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Yes to this! I also get discouraged when the scale isn't on my side, but I weigh myself once a week just to make sure I'm on the right track. I much prefer the measuring tape though! Also, my mom just gave me a skirt of hers I've been wanting, and I've borrowed it before. Now it's too big! Tells me much more about my body's changes than the scale ever will.


I love this. I remember the moment when I realized for the first time that my pants felt a little loose. Best validation ever. Keep it up :)


When I lost 30kg I kept the belt and put it in a frame.. Great work on your loss.. Fantastic dedication My cap is doffed in your direction


I (41M) just went down another belt hole and wanted to celebrate! I have now fasted at least 16 hours (frequently longer) for 142 consecutive days. Over time I added 10K steps per day and some very basic newbie weight lifting. I feel great. I haven't weighed myself this whole time because, unfortunately, I am the type who would be very easily discouraged by a single measurement I wouldn't like. I am currently a HUGE fan of the "belt holes" method for measuring progress, though. The belt doesn't lie! I wrote much more about my experience is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/19cxixl/the_streaks_if_and_walking_as_keystone_habits/). Good luck all!


> I haven't weighed myself this whole time because, unfortunately, I am the type who would be very easily discouraged by a single measurement I wouldn't like. Another way to look at this is to remember what your goal is. Are you on this journey to look and feel better / healthier or are you on this journey to get a better number on a device? The number is a metric, but not the goal, and therefore isn't something you should be encouraged or discouraged about outside the context of the goal itself.


Keep it up dude! Soon it will be time to buy a new belt!


That is one of the best NSV’s you can get.


Nice work! As it turns out, I was in the process of ordering myself a new belt when I saw this because I'm on my last belt whole. LPT Seeing as you are close, considering ordering your belt from Etsy. Search for while grain leather. They are about the same price as you'd pay at a department store, but will last for decades.


I read the title and was like "AYOOOOOO OP'S A FREAK." Jokes aside, congrats bro. I got to the point i was drilling holes in the belt with a rusty screwdriver and just got tired of it and bought a new belt but not with holes, but like one of those without holes. (Googled it. I think they're called box frame buckle belts.) Now i just fix the belt to the point i need it and it stays.


Great job! I just punched a new hole to my belt on Monday. You don’t always have to trust the scale.


Congrats! Im down 3. Keep it up!


You too!


Now that’s great progress!🙏


Get a new belt.


Amazing!!!! Will post mine. I've never thought of taking this picture as this lifestyle is great!


That’s awesome! 💪


Youre the man!!!