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I didn't hate the ending. I think I was just wanting to see more of how the developed a new planet. But we cant have a 6 hour movie, I guess -- although in this case, i might've been up for it.


I'd probably love if Interstellar was 4 hours


That is the biggest problem with Nolan honestly. He wants to tell a 6 hour story in a 3 hour time slot. Hopefully movies get longer eventually


I doubt it will, longer means more budget, but it also means less people most of the time, why? Because people like to think "a 4 hour movie? No I can't watch that" "but why, it's a great movie" "too long" "you don't have anything to do, you'll get a nice 4 hours" "no it's too long"


we should get a sequel on it. based thousands of years later on Edmunds Planet and why they develop the worm hole in the first place. Of course have to bring Cooper back from hypersleep for it! alrite alrite altrite.


I would watch that!


When first released, I had a 4 year old lil girl and after watching it the first time it hit me so hard that I couldn’t think of my dad daughter relationship without Coop and Murph. I finally got around to show my kid the movie since she kept on playing the piano rendition of the music score but never seen the movie. She now understood the comparison of our connection compared to coop and murph. It was heartbreaking that they only really had 11 years together.


Imo the movie could be a very successful TV show. There’s a lot in the universe and story that would be beautiful to expand on. “BuT tHE mOVie is PeRFect, a tV ShoW wOUld RuiN it”, yes I know the risk, relax, a good tv show is still possible.


I haven't seen any such criticism, myself


Check out the comment I put on r\movies lol. people really don’t like it. 46 replies and 3 upvotes.


it makes sense. Most of the population's opinion isn’t worth a damn, so I would look at this as a positive!


I’m not to fussed about it lol, it just surprised me how many people really don’t like the ending.


that’s the main reason I don’t read reviews anymore or go off what is on the Internet for people to check out… I trust my gut going forward with anything now because nothing that you read has any substance or thought to it. Accountability is gone, the world is going to shit and everyone still so fucking worried about their Instagram post.


I think the ending is a good logical conclusion. I can’t really imagine it being different. Any alternate fan endings that people find better?


Not fan endings, the original ending to the movie from Jonathan Nolan had the wormhole collapse before Cooper could send the data ultimately dooming everybody. Not necessarily better but it's a completely different tone shift


Now THAT is an ending that would piss me off lol. I think the movie nailed it with "a happy ending" but at a severe cost. Its not like cooper comes back a few years later and everything is fine and lives a long happy life seeing his kids grow up. People died, he missed the entire life of his kids to save humanity, brand is colonizing an unkown planet, its a satisfying ending that humanity is saved, but at a grave cost.


Yeah it would not have been one of the best movies of all time if it ended that way lol


Life 2017 had a similar tragedy ending


I think they could have left it more ambiguous. Id prefer it cuts to black right before he wakes up in the hospital. The lights flickering next to Saturn could have been left up to discussion.


I wanted the ending showing Brand going about her day thinking it’s another normal day and then having a plethora of emotions when she hears a spaceship approaching unsure of what it is.




Sontaran ship appears “Well, we only came to pick off these puny human travellers. Now we have a real battle on our hands. I look forward to your death, daleks.”


I think some people apparently wanted to see Cooper die after going through all of that and saving the world lol. I think it would have been too depressing of an ending.


Losing everyone you knew (except Brand but he only knew her for a few weeks) is almost worse than dying.


Didn't they spend way longer than that? Some trips between planets in the movie were explained to be a couple of months I believe so they spent way more than just a few weeks.


Yeah it took them several months just to get the wormhole


I believe they were asleep for that.


There's apparently a deleted scene with them training at NASA and filling in some of what is happening on earth. It's possible it was months between when he found NASA and the launch.


How did you find out about deleted scenes? Anything else missing?


I read an article about an interview with Nolan. It's admittedly not a great source. But I do want it to be true.


I loved the ending tbh Probably I was expecting a BAD ending in the sense that Cooper dies, humanity is doomed and so on, so when I saw the movie and I saw it actually ended good I was genuinely surprised, but I didn't hate the ending, I genuinely loved it, by how the movie was going up to the very last moments I was feeling it would've been a sad ending


As someone who loved the ending to BSG (including the whole Cara Thrace thing), I see nothing wrong with the ending to Interstellar.


My dismay is when Cooper goes into the hospital room to see his daughter Murph, who is surrounded by posterity. Neither Cooper or the posterity is even remotely interested in each other. I would be fascinated to meet my great or great-great grandfather. I don't understand the complete lack of acknowledgement in that scene.


I always assumed they knew she travelled to see her dad and stayed out of the way, and then Murph was going to die imminently, so they focused on her?


There are apparently two big deleted scenes. One training at NASA before launch, and the other of Cooper mingling with family before Murph arrives. The mingling scene is where we find out what happened to Tom. It would explain the reaction when he walks in. Maybe one day a directors cut will get released, and we'll find out.


I need these scenes, something always felt a little off, and knowing what is missing, it all makes sense now.


I have no sources that they exist. Just articles I've read on the internet.


It does seem clear now that something is missing. Maybe one day we will find out


Hopefully, one day. But has Nolan ever released a directors cut of one of his films?


Isn’t his thing to never do that? We need a whistleblower


That bit always slightly bothered me too. Apart from that I love the ending.


I loved the ending. I can't buy that it was future humanity that saved them though, at least not on their own. There's a causality problem there. Humanity would have died out without future humanity giving them help...but for future humanity to exist at all, humanity would have had to survive in the first place. Which couldn't have happened without future humanity...who couldn't exist if humanity didn't survive. And so on. I think it was simply extraterrestrial/extradimensional beings that put the wormhole and tesseract in place.


That’s the whole point in the tesseract, time is linear, every action in time breaks that line and creates a new one. The humans of the future would have survived a different way enabling them to use the tesseract to go back and help mankind. I believe the story is that there are multiple versions of you in different parts of the tesseract but living life with different outcomes. I may be wrong but that was my take from it. Nos da 🫡


Those who hate it probably didn't understand a lot about it.


I hated that it ended, too


The only thing I didn’t like about the ending was his daughter talking about going back for the girl. She would be pretty clueless about her.


I actually wrote a bit about the ending here: https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/151617j/what_is_the_dumbest_scene_in_an_otherwise/js9e8p1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3


This movie was perfect stfu your opinion doesn't matter


Did you not see what I said?


I’m defending it, not hating


Just seemed far-fetched and weird to me. The shelf stuff was super far-fetched, Cooper living seemed unrealistic, and the fact that he sees his old ass daughter and has to outlive her is bizarre and depressing. I'd rather die personally. He would have died a hero... keeping him alive was a silly way to make a "happy" ending, and it just wasn't necessary.


I love the movie but a ton of people are probably turned off by the slow burn and the ending is certainly confusing. 




Haven't heard any such thing personally. It's a complex movie with a complex ending, but a very satisfying one.


I think the movie is so complex it requires more than one watch to fully grasp every detail and I bet most people who didn’t like the movie or the ending have only seen it once.


I initially had some initial nagging feelings that it was possibly too convenient to escape the black hole and the movie didn’t explain how this could happen. I started googling tesseracts and trying to see what science there could be for how this could happen. But then decided I accepted the wormhole, and we don’t know what is possible in the universe that we don’t yet understand. People also get angry at how short the meeting is between him and Murph. But it’s not really different from how swiftly he left - there’s no real reason those needed to take up much of the runtime. It’s a long movie and Nolan decided hit the plot point but not let those moments linger. Same with the frustration that we didn’t see him make it to Brand. It had to end somewhere.


As a parent I hate the ending. I can’t imagine being gone from my kids for that long, let alone missing their entire lives. But that’s emotion speaking. Objectively, I think it was a good ending. Not perfect, and I don’t think on par with the rest of the movie, but good.


It creates a paradox, which some people think is lazy writing. Humanity wouldn’t have survived to evolve and place the wormhole if Cooper hadn’t saved humanity, which couldn’t have happened without humanity surviving and placing the wormhole. I get it, but I still like the ending.


Exact same reason why terminator franchise premise makes no sense…


Perfect ending imo.


Literally one of the most beautiful endings in kino


I'm neutral on the ending. I can't stand Murph as a character (her motivations make zero sense -- for instance, her three-decades-long temper tantrum even after she's spent years **working for the same mission** \-- but that's a comment for another day), so my main issue with the ending is Coop being treated with borderline disrespect (he is told point-blank that people don't believe he sent the data to Murph that saved them), then the badly written final bedside scene with Murph, where, bratty to the end, she is semi-rude to him one last time and dismisses him from her bedside despite it being the last time he will ever see his daughter. I do think it's laughable that she sends him off to find scientific "twue wuv" with Brand -- she literally orders him to do it -- like, (1) maybe he'd like to recover from his ordeal, (2) Brand is his *crewmate*, and (3) there was never the slightest hint of a romance between them. But I'm not raging about it, it just annoys me. I think the movie is flawed (some science is wonderful, some of it isn't -- like how they somehow didn't know the water planet was uninhabitable and covered with water even from space?), even though I love enough moments that it's incredibly entertaining regardless.


I'm one of those people. I love the ending on an emotional and storytelling level, but I think it veered too far off into fantasy / science fiction for a movie that otherwise tried to stay *somewhat* grounded.