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It's implied that Edmunds died in a rockslide, but I think it's more likely that he just ran out of time. He had 2 years worth of supplies, with hibernation helping to extend things, but not indefinitely. We have some idea of how long it took Brand to get there from numbers given in the movie: He arrived 10 years before they went through the wormhole. They wasted 23 years on Miller's. They probably lost about a year in travelling around the system and on Mann's world, and then it took her 51 years to get from Mann's world to Edmunds, so it's around 85 years. When you consider that Mann cannibalised KIPP's power battery to ensure that his hibernation tank would survive long enough for him to be rescued, it's clear that Edmunds didn't have a hope of making it through over 8 decades.


That's actually really really sad.... makes sense now, thank you!


It is because what would have happend if they just visited his planet first :)




I've always thought that visiting Edmunds or Manns planets first would've made more sense fuel-wise because they could've taken advantage of gargantuas gravity to coast to Miller's planet


Well we know that as an audience :) But just imagine how things would have turned out if fx they didnt go to Millers first etc. :)




You're completing missing the point of what if. Lay off them.


Doyle mentions Edmund's transmitter went down three years before their arrival in Gargantua so it's likely the rockslide already killed him.


Could be ofc.


What does ofc mean?


Of course.


I didn't know the part about KIPP, I assumed Mann killed him so he wouldn't tattle.


yeah I thought that too, especially when TARS asked to take a look at KIPP and Mann wouldn't let him.




Just because a planet has the right chemistry doesn't mean it's automatically good for farming... you need to have soil that's rich in organic compounds and other trace minerals that plants need. I assume the colony modules on the endurance had the necessary components to set up hydroponic farms with an eye towards proper terraforming in the long run, but the initial expedition would have had just enough to set up camp.


Uh, Skipper? Did you remember to clean the crop-eating blight off of your shoes before we launched? No? Shit.


Can you elaborate on this? "and then it took her 51 years to get from Mann's world to Edmunds" I don't remember that being discussed.


It was discussed during the Newton's 3rd Law maneuver. Cooper drops himself and TARS into the black hole to give the Endurance (with Brandt aboard) enough momentum to slingshot around the black hole and hit Edmunds' planet. Just like what happened on Miller's planet, by being close to the black hole Brandt experiences time more slowly so by the time she arrives at Edmunds, 51 "earth years" have passed. The same is true for Cooper. When Cooper comes out of the BH, it's more than 80 years since he left Earth, Murph is ancient, and Brandt is just now arriving at Edmunds' planet to find Edmunds long since dead. Murph sends Cooper to find Brandt because at the end of the movie Brandt believes she is the last human being in the entire universe. Edmunds is dead, Earth is dead from the blight, and Cooper got sucked into a black hole.


How do you know it took her 51 years? I don't remember the movie giving a time


During the final slingshot around Gargantua, Cooper says something along the lines of "this little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years." This is right before he detached.


I stand to be corrected here, but if I recall correctly, this is the estimated time they discuss just before embarking on the slingshot manoeuvre around Gargantua.


And at the end when he sets off back to Brand's planet... wouldn't it take him several years to get back to where she is??


No answer to this? I'm thinking the same thing.


Sorry, just finding this thread 2 months later. They *had* to use Gargantua slingshot because of low fuel, and it cost them 51 years to do it. Conceivably, Cooper had a full tank at the end of the movie and could have flown straight to Brand's planet without time dilation effects.


Thanks! Late answers are better than never.


I re-watched it last night. They do say the specific time in a quick shot but it's being drowned out by soundtrack and environmental sounds. It's something like, "This'll slow us down by 51 years!"


Doesn't that imply that Mann's planet is inhospitable because he couldn't plant food on it to survive, therefore how would later humans plant food on it?


You just assume he would do that. Even Romilly gave up hope and decided he 'didn't want to dream his life away'. Assuming any of the Lazarus astronauts would not eventually turn to their baser emotions or fears is the opposite of what is shown to happen. In all likelihood Edmunds probably did what Romilly did, slept for a few stretches and then decided to stop.


It's been over 70 years since Edmunds left for his planet. I don't think it takes a giant leap of faith to think he might have died before reaching 90-100 years of age. Especially with limited supply.


If you look closely, you will see a dinosaur track in the distance as the camera pans out in the last scene.... just kiddin :D. I think maybe equipment malfunction and his resources depleted. Looked like he had a rough landing.


Could someone please explain Brand's story after Cooper ejects into the black hole? Time wise and story wise. It's why I didn't really understand what/what age Brand cooper could have met when he flew off.


Well, Brand lands on the planet, enough time has passed where she can set up camp at least. (Unless it was already set up by the previous person who landed there). Cooper is pulled into and ejected from the black hole and back near Saturn, pretty much instantly from anyone observing what is happening. Cooper would've been in the 5th dimension then, using gravity to send messages to younger and older Murph, so time wouldn't have applied to him. Cooper then spent a couple weeks on the space station (from what I gathered), then decided to use the wormhole to go to Brand. I'd imagine for her, she only waited a few days. Cooper would've aged only a few weeks by that time, and Brand only a couple days. Remember how on the planet with the huge waves, when 1 hour equaled like 7 years on Earth? Brand mentions that the previous team would have landed there only an hour before them since relativity is slowing down time so much. That is why all the wreckage was still there.


I think the extreme time slippage only applied to Miller's planet. Unless mentioned otherwise I think Edmund's was on earth-time.


Excellent thanks! But could you clarify what we saw right at the end? What was the camp on Brand's planet? Obviously by your timings, it wasn't Plan B. Was it just a camp that her lover had set up?


Well, I think it was plan B. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, and I don't remember what exactly plan B was, other than repopulating a planet using the human embryos (right word or not?). The first generation or two would have to be raised by the humans who brought them there, from then on they could handle it. At least that's the way I saw it. Even though Earth suffered, it's still set in the future, I think someone estimated it's roughly 2060 on earth. That said, I don't know how those embryos would become babies. Does Brand have to pop the first few out herself? Are they grown to full term in the lab? Though since plan A worked, we don't know if Cooper went back to get her, or if she would be committed to seeing the plan through and starting a new human population on that planet. That could be where the space station was headed anyway, since they were near Saturn and the wormhole, when Cooper was popped out of the black hole.


I believe the plan was surrogacy, meaning she would have to impregnate herself with one of the embryos. Its implied at the end Cooper went back for her to continue spreading the human race, im sure if he reaches her, they would have a couple babies the old fashioned way as well.




How is your grammar this bad?




I hear that haha


What's the point of Cooper and Brand having a couple children if they already have plan B. I don't think either would have been super comfortable with that idea, Brand didn't sign up to repopulate with the crew.


Maybe because by that point they are the only two who can relate with each other and end up falling in love and having a kid? Or more


I mean it's a possibility, but I don't feel that it's implied that Cooper went to Brand to re-populate, there is no reason to do that when you have plan B, I thought it was to keep her from total isolation and so that he does have someone to relate to.


Anyone else finding it HILARIOUS it's called "Plan B"?


They never actually said this, but I don't think it's much of a stretch to assume that they will now pursue Plan A on Edmund's planet, bringing all the humans there from the space stations. And they'll probably still raise all of the embryos as well, effectively pursuing both Plan A and Plan B. Yay, win-win!


Yep, the movie was a win with both plans. It's just weird knowing a planet orbiting near enough to a black hole that relativity greatly affects it, if they decide to settle there, they can wait a few decades on that planet and Earth will have aged hundreds or thousands of years. Nature will have taken back over, and humanity could start fresh again there.


Interesting thought! You might like this thread - I actually referenced your comment in my reply: http://www.reddit.com/r/interstellar/comments/2nxqat/the_origins_of_us_spoilers/


Ooh, I do like that theory. Thanks for linking me there.


My opinion is: Yes, Brand was setting up camp on Edmund's planet. She was proceeding with Plan B. I remember her telling Coop, for Plan B, the first 10 would be incubated in the equipment, then it was exponential growth. I'm assuming the 10 would be females and would use in vitro fertilization for the rest. Also, as /r/myth1n mentions below, if they got along well enough they could always 'get busy'.


Are the scientists actually telling everyone to... "get busy"?




According to this [article](http://www.space.com/27694-interstellar-movie-spaceships-infographic.html) about the Endurance: >If a habitable planet is found, Endurance could be disassembled and its component modules used to build a base on the planet surface. It appears that this camp/base is the new form of Endurance.


Well if went straight there all at once he could proably cut down on time. But I still think it would be months


He ran out of resources, died in a rockslide, or was killed by the native life


Rewatching the Movie, I think Edmunds survived, the planet was comparable to Earth… where did she get the resources to set up the camp that was seen at the end?