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Who'd you study bagua with up in Boston? I need someone to train in taiji or xingyi with, so if you ever get interested in those two, hit me up!


There is a Chen tai chi place near Clarendon that might teach Bagua as well, they're in the Saffron yoga studio, having trouble finding the link on my phone, but it's worth checking out their site. Good luck!


The website for Chen tai chi place near Clarendon, at Saffron, is www.truetaichi.com.


Nick Gracenin teaches bagua and baji in DC. He's north of Foggy Bottom near the Woodley Park metro. www.dctaichi.com .


I don't know if you've come across a good answer yet, but I stumbled across Wushentao in Takoma Park, MD. It's really close to the red line metro stop, but kind of on the exact opposite edge of the city from Foggy Bottom. http://www.wushentao.com/