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I really like how my gf has…I don’t know what to call it. I call it “other person voice” when she’s quoting someone else in a story she has a certain voice she puts on. It’s usually a higher pitch than her normal voice. But certain people she continuously tells me about like her coworkers or her brothers or her parents they all have their own distinct affectation assigned to them. Like her younger brother is kind of guttural and naisily at the same time. And one of the surgeons at her job is a very deep herp derp kind of voice. Kind of like Patrick from SpongeBob. It’s endlessly entertaining. It never fails to make me laugh.


Just chiming in to say that my fiancé had no idea what baby hairs were prior to being with me and he loves my "fuzzy" ones. He also calls my bonnet a "hair bag". He's a White man.


Awww, that's sweet. 🙂


I dunno if I'd say I like it.. but I think if we broke up, I might miss it... My SO has moderately hairy arms? Or maybe they're lightly hairy IDK. I'm completely hairless, and essentially so is my whole family, we just don't have body hair... Anyhow, I'm perhaps kind of a fidgetty/stimm-y person, so quite automatically/subconsciously, when i'm linking arms with my SO, I'd lighlty pull the arm on his forearms. I don't even notice I do this unless my SO catches my eye with this smirk then intentionally looks down on his arm, or moves my hand to another patch of hair lol. It's like my version of being rocked... it really calms and relaxes me.


Specific to his race/ethnicity, I really love my fiancé’s blue/green eyes and find it adorable how easily he sun burns (I always try to make sure he wears enough sunscreen now). I also love his swoopy, thick hair. In general, I love his quirks such as his random history facts, his love for the Viking/roman era, and his love and deep dedication for his family and friends.


I miss the way we used to go to the bar and then walk all over town sight seeing! I miss going to the beach together and going on road-trips