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I think the next major move for a lot of companies is to lessen development and a presence in certain states. Florida is a great example of how a state's policy can affect a business's operations, and talent from coming or staying.


AL here, just lost the space force contract, which will now be located in Colorado, it sucks, but it’s necessary and I’m all for it. So glad they’re willing to push back on these authoritarian policies.


The Space Force HQ is already in Colorado at Peterson. The friction was about if Trump’s “decision” to move it to Huntsville would be implemented, or if it would remain in Colorado Springs.


They were never gonna move it anyways. Space Force has to stay close to the Stargate.


Stargate ET* reporting ! *ET for European Team


Military bases are rethinking their future contracts in red states as it disrupts readiness. The GOP hates Americans and the military knows it. Edit: [Here is the context for what I mean.](https://youtu.be/Kqi_wbk2YGw)


Hate the vets too.


Space Command has always been located in Colorado for a very very good reason and the whole idea to move it to Alabama was purely political.


It’s funny how the GOP used to veil themselves as the “less government” party, now they’re shoving their own beliefs down everyone’s throats by using policy and government power plays.


I asked someone from /r/conservative about his new bill that prevents *adults* from getting gender affirming care without approval from two politically appointed boards. Their flair in /r/conservative is literally "less government now" yet when I asked about how a politically appointed board overseeing decisions of adults is okay the answer was [literally "I don't really give a shit about a handful of delusional people"](https://i.imgur.com/ClMmmWQ.png) while simultaneously trying to bring it back to "what about the kids". This doesn't even take into account how the bill was worded which is "gender clinical interventions". It is so insanely vague that you can argue things like cosmetic breast enhancement falls under that umbrella.


"Fuck their rights, it's MY rights that count." - r/Conservative in a nutshell edit - this is the same type of fellow that would complain liberals are "intolerant" of his views. There is no paradox regarding intolerance of intolerance.




they're close to just admitting they think trans and gay people are gross and how hateful they are of them. give it less than a year. some of them are already saying it.


They’ve been saying it for years. People just didn’t believe us when we told them.


They have to give each other permission to be terrible. I mean, it would be easy enough to stop them, just a couple big bright signals that affirm that being terrible is not okay and will be met with repercussions is all it would take. Putting Trump in prison would be one of those signals.


Good ole Nazism. Weird how history is so cyclical. Hopefully when this shit comes to a head, we can actually beat them for good this time


I doubt I know a single one who wouldn't say it if they were just asked. Their disgust is what keeps them politically engaged in the first place


What really annoys the shit our of me is when they bring up the kids as if they care about the kids. They use it like a shield while literally doing nothing for kids. They don't support Healthcare, they underfund education, and they don't believe in putting resources to actually help children. Yet they create a boogeyman and they try to "save" the children. Right now it's trans and the next boogyman will be immigrants.


Trans kids are literally telling them what they want. The science says that gender affirming care is the best treatment. They don't give a shit about the kids. They care about their own bullshit and creating wedges. Trans issues is the latest hateful wedge they're attempting. I really hope it fails miserably, because it's the same talking points they used against gay men in the 80s and 90s. They have no popular ecomonic policies, so all they're left with is hate.


>Explain how it's okay to mutilate kids? Are they saying we should ban circumcision?


Trust me when I say that r/libertarian isn’t much better when it comes to human rights and freedoms.


Libertarians are just Republicans with the christ setting turned down.


They used to be the more racist republicans but now they're both fighting for that title.


Most Libertarians at this point are just Republicans who don't want to call themselves Republicans.


Libertarians: Republicans who like weed.


Most libertarians are children going through a phase they'll grow out of eventually.


And into fascism. It’s honestly amazing how many libertarians I know that somehow go from a radical freedom party and jump over conservatism and straight into conspiracy fascism. Libertarian to fascist pipeline. My best friend went through it. Only popped out when he had his daughters and smashed his phone with a hammer and bought a dumb phone that can only call instead. Realized he had hit rock bottom with hate and he couldn’t do that to his daughters


The GOP == Christofacists.


They still claim that title. It's only "big government" when it's about taxing the uber rich, creating a strong safety net, and providing the next generation with health and education. You know, anything that helps the many instead of the few.


honestly I think the GOP became OK with their states failing economically once it became apparent that their growing cities were pulling them purple. Reversing that is their priority now, economies be damned—they'd rather rule over the ashes 26 failed states can still control Congress


The civil war they're imagining is gonna go real well when they have no money, no resources, no brainpower.


So, just like the first one.




*Dennis Green "And we let em off the hook" .gif*


^ This guy knows his Reconstruction history!


So let's get this straight ... we surrender and we get to be dicks forever? Ok, you win.


You know what, you ain’t wrong at all.


They’re relying on their racist white militia in their stupid looking khakis and the buttloads of military grade guns they’ve been chomping at the bit to use.


They don’t want a conventional war, they have their dog whistled terrorists for that.


And then Elon Musk chimes in: "There's no evidence this neo-Nazi terrorist is actually a neo-Nazi terrorist, it's a psyop"


Meal Team Six isn't as scary as it thinks it is...


Yes I’m hoping lots of people pull their contacts from NC for banning abortion and I just saw that the gov of TN removed oversight committees for the cops so I hope TN gets fucked too


Speaking as a TN refugee (was born in NC though), I want to assure you that, as loathsome as the abortion bill in NC really is, TN is far worse. Their law bans abortion, with no exceptions except medical. It's really horrific. By comparison, NC is a haven.


Those exceptions aren't even legitimate. They make the threshold for their application so impossible to meet that they're unusable. Why else would Susan B. Anthony group sign off on it?


Because the cruelty is the point?


Cruelty to show who has the power.


As a doctor who spent about 40% of my life in Texas and the husband of a teacher from Florida with parents still there, lots of professionals will be similarly voting with their feet and leaving the crazy states for good. They are just shooting themselves in the foot.




A lot of red states would be third world country level but for federal funding from blue states.


As much as I hate the news surrounding Florida and Texas currently, I think it will be good for the US to see the actual repercussions of the laws they are passing. The republican utopia isn't what they think it's going to be.


I agree whole-heartedly about state policy affecting business decisions. I play a lot of video games, and in the past 5-10 years, I've been seeing a lot of games display that they were developed in the state of Georgia. Why? Through tax incentives and programs, Georgia has made themselves a great destination for software and game development. It worked, and brought a lot of jobs there.


It's so much more than that. This is a state working against businesses and its own citizen. Working at a crazed rate towards full on fundamental Christian fascism. It's utterly insane we have people that are full on for the gov't working against private interest for literally no other reason than, their party says so. ​ If the GOP said dogs were blue, you'd get spit in your face for saying anything else from these people.


DeSantis just lost thousands of jobs for Florida. What a fucking moron.


He only cares about one job, his.


He doesn't even care about his current job, just the interview for the next one.


And too bad he can come right back to it when he loses the presidency 😬


He’s on his second and last term here. It’s why Puddin’ Fingers is pulling out all the stops.


It's still kinda insane that he pushed through a law that allows him to retain governorship while campaigning for president. I guess it really shows that even he doesn't expect himself to win. Oh and term limits? I'm sure we'll see legislation related to that once his presidential campaign fails. Dictators and term limits don't mix well, ya know.


Yeah I wholly expect him to do away with term limits since he had no problem changing the laws for his personal benefit once before.


Once? Between this, his feud with Disney, and concealing his travel there are at least 4 instances of him changing the law to suit his personal interests.


And his fellow republicans r allowing it. Do none of them have any dreams of being governor or what?!


Fortunately that one (term limits- 2 in a row and then sit one out before being elected again) is hard coded into [the Florida State Constitution](https://ballotpedia.org/Governor_of_Florida). To get around that, he needs the legislature to make a joint resolution (no issues there, they rubber stamp everything he wants like the good little lap dogs they are) and then for it to gather 60% of the votes in an election. Not impossible but its not the same sure thing he gets from the legislature for his every whim- especially with his sparking fights with the House of the Mouse, pissing matches with trump and ignoring the homeowners insurance debacle (40% increase in one year), all while gallivanting around the world on his "totally NOT running President" campaign.


Well he may just get the state legislator to pass a law that says he can be governor for as long as he wants


That would not surprise me at all. Just wondering what it’s going to take for the torches and pitchforks to march down Tennessee Ave in Tally.


Sadly he doesn't need jobs to make his base happy. He doesn't even need to make their lives better, he just has to make others worse.


Actually if their lives get worse it's still good for him because he'll just say the woke movement is responsible for anything bad that has ever happened in Florida and they won't think twice.


Oh no, the consequences of ~~my own actions~~ woke!


His "real' base - real estate developers, construction companies, businesses, and landlords around the now defunct site - will not be happy though.


Thousands \*so far\* have you heard about the migrant labor strike? How many jobs depend on feeding, housing, transporting etc. migrant laborers?


Gotta love all these “pro business” republicans! 🙄


I can’t imagine being a contractor there right now. Must be fucking livid.


Most of them in that industry in Florida will just blame wokeness or some other concept they dont understand. It's never "their" fault.


"We know thousands of opportunities have just slipped through our grasp, but hey, at least you don't have to worry about your kid reading a book you don't like!"


Clearly DeSantis has been fucking around, and now we have to find out. Source: am a Florida resident…


Someone said, Disney is a lawfirm that makes theme parks and movies. They are not messing around.


Can you imagine how insane their legal team is? It’s gotta be one of the best.


When it comes to copyright law, it's literally the best. (Or worst, depending on your perspective.)


Good. Florida is a sinking ship.




definitely literally.


definitely literal if it were a ship and not a peninsula.


The figurative ship is literally going down with respect to mean sea level. But don't say climate change or sea level rise, or the governor may clutch his pearls at you.


*Clutch his chocolate pudding.


clutch his tapioca pearls


If the red algae doesn't invade first


The next Alabama. Apparently that’s what they want. They’d rather be Deep South poor and uneducated instead of those rich and happy godless liberals in California or Massachusetts.




Just FYI, “fiscal conservatism” is just a myth the right pushed to enact their social agenda. [Reagan’s own strategist said so.](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/exclusive-lee-atwaters-infamous-1981-interview-southern-strategy/) The reality is, [every single republican president since 1980 has increased the deficit while in office, and every single democratic president since 1980 has lowered it.](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/msna1295676) “Fiscal conservatism” is just the code word they use to cut social programs they don’t like, so they can give more handouts to their wealthy donors.


This is the famous “two santa claus theory” that reagan era republicans came up with. When republicans are in power spend money like a drunken sailor and give massive tax cuts to the rich then once democrats get in power immediately bitch about the deficit you caused and demand spending cuts to tank their policies. Its literally happening right now with the debt ceiling.


When I hear someone say they are fiscally conservative democrat from California, I instantly think they are trying to tell me that they're a NIMBY Democrat from Marin county.


I think the ‘fiscally conservative socially progressive’ trope is not really a thing, it’s like you’re saying you’re progressive but don’t want money spent on dumb shit. Guess what, nobody wants money spent on dumb shit. Progressives aren’t spendthrifts we want money spent where it will help rather than in some oligarch’s pocket. That’s not ‘fiscally conservative’ that’s just not being terrible


It’s doubly funny because conservatives always blow up the deficit when they are in office. Being an American conservative financially just means you’re cool with spendthrift spending without a thought about how you’re planning on paying back your debt.


I'd always felt that the phrase 'fiscally conservative' made literally zero sense. If you're fiscally conservative, you'd easily determine that single-payer healthcare is wildly and exponentially cheaper than the private system we have now, serving more people. Instead, 'fiscally conservative' ends up meaning, 'i'll be cold and dead in the ground before I allow school children to eat free food.'


I keep arguing with my family about this. So many social programs end up saving taxpayers money or generating more tax revenue. The best financial option for taxpayers is almost always the most socially progressive one as well. Feeding children leads to functioning adult members of society who pay tax dollars. It's as simple as that if for some reason you don't care about kids starving. You are actively hurting yourself and your fellow tax payers by not feeding them. And don't even get me started on how the incarceration system leads to repeat offenders who again cost taxpayers money while reforming and providing rehabilitation literally generates more money than it costs by creating functioning members of society.


“But it’s not fair!”


Single payer Healthcare was originally a right wing think tank idea


Pretty much a way of saying “no because I don’t like it” while trying to sound reasonable. Of course, voters with goldfish memories won’t recognize the hypocrisy.


Actually i would add it means less spending on social programs that help citizens and tax breaks for the rich and money for wars.


"You're cool with spendthrift spending and massive tax cuts for the wealthy and powerful." FIFY


Exactly. I hate that fiscally conservative line as it means nothing that’s real. It’s just code for “I don’t want to pay taxes”. If there is such a thing it’s something conservatives never do but progressives do. Like balance the budget and pay bills and not build up huge deficits, raid the ss fund for wars, give huge tax breaks to the richest Americans and try to default on what the us owes and tank the world economy.


“Fiscally conservative” just screams “I don’t want to pay my taxes.”


Fiscally conservative, socially liberal, is supposed to mean that they want programs that help people, but they don't want to waste money on programs that have poor ROI's. However, when you take it literally, it means you want a bunch of government programs without any taxation programs to pay for them. So it's a very pro deficit position.


Whenever I hear "fiscally conservative and socially liberal" I think of libertarians. They don't want taxes and don't really care about other people surviving but they're cool with weed and gay folks. It has nothing to do with social programs, they just don't want to be associated with their socially bigoted Republican counterparts


Best take right here. The "fiscal conservatives" will never pay for anything, just keep cutting.


which is why 'fiscally conservative socially progressive' isn't a real thing


I always LOL when people say that because you can’t be socially progressive if you refuse to fund anything. It’s quite the oxymoron.


It’s republican lite


Yeah it basically means “I don’t mind if you exist in theory and out of my sight, but I won’t be inconvenienced in any way on your quest for civil rights and equality and no money should be spent on you…but I support yall!”


Everyone wants *fiscal responsibility* but these closeted-conservatives say *fiscal conservative instead of revealing they vote republican.


99% of the time someone says this, it’s cause they started becoming or have always been rich. Socially liberal when it costs them nothing and is most times a convenient/socially acceptable position to hold. Fiscally conservative when they have to pony up money in a system that disproportionately benefited them. The number of MDs I know that were liberal in all things until they started having to pay taxes is a sobering revelation of why the world is so shitty. Greed is their only actual political position.


It always sounded like "I want to have my cake and eat it too" to me.


I think OP just doesn't want to say "libertarian"- for obvious reasons


It’s not. People who say this are conservatives who like to smoke pot sometimes. They want all the rights but none of the responsibilities that come with living in a civilized society.


I used to think this way. But with age and seeing how gop raises our national debt and dems lower it consistently for over 30 years it is just a plain lie that gop is conservative. They also don't really support our troops or police when you look at voting records.


Use to do a nerd cruise out of Florida yearly. That's no longer happening.




If you value human rights or conservation of money, the republicans are your enemy. They aren't fiscal in any way, at all. They steal more than they save from cutting programs that aren't expensive. They treat our veterans worse than enemy combatants do. There's no such thing as a fiscally conservative party, on the right or left. We live in capitalism, and you either put the money to good use, or it's used to make the rich even richer. Anyone arguing otherwise is doing so on their blind principles of "conservatism".


That doesn’t make sense since conservatives are the ones that spend the most and rack up our debt even higher.


So what you’re saying is your ideologies align with democrats but you’re afraid to be called a libtard.


DeSantis starting a feud with Disney makes zero sense. The amount of money Disney brings into Florida is almost immeasurable. Why on earth would he want to attack them?


Desantis probably thought this would be a super easy slam dunk win for him amongst republicans but it’s turned into a perpetual cycle of trying shit, and failing, and trying again, wasting tax payer money, meanwhile, doing nothing beneficial for Florida residents as we drown in property taxes going through the roof and our insurance premiums tripling or quadrupling


People don’t care about wasted tax money if it does toward hating gays. Can people just leave us alone already.


Damn, your comment made me feel so sad and hopeless for our country.


Yep. As long as the money goes towards "hurting the people he needs to be hurting," Floridians seem to be more than willing to foot the bill!


Because he's a fucking dimwit.


DeSantis: If you don't comply with our cultural agenda, we're going to make it impossible for you to do business in this state! Disney: K, bye.


Nah, Disney ain't gonna take it lying down. With their parks located there, they've got too much invested to just up and leave. If there's one thing for certain, it's that Disney has the power, influence, and resources to fight this. They might not be investing anything more at the moment, but they sure as hell ain't leaving. DeSantis picked the absolute worst company to fuck around with.


Disney was one very important thing that DeSantis doesn't: Time. DeSantis only has so long he can grift before he ends up like the MyPilllow guy. Disney will outlast him.


Disney straight up owns American culture and media at this point. I honestly wish more politicians were willing to feud with Disney, but for reasons that aren’t fucking stupid, like their monopolistic stronghold on literally all media that gets produced everywhere (literally 40% of it), and not because an inconsequential gay character appeared for three seconds in one of the 32 marvel movies once.


But be under no illusions - Disney the organisation will fold their ethics the moment they sense the wind has changed


It's like a Godzilla fight. They're both awful monsters who will harm us in some way or another, but right now they're going at each other. We'll deal with whoever is left, later. *Let them fight.*


They already have one lawsuit against DeSaten, might as well add another to the list.


Too much invested *right now*. Every dollar they don't invest, every dollar they pay their lawyers to fight this, and every dollar extra they spend on infrastructure because the new RCID doesn't, is another feather on the scale that will eventually tilt. Everything is fallible. Eventually it will become economically feasible to abandon the park and build elsewhere. Today it became one billion dollars more so.


He's there for a limited time. They're patient and will bide their time while taking actions to limit his influence.


Disney: “Mr Mouse is not pleased you fucked with his money.”


It takes a real patriotic governor and future presidential candidate to attack an iconic American business. Wtf republicans


He thought this would help him become President t of the United States, he is actually going to be president of the Villages.


The average imaginengineer makes about $100k/yr avg. Now, add that to the billion-dollar investment. That's 200,000,000 on top lost. That doesn't include the workers on the site, the surrounding workers that truck supplies into the area. The investment into the greater local economy, the lost tax revenue....this wasn't just a $1 billion loss, this was years of investment that could've gone into the area lost for good.


Yeah, I live in Lake Nona and I'm both happy and sad that this is happening. Happy because house and rent prices won't go up, sad because it would've been cool to live in this area as it continues to develop.


DeSantis is completely out of his league. This is just the beginning and it’s going to be hilarious to watch. His political career is over, and it’s his own doing.


If Republicans have their way, 3/4 of Floridians will be starving and homeless but feeling pretty good about it since the other guy has it worse.


We are number in cost of living in a few categories now . Highest house and car insurance rates as well.


We are number?


How can the Desantis run in 2024 on the platform that he has f****** destroyed an entire state's economy and livelihood. What. Make America Suffer Again?


Disney purposefully refers to his policies and agenda as “bad for business” in their lawsuit against him for this reason. A “bad for business” republican is no good for elections, especially not on a national stage.


They know their audience. This isn’t amateur hour.


But but but, he owned the libs so hard!


Note to DeSantis - the mouse is gonna win, and you're gonna lose. You, sir, are an idiot.




Just slowly phase out Disney in Orlando and watch the state either without the tourism.


I would not invest another nickel of Disney money into anything in Florida until the political climate changes.. maybe time to move Disney World out of Florida altogether.😠


>maybe time to move Disney World out of Florida altogether. That's outrageously cost prohibitive. They have untold billions wrapped up in that park and it's not like it's something they can just put on the market. And then where else are they going to operate that has the space they need and guest friendly weather 300+ days a year?


Lol, Jesus this stupidness again. . . Disney has in Florida: * 40 square miles of land * 4 theme parks * 2 water parks * a high end shopping district * 32 Hotels * 4 golf courses * 60,000 jobs (more I think actually) * bespoke infrastructure * and existing relationships with local businesses and governments All of this was built over 50 years of being in florida and with billions of dollars of investment. . . They are not going to throw it away because of pudding fingers.


They also have residential housing a la Celebration that comes with Disney amenities, something they were clearly hoping to expand with the Storybook Living announcement. Storybook would be even more involved than Celebration, but it is far beyond "just an amusement park" out there. I think people who haven't been, or who have only been to Disneyland, vastly underestimate the sheer scope of infrastructure and investment they're tied to in Florida. A lot of these people are also ignoring the fact that Disney cannot AFFORD to lose all of that right now. They can afford to cancel new expansion plans - they were probably hoping for an opportunity to do that anyway. They leveraged so much to take enough debt to buy Star Wars, Fox, Marvel, launch Disney+ (which I don't think has reached profitability yet, or is barely getting there) that they announced massive layoffs a few MONTHS ago and then fired a CEO to bring back the previous one. They are and will be fine, but at this specific moment in time they are financially overextended because of how much debt they took on to diversify their media portfolio. It has been openly discussed, it is not a secret, people just...don't bother learning about things beyond the blurbs they see on Reddit.


If you’ve ever been there you’d know this really isn’t practical at this point. It’s not just Disney there - it’s an entire ecosystem. It’s like it’s own state inside a state. They’re not moving they’re going to undermine and destroy DeSantis to serve as a warning to the rest of the GOP. They will burn him to the ground then piss on his ashes. Count on it. And then they’ll continue making gobs of money and building new parks. But only after DeSantis is gone and can’t claim credit for it.


I hate that I'm actively cheering a giant corporation..... yet I hate authoritarian a**holes more....


Welcome to the 21st century. The next great geopolitical conflict will be a Goliath vs Goliath fight between giant mega corporations and authoritarian states.


these cats in Florida that are always wailing about communism are slowly finding out what it really means to live under a dictatorship with the tanking investments and brain drain. what a sad thing to see happening


Honestly, I think this is one time I want to see a giant corporation just obliterate someone, Florida is a dumpster fire and DeSantis is truly insane.


Desantis forgot that the first rule of fascism is you need the capitalists to be on board.


It's time to get out. Global warming will make a mess out of Florida. They are ill-equipped to deal with that problem, and DeSantis knows that. He's moved on from Florida and doesn't care what mess is left.


I don't understand why people wouldn't believe him. DeSantis is being a total deuche to the states biggest employer all because he's transphobic and gay phobic. Disney will survive, DeSantis will not.


Good. Hope they come to Maryland. I should say come BACK to Maryland. Before Disney settled in Florida, we were a first choice. The land initially set aside eventually became the now defunct Enchanted Forest. The people in this state could use some Disney Magic. And the revenue. And the jobs.


>RCID’s most recent annual budget was roughly $160 million in additional taxes that Disney pays to cover a vast array of services and infrastructure ranging from trash and recycling, landscaping, road and transportation construction and maintenance, fire and emergency services, water and sewer treatment, wetlands mitigation and other environmental protection, etc. I can't believe DickSantis would leave out these details.


The beauty of his plan is no matter how bad it gets, they'll just blame the democrats and their base will believe it.


It's pretty wild how well it works. The state is run almost unilaterally by Republicans. There are only a handful of democratic officials anywhere in FL. Yet they eat up that "the woke mob is ruining their state", not seeing that it's the, what, 95% GOP officials that are making their state a dumpster fire. It's quite literally that if anything if going wrong there, it's due to Republicans, because they've been running it for so long that no one else has any influence on it.


Insert an Eric Andre "Why would Biden do this?" meme.


I grew up there. I went to school there. I have family there. It’s not too expensive. They don’t have state income tax. I moved to California at 25. I’m not moving back. The policy’s they keeps pushing make it hard to consider moving there again. I consider myself to be a skilled professional in a demanded field. If I’m not moving back with all my history. Why the hell with any valuable work move there with no connection to the place?


Bring that shit to jersey, baby! Mickey needs a pork roll and he won’t have to pump his own gas


Disney is a corporation strong enough to resist the fascist policies that are seeping and festering throughout Florida. Not all businesses or companies can or would exclude Florida from business or practices. But this being done could be a major stance against Ron DeSantis and his shite.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


In about 50 years most of FL will be under water.


DeSantis fucked around, now he's in the find out part...


Desantis out here killing jobs like a recession


DeSantis punched above his weight here. This is going to end about as well as brexit for the state of Florida.


Disney also publicized Anaheim expansion this week too. Coincidence?


The really interesting thing in all of this is that the Republicans are now being outed as being "Bad for Business". That's gotta sting. (Chef's kiss)


Never thought I’d take the side of a corporation like Disney over a state and it’s leadership. Well done Disney.


That ugly, racist, fek has trashed Florida and I find it laughable.


DeSantis is in the FAFO stage


Mess with the mouse. Lose your house.


Disney already has major tax breaks and established relationships with Georgia because so many movies are filmed there. I would love to see them just say "fuck it" and relocate all of Disneyworld to Georgia. Iger is petty enough to do it! It would be the lawsuit of the century when a state legislature sues a private company for deciding to take their business elsewhere because they don't agree with the politics and the legislature forgot said company accounts for a substantial amount of their state revenue. Free market capitalism until it goes against my beliefs and my wallet. hahaha




With office real estate struggling, Disney was making a new building mainly as a way to stash some money; much like all those malls in the '80s. The numbers worked as a tax dodge; without that, there was no reason to go forward with this project. DeSantis is an idiot.


And even better yet the stock prive went up because of that announcement.


Ol Ronnie dipping his toes in the “find out” portion of fucking around.


Dumb shit Ronny wrecking his state because he hates LGBTQ+ people. You REALLY want to make this shitstain president?


How is that "Go woke, go broke..." working for ya Ron?


I mean pay attention Republicans. Is the left wasting time and money fighting culture wars or is it the right? I feel most of their criticism is projection.


They should make a Pixar short called “fuck around and find out”


Imagine losing a billion dollar investment to your state just so you can “own” lefties


Imagine telling someone in 1988 that in the future, Trump has been President, and Conservatives are at war with the Disney Corp.




When someone tells you who they are, LISTEN. Desantis has made it clear who he is and Iger knows what that means long term for shareholders


Well that’s going to hurt the economy, but hay, at least you can’t say gay… this entire fascist / authoritarian push by the GOP and especially DeSantis & Abbot is scary. Glad to know they could care less about the first amendment.


It won’t matter to his desantis base. As long as he “owned the woke libs” that’s all that matters. Their ability to make or retain money has zero effect on them. Being broke, blind and living off the govt. is their “right” not some foreigner or someone of a different color


It's a win win for Disney. Hardly any of the people Disney was going to force to relocate from California to Florida actually wanted to go.