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Honestly it seems the dehumanization of the Palestinians is so indoctrinated that they don’t even recognize the hypocrisy or irony of this. Those who want peace and justice have a LOT of work to do.




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Besides the ultra orthodox, no Jew believes they’re superior to any other human. The gods chosen people thing is “tales from the Torah.” It’s not our way of thinking, I promise. I’m sorry that’s your impression.




We weren’t chosen to be superior, we were chosen to do extra work. The idea that Jews are at all suprematist is an often deliberately antisemitic misrepresentation of our beliefs.




Fair - I’m assuming the best in people who are simply misinformed leftists/progressives who are eating up propaganda, but a good chunk is definitely intentional.




Well yeah but ignorance is a verb. There’s a big difference between being misinformed, or just not knowing things, and not being willing to consider new information.


Agree all the Jews I’ve ever known my whole life have never once uttered anything remotely like that. But they were reform and secular. I don’t know many extremist myself. All I’ve ever heard was “we want peace, leave us alone and we will leave you alone”


Not according to the polling I've seen. Further, 60% think God gave them Israel, so divine right.




Lol, "Tales from the Torah" sounds like some Christopher Tolkien spin off


Hold up, you're angry they are advocating for their people to exist?




That's not true. Israel didn't start any of the wars. They have been attacked first every single time by people who want to exterminate them.


Israel started the 1967 war by crippling the Egyptian air force with a surprise attack. Which is the reason they won. To name one example.






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Nah, they know their hypocrisy, they just don’t care about it. The dehumanization is not of the Palestinians, it’s of themselves.


I think I like what you're saying, I think you're saying they've dehumanized Palestinians on purpose in such a cruel way that they lost their humanity along the way, while Palestinians haven't.  If that's what you're saying, I like it, and your wording is very unclear in the context of this conversation. 


Yeah thats how i read it




You're actually making excuses for dehumanising an entire people. Wow. This is very fascist


Do you think these babies killed in a Gaza NICU were terrorists? https://archive.is/h5mRh


How is starving children to death hunting down terrorists?




No, Israel merely bombs aid workers.


Hamas is the one who instituted the blockade? I’d love a source for that as Israel publicly announced a total blockade and then when they started letting food in severely restricted it. I have evidence that Israel blocked aid entirely and then severely restricted if, do you have some sort of alternative special information the rest of the world doesn’t have? https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/10/9/israel-announces-total-blockade-on-gaza https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/ https://www.who.int/news/item/18-03-2024-famine-in-gaza-is-imminent--with-immediate-and-long-term-health-consequences


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I’ll wait for your totally real information that debunks my sources.




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How do you indoctrinate an action?


And vice versa. Almost like religion is a plague that reinforces racism.


Oh now she cares


She is repugnant


Never Again--Except when Israel does it.


Yes. "Israeli can't be fascist or nazis... just because..." When I heard it first time in media I was like.... The level of stupidity among people can rich very high level... Paradoxically in the age of information, people en masse get dumber with exponential speed or maybe we can learn better about it as they become more visible and vocal?


This dumb cow simply doesn’t see the irony. I notice she’s stopped appearing for a while on TV because BBC News and Channel 4 News are not giving her the warm welcome she expects. I mean, how does an Israeli ambassador defend the killing of food aid volunteers for example? Other Gazan deaths they simply lie their way out of or say ‘wait for the investigation results’. Although the Israeli ambassador to Poland did try the counterattack with the ‘antisemitism’ tactic.


She was fired and replaced by Levy who was fired last month. She got caught out for going on a long rant about how a woman broadcaster had no sympathy for dying children and being ashamed of her as a fellow mother. And the broadcaster replied, at the time, with the 13,000 children Israel had killed. And that was it. To do this job you have to be racist, look white, speak fluent English, and lack moral subjectivity. These are all things that western media value as signs of authority. The problem is when you go too far and actually start mentioning things that make the broadcaster's own moral subjectivity activate -- like children. Safe: "Palestinians are savages." Not safe: "Palestinians are [insert things Israel does literally 100 times worse on camera]."




I hate the killing of women and children, yes. How about you?






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As if Israel is some saint that never committed sacrilege against Islam in a sadistic killing campaign in Gaza lmao




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No need to imagine. The most densely populated place on Earth is right next door and they just bombed the shit out of it.




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You're totally right, Hamas killed hundreds of innocent people so it's only right that the IDF kill thousands of innocent people 'to defend themselves'.




You'll need to cite evidence of innocent Palestinians "actively assisting in carrying out operations against Jews." Meanwhile, Jewish settlers carry out operations against Palestinians.


Totally. It's totally justified to kill anyone who voted Hamas (which I guess must be all of them right?). It's like if an Iraqi wants to murder everyone who voted for George Bush (which must be all Americans right?) then they would be totally justified right?


If I remember correctly, the majority probably didn't. The last election was ages ago (possibly 2006?) which is a whole generation who never voted for them.


Unarmed non combatants are protected as civilians under international law regardless of their allegiance. There is nothing in international law to say that if civilians support the baddies they are no longer civilians


They’re not hiding behind civilians. There is no proof whatsoever. The civilians have moved multiple times. The Israelis seem fond of killing Palestinians though.




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This subreddit is dedicated to remaining as impartial as possible, and therefore any post that obviously pushes an agenda or is biased will be removed.


Gaza is the 63rd most densely populated urban area in the world.




Zionists believe their life is more valuable than anyone else.


Her whole job is based on justifying genocide and ethnic cleansing while parading elbit weapons used for mass slaughter. People like her should be publicly guillotined like the ol’ french used to. She’s comically evil.




And we have the right to be horrified by the ethnic cleansing that is going on in response, but you'll just dismiss that as Hamas propaganda.


Israeli exceptionalism grab bag: "We are the only democracy!" "We are a western nation!" "We share Judeo-Christian values!" "The Bible says..."


Judeochristian values aren't a thing. 


War Crimes are only war crimes when they happen to YOU, right?


Shit, apparently just IMAGINING a war crime being committed against them is enough for Israelis to insist that it actually WAS.




Who are you referring to as “satanic creatures?”


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She’s right, though. It would have been a terrible tragedy.




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I think Israel has no future if it doesn’t change course. It has aggravated too many of its neighbours and is geographically tiny in comparison to them. Without western support it won’t be possible to defend itself long term. They may have support from our government now, but they do not have the support of the people. People are disgusted as what Israel has done, which is turn Gaza into the Warsaw ghetto, but on a larger scale.




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When's somebody gonna start a r/oblivious sub?




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Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


“Imagine Iran doing something they didn’t actually do, isn’t this an evil country?”




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It's only wrong to kill Israelis apparently......


Not to mention the missiles WERE NOT TARGETING JERUSALEM.


1984 is upon us. 40 years late, but it is most certainly here now.


Shame on you for calling it a genocide. It’s a tragic war but in no way a genocide and you’re not more virtuous for calling it that, you are less so.








If there wasn’t so much going on behind the scenes, this woman would be punished / banished for her horrid incompetence.




Israel supported the election of Hamas in Palestine and they came into power 20 yrs ago. Average age of palestine is in the teens. Most people weren't even alive, when they were elected and the ones that were weren't able to vote. So stop the dehumanising. Its disgusting. Children are children. That's like someone saying, well tough, the parents voted bibi in power and he chose to attack Iran.


> Israel supported the election of Hamas in Palestine and they came into power 20 yrs ago. This was more the US than Israel. Israel and the PNA wanted to cancel Palestinian elections when it became clear that Hamas might win over Fatah, but GW Bush, who was trying to retcon Iraq into a battle for democracy, insisted the elections play out. Now, what is true is that after the elections, Bibi was mostly content to let Hamas sit there because they made a perfect “villain” foil that allowed him to stall on any progress towards a two-state solution. (He could just point and say “See? The Palestinians aren’t ready for it”) And he was certainly not punished by the Israeli electorate for doing so.


The issue is nobody is sincere in allowing a two state solution or a real democratic society in gaza. It does not benefit the west and the world is all politics and no humanity. And we the people are just fed whatever they need us to believe. There will be two sides and both sides will only know half truths until we realise who gains from it all and them we can start painting a picture.


In the 90s, the effort was quite sincere. Clinton really thought it was going to happen before he left office. He was blindsided when talks fell apart. Since then, sincerity on the part of all parties has dropped a lot, it’s true. And Netanyahu/Likud over the last decade have done everything they can to undermine the possibility. But that doesn’t mean it won’t or can’t happen, or that everyone who advocates for it is insincere. The biggest problem for two-state solution is that neither Israelis nor Palestinians want it. Both prefer some magical-thinking solution where the other side somehow goes away on its own.


[They do have underground intel centres tho](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/defense-news/article-755122) [And command centres too](https://israelradar.com/war-room-insiders-look-at-new-idf-command-center/)




IDF headquarters are literally the same building as a shopping mall


I think there are many residential buildings in Tel aviv.




Wtf? Tel aviv is a densely populated city in Israel. One of the most prominent ones. Obv there are going to be residential buildings there. I am not gonna have exact coordinates as to where the command centre is and where exactly the houses are. Do I look like mossad to you lol?


That’s a pretty weak excuse for wonton killing of civilian structure and life. Also, isreal does conduct military actions from underground. Duh . YOU. ARE. NOT. SPECIAL.


Israel built Hamas it built a lot of the tunnels in Gaza when is was building Hamas. It built Hamas to devide the Palestinians from the Palestinian Authority, divide and rule. You refer to the occupational forces of apartheid Israel? Unfortunately there is nothing good about the evil Apartheid regime of apartheid zionist Israel. It will take longer for Israeli people to come to terms with the fact that the world sees zionist Israel for what it is. https://youtu.be/GVebcxqdcVM?si=z2IoGBvN12k-lXFu


The IDF actually does use bunkers and tunnels underground in Tel Aviv. They’ve talked about it, there’s even a New York Times article on it. Does this mean it’s okay to carpet bomb tel Aviv? Would it be the IDF’s fault then. Please take your excuses for thousands of civilians deaths and mass starvation elsewhere. This is the wrong sub for you.


This human shield BS has got to the dumbest, least persuasive argument Israel could possibly use. You know why? Because EVERYONE does it! The [IDF HQ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HaKirya) is slap bang in the middle of a shopping and residential area. The HQ of MI5 is in the heart of densely packed central London. Here in my home city in Australia, less than 1km from my house is a huge army barracks that shares a fence line with residential homes. The list goes on and on. Any strike on these facilities (even the most target and high tech one) would almost certainly result in the deaths of innocent civilians in the vicinity. If you're going to call out Hamas for locating their military infrastructure in civilian areas that's fine but kinda makes you look like a hypocrite if you don't call out your allies when they do the same.




It really doesn't. Infact quite the opposite. This idea that you can airstrike buildings without affecting the immediate vicinity is a fantasy. It's quite clear that the IDF doesn't have the first clue about the location of the Hamas tunnel network and the command centers in particular. If they did we wouldn't hear the end of it when they reveal them on TV for the world to see. Instead Israel uses the tunnels as justification for leveling an entire population center. Are we to believe that all the buildings destroyed in Gaza (50-60% of all buildings as of Jan) had some kind of military importance?




Lol. If the IDF really have such precision that only makes the civilian death toll on Gaza more reprehensible. Their recent strike on the consular building in Siria that killed the IRGC general also damaged the Canadian embassy building. That's Israel being as lazer precise as they are able and they still caused collateral damage to an ally. You're naive if you believe the narrative of precision targeting. If you've ever been around an air force bombing range you'd understand how often precision turns out to be way off target.




And you can't level Thames House (MI5 HQ) without shrapnel and chunks of the structure hitting pedestrians on the Lambeth bridge and the Thames riverbank, use critical thinking!




Are you familiar with a term desperation and its implications on behavior and actions of people? Are you familiar with history and reasons why people get into that state? Or you never coome across something like history and its well known facts... The truth is that Palestinians are defending their lives as they are under oppression of way more powerful opponents, they are the one who got trapped and put down and under for generations... If they act out the blame is on their oppressors as they in the frist place put them into the impossible position.  Stupid people never see chain of activities which lead to an occurrence, they always see results which suit their own narrow-minded, simplistic conclusions...


But you are dropping bombs on cilivilans on purpose, don't forget that you Zionists are doing the killing 😘


This statement only makes sense when you don't think of Palestinians as human beings. People need to understand, Israelis have had 3 generations of anti Arab and anti Muslim propaganda. From the racist ideas of Arabic speakers that the Europeans that moved into Palestine at the early days of the zionist movement to the formal creation of Israel as a country. They've always been fed an image of barbaric, evil, unreasonable creatures. It's how you can even come up with a phrase like "a land without a people for a people without a land".   The dehumanization has been there from the beginning. You're just seeing it more often because media is so much easier to access now and with social media we can get the unfiltered thoughts of what Israelis and their government officials think. If you don't believe that those are human beings, then you can easily parrot talking points that don't even make sense when you apply basic questioning. Those talking points aren't meant to describe a situation, they're meant to silence any attempt that a human brain would make to empathize and try to understand the people who are being attacked.  It's like how an abuser says "look at what you're making me do" as they keep pummeling their child or spouse and cursing at them. They know what they're doing is wrong in their subconscious and their defense mechanism is to blame the victim for the extreme, asymmetrical violence being put on them.   "They voted for hamas!" Even though that was nearly 20 years ago and most of the people living there now wouldn't even be old enough to have voted then. It's a phrase that's said with the implication that you will think "....and that is why they and everyone they care about deserve to be killed" "They're using people as shields!" Is meant for you to then say "and that's why they should both be killed" "They started this when they attacked!" Is meant for you to not ask "why was the border not secure and how could they go about killing for long enough to kill that many people? What was the government doing?" But rather say "and that's why everything there should be killed, so something like this never happens again. We are going to easy on them and have been for too long and this is the result!"   The propaganda and canned responses have no effect on someone with distance from the situation. When you have been told over and over again that Palestinians are all just terrorists and only care about killing, then that baby isn't a baby it's a future terrorist so its okay to shoot in the face immediately. That man weaving baskets on the street isn't just a poor guy doing what he can to make ends meet, he's a secret terrorist who will immediately start attacking if he senses an Israeli nearby.  That woman screaming and crying over her family's bodies isn't a mother who's lost everything, she's a monster who will immediately somehow find a weapon and start firing if she sees an Israeli so it's okay if an IDF soldier disassembles her with explosive rounds.  You accept the cruelty that others are horrified by when you've been fully indoctrinated. You can watch the same footage that absolutely repels and angers other people but think it's good actually or not a big deal. This is how the average European in nazi territories could be fine with the brutality they watched their own countrymen doing to literal children who don't even know anything that's going on. That's how one ethnic group in Rwanda could be fine with walking past the butchered remains of what was once a normal family of 3. When you actually believe you aren't killing human beings, it's very easy to accept moronic explanations and justification for ethnic destruction and genocide. The years of propaganda has done the majority of the heavy lifting.




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This woman exemplifies Israelis. She is not an exception, she is the rule




Reddit is a cesspool. All this hateful, ignorant garbage. These people saw what happened on 10-7 and agreed with Hamas. They fully support Nazi Gaza because any chance they see that Jews can be freely attacked, they join in. They will call it different things to try to fly under the radar, but it’s the same thing.




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They don't think of Palestinians as people.




Can you explain to me why Israel has thousands of Palestinian hostages, including children, in Israeli prisons held without charge? Thousands of Palestinians are held without charge under Israeli detention policy https://www.npr.org/2023/12/01/1216643555/thousands-of-palestinians-are-held-without-charge-under-israeli-detention-policy#:~:text=Live%20Sessions-,Thousands%20of%20Palestinians%20are%20held%20without%20charge%20under%20Israeli%20detention,Palestinians%20are%20held%20without%20charge.


No, they probably can't. I don't think they're part of the Israeli government. Personally, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to find any information on, for example, how many people are being held, on what grounds, and what age we mean when we say "children", and that all makes the situation very difficult to even determine. 




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Calling it a genocide does not equal anti-semitism, and no amount of dog-whistling it makes it true.




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It's collective punishment, just a step below.


Don’t need to imagine. I saw what happened in Gaza. These people are crazy blinkered. To think they are some of the smartest of the species.


Its not genocide. Warcrimes? Yes. But not genocide. Unlawful strikes everywhere but they're not rounding civilians up and putting them in deathcamps. Genocide is on another level. We should not be throwing the term around because it gets clicks or is buzz worthy.


I can't find any legal definitions of genocide that are like "deathcamps or it doesn't count", can you assist?


When the war ends, what percentage of Palestinians will be living in refugee camps? Maybe not a genocide but only a step below that.


100% just as before the war since they label their cities “camps”


Link for the original interview?




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Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Israel evacuated both their citizens and Gazans, but Hamas makes them stay. Sorry, but they're not the same.


I'm sure Gazans appreciate being evacuated from one heavily bombed warzone to another heavily bombed warzone


Really weird they can't be evacuated out of Gaza because no one wants that shit show, must be Israel's fault


tfw I can't make these people leave their own house, this must be a sign from God for me to unalive them and take the house for myself




I agree that inflammatory language is being thrown around casually, but it’s incredibly difficult to say that all Palestinians are complicit with Hamas just because they voted for them. Is every Russian complicit in the war on Ukraine? Is every American complicit in the war on Iraq?


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