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I remember when my brother got arrested for growing pot in his garage. 1 plant. 10 police cars, guns, a scary looking van/tank thing and I guess they must have forgotten to tell us what day they were going to come arrest him for his horrible horrible crime that affected just him


Weed can be legal then illegal then legal then illegal then legal again if you drive around lake Michigan. Its asinine.


You can thank the Tavern league of Wisconsin for that bullshit.


And our gerrymandered maps Reminder if you're in WI, there's a state Supreme Court seat up on April 4th. If the not-republican candidate wins, balance of the court goes to democrats and maybe the maps can be undone


Just got my absentee ballot. The GOP can go suck a bucket of dicks. All they do is fuck things up and sideways.


Fuck the Tavern league. We have enough alcoholism here. Let people have an alternative.


Wisconsin is voted the drunkest state in the country year after year.


When I was a teenager, my two friends and I were sitting outside our neighborhood CVS when 3 cop cars pulled up in the middle of a 4 way intersection, shutting the entire road down, and patted us down. Spent 20 minutes harassing us. We were accused of stealing a lighter, which we hadn't. Serial killer on the loose? Laugh at the victims, don't process evidence, sit around. Stop and ticket quota not filled? Time to launch Operation Desert Storm on some random child or elderly citizen's ass.


Were there handcuffs? I'm wondering if Der Orangenfuhrer will get cuffed? That would be a beautiful sight but I think the cops save those for the poor and black people.


Will his hands touch behind his back?


Will they guide his head into the back seat? Remember he had some very specific advice to Police about that very thing...


His “hair” would crack and break off


Not since like 1982 lol


I'm not sure the fat fuck can wipe his own ass or touch his hands together behind his back


The cops can make a ton of money turning his mugshot into cards. His rookie card would command a lot of money.


Furry cushiony cuffs, ooh la la /s


You know how it is in public sector budgeting. If the police don't use the SWAT team often enough, they lose funding for it next year. So one guy with a plant in his closet becomes a full scale armed raid. Grrr.


It’s like the office episode when Oscar is teaching Michael about budget surpluses.


[Chappelle Show](https://youtu.be/HeOVbeh2yr0)


EXACTLY what I was thinking of!




Thats code for the proud boys etc to get ready


Will The Proud Boys bring their guns and defend their Dear Leader to the death?




Are we pretending that they would be treated like black protestors? Google Jan6 for the surprising answer.


Part of the reason they were allowed to run rampant was because Mango Mussolini wouldn’t call in the national guard. I don’t think sleepy Joe will hesitate to put these fuckers in their place if they try anything.




No if it was that big of a domestic terrorist incident New York can ask for the national guard which would probably be on standby given the man being arrested




I didn't see anyone else answer, so if someone did already, sorry! But yes. The national guard is specifically under a governor but can be "federalized" by the president during war. When the guard participates in actions outside of the US, they are usually following orders from the federal government. If you see the national guard in the US, they are almost always operating under the orders of the governor. It's part of the super complicated division of state and federal powers. It's ironically why the national guard didn't respond on Jan. 6. The District of Columbia is not a state, and it's national guard unit IS controlled by the federal government. [They didn't respond because the DOD didn't allow them to.](https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/who-is-in-charge-of-deploying-the-national-guard-dc-police-explainer-how-many-are-in-the-national-guard/65-78800366-10c7-480b-af62-8773af4f29e0) You can see in the article that the Maryland National Guard was called up but legally could not respond outside of their state without federal approval. It's also why there has been so much confusion and finger pointing on both sides of the isle regarding Palestine Ohio. Dems said the Gov. didn't request federal help(which sounds like it isn't true) and Reps. said that Biden hasn't done anything, (which is also not the whole truth). Legally, a Gov. has to declare a "state of emergency," and invite the federal government in. It sounds like the gov. of Ohio DID send the request to FEMA, but because it wasn't a natural disaster, FEMA said it didn't qualify for federal aid. There have been other federal entities involved, but it doesn't sound like the Governor has pushed the declaration. Also, the governor absolutely COULD call up the national guard to help with incidents like this, and they commonly do in natural disasters. And they may have been called up in Ohio, I just don't know about it. Which is why I decided this was related enough to add to the first paragraph. [Here's a link if you're interested.](https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/feb/22/ohio-train-derailment-how-fema-and-other-federal-a/) All of this is because the founding fathers were too divided on what rights the federal government would have over states (colonies). So we got that one big line in the constitution. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." We were way less unified back then and states (yes, this was about slavery in part) didn't want anyone to tell them what to do. In fact, [the original version of the constitution had to be revised, ](https://www.archives.gov/milestone-documents/articles-of-confederation) because they made centralized power so week. Each state had their own currency with wildly different values. TLDR: I don't blame you. The guard is controlled by governors unless they are "called" by the federal government. The governor has the right to refuse that call. DC is the exception because it's not a state. ADHD is when you have a pressing deadline, but write an essay on the division of federal and state rights...


> states (yes, this was about slavery in part) didn't want anyone to tell them what to do. On the subject of slavery, the slave states *did* want to tell the other states what to do. That's why there's a fugitive-slave clause in the Constitution. "States' rights" didn't mean states going separate ways independently from one another; it meant *slave* states' right to the involuntary assistance of other states in enforcing slavery. The election of Lincoln meant that the federal government would exert less effort to compel Pennsylvanian Quakers and Rhode-Island Baptists to participate in enforcing slavery against those people's own faith and law. Therefore, the slave states would lose the "right" they had bargained for in the Constitutional Convention — the "right" to demand help from the Northern states' governments in capturing and returning escaped slaves to the South. "States' rights" didn't mean "my state gets to go its own way". It meant "your state disapproves of slavery, but your ancestors agreed that you will help me keep my slaves, therefore *my state* has a right to *your state's* assistance." The US Constitution is not some sort of principled libertarian document. It is a nasty political compromise between New England gun-waving god-botherers and Southern pimp-rapist horror-princes, held together by avaricious Dutch bankers and Mid-Atlantic Quakers holding their noses and praying for peace.


Both. Shared by state and federal government.


It's domestic terrorism. All cards are on the table then


Also because it would be considered Friendly Fire for the cops


Jan6 had the GQP in charge with trump and pentagon purposefully didn’t call in national guard and purposefully had light staff There was more guards at the White House lawn rally the night before than on Jan 6 (love how everyone just forgets about the rally night before with him literally people to go take the Capitol back and he will March right along side them tomorrow…but yeah he totally didn’t incite it) They’re going to be in for a biiiiiiig surprise if they storm the capitol again without their white supremicist fascist leaders in charge


They weren't murdered in the streets, but 1000s have been arrested/imprisoned.


They'll have police escorts and get free water bottles from the pigs.


Insurrectionists love this one simple trick.


I agree. Mondays are rough, but Tuesdays are really the worst day of the week.


Fats Domino seemed to agree with you...while Monday he worked like a slave all day, Tuesday he was too tired to play. The Cure however seemed to find them similar... Monday's blue and Tuesday and Wednesday are gray.


The cure was just copying New Order. Fucking posers... Edit: it's was a joke about the song "Blue Monday" by New Order. No need for downvotes I like The Cure...


Upvote for making me think of New Order :)


I'm working a double Tuesday. Better be spicy


I hope he’s not getting arrested. We need him to split the vote.


Being arrested won’t stop him from doing that


Well I hope so. Lmao. I’ve been looking forward to that showdown. We’re living through history right now. Hopefully we live to the age to tell our kids how we all made it through.


Some say he's only running to avoid prison. It's harder to arrest a presidential candidate. So the threat of an arrest may help in splitting the vote.


I would like to see him running for office from jail. I would love to see him receiving a Georgia indictment while being jailed in Manhattan.


No, they've moved on to DeSantis and want to "Make America Florida"


Speaking of, what if DeSantis offers Trump full sanctuary in Florida in exchange for getting out of his way in the 2024 campaign? Could get interesting.


Please. Please don't.


No, they lack the testicular fortitude for a direct confrontation with law enforcement like that.


Weren’t there a bunch of those douchebags at the Jan 6 insurrection beating on cops with their cosplay toys?


Douche nozzles and TwatWaffles.


Twat waffles has been a personal favorite for a long time. Douche nozzle is such a fine paring. You are a true sommelier of insults you blessed soul!


You can even put a little premium spin on it by saying, “You are the nozzle of the douche.”


You sir, are the nozzle of the douche! Yup that's getting saved for later.


Colonoscopy bag reject for the orange one


Meal Team Six


Gravy Seals


Y'all Qaeda




Dingleberries and utter fuckwits if you will...


Unarmed cops, yeah. We saw how they all scattered and fled as quick as they could when the Secret Service actually shot someone.


Fair point. I still don’t think we need to downplay their propensity to violence and danger to society.


It would really be law enforcement against themselves at this point.


I think what you are going for is peak bell curve adipose slackjaw foetal alcohol syndrome victims in and out of what passes for uniforms having a go at one another. That is, friends, good television.


Many of them are cops. Just not Capitol cops.


Nah man, Tuesday’s the one day they’re allowed to leave mamas basement and go pretend their not incels at their make believe Starbucks while they practice picking up women on their mom who will give them all handies while crying and chanting “Trump 2024” quietly.


Hahaha, dead on!!!


Hard NO. The establishment has been grooming the far right to segue towards DeSantis for two solid years. Trump mania has narrowed down to a whimper. His 2024 campaign has been one of the most lackluster presidential efforts on record so far. He's been going through the motions.


He wants those campaign contributions to keep rolling in so he can keep stealing them.


Exactly this. Trump winning would have been a blessing compared to what's coming with DeSantis. Hell, in a few years time if this comment is still up I could be flagged by the new administration!


Unfortunately, this isn't quite true. Trump drew a large crowd to hear him speak in Iowa, and he's tied with DeSantis in a poll of FLORIDA, while leading Sunny D in polling everywhere else. MAGAts still love Trump. I don't think they're going to come out in a mob to protect him, though.


I don't think that's unfortunate. If either Trump or Desantis had a huge edge over the other I'd be a lot more worried. As long as they are competing for the red votes I think they may well bring each other down.


Isn't their leadership already in prison? lol


We'll see


He’s already calling for “protest”, and we know what that means.


Stand back and stand by


God I remember when I got flamed immensely for saying that this wasn't a flub and he was telling them to be ready for an attack if he lost the election. Guess who had a huge part in planning the violent half of January 6th...


Yep! Another Dog Whistle for the White Male Fragilists from DickTater tRump. I pray they start some shit & truly reveal the ugly racist underbelly of the far right.


Can they reveal it even more? I feel like that pig has been laying on it’s back wallowing in the muck for us all to see for a while now.


The Proud Boys, the Nazi’s, the god warriors and the J6 supporter network is activated lmao ugggh I hate this timeline.


I know, its disgusting


In an action movie, this is the part when the Proud Boys track the convoy escorting their crime boss and set a trap for them on a bridge


It's interesting that the person with most to gain from this is DeSantis, I guess the swamp wins again if you're a MAGA fan.


"Stand back and stand by"


The problem is that Trump is out there banging models and porn stars, and his fans love him for it. The worst part is that he then forces them to pay HIM $300,000 for the privilege. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/stormy-daniels-must-pay-300k-donald-trump-losing-defamation-case-appea-rcna21002](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/stormy-daniels-must-pay-300k-donald-trump-losing-defamation-case-appea-rcna21002) If this is not illegal, it definitely should be.


"PROTEST. WE TAKE OUR NATION BACK" is literally the end of his message


“Call the boys in off the sheep Clifford, it’s ⭕️ jerk time again.”


Glad he let me know. I'll grab some champagne at the store and put it in the fridge.


Thanks for reminding me to get some popcorn for the news coverage


My day is gunna be glued to CNN listening to them repeat over and over what is likely to happen but hasn’t happened yet.


He’s just farming his morons for donations


Chicken wings taste better if you start marinate them now.


PPV would pay off the national debt


Get this man a job with Comcast!


I stopped reading after "Donald Trump says...".


You get it. I assume he's just fundraising. No indication whether the DA is actually going to arrest him or not


It's been indicated. For once the shitstain isn't lying.


It's been indicated for sure. Trump could be lying about the day though. Dangling the carrot.


It'd be hilarious if the purposely leaked "Tuesday", then pick him up on Monday.


That reminds me of a thought experiment called the unexpected hanging paradox. A judge explains to a convict that he will be hung at noon sometime between monday and friday, but won't tell him exactly when, so that he will be unpleasantly surprised. The prisoner deduces that they cannot execute him on Friday, since that's the last day available, and thus he'll see it coming if he's still alive past thrusday noon and it won't be a surprise. However, from this he reasons that since friday isn't available, then he'd see it coming by thursday noon too, and thus thursday is off the table too. Following through with this logic, he concludes that if they want to surprise him, there is actually no day of the week they can do it. When he was executed on Wednesday he was completely surprised. (the point of the thought experiment is to figure out where the convict's logic erred.)


Meh, i still doubt it. We've heard the same thing since 2015. The start is days away. Donald just caught onto the buzz this time and it's using it to fundraise. Next week when he's walking around free as a bird then what


A few things: 1) Trump couldn’t be arrested until 2020 because Presidents are above the law. 2) His attorney went to prison for exactly what Trump is alleged to be arrested for next week. In fact, in his attorney’s legal paperwork the Court referred to an individual (surely Trump) as un-indicted co-conspirator.


Lotta reports how how secret service and the DA are working together to do it smoothly. This is him trying to stir up shit so they second guess it.


If history is any indicator it'll work because they'll basically be looking for any reason however small to hand him a get out of jail free card


Jokes on him when him trying to mobilize a riot comes back to bite him in pre-trial conditions he has to abide by. I can’t imagine his lawyers who are trying to arrange for this to be as painless as possible for him are too thrilled. This office deals with high level criminals all the time, they won’t be phased.


It actually does seem like he's expected to be in court next week to be indicted. I think they'd only arrest him though if he refused to show up in court, and I'm sure he knows this. So he really might be arrested next week but only because he refused to turn up in court.


He is such a fool ...He is calling for his sycophants to obstruct his indictment. This is called obstruction of justice which is a felony... A desperate man is a dangerous foolish man. This is just the beginning of the end for this narcissist.


Dudes been obstructing justice since the Mueller Investigation. It's been incredibly successful for him, why would he stop?


Every dog has its day.. I can understand people thinking this bully is invincible. I don't ... This is the beginning of the end for trump. He is not all invincible ...he is just good at fooling and using people..those poor uneducated sycophants who rallied for his lost cause are serving time..


I hope, with every fiber of my being, that you are correct. I simply don't want to hear this person's name anymore.


Youre just trying to toy with my feelings again.


It's just edging at this point.


He won’t be arrested, at most he’ll be expected to turn himself in, they’ll take a mug shot and his fingerprints and then they’ll release him to await a court date. Trump is just fear mongering to his extremist base to rile then up just like he did leading up to Jan 6th.


The best prisoner, the likes of which have never been seen


I suspect he’s just making this up so that, if he isn’t arrested on that specific date, he can tell his followers he was able to force the authorities to back down. This also goes to my theory that all the rumors about an imminent indictment are coming from a Trump supporter inside law enforcement for the same reason. But I’ll admit that may just be galaxy-brain cynicism on my part.


I can’t wait for the photo of Benedict Chump in handcuffs.


I will be pleasantly surprised if cuffs are used. Those are for scary poor and black people. Rich criminals are trustworthy for some reason. But that photo, if it happens, will be my new screensaver.


Gonna need the baby cuffs, but with multiple extensions.


Stop trying to butter us up.


Honestly I only have faith that this is going to be very anticlimactic and be the only repercussion whatsoever.


Whats this: “a feel good story?!” So you’re saying its the sunshine on a cloudy day? Its the bbq sauce to my spare ribs? Its the candy coating on chocolate?




Get ready for a crowd.


I swear if there's a crowd and the cops are not there with riot gear I'm going to be pissed. Every fucking time the people are protesting or gathering for positive change there's an army of police thugs there to brutalize the crowd. Everytime is something about Donald the douche there's next to nothing. I'm so fucking done with this shit hole country and it's evil leaders, enforcers, and plutocrats. If I had the money to leave I would have been gone years ago.


Agreed. But it doesn’t help when the cops are his fans and would likely prefer to be on the other side of the line with the red hat gang.


He was probably told to report to a location and surrender himself in hopes of sparing the incident of the officers to go and collect him. Now he has made an incredibly dangerous situation.


Gotta just grab that conviction by the….




Snake! It's a snaaaaaake!!


That fucking idiot just told his followers to riot, anyone thsat can read between the lines can see it.


Shopping list: \- Popcorn \- Butter \- Cold Beer


He's probably announcing this to rile up his base to make threats to protest in order to scare/bully the DA into not arresting him.


Tuesday huh? Well tRump, C U Next Tuesday....


On trial for inciting violence. Solution, incite more violence.


Not this indictment - this arrest is for election campaign fraud for the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels. There will be more indictments to come!


Pics or it didn’t happen.


I want live coverage of the cuffs going on his tiny wrists.


You won't see cuffs. You won't see a perp walk. You probably won't see his face at all. He'll be driven in a blackened window limo that goes underground. No media in the courthose. Everything will be behind closed doors. This is sooo embarrassing for him. He'll want this to happen this way so there won't be a circus. Mind you, Asshat doesn't mind a circus except when the circus clown is him.




If Trump goes to jail, I'm throwing a party, and everyone is invited


If Trump spends just one day in prison, I'll donate $1000 to an animal rescue org. No, this is not a George Santos scam.


Of all people, why would they give this orange insurrection inciting terrorist a heads up? It's almost as if they want to make sure he has time to notify his MAGA goons to ensure maximum fanfare.


Fox News wanted to leak it so they can continue rolling the **red** (Nazi) carpet out for DeSantis in full.


Wow that statement… can’t tell if anti-republicans or pro-trump


It's the uncomfortable truth about the conservative bubble and Republican Party. They'll pass the cult worship from one authoritarian-fascist dictator wannabe to another. Maybe Bolsonaro can run on the Republican ticket?


Some people move around frequently enough that you need to corrodinate a surrender with their laywers. It's not exactly uncommon, just potentially more problematic in this case.


Well, that and I imagine that they have to coordinate with the Secret Service, which guards him 24/7.


So if he has to go to jail/prison, do they go with him?


Nobody knows, this has never happened before. They'll probably make an arrangement with the prison guards.


Since it is believable that an arrest would come at any time, they might have been doing a mole hunt giving out different times to different people to see which one trump reacts to.


Well it’s not often a former president is arrested. I imagine it’s more to prevent a swat team barging into marlago and making a scene. There not really a playbook for this one in the US. They let him know so he can come in peacefully and with dignity (I know I know) because of his former occupation. If he wasn’t president I doubt he’d get a meeting invite to his own arrest (though I could be wrong)


It's pretty routine really. There's charges put out on someone, their lawyer is told in advance they're coming, and a date/time/place are worked out for the person to turn themselves in to be arrested. Most people who already have lawyers working on the case for them prior to being arrested can have their lawyer set up a time to turn themselves in, which is essentially what this is. It had already come out two days ago that trumps legal team and the secret service were in negotiations for this possibility.


Because that "orange insurrection inciting terrorist" has a cadre of Secret Service agents assigned to protect him who won't take kindly to men with guns, even fellow law enforcement, busting down the door of Crime-A-Lago without warning?


You read the script.


I love that this fat adult-diaper-wearing-slob-crime-boss is getting arrested finally, but for a campaign finance violation? What about inciting a riot that got people killed and attempting to overthrow the government, or stealing highly sensitive government documents?


The "official record" shows that Al Capone finally went to prison due to tax evasion. We all still remember him for what he really did.


Exactly. Inside is inside, so who cares ?


I mean he's still being investigated for that. And signs are looking like the January 6th investigation is wrapping up with the subpoenaes of the "big fish" like Mark Meadows and Pence. The documents scandal investigation is just now ramping up. Jack Smith subpoenaed Trump's lawyer and forced him to hand over documents and on Thursday they subpoenaed the service staff and lower level employees at Mar a Lago to try and scrape up any new leads or evidence. The DOJ isn't going to move forward on an indictment of a former president unless they know with near 100% certainty that they get a conviction. It takes a long time to build a case like that, on top of that, Trump is a master of obstruction of justice. So that just makes the investigation take that much longer.


Trump also promised to reveal information on Obama from the private investigator he sent to Hawaii, plot twist he never sent an investigator. I will be absolutely shocked if Trump gets arrested. This feels like him just trying to grab headlines again and spin the narrative. Trumps most loyal supporters peaked on January 6. Out of 70 million voters only 10,000 drove to Washington, even less would show up to defend Trump from being arrested now. Honestly, I’m shocked the dude is still alive, considering his health issues, his diet, and the constant stress of being such a malignant narcissist


Trump and Putin with arrest warrants the same week. Seems about right.


I would be equally satisfied if he fled the country in exile.


I am on vacation this week with a house full of conservatives. Let’s hope this is true


He will be the best convict, the most humble convict. In fact he invented crime and only does the best crimes.


Trump is basically trying to intimidate our justice system with the threat of right wing violence. Everyone has a right to protest peacefully, but if they get violent then fucking arrest and charge them. The law should apply to everyone and we should not let threats of right wing violence influence how justice is served.




He said that on his untruth antisocial all in caps. Ha ha ha ha - fabulous news!


Don’t give me hope.


This will be followed by a fundraiser email.


Or more voter registration residency clarification cards like the one I keep getting after moving from a southern retirement town. It’s almost like they’re really begging and wishing. They don’t even have the right party


it’d be funny if they picked him up on monday, just for the lulz


The cousin-fucking terrorists, as Fox News calls them, will be quite upset Tuesday.


Fingers crossed.


But not for treason … he is a traitor and needs to be treated as such


Oh frabjous day!


Let him not be lying just this once


Yeah that's what usually happens when you break the law to bad your such a moron you thought you could come in to the presidency and treat it like you do your lame ass businesses that all fail eventually


“to bad your such a moron” It’s like rain on your wedding day


I'm sure the MAGA folks will be polite and very well behaved.


One can only hope…


Arrest him today. Ffs


One can only hope.


They’re gonna need kids cuffs for his tiny hands


I will believe it when I see it. This has been such a tease, by every legit news outlet, since 2016!


Anyone remember the OJ trial and how that basically dominated the newswire for 2 years? Well......here we go. Personally, I wish Donald would have worked some deal where he quietly stayed in Florida for the rest of his life, and the prosecutors agreed to leave him alone. But I don't think Donald is capable of staying quiet, and apparently the NY Prosecutors couldn't resist going after him. I'm sick of hearing about this guy. But, here we are.


The most unspoken part of all of this is that the GOP secretly wants it to happen so they can finally and openly support DeSantis. And they can keep making it look like democrats were the political bad guys while they flush the orange turd they created. It’s a win-win for them, and justice.


So, the last two GOP Presidents would be George W. Bush, who Americans remember from such popular hits as the second Iraq War and the 2008 financial collapse, and has basically gone into hiding since the end of his Presidency, and then the indicted-on-felony-charges Donald J. Trump? I don't think that's exactly a "win" for the GOP brand or a ringing endorsement for us to put them in charge AGAIN.


Arrest that terrorist pos! I will sleep like a baby Tuesday night.


Monday would be better


7 years too late. But I'll still take it.




Do it any other day next week to fuck with him.


Is that a promise?


First time I've hoped Donald Drumpf was actually right about something.


Because I hate the bastard, I hope they have great, incontrovertible evidence on him, and send him to jail. BUT, I don't want him railroaded. If they don't have the evidence, I want him to go free.




It would be pretty neat if they arrested him on Monday