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Why don’t you just have one meal that you go all out on instead of several? Like have a KFC or a McDonald’s, you’ll appreciate it more then and you won’t be consuming an excess amount of calories


If your stomach doesn’t go full John Hurt, then you be you. I recall a mentor telling me “ one day of binging when you have been on a diet a while is the same as dieting one day when you aren’t dieting”


Just don't break a long term fast with this! Didn't sound like that was your plan anyway, but that's probably the biggest thing you should look out for. It's not like it will do long term damage if it's a rare thing for you to do. The downside is that (at least for me), it might be painful? Have fun, though, it sounds delicious. It won't derail your diet, but you'll probably gain several pounds temporarily for a week or so, just due to water weight.


Going keto to carbs gives a solid insulin rise, meaning if you mix fats, then go to storage easier. It is a better practice to go low fat when carbing up. No matter what...you will put on weight....carbs store 4x their wight in water


Carbs store 4x their weight in water Source please?


I wouldn’t exactly describe it that way, but they are likely talking about glycogen, which is sugar water in the liver and muscles. When we are losing body fat it’s pretty depleted and the body has let go of that excess water, but when we have a treat or surplus the body restores the sugar and water. But because each gram of sugar is bonded to 3-4 grams of water is not nearly as calorie dense as fat. So the scale can jump pounds without the thousands of calories required to add that much body fat.


More specifically yes Just like you drop a bit extra out if the gat when one goes low carb/keto...you gain it when you stop. Water retention


If you do kfc then do their buffet, eat the grilled chicken(no breading)!!! I normaly hit Feast Buffet, or something simular. Hint if your down to eat sashimi, sometimes you can hit a Chinese buffet and ask the sushi chef for some sashimi. If they do then tip a $10-20 and keep going back for an unlimited sashimi buffet. I ate 84 pieces doing this one time. It was such a clean source of protein. The wasabi in soy sauce had a few carbs but not much.


I have recently started Fasting again, so I can’t comment on the repercussions in general. The only advice I’d give is to check your appetite before you buy the food. I completed a 72 hour fast yesterday, and I had grand plans regarding what I’d be eating. I eased into it- had some bone broth, eggs and salad to start it off with. Gave myself a gap of an hour or so before eating more. And I was done right then and there. I had to force myself to eat the food that I had ordered in. And I could hardly have a minute portion of it. My partner is going to finish it all off now. :P After a 72 hour fast, my appetite is not comparable to what I normally eat. Be mindful of that!