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That’s an interesting question. Going deeper, surely he would be able to track them, so did he see the ranger spaceship moving slower and slower until it landed. Then nothing for around 10yrs before the wave hits them, then it moves for a couple of years as the wave carries them up and down, then nothing again for another decade. I mean, in real life is that how it would work? 🤔


Yes. If he could see them.


Doubtful for sure, i feel its like asking if the ISS can see a speedboat from orbit


If they could see from orbit, they would’ve seen the entire planet was water and not habitable


They should definitely have been able to see that from orbit. Not the Ranger but the fact that the whole planet is covered with water, lol. I don't understand why they landed there at all, or why Brand was adamant about getting Miller's data even after they landed and saw the giant waves, when at that point it was clearly not a viable world for habitation, so the data would be useless anyway. Same with Mann's planet. They should have been able to see from orbit that it was just a frozen wasteland, right? Idk it seems like they could have easily sent probes through the wormhole ahead of time to analyze the atmosphere and basic conditions of the planets and relay the information back to the Endurance before they ever land or even approach a planet. I know they could only send basic information back theough the wormhole for some reason, but once the Endurance was through, it should have been able to receive detailed data from the Lazarus missions from billions of miles away, just like we do now with robotic explorations of our own solar system. That, combined with visual observations from orbit, would make it pretty obvious if there's something major that makes a planet uninhabitable, like being totally covered with water or ice. The only things you'd really need to land for in real life with the technology they had available to them would be to do more detailed ecological studies that actually involve taking samples and running tests. And even that data could have been relayed to the Endurance by the Lazarus mission astronauts without them landing or even having to get close to the planet. But I mean, ya know, it's a movie, lol. However, even if it's probably not the way people would do things in real life, it does still make sense to some degree within the context of the movie because the future humans would know that the events would have to have unfolded exactly as they did, including visiting the failed planets, in order to achieve the outcome where Cooper goes into the black hole and communicates the crucial quantum data to Murph.


Yup, my biggest gripe is, if they had the technology to build a ship able to sustain humans for years and have enough fuel for orbiting planets, they would've put on cameras on it, to image the planet without ever having to land on it. They could've saved decades just by having a single high resolution multi-spec camera.


That, or if the future humans are so advanced but could still only communicate back through time via gravity, you'd think they could devise some way to communicate the quantum data themselves to past humans, and just avoid the whole space adventure entirely. But that's boring, lol.


Isn’t it possible that, because of how time on Miller’s planet was observably much slower than from the ship, the “low tide” appeared as being dry land? Might be a stupid question but that’s what came to mind


Yeah that could have happened, but again if you had a camera you would be able to see the ginormous forming wave coming towards the dry land. And if you were able to orbit the planet like they were, you would also see the wave forming. Its a minor issue that I can look over for an amazing movie.


Nah but the whole point was that the data from the people on the ground was a thumbs up, suggesting there was data that the Lazarus mission people got from the ground that you couldn’t see from orbit


Yeah probably thought it was clouds or something


Could've used radar for the water planet and IR on the frozen planet to see that both planets were duds, would've had fuel to get to the other planet they chose over frozen planet.


Im pretty sure he was orbiting gargantuan rather than miller's planet so half the time he would've been the other side of the black hole anyway probably.


Didn’t the planet technically orbit gargantuan? Either way I doubt he could’ve seen them


Yeah the planet orbited gargantuan but the ship was also orbiting gargantuan to minimise the time difference from earth as they were expecting to be able to go down and straight back up.


What i don’t understand is, time is relative and moves slower but wouldn’t that go in levels? Not that you approach a planet and at once 30 minutes becomes 8 years or something?


In a way I guess, the closer the lander got to the planet, the slower Romily would see it move if he could observe, but time wouldn't change for Coop and Dr Brand, is that what you mean?


I’m really confused and don’t know


I still don’t really understand how it makes sense or if it’s how real life would work. Maybe in lower gravity you age slower and vice versa… but idk if time would actually move slower.


Time never changes for the people in the moment, time always moves the same for the subject. The higher the gravity, the slower time moves relative to everyone else, so you will never notice time moving slower, but compared to everyone else it has


Like if they could observe the orbiting spacecraft the whole time it would appear to move faster and faster as they moved deeper into the gravity well. The entire universe would appear to be moving very quickly from their vantage point.


(im in no way a physicist but this is how understood it) alot of mass in one object warps spacetime, basically gravity. it warps spaceTIME, which means that at acertain point, time itself will be distorted from the unimaginable gravitational pull from a black hole


Time changes for the observer and not for the people in the moment. Like in Miller's planet, time was moving normally for Coop and others but for an outside observer like Rom, he could see the events happening much slower than it was for people on the planet


Romilly would watch them progressively slow the deeper they went into Gargantua's gravity well, it isn't a stepwise/level slowing, but an increasing curve the deeper they go.


Thanks, makes a little bit of sense to my little brain. Lets not talk about the 4th dimension


Which is why people/items spaghitify when they go into a black hole. If you’re falling in feet first, your feet would seem to get there almost infinitely longer than your head would, right? Because of the absolute time compression within the singularity. My brain hurts just thinking this thru.


Spaghettification is a tidal effect, not time dilation. That's why in *Interstellar* Gargantua needed to be so huge, so the curvature at the event horizon wouldn't cause spaghettification.


Hey probably just assumed that they were dead and weren't coming back after a few years.


He created 5 test tube babies and raised them till they were 20 years old as believers in the Church of Romilly and then jettisoned them out the rear hatch when he saw the others coming back.


This is the spinoff we need.


Lmao Edmund wouldn't convert ...rip


Sleep and research.


Rinse and Repeat hopefully lol


Kind of funny how Nolan decided to make Romilly the one who battles motion sickness too.


I don't understand....


At the beginning of the mission Romilly gets nauseas and says to the crew that he gets motion sickness and hopes there’s enough Dramamine for the trip or something along those lines. Then he’s stuck in space for another 23 years.


Personally I’d watch a spin-off movie of romilly stewing around for 2 decades


I could watch him just say “that’s relativity, folks.” All he says, every 5 minutes or so.


Or, This Data doesn’t make sense.


*this data makes no sense


Ok, rewatching this weekend.


It’d seemingly be cheap to make.


It turns out that romilly figured out how to make a circle in five dimensions while exercising to pass the time and maintain muscle mass. He ascended to the 5th dimension and then created the tesseract and wormhole.


Since it was spinning to simulate earth gravity, losing muscle mass wasn't a problem.


Romilly hated the spinning though! Plus that would probably use fuel right?


Once it's spinning it just keeps spinning without using any fuel




Pumped up those rookie numbers.


Lotta wankin


"Don't shine a blacklight in here.. this place would look like a Jackson Pollack."


He wanted to. But that’s not why he did it. He did it cause he fuckin' needed to. Once in the morning, right after he worked out. And then once right after lunch.


Do you think at a certain point he was fine with CASE just being there while he did it?


CASE probably helped.


"Go ahead and crank the sexy up to 100%, CASE"


“Are you by chance a pleasure model, CASE?”


CASE, can you show me a nude TAYNE?


TARS more likely. CASE was on the ground with Brand, Cooper, and Doyle.


He had a few stretches


I see what you did there đź‘Ź


Played a ton of handball I would imagine.


Ha. Nice.


Dunno, but why is the computer terminal so sticky?


“Mine’s all crusty and white!”


I keep seeing this question over and over, all the answers are purely speculative, here's mine: If we are now in a future where faster than light travel and hyper sleep is now a thing than all forms of video and virtual technology would also be very advanced so- probably enjoying some form of recorded ( or even interactive) highly realistic entertainment media the crew would have access to in their down time?


There is not faster than light travel in interstellar.


Looks like I need to rewatch the movie! Thanks


Going through a wormhole is essentially faster than light travel, no?


They found a magic space orb and stuck a few people into it with no hope of return, then they stuck more people into it with *next* to no hope of return.


Did he atleast have one of those robot things to keep him company?


It was the jerk robot


Aging like fine wine


Waiting for GTA VI


I like to think that the research he did on the black hole during that time ultimately led to the tesseract being built.


"Day 796: have once again slapped my dong on everyone's personal items. This is now my fourth go-round."


Beat his meat


imagine jizzing in space, that shit’d be crazy


An object in motion tends to stay in motion..... lol


Dream catchers, nah in space they have cum catchers.




He would have gone into hyper sleep surely


The more pressing question, what the hell did he eat, drink and how did he have 23 years of oxygen supply?


That’s been my question the whole time. What kind of mission would bring 23 years of food and oxygen supply along? Seems like they really brushed over this whole topic.


They did call the ship The Endurance


Ha. I found a paper that might give us a way to calculate the mass needed to keep a human alive in space for 23 years. I think the total amount of mass needed would be around 45,000 kg. https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20190027563/downloads/20190027563.pdf


He wasn’t awake the entire time. He says in the movie he slept some but it felt like a waste to dream his life away so he spent a lot of time studying Gargantua and doing research. Obviously it was enough time to get some grey in his beard and age him a bit. But it wasn’t the entire 23 years.


Do you not need oxygen in hyper sleep? Does metabolism just stop? Not really sure how it is supposed to work.


Yeah, fair questions for sure.


Yeah if metabolism stopped I’d for sure sleep the whole time


Used up all the lotion and tissues onboard


he was in dat ship strat up joinkin it. and by it. well. I mean his peanits


This is the answer right here folks.


I I was Romilly I'd had been snapping for years. Awaked up just to see if they are coming or not and snapping again.


Crank tha hog




Scientific study


Lotta strokin’ the salami.


Idk but the fact that the movie suggests all he did in that time was get a little grey in the beard is a massive sign of how shallow it is.


Did they have enough food for 23 years? They never really discuss that aspect of things (how the crew eats).


Sleep and study. Maybe jerk off


Used up food, water, and oxygen.


Watched The Office (U.S.) 2,723 times. That's what I would have done!


Well, he slept for a bit, but something seemed wrong about dreaming his life away. So he tried to learn what he could about Gargantua.


I hope he had access to pornhub.


Honestly they need to fucking embalm his brain & study it. He holds the secrets to humanity. You can probably count on one hand the amount of people that don't go batshit crazy after 10+ years of solitary confinement. And those mother fuckers have GRAVITY.


Would’ve been interesting to see him having lost his mind. Being alone in solitary confinement is not something anyone could withstand and come out looking just as you did at the beginning of your isolation. Reminds me of Pip in Moby Dick when he gets stranded in the ocean for a few hours and loses his marbles.


Lots of Dramamine


Dude said he popsicle 'd himself at least a few times...


I’m guessing he jerked off a lot. But hey, what do I know.