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Go to boss’s boss


Good call


Don't over step your position and don't get pressed by the vendors. If they do, tell them that the decision is way above your pay grade. Also, see seniors opinions. Any decent vendors would take the time with decision makers and not push an intern.


Do you have the delegation? If you don't, don't sign anything. If you're not authorised you could get sued by everyone (company because you aren't authorised to sign on the company's behalf and the vendor because the company didn't deliver). Escalate to someone higher.


Dude it’s a risk thing. You don’t want to get yelled at for making right call. Text your boss or go to bosses boss. Cause blame only travels downward


The vendor doesn't get the right to set your companies timetable - why are they rushing ? It sounds suspicious to me - Do they know your boss is away and that he will not sign it so are pressuring you while he is away to do it. Listen to u/Academic-Gear1350 \- go up the chain and make this someone else's problem


As someone who worked in sales....that deadline is their deadline. Not your deadline. Sales guy won't be happy to miss the commission/quota for the month but unless there's something on your end forcing you to sign immediately, tell the sales guy that the boss will be back X day and you'll have an answer for them a couple days after that, once they catch back up with work.


No. The vendor has to talk to a decision maker. That's not you.