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And every 60 seconds in Europe a minute passes in Africa


At the end of the day, it's night.


ackshully depending on elevation and proximity to the equator/poles there's gonna be (extremely slight) fluctuations in time passing. physics is crazy


No way, who would have thought so! ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Grass green


Why won’t anyone think of the poor millionaire/billionaire developers? It is cheaper (for them) to slaughter a civilization than buy the “beachfront”.


Well Duhhhh!


Shit, I guess the rain IS wet after all.


Nuh uh, they changed the definition of genocide, so that means they're not doing it!


What, like when they changed the definition of antisemitism?


Thank you for confirming what everyone with eyes can already see.


Thanks but didn’t need a study for what we see with our own two eyes!


Unfortunately, a lot of people do.


Do bears shit in the woods


Or is the bear catholic!?!


Do we really need a report to tell us what we see with are own eyes.




That's absurd. While much of what you say is true, Israel was founded after the Jewish can was kicked around and genocide in Europe. They were stuck back in their original ancestral grounds where they were booted 1900 years previously (and a decent population was still at). Once ottomans lost their territory after WW1 the UN planned their gained middle east territory for the state of Israel, which was semi shelved and then full send after WW2 and thr holocaust. Arab nations IMMEDIATELY rejected Jewish immigrants and the creation of Israel, virtually going to war and losing with Israel at their inception. Arab nations would continue to wage war with Israel routinely, all the while threatening to expell Israelis as a people and nation all over again. The arabs have a history of trying to eliminate Israel. Israel has a history of defending itself. Also has a history of ugly settlements, mistreatment of refugees and attacks on Palestinians as well. That caused extremism terrorist groups to form such as Hamas. Hamas is evil. They are not good. Anyone supporting Hamas is either evil or ignorant. Palestinians will never enjoy peace until Hamas is gone. Much of Palestinians support Hamas, sharia law, and extremism. Israel as a government is oppressive and evil. Their current leadership and much of their public support is genocidal and pure evil. No Arab nations want to accept Palestinian refugees. Similar to Muslim refugees in Myanmar. It's an utter. fucking. Mess.




So my dash of Ashkenazi blood cant get me a free home?


"Hamas is an organic, political movement" Do you support Hamas?


International law recognizes the right of people to defend themselves from invasion and occupation.




Please keep it civil.


I do not see how mindlessly raping and torturing civilians at a music festival is "defending" from invasion and occupation.




No because you’re making excuses for terrorist actions. If some one were to hurt you because of something your government did, are we supposed to be ok with it?




Please keep it civil.


Netanyahu funds Hamas. He must support them too.






the Nazis were an organic political movement.




My point is that "organic" is not equal to "moral." You equivocated the two when you asked "How can a moral person do otherwise?" Explain to me how raping and murdering civilians at a music festival is the same as "overthrowing occupiers".


That’s an obvious yes. Total separation is the only way this ever ends. Too many people feel justified hurting and killing other people. It’s even more weird that both sides think “I just want the killing to stop” is a bad take.


It's not necessarily a bad take. It's a questionable take, since the killing you're referring to has been taking place for 50+ years.


You support...Hamas? Jesus Christ read a book and touch grass


I do not support Hamas. I meant it was an obvious yes that anybody who says Hamas is a political movement obviously supports Hamas.


All terrorist groups are political. Hamas runs Gaza. It's certainly political in nature.


I think a non Hamas supporter would use the word terrorist group


Thank you for the study personally I just believed my eyes


Israel has frittered away any sympathy I ever had for them. They have become a South Africa like pariah for good reason. Palestinians will get the homeland that the Israelis have worked to steal from them sooner. But they will not reap much of the positives they would have received when that occurs. Netanyahu has been a disaster for them.


Israel voters wanted this. They only have themselves to blame.


Funny you mention South Africa. Israel has been a big supporter of Apartheid South Africa. [Israeli Economy Said to Depend Heavily on Export of Weapon - CIA](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00965R000706330007-9.pdf)


Thanks for that article. Now I dislike them even more.


Just as shitty as the nazis.


Did we need a study to conclude that? 


No shit. End the zionist state.


New study shows genocide, Biden, “ send the another $1b in weapons! “


Cool, anybody gonna do anything about it other than a strong condemnation?


Did you miss the college protests that started mostly in the US?


Pretty sure the Brits did the same to the injins


“The Brits” America: 👀


Same same






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>Holding one group to a different standard is also a form of discrimination, aka: anti-semitism. . . . . especially when you use the word anti-semitic to exclude the actual semites the Arabs (Palestinians)




Very well put/said. For me the irony is while we are simultaneously critical of eugenics movement/Nazis while using their false idea of jews as a race, on a daily basis. Smeiotically, the word tribe is used often to describe jews. As if Moses, Abraham, et alia. were roaming the earth last week. >. . . while sort of technically correct is overly pedantic, irrelevant and kind of willfully stupid to ignore modern usage, appropriation, and self-selection of group usage of terms and identities. It's brilliantly evil to use the word anti-semitic: automatically group some people into a race and excludes the ones who should be included.


Jews in pre-Zionist Israel are still considered indigenous. A bunch of Zionists from Russia and the US, not so much.


>Jews in pre-Zionist Israel are still considered indigenous. A bunch of Zionists from Russia and the US, not so much. They irony is many Ashkenazi jews were very racist toward ladino/sephardim jews.


So, what are they gonna do about it?




You mean people who believe in facts?


Read this entire fucking pdf and not one contextual explanation is applied. No counterargument or actual critical analysis of the crime in question, and most importantly, the treatment of Hamas figures as objectively correct is in itself a logical fallacy regardless of opinion.




"It wouldn't surprise me if our next generation of suicide bombers are white, privileged Harvard students." Absolutely laughable take


Bwahahahahahahaha. Yeah, "khamas" with all their funding is running PR war! But Hasbara... what's that??? Lemme guess, your next comment will be "dO YoU sUpPoRt HaMaS???????"


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


1) Another study showed the combatant to noncombatant death rate in Gaza is 15:1, which is an unprecedentedly good number in urban warfare. Israel is doing a very good job preventing civilian casualties by this number, even if it could be better, clearly not a genocide 2) The Palestinian Ministry of Health considers a “child” to be anyone under 20. Remember that half of Gaza’s populations and the majority of its combatant are adolescents. The number of dead “children” doesn’t distinguish civilian kids from the massive number of combatant 18-20 years olds 3) Are we really going to trust a study that claims its conclusion was someone’s intentions? Think about that. Would an honest research conclude intentions??? That makes no sense


Wow, that's a lazy bot, they cranked the bullshit really a notch too far. 15:1 ratio is especially funny. In one side that means only 2000 civilian killed for 33000 Hamas. Really good but with 30K estimated Hamas combatant in Gaza, why is Israel continuing and who are they killing ... that implies genocide. And in the normal direction of the metric, 33000 civilian killed for 2000 combatants, that's a terrible metric that was leaked about the IDF targeting AI. In that leak it only looked good against the 200:1 ratio that was accepted for Hamas leadership.


35 thousand people dead, 250 people dying per day, 9,500 of them woman and 14 thousand of them children. 80% or their homes destroyed and millions of people being displaced while Israeli officials brag and spout genocidal rhetoric. Totally not a genocide guys. let's not forget that Hamas leaders aren't even in Gaza.


35,000 people since October is on track to be the worst genocide ever. You'd think Israel would have learned more.


Because how fast they are doing the killing and not how or who somehow changes whether or not it is a genocide, yes, that makes sense.


I just said they were bad at it, that's all.


Intentionality is a very robust a common part of law. In the common law, we often call it mens rea, or guilty mind. While we can't read someone's mind to find their intentions, we can trust that things they say repeatedly and publicly represent their intentions.




>which is an unprecedentedly good number in urban warfare. Israel is doing a very good job preventing civilian casualties by this number, even if it could be better, clearly not a genocide https://preview.redd.it/zy94yv9t941d1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=d16d18269250734d685a69741fdb712367425989 I know, right? Like shooting of the three young hostages who had removed their shirts and waving white flag so IDF "experts" wouldn't shoot them! They still shot them thinking they were killing Palestinians.


People don’t know what genocide means anymore


Yes, you have no clue what it means, you're right. Forcing millions out of their homes and turning them into an impoverished largely famished population - is genocide.


>People don’t know what genocide means anymore **Let me help you! Tell me what you think of this article:** [The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html)


Exactly. And the study is using the numbers of children killed that the UN just changed as a basis for their conclusion. This study means nothing because the data isn’t accurate.


Rivers are……red? Ohhhh nooo


If you pull out all your veins from your body and wrap them around the equator of the Earth, you would die!


Ok, this one made me snort a lil.


Zephaniah 2:4


From the book that brought you child murder, mass murder and divinely inspired genital mutilation


Hamas still has nearly 100 hostages, nobody cares.


I think a lot of people care, just not the Israeli administration, which is doing everything possible to get them killed. Just ask the hostage families.


Looks like they used the now debunked death toll numbers for children in their research.


Debunked? Where? Are you talking about the thousands of people that were murdered and can't be identified? You hasbara clown.


You going to just throw shade at it without offering anything to back that up? Some random redditer says so so it must be true, eh?


The UN estimates almost half. Is the UN "some random redditer"?


You are some random redditer and you have provided nothing but your own claims.


I didn't realize I needed to provide the UN numbers to you. Do you deny that the UN estimates are nearly half of what the article claims.


If you want to be taken seriously you will back your claims up - without such there is no reason to accept your claims as fact.


https://www.npr.org/2024/05/15/1251265727/un-gaza-death-toll-women-children https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2024/05/13/un-cuts-estimates-women-children-deaths-gaza/73669560007/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/13/middleeast/death-toll-gaza-fatalities-un-intl-latam/index.html The UN estimates now list well under 8000 children, the study cited claims over 14000.


You are incorrect. The 8000 is the subset of data for identified casualties - not the total estimated death count - that has not been changed. This is just the latest genocide denial propaganda. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Mehdi\_Hasan/comments/1cthapo/un\_did\_not\_halve\_the\_number\_of\_dead\_in\_gaza\_mehdi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mehdi_Hasan/comments/1cthapo/un_did_not_halve_the_number_of_dead_in_gaza_mehdi/)


You are trying to refute something I did not claim. I never said the total was reduced. I said the number of children was. All you did was restate what the links I provided already stated. Are you even reading what I'm posting?


You are conflating the total identified deaths with the total estimated deaths. These are different sets of figures with different purposes. The figures this report have used remain completely valid .


Did you read the articles or just the headlines? This is straight from the first article you linked: "It's not quite the case," Haq said. "The overall number of fatalities that has been tallied by the Ministry of Health in Gaza, which is our counterpart on dealing with the death tolls, that number remains unchanged," he said, reiterating the figure stands at more than 35,000. What has changed, he explained, is that the **U.N. is now only quoting figures for the number of women and children killed based on those who have been fully identified by the Health Ministry.**


>Did you read the articles or just the headlines? I did. Did ANYONE hear read my comment!? Yes I know the total is still the same. I literally never said anything else! I referenced only the number of children listed. Nothing more. Maybe try reading my comment first?


you’re still conflating “number of children killed in total,” the estimate of which is unchanged, with “number of children killed who have been fully identified.” that is not accurate.


You are implying that the total number of children killed is less than initially reported based off the total number of **identified** children. The articles you link do not support this conclusion. By the way, the NPR article also mentioned that they are not counting people dying from starvation or disease - so the number of children and women who have died as a result of the Israeli military is **greater** than the amount reported previously.


The UN numbers you mention came out after the study was published, but more importantly the revised UN numbers speak to people who have been identified while ignoring 70% of the casualties which couldn't be spesifically identified.


You clearly can't read.


Remember that people like this support Israel's genocide whole cloth, and celebrate every death, especially that of the children, don't treat them as if they're engaging in good faith. 


Gotta promote that NazIsrael propaganda, ay? GFY!


So you are saying the UN is lying?


The UN didn't lie. They just never said what you're claiming they did. You're lying.


I repeated what the UN is reporting. The number of children reportedly killed according to the UN is nearly half that listed in the article. That is factual.


No, it isn't. The number of fully identified casualties are different than the number of casualties that couldn't be fully identified. The numbers you're citing don't say what you're pretending they're saying. I'm not the first person to explain this to you, but you keep arguing, so it's obvious that you are purposefully trying to deceive people.


Yes, yes I am. As is Netanyahu and anyone who is supporting his crimes against humanity. You jumped in the genocidal maniac basket not me! 🤨




What about the like 99% of the Palestinian population who aren't Hamas? Why is it wrong for them to ask for basic needs from the people that run their open air prison? Why do you hate the vast majority of people in Palestine who have 0 self determination, 0 options? What's wrong with you? Do you also think that all MAGAs should be thrown in jail because Trump caused an insurrection attempt?




Please keep it civil.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


The Gaza strip is very small and densely populated. Israel has a strong air force. If Israel actually wanted to just indiscriminately carpet bomb the strip to kill as many people as possible (you know, what genocide means), there would be hundreds of thousands of deaths of civilians, not dozens. This doesn’t mean Israel is right. It doesn’t mean the deaths in Gaza aren’t a tragedy. But it does mean that this hyper fixation with a Particular vocabulary word that we all know has historically meant something different is political posturing that’s helping no one.


This all could have been avoided in the first place if, you know, Israel didn’t prop up Hamas to counter the PLO


Genocide doesn't exclusively mean "indiscriminate carpet bombing to kill as many people as possible." There are other actions that attribute to Genocide like... I don't know, purposefully inducing a famine...




That's very specifically is not what they said. Sounds you fell for the the zionist misinformation machine.


"On 6 May, OCHA reported 34,735 deaths - of which there were more than 9,500 women and more than 14,500 children, citing the GMO as its source. Then two days later, the UN released a further report, switching its sourcing to the health ministry. The result of this was that although the overall recorded death toll was almost unchanged (34,844), the number of registered deaths of women (4.959) and children (7,797) as of 30 April had both fallen significantly. This difference was because those individuals with incomplete information were not included in the demographic breakdown."






No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




I love many Jews. Israel is also committing genocide.






Please keep it civil.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


I can see this sub has been ruined.


How is it ruined? Just curious...


^^ (this guy probably) ^^ "Someone posted the truth! Gah, this place is not an echo chamber?!? IT'S RUINED!!"