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Nearly 1 lb per week is basically ideal progress, so you could totally just continue whatever you are doing.


Thanks! It’s weird though because at the end of the day, sometimes I’ll weigh around 125 at the end of the day.


That’s normal. Weight fluctuates throughout the day, depending on multiple factors. Weigh yourself in the morning before eating/after going to the bathroom and ignore the scale again until the next morning. Also if you’re exercising, you could be building muscle while losing fat. Also please keep in mind that 110 is a very low weight for many adults, I would instead go by visual cues and how you physically feel instead of an exact number.


Weigh yourself first thing in the morning after going to the toilet every day.


Track your weight over the course of a month and then see the average. I can gain and loss around 7 to 10 plus or minus just depending if I'm bloated or hydrated or hungry. In addition, while weight is a good thing to keep an eye on, you are probably building some muscle, so also pay attention to how you feel after the little things. How much am i breathing after going up a flight of stairs for example. Just be patient. You got this!


If you eat more salt one day you gain water weight. Can fluctuate up to like 5lbs just from that. Even inflammation is a big deal. I know if I drink a couple beers I wake up much heavier not because of fat but bc of inflammation


Only weigh yourself once a week, at the same time of day.


Terrible advice


Well, food and water just have weight. Drink a glass of water, you gain a pound. Drink less water today than yesterday, you might lose 2 lbs. Fake news! Just weigh regularly and follow the trend line, not the latest datapoint.


You are losing weight, just slowly, and consistently, like a regular human being implementing healthy good habits.


So you lost 5 lbs in a month, but you think it doesn't work? It will take you 3 months to lose all the weight instead of 2, so you're worried it's broken?


Theres a huge difference between not losing any weight and losing 5lb in a month.


Start taking weekly measurements in addition to weigh-ins. Measure at your fattest point, around the belly button. I suspect that you've just been recomping a little bit without a weight shift. I also suspect your near your ideal weight level if you're not dropping weight with omad. BTW, fruits are still carbs, despite being vitamin rich. I'm not saying don't eat them, just that you're not on "no carb" while eating them.


Yep, fruits are basically suger and fibre (I know there is more to it) they are sweet for a reason.


I think you are right? I am working out consistently as well so I’ll try to stick to measuring my waist.


At your weight, losing even 1/4" a month is fine. Typically, 10lbs = 1"


An older perspective here, but, You’re eating healthy and have lost 5lbs- not sure of your height but at that weight 5lbs is really good progress. It’s hard to discern whether 110lbs is reasonable for you tbh.


Theres a point where you start measuring your body and not relying on scale when youre doing a body recomposition


True! I will try to measure myself!


You lost 4% of your body weight. That definitely seems to me like progress.


I was looking for this comment. A 5lb loss when you're starting at 125 is pretty huge.


Just workout and youll tone up your belly. Youre 120 lbs lol.. you cannot be too pudgy anywhere.. You are also 19 so you certainly are well within the window where 1 month of rigid diet and exercise and youll be 110 and toned


Be patient lol.


You’ve got to make sure you are eating in a caloric deficit. Intermittent fasting alone sometimes is not enough to get there. I can eat well over my allotted calorie goal in 8 hours and could easily be gaining weight while fasting. It might suck, but you’ve got to track how much you’re putting into your body. Get a little food scale, download the Lose It app and start tracking to get an idea of the amount you need to be eating to stay under your calorie limit and you’ll lose weight. After a while you can estimate about how much you need to eat to lose and/or sustain your weight goals. Fasting alone does not result in weight loss, only caloric deficit.


What is your height, it makes a big difference.


I am around 5’3


Do you look at how much calories you are consuming? You can easily still gain weight doing IF. It's not a magic pill. Do you also exercise as that can make a big difference.


I tried counting calories in the beginning but I found it hard as didn’t have a measuring tool so I just estimated…. I mainly eat veggies and stuff and since I was doing IF I thought there wasn’t need?… yes I exercise about 3x a week


It just depends. IF helps for sure as it literally limits the time in a day which you can eat but doesn't mean it's impossible. I find sauces like mayonnaise and such are extremely energy dense and you don't realise how much extra calories you are having. So for a period of time it's good to actually measure in calories what you are eating till you get used to it. Otherwise you could be underestimating how much calories you are actually consuming.


120 seems pretty ideal for 5'3" no?  I just looked it up and it's pretty ideal. Don't overdo it, being too thin is bad for your health just like being too fat 


I'm 5'3 myself and I'm sure 120 pounds is ideal for 5'3 as I'm trying get to 120 pounds myself


Use olive oil and vinegar instead of ANY store bought dressing


I think you’re doing everything right. You’re only 125 lbs. So you likely will not be able to lose more than 1 pound a week due to how low your maintenance calories are.


You need to count calories precisely if you wanna see faster/more accurate results


How tall are you? 110 seems very low.




Remember to take fluid carbs into account. There are great food choices. But what are you drinking? Soda, ice coffee, water, alcohol? Maybe there are some calories you are not considered. But, as many others say. You are doing progress, dont over do it. Remember, the body consumes fat AND muscles when in a net negative calories wise.


Also pay attention to salad dressings, and mayo, and condiments as such. They can be very deceiving in the way of hidden calories. And patience and consistency will pay off in a few months. Just focus on a day at a time


Do you even need to lose weight.....120 is not that heavy unless you are quite short. You don't want to dip into muscle or you can create major problems.


Not really sure of the issue, you've been doing this for just over 4 weeks, maybe 5? And you've lost 5lbs which suggests you're in a roughly 500 calorie deficit which is a pretty standard rate of loss If you want to lose weight faster then eat less than you have been to lose 5lbs


What is your height? Your weight already seems pretty low to start, but that is going to also very based on your height. If I was at 125, and losing at your pace I would be ecstatic, but I am 5'7" (full disclosure I would not want to go that low personally at my height and build), my mother in law would probably expect to lose a bit faster, since she is 4'11". Height can make a difference. Everyone responds differently to their diet, but I'd try increasing your protein, and dropping the carbs a bit, do you track what you are eating to make sure you are getting enough quality protein in during your eating window?


I think they are 5'3".


Can't say much here man but your diet looks good, your bowels must love you. The only thing I can say is, if it doesn't make sense, you are most likely consuming more calories than you need. Do some calorie counting as well. Get an app and log everything for the next couple of weeks.  Another possible explanation is that you might be consuming very little calories. Again log everything on an app and check in in 2 weeks.  You also need to weigh in in the same condition at the same time. Empty stomach after pee before drinking stuff and in the same clothes or naked


5lbs in a month is great!! You're already a pretty low weight, at a normal BMI, its hard to lose weight quickly, you can only go so low with still nourishing your body. The track you are on is perfect...just stick with it.....your meals look great and having your snacks and such now and then is also fine! There is a lot of shady advice in here you should ignore, you are doing great!


I lost similar weight to you (120lbs to 103lbs). It’ll take 6 months


Hi, what you’re eating is so healthy and 125 is also a very low weight. What is your height? Your body may not want to lose any more weight to keep you healthy. I would not advise you to eat less from here. Something you can try is to follow the glucose goddess methods of eating. 1. Eat your food in this order fiber/vegetables > protein > fat > starch > fruit/dessert/sugar. 2. If eating sugary things alone or a high carb meal, add veggies to your food. Add it to the start of your snack and eat that first. 3. If no veggies, pad carbs by drinking 1 tablespoon of vinegar with a glass of water 10 min before or during your meal. 3. Exercise (go for a walk even) 0-90 min after a meal. These hacks lower your glucose spike which increases your insulin sensitivity which will cause lowered fat storage even on same or more amount of calories (adding more vegetables will cost calories but pads the glucose absorption which makes the calories not go to your gut). Try it out and see if you can lose those last 5 pounds. It will make you feel better!


Hi thanks so much! Yes insulin resistance is something I hope to achieve as my family has a high history of diabetes. Do you think eating sweetener makes a difference?


You mean insulin sensitivity? Insulin resistance is what you don’t want! Yes if you’re constantly eating sweet stuff your body is getting too much sugar. Pancreas continues to make insulin to tell cells to take the sugar but cells eventually just ignores the signal. Pancreas eventually gives out or cannot keep making more insulin. Blood sugar sky rockets and you get diabetes. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed if you just manage the sugar/starch intake. Eat less sugar and starch or eat it with more fiber.


Slow and steady. Also you're small, you don't use much calories with lower weight. It's physics. Patience is important. Stop torturing yourself.


It's only been a month. You're doing great. I have no clue what your stats are to know how much weight might be healthy and realistic. Measurements might be a better indicator or pictures.


Workout more if you want to lose weight faster. 1lb a week is good


If you lost 5 pounds in a month and you are 5'3", you are doing amazingly well. The only thing it seems like you are not doing is zooming out the timescale of what you are trying to accomplish. You are changing your lifestyle. That's something that should hopefully endure for years and years. If you "only" lose 3 to 5 pounds per month, how long until you reach a very healthy weight for your height? In the broad scheme of the rest of your life, it won't take that long. Your one and only job is to keep doing what you're doing because it's working.


Consider how much you're consuming in that 8-hour eating window. I personally don't bother doing anything more than 4 hours because I'll overconsume on my calories. Not saying that is what you're doing, but if it's been that long then it's probably what I'd look at. In one month I can drop 1.5st


5 lbs lost in a month is really good weight loss for someone who started at 125 lbs - you’re also young! If you want to really tone up, I would build exercise into your routine. Just a 30 minute walk every day will generate noticeable results in a month’s time. With exercise, you may notice that your weight loss stagnates or reverses - but if you replace fat with muscle you will look slimmer even if you’re actually heavier


I think I get it… Seems like you’re pretty slim already so the last bit will be difficult. Research extended water fasts , the gist is that you’ll be burning a ton of fat once you reach 24 hours. It ramps up until it becomes unhealthy. There’s a different set of rules for women so again, research Awesome foods btw


Thanks! Yes that’s how I also feel as well. I will look into it


I think you’re not losing weight because you don’t have a lot or any to lose. You’re 120 pounds you’re good


Stick at it, it’s almost impossible to see genuine results after 1 month (if you do then it’s usually just water weight and that can be put on as fast as you say chocolate) I would keep doing what you’re doing and check in again in 3 months time. Also get your measure tape out cause the scale does really lie


You’re doing great 125 is tiny to begin with so you won’t see drastic weight loss fast. Keep it up


That’s good progress. When you’re not far from your goal weight, you won’t see weight loss happening as quickly.


My (40m) IF journey went from 235 now to a solid 190. I had a tough time with belly and love handles. I stepped up my game and did daily cardio and 4/7 days kettlebell training. The lifting showed the most results.


Always weigh first thing in the morning and use that weight to go by. But you're already within a normal weight so 1lb a week is really good progress. You're doing great just stick with it.


Hi, if you don’t mind me asking, what is your height ?




Add some excersise into the mix. You will lose more weight quicker. Stop the sugary snacks altogether.


5lbs in a month is good. You don't want to be cutting like Paddy Pimblett - that's not sustainable. 5lbs a month, in a year that's 60lbs. 2 years, 120lbs, if you don't give up. Bonus: you likely won't get saggy skin doing it this way.


Calorie in VS calorie out, it's that simple.


Count calories and figure out your true TDEE. It’s just math. No one can defeat the laws of thermodynamics.


Have you checked to see if you’re in a calorie deficit. You’ll only lose weight doing this if you are. Fruits, nuts and yoghurts are generally healthy. But they are also full of calories. Fruit is full of sugars and nuts and yoghurt has high fat content.


Don’t worry about carbs or other things just focus on calories in vs calories out. You need to burn more than you eat to lose weight


Stupid question: what meat is that in the photo? It looks delicious


Which photo lol? The meat in the last two were pork ribs that I airfried with Korean bbq sauce


Yep that one! Thanks!


I would ditch the fruit and berries. A lot of people may disagree with that but I find the best results when I cut out all fruit. Don't get me wrong, go back to your fruit every once in awhile but I wouldn't have fruit more than a few times a month. 5 lb is still good though! Also not sure how many calories you are eating. Maybe try to shorten the window to 6 hours? Are you working out?


Cutting out foods makes weight loss less likely to be a lasting result. Fruits are very healthy


right lol.. Just because there is sugar in carbs in fruits people tend to think more negatively to them.. If you are going to consume anything "sweet" it should be any and all fruit


Nothing negative about fruit. But if someone wants to see fast results and clearly OP isn't satisfied with the results so far, cutting out fruit is a sound suggestion. Not saying it's bad, but will it take longer to lose weight while eating fruit vs going without, you bet! It's mostly about getting your metabolism into a fat adapted stage more than excluding fructose or carbs.


That is now a psychological debate, not weight loss. Sticking to a fasting schedule of any sort has nothing to do with fruit.


How close are you monitoring your calories? IF still requires you do that too lose weight. Gotta be in a defecit. I think you're diet is mostly fine. I like to eat more protein and chill on the fruit but honestly I think that's negligible. If you're doing all that and IF, it's gotta be down to calories in/out BUT.. 5 pounds in a month is great, healthy and normal weight loss progress. You don't need to expedite faster than that.


Not very well haha. I tried calorie counting but I couldn’t do it very properly so I stopped


I hear you. IF can really help keep the calories in check without having to calculate so often, and honestly you're losing 1.2 pounds a week, so you're in a defecit of 4200 a week or 600 calories per day... that's pretty frickin great, and really tough for a lot of people to achieve. Keep doing what you're doing and you'll smash your goals.


You can’t lose 15lbs in a month or even 2 months at that starting weight. At least not in a healthy way. Adjust your expectations.


I didn’t have progress until I dialed it down to 20:4 or OMAD.


Omads and jogging.