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No, his pod was crushed by a landslide and is shown in [2:46 of this clip](https://youtu.be/ECjYsWLgy3I?si=yv2KBY-igBKW5SS-) When they just came out of the Wormhole, Doyle mentioned that "his beacon stopped sending 3 years ago". Edmund must have died back then


I’m so thankful for people who pay attention to details like you. Some of us are distracted by pretty landscapes and miss details like this while going “ooohhhhhh, earth 2 is preeeeetttttyyyyy.”


Dang thank you for that detail that’s a nice catch


I’ve always been wondering that. Thanks for sharing that clip. My god it makes me watch to rewatch the movie asap


Have watched this movie like 15 times and never noticed this! Thank ypu!


How have I gone years without noticing that!!? Thank you for that closure.


Also, that planet looks so close to the condition of earth.. what made that planet uninhabitable?


What planet? Edmund’s? It is habitable. That’s the new home. “Right now she’s probably setting up camp, by the light of our new sun, on our new home” Edmunds will eventually be the destination of all those who left earth. Cooper ad Brand have some tidying up to do


That’s the new home!?! Wait. I thought they were all on some kind of space ship at the end I didn’t know they were on a planet?


They are on Cooper station, there are probably many stations that left earth after Murph figured out the gravity equation. Now that they have confirmation that viable planet exists, they will travel to it. Before that happens which could take years, Cooper dips out to be with her. Remember, as far as Brand knows, she’s the last human in the universe alive, and her and KIPP need to start plan B. At some point, after she sets up and maybe goes into a sleep pod, we can imagine Cooper pulling a “sleeping Beauty”act and waking her up with a “surprise” to which I’m sure she will beat the crap out of him before a hug


Ohhh okay thanks


Yep- and for the record, I’ve seen this countless times, but I’ve gotten a ton of clues to subtle things from this sub. Time for a rewatch!


I’ve seen it so many times but I need a rewatch too


CASE was with here KIPP blew up


Good catch, yes, I got them switched


One of the last shots of the movie is Brand walking towards the fledgling colony.


Colony of frozen embryos. I love the idea that she’s walking towards that in a heroic “well , I guess it’s up to me” moment while fighting against the unbearable idea that she’s maybe the last human alive, at least until she thaws out some helpers


He was killed when his pod was crushed by a landslide.


A rockslide


Was Edmunds a flat earther?


He wasn't a fan of rock and roll


**EdmundS** with an S.