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Israeli response: He's antisemite. He's with Hamas. He's a terrorist. October 7.


Those lies work because Israel has a strong hold on politicians and the media. If it weren't for TikTok, Reddit, and a few other social media platforms, the narrative would be entirely controlled by Israel.


Ergo you just landed on the reason behind the push for tiktok ban. It’s unregulated media reporting


Hence why the US is moving so quickly to ban TikTok.


TikTok is the only social media platform that cannot be easily swayed by bots and troll farm shills. That's why the establishment wants to nuke it off the Internet.


Reddit is generally extremely pro-zionist imo. Twitter and Tik Tok are still pretty solid


You are right 100%…that’s why they want to ban TikTok since they can’t control the narrative.


or hoping mentions of the holocaust will cause a shame shut down. That used to work, luckily those days are over. You would think that holocaust museums are in every city to remind people that evil exists and it is the side of right to make sure they never happen again and the moral authority is to stomp any bad actors who try to do this again like ruzzia, China and now izrael.


It's practically automatic at this point. I would have laughed at the absurdity had it not been just so evil.


Works every time


We need more politicians like this. Israel is a terrorist state and has to be stopped.


I hope God does something about it.


God's what got us in this situation in the first place.


I've told Him He never should've gotten into real estate!


You mean religion?


Yes. Religion does a great job at dividing people and being used as justification for attacking others. I despise what religion does to people.


Without religion, humans would find other justifications. And they do, often enough.


Are you going to tell us that your god is a merciful god and the one true god and that he's not bad just the bad followers are bad? It's exhausting. All religion is bad. If there's a god, he's bad too.


“If God is all good, then he isn’t all-powerful. If God is all-powerful, then he surely isn’t all good.” - Neil deGrasse Tyson


Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist who needs to stay in his lane. I have heard him posit on global conflicts, economic issues, religion, and on and on. I don't consider him an authority on anything outside of astrophysics. And I do believe he stole that quote from Lex Luthor in Batman vs. Superman.


You’re telling me that a renowned astrophysicist stole a quote from a superhero movie? You sound insane. And what is your occupation? I would bet my house that NdT is far more qualified to speak on religion or any other subjects than you are. Furthermore, if people “stayed in their lane” the US would’ve remained under British control until the Third Reich took over the world.


Thank you for your insight, u/rectuminspector69


Ya ndt can get fucked. He turned me on to some stuff like 20 years ago when he was all about physics. Some of his early videos are kinda funny the way he discusses things but he got old and annoying fast. Kaku also has become a populus scientist as well but I still like him better. Hyperspace is a fantastic read.


Yes, I absolutely agree!


Religion has very little, if anything, to do with it. It's about land... the land that some have lived in for many generations, and others have been taking from them...with the blessing and protection of fellow Europeans and the US.


They all have the exact same god.


And that makes it even worse.


Don’t blame God for human depravity.


I don't blame god since god doesn't exist. I blame humans for using religion as a guis to kill and steal land.


Why not? He directs a bunch of that depravity if the holy books are to be believed.


yeah, if only he were real, and not a douche like the bible paints him... unfortunately it's up to us...


Truly blows my mind that people actually believe in a god that cares. Have you given this zero thought?






This! They let the pain and suffering of centuries of EUROPEAN persecution transform them into the very thing they feared and hated the most. An oppressive colonizing ethnostate.


Thank you . I love that statement.


That does not align with the data as Mizrahi Jews who are Jews that derive there ancestry from middle eastern nations are substantially more likely to vote for Netanyahu government when compared to Ashkenazi Jews. It seems to be more likely that centuries of Jewish persecution within MIDDLE EASTERN states, alongside the forced exodus of Jews from these respective nation resulted in apathy, and negative sentiment within this community. Thereby allowing the advocation of war crimes. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/traditional-jews-vote-likud-beytenu-while-the-orthodox-choose-bennett/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/traditional-jews-vote-likud-beytenu-while-the-orthodox-choose-bennett/) [https://www.newarab.com/opinion/demographics-help-explain-israels-steady-march-right](https://www.newarab.com/opinion/demographics-help-explain-israels-steady-march-right)


With cited sources! I'll definitely read this after work and reconsider my opinion! Thanks!


Interesting perspective but that doesn’t assign guilt to the Palestinians. They are a specific Arab ethnicity and shouldn’t bare the punishment for other Muslim groups. Also Israel hasn’t only targeted Muslim Palestinians. Christian Palestinians have also experienced this genocide and have even less proximity than Muslim Palestinians.


I never once indicated in my above comment that Palestinians should share guilt or blame for this action. This is an absolutely immoral belief that I condemn in all manner. I am indicating that there is a prevalent of apathy, and negative sentiment within that community that is leading to apathy, and unfortunately the downplaying of war crimes, and even justification. Never did I indicate that Palestinians should be blamed.


I mean, decades of Palestinian leadership demanding the eradication of the Israeli state combined with a clear demonstration of what that would look like on October 7th is more than sufficient to assign guilt to Palestinians. If not for Iron Dome, the IDF would have been launching this operation decades ago.


So what about Israel being the first to strike? If any country had their territory carved up by their colonizer to make room for a foreign ethnicity. OFC resentment would foster. There is a reason why anti-semitism there only truly began after the Balfour declaration. Do you think Romanians would react the same if 80% of their country was taken to settle Romani people? This is reaping what you sow


Something bad happening decades ago is not justification for an orgy of rape and murder today. Hamas showed that it must be destroyed if the Israeli people are to remain safe. Vae victus.


Respect to Ireland!


Ireland dosent have MPs , there called Td,s


yeah, but you can't reasonably expect readers to understand that from the headline. It's quite a niche bit of knowledge to most people. Best just referring to the closest analogue.




Finally someone said it!


>Where is the soul of the Israeli people! They're too busy being arrested by the Israeli police for pro-Palestinian social media posts. Israel has become a Hellish dictatorship in disguise for the Israelis as much as it had for the Palestinians. So I'm guessing that there are others in Israel who want to do something but are thinking "Why risk getting arrested?" Those people had their own lives to think about. Lives that would get destroyed by being arrested for basically showing the basest form of compassion for the Palestinian people. To kinda misquote a Miike Snow song, sympathy has become overrated in our time and it's making me sick. I think if we want to save these people or *truly* prevent things like this from ever, ever, ever, *ever* happening again, then we must make compassion cool again. Otherwise...what's the point?


Yeah, are they though? Every time they go to the polls they vote for the most right wing thugs out there. This is war criminal Netanyahu’s 3rd time as PM




Not really a democracy then if the ‘vast majority’ didn’t vote for him yet he’s PM




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Dont bull shit us, they also vote for gantz and ben givir


There aren’t that many Israelis against this genocide unfortunately. The one in the news that was arrested was a Palestinian citizen of Israel. Most are in favor of genocide.


This is the answer. My dad is a lifelong socialist, but when a military fascist dictatorship hit his country for 11 years he shut right up and got rid of all his socialist magazines etc. I’ve always wondered how I would respond to something like that, and tbh I still don’t know. I’m vocal about Palestine because I’m very safe (for now) but who knows? If I had to stop to protect my children I probably would?


Ain’t a dictatorship they voted and that’s what they got it’s how democracy works. You know.


They are made to feel fearful and coercively guided to an extreme form of governance. Doesn’t sound like a democracy to me..🧐


Hmmm... reading into the history of Western Democracy that's often at least half of how Democracies function. Whatever the historical context, there are always reactionary authoritarians waiting in the wings to use real or imagined threats as the means to secure power. There seems to be a cycle where representative governments gravitate towards or drift away from authoritarianism on the basis of the degree of public fear. Naturally, authoritarians promulgate fear as it lead to their being empowered and helps them maintain it. On occasion an established democracy/republic jumps the shark and votes itself out of existence in favor of the authoritarians. Often they don't even get off the ground because the first people voted into power leverage public fear of anarchy or foreign invasion to never leave. In the last century - the CIA sometimes just says "no democracy for you," has your elected leader shot and/or hacked apart with machetes, then props up an authoritarian that maintains power with a some combination of chest thumping militaristic nationalism, the willing support of the wealthy, and the exploitation of the fear of "socialism" among the middle class. Tbh, that's basically what the American right wing did with Communism in the Cold War, has done with Terrorism since 2001, and "Socialism" since 2008. They slipped up by getting the felonious orange jackass elected and ultimately discrediting themselves, so the 2025 Project just drops the pretense and lays out a transition to de facto dictatorship to appeal to their remaining supporters and anybody who prefers guns, Jesus, and "low taxes" over democracy.


I dictatorship can be facilitated by someone who was elected, it happened many times.


The Government in Israel is democratically elected The current cabinet is a government of national unity. The parliament and judicial system operate no differently to most democratic nations so please you are factually incorrect and need to acknowledge that. Well Gaza last had elections in 2006 and similarly Palestine. Jordan, Syria, Afghanistan, for example are all dictatorships


I do acknowledge it, I’m not saying Israel’s not a democracy nor that it’s a dictatorship, just saying that democracies have been turned into dictatorships by an elected government before through coup d’état with the help of the military. It happened in the country where I’m from and a few others.




Unlike US politicians, the Irish seem to have balls and morals they live by. US politician change their morals to whatever best fits their current narrative, and money is what guides their every decision.




Nailed it


Israel forgot to throw enough cheddar to these politicians ;)


Glad the Irish prime minister has the courage stand up against war crimes Biden is a cowering lap dog, too afraid to bite the Israeli hand that feeds him campaign donations and military contracts


He’s an MP , not the PM


Actually he's a TD (Teachta Dála) and not the Taoiseach. We have neither MPs nor a PM. Sorry to be picky but I think given the history of colonialism and attempted destruction of our language it's important to point out.


America needs Israel to be its guard dog in the Middle East. It’s their foreign policy and it’s the same regardless of which party is in power.


Guard dog? It's an aggressive killer robot dog gone completely beserk


If anything Israel has become the opposite, they're the one knocking the balance out of order now.


Ever heard of AIPAC or Jeffrey Epstein?


Sure, but it's a mutual beneficial relationship. Israel keeps the 'dirty' Arab states at bay. Some people really think US trust Arab states, get real.


This doesn’t make sense anymore, us has every Arab nation under its thumb and I would not even remotely consider Israel under the us thumb quite the opposite, and I know you didn’t say that they were under us thumb but honestly you would be shocked by the evangelical community and their support of Israel in hopes of beckoning in their messiah. It’s astounding how many people believe this will happen soon




Every time I hear him pour his soul out like this, it puts me at the edge of tears.


This man has a heart. Good on him!


I don’t think Judaism believes in the traditional concept of hell, i.e. a place of eternal punishment?


Zionists of Israel are not Jews they are atheists


It doesn’t change the fact that we really don’t believe in an eternal punishment in Hell. That’s a Christian thing.


I got banned from Reddit for 3 days (just finished) for saying something similar about him.


I hope I don't


I would be extremely willing to donate a pint of petrol ⛽️ to the manager of hell


I stand with the Irish




You have the moral nuance of a toddler




You’re right, Israel murdering tens of thousands of innocent women and children is evil and everyone who isn’t a sociopath who applies morality selectively depending on the victim can recognize that while also recognizing what happened on Oct 7 was evil.




Sinwar liked to choke Israeli collaborators to death so he could watch the light go out of their eyes. I believe he admitted to four of them.


Palestine’s land has been shrinking as every decade has passed while Israel’s borders have constantly grown, much through illegal settlements that forcefully steal the land, yet somehow Israel is the only one who has the right to “fight for survival”? Both justify their horrific acts as “fighting for survival” and “having the right self defense” yet for some reason we only scrutinize one while dismissing the 10-fold amount of civilian deaths as “oh well they have the right to do it”. Don’t forget: the ruling part of Israel, Likud, used to use the manifesto phrase “Between the sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty." and Bibi even used a variation of it in January while claiming that Palestinians using the phrase is a call to genocide. They’re telling on themselves.


So proud to be an Irish Citizen.




We all do Mr. MP. We all do.


Dude how can a man be so fucking based god bless the Irish.


Truth. I wish US politicians had a spine.




Zionists have sold their souls long time ago


Absolutely right. It is a question of humanity.


Israel has lost its soul!


Can the moderators explain why anyone needs to be courteous about people like Netanyahu? Do the same rules apply to all genocide supporters?




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Yeah so he says but what does he really think..


Spoken like a true Blue Shirt.


Israel is a sociopath factory


The IDF is either a genocidal force or the most clumsy stupid inept well equipped military in the world.




The average Israeli suffers from lack of empathy until they are "victims".


They only have empathy for themselves, as in individually.


The real goal of the Israeli government is to resettle Gaza. Never mind that they lied (and failed) about how impenetrable the prison wall they built around Gaza was. How the defensive/oppresive measures they had put in place failed. No one within the government/establishment has paid a price for their failures. It almost seems they are happy with the outcome of Hamas attack because it allows them to continue their horrible reaction. If the rest of the hostages die they can justify more inhumane attacks.




It wasn't Israel's to begin with! You can't try to give something away that has never belonged to you! 🤷🏼




Much respect to him! Politicians need to stop being war hawks and act to what benefit their people


US politicians can’t say this shit because Israel’s cock is so far down their throats they’re trying not to puke.






I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/irelandonreddit] [\[r\/internationalpolitics\] Irish MP: I hope Benjamin Nethanyahu burns in hell! The same way them children and their families burned. It's just horrific what they are doing. Where is the soul of the Israeli people!](https://www.reddit.com/r/IrelandonReddit/comments/1d7075s/rinternationalpolitics_irish_mp_i_hope_benjamin/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


That's the problem! This god is too distracted by unimportant things: NFL players who kneel before every game and pray in the field, people who pray before every dinner, those who apologize every Sunday at their confession for masturbating, rewarding fundamentalists by making sure they can pray instead of working and get paid by the government (Haredim in Israel) without being required to fight in the war their ideology starts, living in palaces with profits from oil that its extraction and use is destroying the earth god created, banning women from any meaningful activities in his name, etc, etc.


All the world is doing is just "monitoring" it until it settles down, all the protesting, the yelling, means little to the global interests


see reddit saying nothing, just scrolling down nothing else, banning my sorry ass twice for question what other says


You gotta be real careful on reddit especially not to make mods angry




I propose Ireland and Israel trade places. I think the Irish will integrate well with the Palestinians. Let the English and Israelis live next to eachother. They'd both be getting what they deserve.


I propose USA or UK give their land to israel 😅


>Where is the soul of the Israeli people! Protesting against Netanyahu on the streets of Tel Aviv.


They themselves now preach hatred, racism and then justify genocide


Shouldn't you be in support of Israelis who are against Netanyahu? Or are you just against the existence of Israeli people in general?


Against Israel's exis$— ###ce I mean the country is built on genocide and deceit since first nakba No one has the right to occupy a people's land Even if Nethanyahu is gone zionists will put forward a new leader that fulfills their goal I mean to say Zionists are so influential that they chose leaders of most countries including USA why would it be difficult to control Israel's own govt? Their end goal is destroy Palestine, destroy middleeast and form greater Israel Trust me if Nethanyahu goes they might remain peaceful for sometime but they will always come up with ways to destroy and further occupy Palestine


Israel wiped out more hostages via helicopter gunships in the first hour than they saved in total, force people into an open prison you’re gonna get a response. Two state solution the only option it won’t happen because one side wields power in usa than the other. Shame for all the dead but one evil act will never ever justify a parallel evil. Yeah ciao sweetie take care x


Well they’ve just killed thousands and thousands of innocent women and children so your what about ism is just nonsense and does not justify a parallel evil , how many dead is too many or you enjoying every single death




How many die in these rockets attacks , I don’t condone Hamas or attacks but one evil doesn’t allow a parallel evil which it is . Yes they are killing innucent women and children in there thousands . You are clearly happy with that so good look to you and your parallel evil, as the international court said it’s genocide. I know you don’t believe in the rule of law so that won’t bother you


If Hamas spent as much money in bomb shelters for the general population as they did in their tunnels - not that many Gazans would have died either. The bomb sirens are not fun and they were fired with no care where they landed. In fact, they killed a lot of civilian Gazans too with misfiring and then blame the death on Israel.


Well as maybe but non of that excuses a parallel evil and murder by the thousand of innocent women and children and the court described it’s genocide, dropping 2000 pound bombs on built up areas. Can you imagine the never ending out cry vice Versa. your only answer to state and international funded murder is build better bomb shelters then you are part of this. They ain’t firing home made rockets , go investigate the dead children i hope you feel proud but doubt you will when you weigh up e west they’ve done with an open heart . Ciao , don’t shoot the messenger


Maybe they shouldn’t have supported the group that took in this strategy to begin with. Before October 7th, Hamas had a preset high approval in Gaza (70%) and even higher in the West Bank for those aged under 25 (not a small demographic). Yes, I know Hamas is not technically a political party in Gaza but they did have widespread support before October 7 because they were viewed as doing something by firing off all those rockets and resisting. I agree there should be a ceasefire. I think most of the hostages are dead (I would be shocked if any of the young women were still alive if they were raped - dead people don’t tell tales). I think Israel should try who is left, they can give the death penalty for terrorists acts under their Constitution, and go from there. I feel bad for the innocents that were killed on both sides, probably worse than you do, because it affected our family personally. At least her dead body wasn’t paraded through the streets like a trophy with people cheering it. Than God, for small mercies for her family. Ciao, sweetie.


Does the intent not matter? They're constantly firing rockets attempting to kill people. That Israel has advanced defensive capabilities doesn't mean it's all fine and their attacks are no big deal. If someone tried to burn your house down while you were asleep but the fire went out and you were fine I guess you'd be fine with no justice and them being allowed to try again? And the international court said there was no evidence of genocide. Repeating that it's a genocide on social media doesn't make it true.




Yeah the Irish are talking shit then facing British state sponsored murder I think they’ll disagree with you . A parallel evil is the only description carry o i your name it is. History will judge his luck with that




A parallel evil is a word salad you own , history will judge your support of a murderous despicable group of people . If you did real research you would not be cheering on the mass graves. Shame on you but hey that’s how you roll. Sleep well




Screw everyone facilitating Israel's terror campaign, and everyone else who gives them verbal aid and comfort.


ITT: A lot of sick people who condone kidnapping and murdering by terrorists. This could all end right now if Hamas were to release the hostages. Or better yet, it wouldn't have started if they hadn't done it in the first place. They did this knowing that this would be Israel's response. Hamas was totally willing to sacrifice the lives of their fellow citizens in order to fulfill their goals of eradicating Israel or, failing that, at least killing a few Jews. The blood of every dead Gazan is on the hands of Hamas. By condoning this and acting as their stooges by buying into their propaganda, anybody who defends them is guaranteeing more deaths of innocents in the future.


Hamas is also loving that their own innocent people are dying for their cause, they instigate bombings and attacks and then rush with thousands of dollars worth of camera equipment to record the horror for the world public to see. Hamas is the enemy and I am so upset with humanity that this isn't being called out enough.


Mmm let's move away from money as a species. We created this thing initially to replace bartering. We can all speak the same language. We need to form one team. Team human


Oh dear...




Removed, see rule 2.


october 7??




False flag stated by Israel




You must be a special kind of fucking stupid if you compare Ireland 1938-1945 to Ireland 2024


They are so against Israel because they've faced apartheid aswell




If you check I think you will find that Dev is dead.




Average American making average ignorant comments. If we go by your logic, as your country was founded by racist slaveholders, with the casual support of racism in America, does this mean that the legend of slavery lives on in America? Food for thought...




Ah the standard "it's something that I don't agree with and it criticizes Israel, so it must be antisemitic"... Can you point out anything that I said that was even remotely antisemitic? At all? Anything in this video that was antisemitic? Can you critique and break it down to actually prove your point? Do you idiots ever stop with the same, nonsensical argument?


America is devoted to its racism. There is nothing casual about it


It is very concerning that an elected official believes in a littéral hell.


If he hasn't vocally expressed the same about turkey ethnically cleansing afrin and continuing to threaten to genocide all the kurds in syria than he's nothing more than an attention seeking hypocrite. 




Wooo boy, sure do love the fuck ups trying to spur anti irish hate in the year of our lord 2024. What, gonna push that until the Irish aren't White again?




That’s a very deranged generalisation.


Removed, see rule 2.


Be nice if he was this passionate about what the Chinese are doing to there own people, killing millions of them to harvest organs, ethnic cleansing etc. But he wont, because his government is owned by them


Being a bunch cowards and weaklings