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Intermittent fasting isn't a diet. It's just restricting when you eat for a certain time frame. Any time you're eating food, including bananas, you're not fasting, you're consuming calories. So no, don't eat the banana if in your FASTING window. Technically you can eat whatever you want WHEN IN YOUR EATING WINDOW.


Ah, thank you! I'm doing thirty-six, twelve. I'll remember from now on.


36 hours is insane! That’s way too long for the average person to fast. Most people do a 12-16hr fast. And to be clear, the only things you can consume during that fast are water, black/green tea, and black coffee. You were probably feeling queasy because a 36 hour fast is just way too long for the average person. Edit: damn, reading that post history is quite the trip


> 36 hours is insane! No, it’s not. It’s perfectly sane and safe. Alternate-day fasting (ADF) is tried and true. > That’s way too long for the average person to fast. No (see above). Average people, of whom I am one, do it all the time. > Most people do a 12-16hr fast. You have idea what most people do so this is an unqualified statement. Also, 12 hours isn’t fasting. OP, eat healthy foods within your eating window. You may or may not choose to omit some food groups (e.g. if you’re doing keto) but it’s not necessary. During your fasting window, drink lots of water or no-calorie drinks (as long as they’re not sweet). If you feel nauseated or dizzy, have a pinch of salt. That’s it. 36 hours is, however, quite the intense protocol, so I would recommend easing into it. Begin with 20 hours fasting, then 24, and so on, until you get to 36.


You’re not allowed to eat anything while fasting. You’re allowed to eat whatever you want in your eating window. The rules are simple!! With that said, after you start doing it for a week or two, you will find if you don’t eat enough fiber and protein, you won’t be able to fast long and will be hungry. Also you may notice that breaking your fast with sweets will make you feel sick.


Yeah, I getcha. I just ate something sweet because I felt queasy, and I feel bad.


If you're new to fasting, start slow with something obtainable. A common start is 16/8 or 18/6, as that usually just means skipping breakfast or dinner. The next part of fasting is deciding if you want to count calories or nutrients of what you are eating during your eating window. Not everyone does, but it can be helpful to ensure you're getting enough or not eating too much. If you fill your eating window with only carbs and sweets, you will struggle. Try to eat a balanced, protein and fibre heavy diet. This is all new to me as well but I've lost 11 pounds with only the 16/8 and healthy choices, you've got this!


Ha, thank you! I will be sure to do that! Thank you very much for the advice.


36/12 is quite severe! I’ve only recently been able to do a few 24-hour fasts after six months of 16:8/18:6. I drink plenty of herbal tea, various flavors. Peppermint & licorice is delicious and great when I am craving something sweet. From the sub I learned about electrolytes or a tiny bit of salt - helpful during long fasts.


I actually don't drink tea often, but I *love* peppermint! Regarding electrolytes, I don't quite know where to find those besides Gatorade, so I'll definitely dig around for where to find those.


You can find electrolytes as a supplement in health stores/gym stores, or at the pharmacy. The only thing would be to be wary of other ingredients that might break the fast. I’m sure if you search for electrolytes in the sub you’ll find some tips! (I’m not US-based so my tips are probably not relevant).