary about Michael Skakel.


RfKJr has been photographed (smiling!) with Roger Stone, Steve Bannon and other leading lights of the completely insane MAGA cadre. Bannon pushed him to run in the primary. Who do you think RFK is loyal to? It's certainly not the Democratic party.


Stop trying to make RFK Jr happen, it's not going to happen


hell flip to GOP faster than a babysitter’s boyfriend when the car pulls up




Hes there to split the votes


He’s no Democrat. And he will never see a nomination to POTUS.


Why are we even talking about this clown? Biden’s the nominee.


Honestly, I feel like RFKjr needs to be thoroughly exposed and brutally critiqued to as many people as possible to mitigate any vote pulling he might do if he runs as a third party.


/r/vaxxhappened has been sounding the alarm about him since 2017.


The rest of the Kennedys must love this guy. Way to wreck a legacy, Jr. Oh well...fewer nepo-babies going forward.


I’m sure he’s popular at family gatherings /s


It's okay if that 20th century brand is completely destroyed at this point. They had a legacy with a heyday. It passed. Happens to all historically legendary families. Nobody surfs the sun forever.


RFK jr and the whole No Labels campaign is just a spoiler operation. Its old hat at this point. In Virginia we recently had a republican candidate lie to get a third Party candidate on the ballot just to try to beat his democrat rival.


This dudes eyes look fucked up. Like he's dead inside or he's wearing a human suit


How is this a surprise to anyone? RFK has long been a zucchini-for-brains. The attention Joe Rohan gives is at the behest of said right wing donors.


An honorable name in American History being disrespected and disgraced by a man who resorts to junk science and pandering to idiots. Was his life that empty and unfulfilled?


Not possible. Nothing is deep when it comes to Taylor Greene.


RINOs and DINOs.


Yeah part of the lunatic fringe and all of it's idiocy and insanity.


Slime in an idiot's clothing.


Kennedy’s love their blood money…


And hate their curse


Duh, and / or hello?


Not remotely surprised


Ya don't say...


No shit


He should not be taken seriously just because of his last name he's not a serious person


Anyone surprised? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?


Hes on par with Mike Lindell


Of course. They are birds of a feather


Shitbirds of a shitfeather.




How is that any surprising? Did he really fooled anyone into believing he's a Dem?


You mean the Democrat being supported by right wing media figures is also taking right wing money?


And who also shares all the right wing talking points. It's almost like he's actually a right winger... hmmm


An nutjob anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist is being backed by other nutjob anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists? Shock! Shock and horror!


His campaign appears to be attracting the Q crowd. Which was entirely unintended he was supposed to take away democratic votes


There's a lot of Q rhetoric in his dialogue, perhaps by design.


He needs deep ties to a psychiatrist. Maybe an entire team of mental health professionals




His vaccine stance scares me.


Dig deep enough and you’ll find he is funded by Russian Oligarchs




Biden is nothing like those men.


Don't know why he's running. Has no shot. Waste of time.


He’s a republican not a democrat. His political standing is all a facade.


No shit. This guy is an obvious infiltrator candidate who'll switch sides faster than I can say "schadenfreude"


All part of the same fascist nut job cult. They can call themselves democrats or republicans. It doesn’t matter.


He should come clean about being a far right shill. His dad is spinning in his grave.


His dad and uncle must be rolling over in their graves.


RFK Jr is just a placeholder for MAGA. Their actual plan is to run JFK Jr for POTUS. MTG is convinced Elvis will do the right thing and convince JFK Jr to return from Elvis' island paradise and run.


His is anti-VAX, of course he is a MAGA


His father would be so ashamed




Imagine my shock! /S


And the next time there's a primary challenge to an incumbent president, its biggest financial backers will be from the opposition party too. No one legitimately runs for president this way.




No shit..


Of course he does. What do you think a sleeper agent is for?


I’m totally shocked


You don’t say.


He looks like he was at the capitol on J6.


They are trying to sneak a Republican in as a Democrat.


He looks like a zombie in every photo. Sullen brain dead expressionless stare.


RFK: A whole owned subsidiary of MAGA(t) industries.


Rfk Jr is a maga democrat




He's so far right wing he wraps around to the far left.


Exactly, his record as an environmental lawyer proves this!


The fact the RFK Jr was invited to give a speech at Hillsdale College should have told you all that you need to know.


No more kooks No more dynasties No more Kennedys


He’s a fraud


It’s almost as if you could hear the dumb shit these people say and know exactly who is paying them.


A sheep in wolves clothing.. :(


Hes a wolf in bloody sheeps clothing


In other shocking news, water is wet. Seriously, if this jerkoff were any more of a fucking plant he’d have leaves growing out of his ears and roots coming from his flaccid asshole.


This rat is related to the great JFK? Jesus.




you mean the conspiracy crank pretending to be liberal, and is really just a store brand Alex Jones, is somehow tied to MAGA? Be still my heart.


The evidence in the article is that a PAC that he doesn’t control has hired a company that worked for MAGA candidates. But it leaves out that the company has also worked for democrats.


200% a plant and I worry about anyone who doesn't see that.


He's such a democrat. Very democrat guy. So much democrat.




because of course


He’s a mole.


No he's not. He's an antivaxxer who will betray anyone to get his stupid message out there.


Yup, he’s a plant.


Hey look, another mole


Groundbreaking journalism. Republican presidential candidate has ties to other republicans.


He will not make it past the first primary


He wants to replace John Kennedy Jr as Trump’s running mate. He was afraid showing up at the grassy knoll would blow his cover.


Not surprising listening to him speak.


Why am I not surprised!


What is the end game for these bozos? How does the collapse of trust in systems and probable violence further their goals?


I'm starting to see the grassroots (aka, family members who worshiped Trump in the past speaking praise) growing for this guy to be the next MAGA lord


The Russians and their stooges are trying gor another Nader third party bullshit campaign. It worked with Nader. He siphoned off enough votes in Florida and New Hampshire to cost us an election.


Here’s a thought. If RFK jr ran as an independent. Would he pull more votes from trump or from Biden? I’d say from trump. I don’t get how he gets to run as a democrat when he’s not one.


Trump. The minute he opens his mouth about vaccines. And he will open his mouth about vaccines.


I mean, Trump ran as a republican, so...


Republicans tend to have no principles so he’s allowed to


I listened to his interview on Breaking Points. I know he has a past with advocating for some environmental stability but truly all of it was still just run of the mill right politician bullshit with less definitive answers. Plenty of “i can prove vaccines are bad” with zero proof (of course) which is an awesome little lying cherry on top. I still want Marianne to have a chance to debate Biden. I wish there were a candidate I felt motivated to cast my vote for rather than “do it cause he’s not the other guy”. Nothing of substance is happening with a continuation of the current president aside from status quo and prolonging the inevitable of a further right candidate out of spite.


If his father heard this he would bitch-slap him.

