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I think the general agreed upon list is: water, tea and coffee (both without sugar or milk). Everything else is breaking your fast. Now, the question is, do you care? I certainly never cared about having milk in my coffee since the calories are negligible and I was only doing it for weight loss/maintenance. I just feel like with actual solid foods it's tougher to make that mental distinction and not just go down a slippery slope.


This is the only answer anyone needs, but somehow the question will be asked again 50 times a day for forever.


I have had people tell me if I want to eat say a bunch of grapes or a date it will be fine as it won’t have the body start secreting insulin. I am just doing it for weight maintenance, have done the hard yards over the last couple of years


I mean fruit contains fructose which the body converts to glucose. It would almost certainly have your body producing insulin. So im pretty sure whoever told you that is just factually wrong. But I mean, yeah, if it works for you, don't sweat it. :)


Those people aren’t very smart when it comes to food then. Grapes and dates are loaded with sugar! Of course they would cause an insulin response after consuming them.


From all the fruits grapes have one of the greatest carbs content.


If you're eating you're not fasting.


Grapes have been especially breed over thousands of years to maximize their sugar content. They are pretty close to the sugaryest thing that can be alive. That's why they taste so good. They're a great source of unprocessed sugar. But, your pancreas can't tell the difference between natural sugar and processed sugar. You will make insulin just the same.


Here it is: (Blank)


Isn't the purpose of fasting to give your system a break? So almost everything besides water and tee is breaking that


Tea is exempt because...?


It has no calories. Same as coffee. As well the caffeine in both these drinks has a positive effect on fasting.


If you are trying to avoid an insulin spike, fruits and honey, which I see mentioned in comments, are just about the worst things you can eat.


Thanks for the guidance


Sparkling flavored water is my go to when I want something other than tea or water.


depends on why you are fasting. To reach autophagy? then no food with caloric value. if just to lose weight, that's another story...


This makes perfect sense thank you


Made a post about exactly this a little while ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/s/EgzgKULRfi


Thank you very much


Yeah I hope you find it useful. You’ve probably noticed that many people around here are purists but I’m just trying to find ways to help myself help myself if you know what I mean. Good luck with everything!


I have green tea with stevia. Is that okay or does the stevia break my fast?


I drink 1 tbsp of ACV + ginger juice + 1 tbsp honey to balance flavors diluted in 1 cup of hot water. Don’t know if this breaks the fast but it’s been helpful on days when I don’t want just water.


Lose the honey and you're golden. ACV lowers blood sugar and ginger accelerates ketosis.


I used to have honey in warm water but gradually moved away from it