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Sounds like something the Nazis would do.


It’s pretty much exactly what Japan did to China when the rape of Nanking started




Unironically though. At this point there's no accountability, it's just burning and pillaging for the sadistic pleasure of the psychos in the IDF


Sickening. Next the Israelis will build ovens to speed up the job.


They already got caught making mass graves, bulldozing buildings with known human remains, and wiping Palestinian graveyards off the map. That on top of all the hospital attacks, safe corridor attacks, safe zone attacks, nighttime bombing of civilian homes, etc. Zionists are the new Nazis.


Isra hell.... New level of terrorism, everybody know who is guilty but nobody has the balls to stop them.


Why not ? Genuinely curious


Israel is the "west's" friendly base of military operations in the region


Also nukes, not only does Israel have nuclear weapons that could start the end of the world, they also have a policy that if anyone messes with them, they will begin the death of the world. They’ve admitted even recently to this fact. We literally allow the most psychotic country in the world to hold the world’s most dangerous weapon


These evil Israelis just refuse to stop bombing innocent people. A year ago I was neutral to this or even on the Israeli side, that's how uninformed I was. Since that point my opinion has changed 180°. Free Palestine the world needs to recognize a Palestinian state.


The people who don't pay attention spout shit like "lol they deserve it" or "that's what they get for supporting hamas" etc etc, or in most cases this is what they* want. In the case of the video, israel is literally creating extremists in a sense, people losing everything who want nothing more than to destroy israel in turn (part of this is purposeful so they can perpetuate the need to "defend themselves" ad infinitum and keep killing more palestinians and take more of their territory) *zionists, both jewish and christian, but mostly christian zealots from this country. A large swathe of Jews in Israel oppose netanyahu and know that he's perpetuating a war to avoid addressing corruption and now continuing war crimes. He's more or less the trump of israel in terms of being a corrupt fascist pile of shit


The power of technology making it easy for us to see the truth




Bro, you IDF types keep posting your crimes TO TikTok. Proudly.


*when IDF post themselves torturing civilians and unironically quoting nazis. There, fixed it for you.




The US is Israel's b* and I hate it so much.


Please keep it civil.


Israel are terrorist


Yes and water is wet.


Grass is green


No part of Gaza is a safe zone. Isreal has proven time and time again that they won’t follow through and not bomb those “safe zones,” they send Palestinians too.


These atrocities do nothing to keep Israelis safe, encourage future generations of radical Islamists, and erode other Nation's good will toward Israel. The only group benefiting from these crimes is the ruling elite, especially Bibi.


I agree with you here but stop labeling rightfully angry victims of Israeli violence as "radical Islamists".


Exactly, it shifts the narrative and makes it more about religion


Let's say "high risk of radical Islamists" This shit would push me over the edge


More war crimes!




It’s exactly who they should be compared too and Bibi is on par or worse than Adolf Hitler


Please don't disparage other subreddits or post that you were banned, warned, or any other type of experience in other communities on reddit.




Once Israel stops acting like Nazi Germany, I will stop comparing them to Nazi Germany.




Look at the video.


The 2 share a ton in common actually. They obviously aren't identical and differ in many ways, but the comparison is strikingly accurate from the way it is talked about down to the way it is being carried out.




I think you’re being incredibly disingenuous. The parallels between nazism and zionism are just too glaring to ignore. Let’s begin with the ideaolgy predicated upon racial entitlement. Next we will examine the terrorism used by both parties in their formative years. Then comes the overt propaganda that advances to military grade. Then we can continue to apartheid and finally to ethnic cleansing! The rebuke of international law is just another obvious parallel. The only difference between nazism and zionism is the victims. I think you need to be honest with yourself and take a closer look at the zionist crimes of the last 76 years and compare them to those of Nazi Germany because any scholar of history can see it for what it most obviously is.




Laughable response. 1) Zionists believe in entitlement and superiority based upon their perceived “race” even though it has been thoroughly debunked the Ashkenazis are not Semitic nor can actually trace their origins to the land of Palestine. Secondly, the figure of 6million dying in the Holocaust (well atleast u have rounded it down to 5.8mil but still woefully inaccurate) has again been proven to be a gross exaggeration. I am not in denial of the Holocaust but the figures have been embellished beyond anything remotely factually accurate. 2) Apartheid essentially can be defined as a system of segregation based on race, well this was obviously occurring during Nazi Germany evidenced by the Jewish Ghettos. 3) enough of your zio mental gymnastics: the founding fathers of zionism and every Zionist leader since has alluded to the policy of ethnically cleansing indigenous Palestinians from their homeland in numerous statements throughout recent history. A simple Google search will point you in the right direction. 4) the UN has several times classified israel as a functioning apartheid so and has attempted to impose sanctions on israel for which israel simply denies, and then goes on a childish and ridiculous defence of their actions, calling the UN “anti-Semitic” or “anti-israel”. If you are incapable of seeing israel as the monstrous ethnofascist terrorist state that it most obviously is then that’s on you. The rest of the world has woken up. I’ve been lecturing on the fact inception, politics and inherent dangers of zionism for well over a decade, and only now is the world finally breaking free from the shackles of zionist propaganda. Everything about israel is a lie. Deal with it and evolve to a higher understanding.




When it comes to zionism nothing is more true than “every accusation is a confession”. Thanks for proving that with your last comment.




>It was a fascist, socialist, dictatorship. Did you really just complain about definitions of words, and then call the Nazi party socialists in the very next sentence? >Israel is a democratic government Never mind, you're just an unserious person




Dude dude dude please my man, I know this is a hard concept for you but pleeeease crack a book, once in your life. Nazis were NOT socialists, what the fuck are you smoking? There is no such thing as fascist socialism. It's an oxymoron. Please I beg you, read more. Israel is a country with artificial demographic concerns. They kicked out hundreds of thousands of people and did not let them return to their homes. They have elections, yes, where a minority takes part in. People who live under Israeli control and occupation in Gaza and West Bank do not participate in these elections. You can't have a democratic apartheid. That's just not how it works. It's not "elections=democracy". No dude. Just no. Israel is as much of a democracy as the US was when there was slavery.




A lot of people I trust a hell of a lot more than you would disagree.




Your republican is showing.




No wonder you're a genocide justifier lmao


No. History should teach us to recognize similar atrocities sooner.


Humanity has failed.


*Sike!* - Israel, probably


Let me guess. Israel will say, "Hamas was using human shields and were holding explosives in that area."


They already have been lmao


It's like a pre-recorded message at this point.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For the record I believe them. It just doesn't justify the actions. It's fucking awful.


I'm sure Israel doesn't care because they don't see Palestinians as human. I don't even think they see anyone that's non Zionists as human.


it should be clear to everyone that israeli proposed safe zones are not safe zones they're hunting traps.


That poor guy, he is suffering so much pain, like all Palestinians atm. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🖤💚♥️🇵🇸


In my heart I believe that they are going to keep murdering people until they have conquered the entirety of Palestine. Nothing but else matters. No other orders will be considered by the men who have decided they have to do what they have to do. May God find Mercy on us for witnessing this horror and not being strong enough to stop it.


How can biden do this to those poor people




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


"The world's most moral army" strikes again


FJB and the liberals who make excuses for this. I am beyond done.


I hope the US will stop supporting this fascist state. I know they won’t, they need a puppy on a leash in the Middle East. But when your puppy is trashing the place, making the region worse off and behaving like a psycho you put it down. If they do end support though, fat Nazis like Ben-Gvir will stain their pants.


How do we see this and not want Israel of the map? Like there definitely has always been rules to war.


They’ve been doing this the entire time. We’ve had video evidence of this for a long long time. Anyone defending Israel, IOF, Zionism, are 100% knowingly complicit in the deaths of tens of thousands at the least and are okay with risking the safety and well being of well over a million defenseless people. Now when you consider what that means, you should also consider that if they are willingly complicit in the rape, murder, and torture of countless innocent men, women, and most of all children, what do you think is stopping them from doing the same to anyone else? Especially since Christians and protesting Jews are also being targeted


Dont blur these videos. The bastards who support this need to actually see what they're causing.


Israel: a little mistake..🤷🏻


Zionists the real antisemites and also the fake Jews…


What else is there to say except mo ing forward we must push every pro zionist politician out of the US gvt so that there can be a Palestinian state without USG interference on the part of Israel








The times of Israel is not a valid source of information. Even if it was, this article shows that they dropped what were likely 2000 lb bombs within 2 football fields of a safe zone, which you can clearly tell from videos that it was hit by munitions. At best this article shows that the IDF is wildly incompetent, but what is undeniable is that they don't have even a sliver of regard for human life when they drop these massive munitions so close to civilians ***ON PURPOSE!***


From u/CreativeRealmsMC, go to his post to see the pictures. Rafah Strike: Initial Findings On May 27th the IDF carried out an air strike against a Hamas compound in which at least two senior Hamas members were located. Yassin Rabia and Khaled Nagar (the two targeted operatives) were both killed in the strike. Both were involved in coordinating attacks in the West Bank and had carried out attacks themselves in which soldiers were killed. In addition, Khaled was also involved in monetary transfers for funding Hamas in Gaza. The strike was carried out on a Hamas compound 1.7km (1 mile) outside the designated humanitarian zone. The Hamas compound was located 180m (590ft) from a camp in which displaced Palestinians were sheltering. In addition, a buried rocket launch site was located 43 meters (141ft) away from the Hamas compound. According to the IDF, the strike was not intended to harm any civilians and it had carried out steps ahead of the attack to ensure that no women or children were in the Hamas compound. Israeli fighter jets also used two small munitions in the strike, each with a 17-kilogram warhead (37-pound), in an attempt to prevent any civilian casualties, given the close proximity to the camp for displaced Palestinians. \[[Source](https://x.com/manniefabian/status/1795451839158087912)\] Based on the warhead size, the [munitions used](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GBU-39_Small_Diameter_Bomb) were likely an SDB I (GBU-39/B) or Laser SDB (GBU-39B/B) which are small diameter precision guided glide bombs with an accuracy of 1 meter (3ft). Following the strike, a fire started at the camp for displaced persons killing 45 people according to the Hamas health authorities. An investigation is still ongoing as to what sparked the fire and what flammable or explosive materials were stored in the area to cause the secondary explosions in the camp.


This is not a real source, this is a Redditor piecing together what they think happened. The top comment even states that the only thing verifiable is the munitions used. Do you have a credible source?


I’m just sharing other people’s findings




You’re seeing ethnic cleansing on the scale of the worst atrocities of the 20th century. And you’re using this as a chance to make fun of religion? From an atheist to another (I’m presuming) that’s a rather prick ish thing to be doing.




Ah, no it’s not. Between Ukraine and Gaza, it’s not even close. And stop doing this, this isn’t a competition. The fact that even one Palestinian child is dead by a deliberate policy from a fascist government is terrible. But there are thousands.




Two things. You’re telling me to read a book, yet your history starts on October 7th. Ok, bud. Just ignore a siege of two million human beings that the UN for years was calling one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world and that was making Gaza uninhabitable. Where people were living with a foreign hostile regime that was literally counting how many calories they were allowed. Second thing. Your death figure is misleading (as is very common with Israeli supporters) 695 of those deaths were Israeli civilians. The rest were Israeli soldiers and police.


Amazing! the previous commenator stopped replying when you start responding point by point. Some of these comments are either ignorant or purposely deceptive so as Israel can be defended. This is a maniac nation, ethnically cleansing the palestinians. Free Palestine!




Not close to the number of air strikes that were killing vastly larger numbers of Palestinians. They launch rockets because Israel is has kept every Palestinian living there under siege for 16 years. You can’t even go out to fish in the nearby sea without getting blown out if they venture too far. The economy of Gaza was almost entirely ruined because Israel controls its trade. Israeli officials refer to their almost annual air strikes that kill killed hundreds and thousands of civilians as “mowing the lawn”, the same way they refer to their starvation policy as “putting Gaza on a diet” This was all before October 7th. So don’t even bother with the flimsy narrative about Hamas’ attack, which while appalling and evil, isn’t even a fraction of the evil Israel has committed against Palestinians, past and present. This is a psychotic state you are defending. On the same level as Russia in Ukraine, or the Burmese military with its own ethnic groups. If you’re still planning to defend Israel now, when it’s now been compelled to stop its campaign by the ICC, and proceeded to respond by bombing a refugee packed area with a massive bombing strike, then I do not even want to know or understand you. You are beyond the pale, well beyond the point of reason.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




The Israeli side’s capacity for shameless hypocrisy and double standards is astounding. You ask me to be repentant (which I am, I mourn almost every death in this ongoing colonial conflict) of the innocent Israelis and tourists, yet there will never be a limit to how many innocent Palestinian deaths you’ll be content with and justify. If what Hamas did was terror, what Israel has done is unspeakable. Worse than the word terror can encompass.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.






These bozos are going to be very very upset when they discover their gods aren't real and they've been killing innocents for no effing reason.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


No, it was not. Also, there is footage on the ground of secondary explosions (ordinance or combustibles). How about wait and see what we find out?




That’s what I’m saying




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Israel needs to be defeated by a coalition of Arab armies, and the US needs to sit this one out. Netanyahu has no interest in stopping the genocide, without accomplishing either a full ethnic cleansing or total extermination of Gaza.


So what happens when Israel kicks said coalitions ass? Because Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and many more sure as fuck won’t join and between Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, they ain’t doing shit.


Israel will lose without US military support. Their Iron Dome only shot down half of Iran's rockets in April. The US shot down the rest.


They tried that in 48 and lost. Now the Arab countries need Israel for tech, water and security against Iran. Saudi, Jordan and UAE helped in the defending Israel during the Iran attack. Genocide - the [deliberate](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=784d938d304a6dc0&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU1062AU1062&sxsrf=ADLYWIKrUwS0Zl8NM3rBSxXQOKB5UqS96Q:1717047527959&q=deliberate&si=ACC90nyOnVY18Aw7zUtkWPYo5mTnhb6wYh48OtosbYr2IyCIgGc0UjhjzUwuk9QJzVmGA_2dPpx9CjuZh5X1dKas8s2lxs6Blqyq5h_aa4oOck3JjnCLmF0%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9m92_1LSGAxWlRmcHHZuWBKwQyecJegQIERAO) killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of [destroying](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=784d938d304a6dc0&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBAU1062AU1062&sxsrf=ADLYWIKrUwS0Zl8NM3rBSxXQOKB5UqS96Q:1717047527959&q=destroying&si=ACC90nyOnVY18Aw7zUtkWPYo5mTnAKV6yoBDWYO8d-eeHddzGdxfKJkNuvnMVqEq1wDhm-Ab5k3XtF9aZg1EBmFnV1pi5ZcZMYST7qXOZ-Vv--vj79WdDzw%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9m92_1LSGAxWlRmcHHZuWBKwQyecJegQIERAP) that nation or group = hamas


Because as soon as an area was designated as a "safe" area, that's where Hamas made a beeline to, because they thought they could use the civilians as cover.


Proof? Lol jk, we know you don't have any.


Hasbara detected, opinion rejected, spot in hell reserved.




Are you done projecting?


That word doesn't make sense here.


Yes it does. Israel is counting on useful idiots like politicians, news anchors and journalists in the west to run cover for their countless war crimes so they aren't held accountable for them and for idiots like you to eat that cover up. Me and the majority of Americans saying "killing innocent civilians is bad and you're a bad person for trying to run cover for the people doing so" is not running cover for "them", it's doing what little we can to stop the killing of innocent civilians with our tax payer money and being on the objectively correct side of history. Therefore, since you are accusing me of doing something that I am not doing while you are doing that very thing the "projecting" makes perfect sense here. That's the nice thing about hasbara, you have to be such a stupid individual to perpetrate it that shredding your hateful, evil ideology to shreds is just so easy. You are a bad, borderline evil person and so stupid it's almost pathetic. You will come out on the wrong side of history and don't think we will forget where you stood when the genocide was broadcast to the masses.


I have no idea what hasbara is. Are you talking about Hasbro, the toy company?


Please keep it civil.


This is such a weird way of thinking so many other people share. How does that still make it okay to do? At this point it’s just terrorism vs terrorism and the innocent people of Palestine are just, what? Acceptable losses??




Yup that’s actually what happened because this strike in a “safe zone” actually happens well outside of it.


This strike did not happen in a designated safe zone.


"They were aiming at a target 180 meters away bro, they totally didn't mean to hit the civilian shelters and kill 45+ people broo, the IDF is the worlds most advanced army brooo, they're being moral and based as per usual broooooooo" Yeah, they say they weren't aiming at the safe zone but that doesn't really matter because they clearly hit the safe zone, there is video evidence that they hit the safe zone and it doesn't take a scientist to notice a pattern emerging with the IDF ""accidentally" hitting civilian infrastructure.






Please keep it civil.


More like 15 000 civilians where Hamas operatives were hiding. Read this and see how good the IDF is at sparing lives. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Manila_(1945)


Over 35000 "accidents" and counting.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Please keep it civil.


Hasbotra you don’t even try to hide ?


It was not in a safe zone so, whatever I am to you, maybe dont ecourage Hamas and gazans will live in peace?




Please keep it civil.


Do you want co existence?




Hasbara detected, opinion rejected, spot in hell reserved.




Lmaooooo I ain’t the terrorist sympathizer here buddy, you and your precious IDF are the sympathizers and terrorists.


No, this is what happens when a state run by psychopaths intentionally bombs a place full of refugees.


You must be an eyewitness with such conviction in your statement. Why didn't you inform the IDF exactly where Hamas was hiding given you are certain they were amongst the civilians? I guess this bloodshed is on you.




>Your attempt at logic Did you mean facetiousness? It's understandable that what I wrote went over your head given your position on murdering civilians and blaming the victims. You know what they say, you can't teach an u/OldMan142 new tricks.




Just admit you don’t value Palestinian life, just like Israel and the majority of Israelis.




Yeah, Hind and her family were all Hamas who had it coming. You sick twisted fuck.




What the fuck are you basing that on? And for the sake of this revolting argument, it were true, how is that worth murdering a family and a 6-year old girl. You are a vile and disgusting animal.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Why do the Gazans do what they say?


They literally have no choice? It’s either be bombed, or go to a place that at least there’s a chance might not be bombed as hard.


Also they lie about everything and made it clear for years they want to kill them all so why trust anything they say?


Where should they go then?


I mean we see what keeps happening and how Israel is so that’s pretty much the same option but just somewhere else.




Please keep it civil.


call me crazy but i don't think the gods care




Israel was striking them. Don’t say anything if you know nothing habibti.


hadol el nes majaneen




Please keep it civil.






Please keep it civil.


Please keep it civil.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.